6 A SOCIAL LEADER OF KANSAS CITY j Attributes Her Excellent Health to Pe-ru-na. j MRS. W. H. SIMMONS. MRS. W. ir. SIMMONS, mo E. Bth St., Kansas City, Mo., member of j the National Annuity Association, j writes: '• My health was excellent until about a year ago, when I had a complete col lapse from overdoing socially, not jfet tiu,\ yours, write for catalog \\\f \ aal prices. v \ iIISk JjjP § H. M. SAWYER & SON, M ■ L-^ ou can identify Mff Alabastine by gm the trade mark, but you ■So can't fully appreciate all the H reasons why you should k| H identify it unless you ® v . Writo today for booklet and full MjH Information about how you can mako fIH OT your home nioro beautiful at little J expense by using it. JQ Alabastine Is a sanitary wall cover- KB m Ink' that secures hlinply wonderful JV ¥sl results In a wonderfully simple way.^^V H The Alabastine Co., tfi flO Orandrllle Ar» . Grand BSL Rap!'la, Mich . erlOO WaUr lAlßa^MlWfll SICK HEADACHE s—l5 —I Positively cared by these Little Pills. c (L They also relieve DU tress from Dyspepsia, In- WTTLE {digestion and Too Hearty [ El B\BIT £2 Eating. A perfect rcm- Egf S ¥ Eils edy for Dizziness, Nausea, [Cf PiLLS I Drovrstnass, Bad Tasto 0 lln tlio Mouth, Coated j |Ton?ue. Pala In the Ride, Mfcaßaß ITOItPID LIVER. They regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE PADTHfcI Genuine Must Bear uAK tfto Fac-Simile Signature - lip. J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A c?« ive CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed. WBS H Gives Relief at Once. ° tunate In my relations with my do mestic employes. During a period of eight years, in which I have employed household labor in four widely differ ent places, I have never once been ad dressed with intentional disrespect by any person in my employ," says Jose phine Daskam Hacon in tho American Magazine. "I have never been left a day with out my regular staff of employes, which has varied from one to five (that is to say, that 1 have never been left suddenly or without suffi cient notice to supply the vacancy). "1 have never had a satisfactory worker leave me except for what I considered a good reason (in the ma jority ol' cases an advantageous mar riage). "I have never lost an unsatisfactory one except by my own dismissal. I have never to my knowledge, or even suspicion, suffered the loss of a pen ny's worth by theft, and my record for breakage is such that it produces utter incredulity. "In three cases out of four I have had services willingly and frequently offered me along lines where it was not expected or requested. I have had extra money offered by me to off set extra work occasioned by sickness refused on iho ground that at such times all the household expected to share the trouble. "And as a climax I am able to state that once, at least, on my offering a raise in wages to express my appreci ation of competent and devoted serv ice I was met with the astounding sug gestion that as my expenses were heavy at the time and likely to in crease I had better not consider it " Mr«, Wlnfrio tr'n Soothing Syrnp. For children teething, softens the punis, reduce* In t animation, ft'.lays pain, cure* wind colic. 25ca bottle. j Every man is valued in this world ; as he shows by bis conduct that he wishes to be valued. —Bruyere. Garfield Tea, which is guaranteed under ; the Pure Food and Drugs Act, is the best ! remedy for constipation, pick-headache, | and indigestion. It purities the blood and cleanses the system. Encourage Saving. The wise father and mother will never discourage the fancies of their children for accumulating things. It is a natural instinct, Inborn in the most of people, and given a little thought and care by the older heads may be turned to good account. If the child begins to collect "pretty" pebbles or shells at the seashore don't throw them out —but let them form the basis of a little geological col lodion, and with proper guidance the youngster will soon be looking upon "sticks and stones" with an interested nnd educated eye. SPLENDID APRIL TONIC. Easily Prepared at Home and Harm less to Use. This is known as "Blood-Cleanir.g Time," especially among the older folks, who always take something dur ing this month to clem the blood of ! impurities and build It up. The following is the recipe as given j by a well-known authority, and any | one can prepare it at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion one-half j ounce, Compound Kargon one ounce, j Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three