I HE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1566. VOL. +l. WASHINGTON LETTER. [From our Uegular Correspondent.] Washington, May 11th, 1907. Kuroki, the hero of the Kusso- ■ Japanese war has come to Wash- j ington as the guest of the nation, j It is the most important military J visit that has ever been made by a | foreign commander to the United States, and he is being giveu the best sort of a time that offi cial and social Washington can provide for'him. Possibly he will like it, but more probably he will not, and the chances are that he will go home as lrave a great many distinguished visitors before him and tell his associates how much he was bored by the attentions the Americans lavished upon him. Of course this may be doing the dis tinguished visitor an injustice, but the thing has happened before in so many cases that one is rather shy of pressing too much attention on the distinguished foreigners who honor the .United States with a visit. Secretary Garfield is having a lively time with the Interior De partment since he has taken hold of it. There has been the general cleaning up of the Land Office which was left to him by Secretary Hitchcock, there has been more or less trouble over extra hours for clerks in several of the divisions where the work was behind and it was necessary to catch up, and most of all there has been the neces sity of appointing a successor to Commissioner of Patents, Mr. Allen lias resigned. This last can hardly be ranked as an appointment of the first importance, yet it touches many people closely throughout the United States. The work of the Patent Office has been growing enormously of late years, and in ventors of all sorts have reason to call the Cointmssionor of Patents blessed or otherwise, according as he does or does uot give them a good administration. Mr. Gar field has been charged with select ing a successor to Mr. Allen, and while he may make a poor choice, it could hardly be worse than the retiring commissioner. Mr. Allen has left the work of the Patent Of lice get into the worst shape that it has been in since there was a i Patent Office. He has been in the habit of taking three months vaca tion annually and during these in tervals much of the work of the of lice has been practically suspended because he would not allow the as sistant commissioner to act for him. Cases piled up till a few months ago there were from 20,000 to 30,000 back cases that had not been acted upon. Things are a little better now owing to the vigorous action of the Patent Bar of Washington. But it will take a new commission er and an able one to get the offiee running in satisfactory shape. Teachers Examinations. The Cameron County Teachers' Ex aminations for 1907 will be as follows: Sinnamaboning May 21 Driftwood, May 22 Ster I ing Run, May 23 Emporium, May 24 Emporium, June 28 Teachers examinations in Theory of Teaching will be based on the Heading Course. Examinations will begin at 8:30 a. m. Directors and patrons are requested to be present at the examina tion*. MATTIE M. COLLINS, 12-2t County Superintendent. For the Farmer. Call at the Emporium Machine Shop for Bowker's fertilizer and printed mat ter giving directions how to use same to get best results for grain and vege tables. 7-tf. EMPORIUM MACHINE CO. Brick Ice Cream. Everybody's lee Cream Parlor, next door to post ofHce, is prepared to furn ish on short notice, plain and fancA brick packed ice cream. All orders delivered. 12 2FC. J. B. MEISEL. Base Ball. Tlie Emporium Tri-eai'ing from some sections ofPennsylvania can be obtained from the following figures, which refer to the timber cuttiug on the Hicks Run tract, in Cameron county: Original size of tract, 9,000 acres; timber cut in the first two years, 3,000 acres; still standing, 0,000 acres, amount of timber cut, 60,000,000 feet; amount standing, 200,000,000 feet; daily capacity of saw mill, 200,000 feet; daily shipments, 15 car loads; amount of timber in Hicks Run yard, 6,000,000 feet; time of opera tion, two years; estimated time to cut standing timber, four years; number of men employed, 800 to 1,000. Poisoned. Gordon Baker, residing on Fifth street was taken seriously ill Sunday evening from eating canned clam chowder. Dr. De Long was called and pronounced it a ptomane poisoning and went after the trouble. The young man is all right now and resumed work on Emporium & Rich Valley R. R. Beef steak is now good enough for Gordon. If you are a Maccabee goto the Court House on Saturday evening at 7:30 and bring your friends with you. Free Samples of "Preventics" and a booklet on colds will be gladly mailed you, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., simply to prove merit. Pre ventscsi are a little Candy Cold Cure tablets. No Quinine, no Laxative, nothing harmful whatever. Preventics prevent cold—as the name implies— when taken early, or at the "Sneeze Stage". For a seated cold or La- Grippe, break it up safely and quickly with Preventics. Sold by all dealers. If you are not a Maccabee goto the Court House, Saturday evening. You will learn something to your advant age. Coorl Will K.O.T.M. A business meeting of the Knights of the Maccabees of the eighth district of Pennsylvania, to elect delegates to the State Camp and for the transaction of general business will be held in Se ger's hall at one o'clock, p. m. All | members of the order will be admitted ! and heard. Delegates only can vote. A public meeting will be held in I the courthouse at 7:30 p. m , which will be