Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 18, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Doctor on on Ocean Liner Tells How
He Escaped Death at the Hands
of an Insane Fellow
The liner Osiris, bound for Aus
tralia, was plowing her way through
the Indian ocean at the rate of 17
knots an hour, it was midnight.
In a few minutes, however, Dr.
Smith, a passenger, ascended from
the lower regions, and commenced to
pace up and down in the night air.
The atmosphere of his cabin lie had
found too oppressive to be borne, and
so he resolved, being unable to sleep,
lo enjoy a cigar or dick. Overhead,
the stars shone anil the masts anil
funnels of the liner loomed vast and
spectral in the pale light of the moon.
Dr. Smith reflected how foolish he
had been not to leave his berth ear
lier. What could be more enjoyable,
since sleep was denied him, than
solitude and a choice cigar on the
deck of the good ship Osiris?
Suddenly he became aware of the
"fact that he was no longer alone. A
da.ik figure appeared at the head of
the companion ladder. Not wishing
4or company. Dr. Smith -trolled slow
ly away, and leant over ihe starboard
*liJo of th« liner. Suddenly he turned,
-anrl raw a fellow-passenger, who suf
fered from delirium tremens. "Hulio,
doctor!" exclaimed the new-comer
pleasantly. "Do you know what I am
going to do? I'm going to wring your
neck, and throw you overboard'."
Suiting the action to the word, the
maniac seized Dr. Smith in a grip of
Then ensued a frightful struggle.
Realizing the awful peril which
menaced him, the doctor struggled
with despairing energy to bring liis
assailant to the deck, but in vain, lie
was like a child in the man's grasp.
Suddenly, with a superhuman ef
fort, the maniac lifted Dr. Smith bod-
SidK - ;j
m '2Bm
yyM si/
Suddenly . . . the Maniac Lifted
Dr. Smith Bodily in the Air, and
Held Him Over the Ship's
ily in tlie air, and held him over the
ship's side.
"Do you hear —do you hear?" lie
gasped. "I'm —going—to—drop—you
The doctor's heart almost ceased
to boat. There was no one about ex
cept the steersman, but he was at the
other end of the deck. Then an idea
came to him.
"All right, old man,"he replied,
"but let's have a drini: together first."
"Very well," replied the maniac, de
positing the doctor ori the deck, and
strolling towards the bar.
To Encourage Thrift.
A New York man bas just "patented
a device for the encouragement, of
thrift. It consists of a toy savings
bank with a clock attachment. The
clock is set. in the face of the bank
and cannot be wound unless a dime is
dropped in the slot. As winding
causes tin; dime to fall into the vault
and the clock will run but 24 hours
without rewinding, the contrivance as
sures tiie accumulation of TO cents a
week. The theory is that the neces
sity of depositing a dime every <fay
will lead to slipping in other coins at
odd moments and thus establish a
habit of saving.
Fruit acids -.rill no', ■■tn'ri grS-iU <!vrd
with PUTNAM F \ DKl.Kss i)\ ; ;>, and
the colors arc bright and 1. -t.
Every truth that comes home to us
is a moral call, bidding us rise to a
new position.—Goethe.
Garfield 'li t. tiie MsM Laxative, i< a
pure, practical h« up hold rciuctlv ; good for
young and old. lo be for ci iistipfi
tion, indiu -lion, sick-luMdaehe. < and
disease* arising from impure blood, it
clears the complexion.
New York Births and Deaths.
There is a birth in New York city
each five minutes in the day and a
death each seven minutes.
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain ctuc for
lint, sv. citing, callous, and swollen, aching
feci. Sold 1»> ail di uggi-ts. Price Don't
acccptem substitute. Trial i>uckag<; FRKK.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, l.e Rev, N. Y.
Increase in Savings Deposits.
In 1906 the resources of the savings
banks of the state of New Yoik
reached $1,4(>5,000,000, an increase of
$59,000,000 in only one year.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy ilie eem-r of rmeil
ami completely derange the whole >-ystc:u when
euterlng It through the mucous surfaces. Such
article H should never he used except on pre*, rip
tl<>iiß lri>in reputable physicians, hs the damage they
will dots ten loid to ilie good you can po-nibly de
rive from them. Hall's < aturrh < ur< . manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, ().. contains 1.0 mer
cury. and Is taken Internuliy. actlug directly upon
the. blood an«l mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying liall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the
genuine. It !•; taken Internally and made In Toleuo,
Uhl ». I vF. .1 ( heney A: • "o. Testimonials free.
Hold i»y DrufrglstH. Price, 75c. per bottle.