ounces. Get these simple ingredients from any good pharmacy and mix by shak ! lug well in a bottle. The dose is one ! teaspoon'ul after meals and at bed i time. Everybody should take something to help the blood, which becomes impov erished and almost sour after the win ter season, especially those who are subject to Rheumatism, Catarrh, Kid ney and Bladder trouble. It is said that one week's use of this mixture will clear the skin of sores, pimples or boils. This is sound, healthy advice, which j will be appreciated by many readers. HAD NERVE, BUT NO MONEY. Unlucky Man's Modest Request for Pecuniary Assistance. Raymond Hitchcock, the comedian, | while in New Orleans a few months j ago, took the opportunity of going to the races. During the afternoon he cashed several tickets, the result of good guesses. He was feeling happy after the last race, and started for the automobile which was to convey him back to his hotel. As he was about to climb into the machine he i felt a hand on his arm, and a man shouted in his ear: "Hello, Hitchcock, how are you? Hear you put a crimp in the bookies I to-day." Hitchcock blushed and shook hands i sheepishly, not recognizing the man, and not wishing to show it. "Say, I want to speak to you con fidentially," said the stranger. "All right; what is it?" asked the comedian. "Well, I am up against some hard luck to-day. They cleaned me and I want to get home. Now, don't let any one of these people see you, but slip me enough for car fare, will you?" "Sure," said Hitchcock, placing his Aand in his pocket. Then he paused and queried: "Where do you live?" "Vancouver," was the answer. Hitchcock took a flying leap for hla machine, and unless the visitors at New Orleans are more gullible, the Impecunious one is still looking tor car fare. —Harper's Weekly. ROMANTIC DEVONSHIRE. The Land Made Famous by Philpotts* Novels. Philpotts has made us familiar with romantic Devonshire, in his fascinating novels, "The River," "Children of the Mist," etc. The characters are very human; the people there drink coffee with the same results as elsewhere. A writer at Rock House, Orchard Hill, Bideford, North Devon, states: "For 30 years I drank coffee for breakfast and dinner but some 5 years ago I found that it was producing indi gestion and heart-burn, and was mak ing me restless at night. These symp toms were followed by brain fag and a sluggish mental condition. "When I realized this, I made up my mind to quit drinking coffee and having read of Postum, I concluded to try it. I had it carefully made, accord ing to directions, and found to my agreeable surprise at the end of a week, that I no longer suffered from either indigestion, heart-burn, or brain fag, and that I could drink it at night and secure restful and refreshing sleep. "Since that time we have entirely discontinued the use of the old kind of coffee, growing fonder and fonder of Postum as time goes on. My digestive organs certainly do theif work much better now than before, a result due to Postum Food Coffee, I am satisfied. "As a table beverage we find (for all the members of my family use it) that when properly made it is most refresh ing and agreeable, of delicious flavor and aroma. Vigilance is, however, necessary to secure this, for unless the servants are watched they are likely to neglect the thorough boiling which it must have in order to extract the goodness from the cereal." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a rea son." Carpets can he colored on the floor with ! PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Ask your druggist. 10c per package. Japan Exports Much Copper. Japan exported last year over sll,- 600,000 worth of refined copper. It Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lc Roy, N. Y. Our distinctions do not lie In the places which we occupy, but In the I grace and dignity with which we fill them. —Emerson. How's This? Wo offnr One Hundred Dollars Reward for *n» ease of Catarrh that cannut be cured by Uall'i Catarrh Cure. _ , .F- J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the laßt 15 rears, and believe him porfectlr hon orable In all business transaction. and flnancla'lr able to carry out any obligation) made l>y his flrin WALDINO. KINHAN 4; MARYIX, _ . . „ Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, ai-.ilng directly upon the blood and mucous surface, of the system. Testimonials aent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pui9 for