addressed by Great Com | mander Blaney, Great Record Keeper j Boyd and other prominent Maccabees. J Everybody is invited. Bring all your j friends. Larger Salaries for R. F. D. Men. Postmaster General Myer has ap proved the detailed adjustment of salaries of rural free delivery carriers, as submitted by Assistant Postmaster General DeGraw, and the new sched ule, which will become effective July 1 next, will make a graded increase in the compensation ofcarriers based up on the number of miles traversed. The aggregate expenditure for rural service during the next fiscal year will be neariy §35,000,000 The schedule isas follows: Routes of 24 or more miles, S9OO per annum; 21 to 24 miles, $864; 20 to 22 miles, §810; 18 to 20 miles, $720; 10 to 18 miles, $030; 14 to 16 miles, $540; 12 to 14 miles. $504; 16 to 12 miles, $468; 8 to 10 miles, $432; 6 to 8 miles, $306. Sinnamahoning Liars Club. Liars Club is having lots of trouble of late, the young members don't hang together they tell lots of whoppers but don't stick to what they say. They had a terrible time to, initiate Fred ilorse last night; he was a little too heavy for the goat; he thinks with a little practice would he able to compete with his brother Ed. G. W. Gore is trying hard to get back in the club but can't get in as all old members be longing to the old club are debarred Blodget thinks he is entitled to mem bership as his place of business is head quarters lor all such spori. Frank Tice took the third degree last night which adds a good member. The pro- I osition book shows 23 applicants which will be admitted next meeting night. No further business the club adjourn ed until next Saturday night at 7:30 sharp in J. R. Batchelder's chicken coop. A full attendance is required. FIDE. Bought a Hotel. Charles Butler has purchased a hotel in Salamanca, and on Thursday Mr. and Mrs Butler and daughters started for their new home, of which they are at once to take possession. The family are good neighbors aud citizens and we dislike to lose them. They moved here from Emporium about a year ago where they had resided for many years. The very best wishes of their friends here and elsewhere go with them, as well as hopes for their success.—Port Allegany Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. But ler will make popular hosts and cannot fail to be popular with thepublic. Sala manca can rest assurred they have se cured an estimable family, people who will always look to the best interests . of their town. While residents of Em they always stood for the advance ment of every good cause. Penn Vitrified Brick Company. The Calder Brick Company has been absorbed by the Penn Vitrified Brick Company, composed of prominent con tractors and builders of Buffalo, N. Y., Mr. C. H. McCutcheon, one of Buffalo's j prominent business men being Presi dent and Mr. W. H. G. Walker, the j energetic Manager. The new com pany commenced work on Tuesday and ■ hope to have the damaged building completed inside of six weeks, when 1 they will push the work. The old 1 customers will continue to be supplied from the large stock on hand. This will be good news to the friends of this enterprise. • j Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its < action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dis j disappear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. What is the difference between the Maccabees and the old line insurance companies? You can find out Satur- J day evening at the Court House. Boy Killed. John McCaslin, a lad about thirteen years old, while playing at a skidway, on Hick Run, was struck by a log yesterday afternoon and instantly kill ed. The family formerly resided in Rich Valley. Undertaker Laßar's team drove over to Hicks Run this morning after the remains. For Sale. A lot on Seventh street. Apply to 13-4t. MRS. E. M. NEWTON. Concrete Walks. E. C. Bubb .and Daniel Shugart have formed a co-partnership for the laying of concrete walks, steps, etc. Esti mates furnished 9a work and satisfac tion guaranteed. 12-3t. Next Week's Game. Emporium nine will play St. Marys team at this place 011 Wednesday after noon May 22d, st Keystone Park. Re member the date and give the boys a hot reception. Foot Injured. Archer Cole, of Snow Shoe, while working in Lantz's camp, Hicks Run, had the misfortune to injure his left foot. The injured man is a brother of Mrs. B. Coyle, of this place, and during his lay off is stopping with his sister. Double Wedding. A very pretty nuptial event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hanscom, No. 523 Church street, Lock Haven at noon on May 22d, when both their daughters were married- Miss Ethel Lenore to Robert B. Evans and Miss Jessie Pearl to Alfred Z. Stephens. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. Bender, of Trinity M. E. Church. The brides are well known in this county, having formerly lived 1 at Sinnamahoning, while the grooms are young business men of Philadel phia. The bridal party left on Sea shore Express for Atlantic City and other places of interest and will be 'at home" in West Philadelphia after June 20th. Has Kept the Promises. Every pledge the Republican candi dates and the State platform promised tho people during the campaign has been kept With the adjournment of the Legislature at noon today much legislation of benefit to the state at large has been passed and Gov. Stuart true to his promises is at the helm to see that all do their duty. Our faithful Representative, Hon. Josiah Howard, has been faithful and energetic in his labors and aided very materially in the passage of much good and wise legislation. We in Cameron realize his unselfish devotion to his state, knowing how great a business sacrifice he made. The Bees will buzz at the Court House Saturday evening. Don't fail to hear them. Decoration Day. The following committees appointed to make arrangements in conjunction with the G. A. R., met at the office of Johnson & McNarney last evening and formulated plans to make the exercises on Memorial Day of sufficient interest to attract and interest the citizens of this county. It is the wish to have a speaker of prominence and hold the exercises in the cemetery. All citizens are invited to aid the several commit tees: Invitation: J. F. Parsons, H. H. Mullin, Robert Green, I. K. Hockley. Transportation and Entertainment; W. H. Howard, E. D. White, A. Brady. Speakers' Stand: Hon. Josiah How ard, Hon. L. Taggart. Flowers: John I). Logan, Mrs. E. H. Gregory, Mrs. I K. Hockley. Schlect's Green House. Choice Tomato, Cabbage and other plants, thrifty and strong. Also a large line of flower plants. Call early. 13-2t. SCHLECT'S GREEN HOUSE. Goto the Court House, Saturday evening and hear about the greatest fraternal organization in the world. Frank H. Goodyear Dead. Frank H. Goodyear, aged 58, died at his family residence at Buffalo, Mon- I day morning, after a long illnss. De ceased was well and favorably known |in this section. His funeral took place ! yesterday. (ireat Record Keeper Boyd of the Maccabees will be at the Court House, | Saturday evening. Girls Wanted, j Apply at Novelty Incandescent Lamp Company. TERMS: $2.00—51.501N ADVANCE. THE WEATHEA. FRIDAY. Fair. SATURDAY, Fair. SUNDAY, Fair ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At tlie close of business May i 1907. $833,537.46. We issue money orders and drafts on all pnrts Of Europe, and can sell you steam >,i. Ip tickets to all Continental points and England. DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. A. B. Mead.) Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoo Store, Emporium, Pa 121y POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS All Announcements under tliin ■••■ a& must le siyned by the candidate and paid udoaner to insure publication. COUNTY TREASURER. Editor Presu:— Please announce my name as . ndidatefor tlie nomination of County Treasure:* of Cameron conhty on the Kepublican ticket. E.G. BARPWELFC. April 15th, 1907. EDITOR PRESS: yPlease announce -iy name an a candidate for C'otuity Treasurer, subject to tfle the RefAiKfican Party, and under tho provision ot the.Vfßtform Primary election law, and reforest my Mends to be presen;. ..I the I'rV Je rue theirsuppori. 1 am compelled to labor for a living and am unable to see all the voters, Kindly aid n)y candidacy. A. M.MATTFHON. Sliippen, Pa., May 7th, 1!K)7. NOTES OF INTEREST. Workmen imvn moved tbe Oramer store building to the lot on Oherry street. When the store formerly oc cupied by the Misses Kelley is moved off, the erection of two solid brick blocks will be commenced. If to make a clean cut manly light against heavy odds and togo to defeat without a whimper, is to desei ve any thing of the Republican voters, then Dr. Bardwell should be nominated for Count}' Treasurer, June Ist. adv There is no end of information about newspapers in the American News paper Annual (published by IT. W. Ayer & Son, Philadelphia, §5 Co net)* the 1907 edition of which is juet out. Catalogued in simple tabulated form are the facts one needs in dealing wfth newspapers, with particular attentton to circulations, which are all given in plain figures. There are snpplem'en tary lißts of daily newspapers, maga zines and class publications. A colored map of each State is bound in the book. It also contains for the first time the Advertisers' Telegraphic Code, com piled especially for the use ot the pub lishing interests and filling a iong.felt want in this direction. Says the Bradford Era: - Mi. is not good policy for a man to pay court to a woman and for years indnce her to believe that she is to become his wife and then desert her. The tragedy "at Oil City recently was a most shocking one. The young woman who did .the shooting was erased with her disap pointment. A deadly blow had been aimed at her happiness; she wan crush ed by it. Life had meant nothing after she had received the information that the man she loved had been lost to her. She concluded to die and to wreak ven geance upon the one who had caused ! her so much mental distress. The un ! written law was not depended upon by j the girl to save her from the penalty of her murderous deed. She was her own ; executioner. The incident was closed then and there and it was closed in a ! manner most impressive The lesson of it should not be overlooked by those who place a light value on a woman's, love." Soldiers Pension A* I, The Cochran Soldiers' pension billf passed the House finally on Monday evening by a vote of 196 to 1. Cov. Stuart no doubt will sign the bill. Call at our store, please, for a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee." Jf real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart, or Kidneys," then try this Clever Coffee imitation. While Dr. Shoop lias very closely matched Oltf Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet be has not even asinglegrain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt Nuts, etc You will surely like Health Coffee Sold by all dealers. NO. 13.