constipation. Other people's happiness gives a pessimist a headache. BACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY Are both symptoms of organic dei - la W* ( rangement, and nature's warning to 7 k-** U * I women of a trouble which will soon- \ Jr ~ 1- • | er or later declare itself. ' >4 •'•••'" I H How often do we hear women say, /A I V ' A "It seems as though my back would IK\ ' • ' j/\| break." Yet they continue to drag along and suffer with aches in the I [IDhX* ry~s*~~v& I small of the back, pain low down in V y)f> y (CvYV the side, dragging sensations, nerv- / flj) < \VV\\T\ ousness and no ambition. ill'// U ) They do not realize that the back ZS is the main-spring of woman s organ- a""kTa*P~tT ism and quickly indicates by aching 1*1135 LuNA INIAuLL a diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches and pains will continue until the cause is removed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the most successful remedy in such cases. No other medicine lias such a record of cures of feminine ills. Miss Lena Nagel, of 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N. Y., writes:— "I was completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration, My back ached all the time. 1 had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and tired. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me.'' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, snch as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates the whole feminine system. Mr 3. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. ller advice is free. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICE 15c —IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the 1 household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many : i people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CITY W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES THE* WORLD '• ®1 W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. Egf §3l SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL RRIOES: 112 £ Men's Shoes, to SI .50. Hoys' MIOCH, S.l to SI ."J.'S. Women's f-y Shoos, S4 to Sl.oO. Misses' & Children's (Shorn, S'i.'Ji") to SI. OO. K W. L. Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of A to be tho best in style, fit and woar produced in this country. Each ' JL part of the Rlioe and every detail of the making is looked after Jfe /jjv and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost. If I could take you into my largo factories at rv® Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold heir shape, lit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W. L. Douglas name nnd price in stamped on the bottom, which protects the weaivr arratnst high pricos anrt interior ghoen. Take No SiiWstlliatc. Sold by tn** l*st shoe dealers eterywhere. Fast Color Eyelets used exclusively. Catalan mailed free. IV. I— DOIOi.AS, llrockiuu.lUau. 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT gin Aral Oar vehicles and harness have been aold direct from our factory to \ I'/: 1A j [f' mESw Mi iJTrii rrnT User for a third ot a century. We ship for examination and H approval and guarantee safe delivery. You are out nothing jffi n W not satisfied as to style, quality and price. mP.~ We Are The Largest Manufacturers In The World | selllncr to the consumer exclusively. "We make 200 stylos of I Vehicles, C 5 styles of Harness. Heud for largo, l'rce catalogue. —■ |P°D L 'lrlc«*oon? Elkhart Carriage & Harness MIg.Co.. I I S&;moo™ Elkhart. Indiana. | Fertile Farming LANDS Cheap Easy Terms In the Best Section of the South Unexcelled for General Farming. Stock Raising, Berries, Fruit and Vegetables. Cantaloupes, Strawberries, Peaches, Apples, Grapes, etc., give handsome returns. Cattle need but little winter feed. HEALTHY CLIMATE. GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING GEASON. Address G. A. PARK, Gen. Im. & Ind'l Aot. Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co. LOUISVILLE, KY. *> *:• 'W •>•!* <• * &9 j i RHEUIATsSM ! i ? AND I NEURALGIA - | ST? | JACOBS 1 OIL | y 4» y The Proved Remedy ❖ X For Over 30 Years. X 5! Price 23c and 50c !|! FARMS THAT GROW "NO. I HARD" WHEAT BlitHWtJWn (Sixty-three Pounds to •jsEBmW the Bushel). Are situ p ntetl in the Canadian 112 4 West where Home «J)JrC Hor»e and Cattle Powder i FOUTZ bss' w f r'Ut and bears GoTfcrnmont Serial No. 217. Read for price I | and literature. DAVID E, FOVTZ CO., Mfra. Baltimore j DEFIANCE STARCH .arctwf *taUjea uleeiL