'l ake Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
King Edward a Pigeon-Fancier.
It may not be generally known that
King: Edward i 3 fond of pigeon-racing,
and lias participated actively in it.
His majesty has a big loft full of
pigeons at Sandringham, where they
are regularly and specially trained
for long-distance races. Some years
ago one of his birds won the biggest
race of the year, the "Pigeon Derby,"
in a magnificent llijjht home from Ler
Make Your Own Sarsapariila or Spring
Blood Medicine.
Mix one-half ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar
gon, three ounces Compound Syrup
Sarsapariila. Shake wc li in a bottle
and take one teaspoonful aft'T meals
and again at bedtime. Any rood drug
gist can supply these ingredients.
This is : aid to be a splendid Spring
Blood Tonic and system renovator be
cause of its gentle action in restoring
the Kidneys to normal activity, forcing
them to filter from the blood all im
pure matter and acids, destroying
micro-organisms which produce ill
health and sour blood.
Everyone should take something to
clean '.e the blood at this time of year,
and the above simple prescription is
the most highly indorsed of the hun
dreds ol' home remedies generally used.
Mix this yourself, then you will
.1 iow what you are taking.
British Smart Society Takes to "Hop
ping"—Woman Veterinary.
Work in the hop fields is the latest
"rest cure" fad for l.ondon's smart
set, and the luxurious society "hop
pers" claim that a week's hopping is
far better and more pleasant than a
rest at aijy well-known health resort.
The tents of these well-to-do pickers
are expensively furnished, anil easy
chairs, soft beds and up-to-date camp
ing outfits are among their hopping
In Berlin there is a woman veter
inary surgeon who is an official in
spector of animals. She rides through
the streets on the lookout for animals
suffering from any disablement, and
before reporting a horse as unfit for
work, she examines its injuries and
whenever possible api lies remedies to
alleviate its pain. She carries a leath
er case filled with bandages and other
surgical appliances.
Day of Guillotine Ended.
Since tiie prison of La Kochett.e,
where the French guillotine used to
be kept, has been pulled down, the
machine of death has been kept in a
shed belonging to the state execu
tioner. Since there is no place in
Paris where it seems desirable to put
up the guillotine, no more executions
take place there. The president of the
republic fiets around the difficulty by
commut&ig the death sentence to im
The Kind of Food That Wiil Keep
You Well.
The true way is to find out what is
| best to eat and drink, and then culti
! vate a taste for those things instead
I of poisoning ourselves with improper,
indigestible food, etc.
A conservative Mass. woman writes:
"1 have used Grape-Nuts 5 years for
! the young and for the aged; in sicli
| ness and in health; at first following
directions carefully, later in a variety
j of ways as my taste and judgment sug
"Hut its most special, personal bene
-1 fit has been a substitute for meat, and
| served dry with cream when rhou
| mafic troubles made it important for
1 me to give up the 'coffee habit.'
| "Served in this way with the addi
' tion of a cup of hot water and a little
fruit it has hfen used at. my morning
| meal for six months, during which
j time my health has much improved,
| nerves have grown steadier, and a
! gradual decrease in my comfort."
! Name given by Postum Cereal Co.,
Ltd.. Battle Creek, Mich. Read the
| little book, "The Road to Wellville,"
1 !a pkga "There's a Reason."
I Operations Yf
When a woman suffering from / \ \
■ female trouble is told that an oper- I l \ i
lat ion is necessary, it, of course, I
S the operating 1 table and the knife \ \ y J J
S It is quite true that these troub- /-f\\ if/ / iTK I
g les may reach a stage where an ope- \jr / ]¥
§ ration is the only resource, but a C6=!' \f!
R great many women have been cured (~lrH'lCV. v
■ by Lydia E. I'inkliaui's Vegetable V■'*:i J
I Compound' after an operation has —"^_v£L/
j| been decided upon as the only cure. MISS ROSt- MOORE
Kg The strongest and most grateful
■ statements possible to make come from women who by taking
I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1
■ made from native roots and herbs, have escaped serious operations, as
B evidenced by Miss Rose Moore'scase. of 307 W. 20th St.. N.Y. She writes:-
B Dear Mrs. l , inkham:-"L.vdia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound has
9 cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express
■ to you my deepest gratitude. I suffered intensely for two years so that
U I was unable to attend to ray duties and was a burden to my family. I
B doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting
8 to an operation which I was advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia
B E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; it cured me of the terrible trouble
Band I am now in better health than I have been for many years."
This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly
-0 dia E. Fink ham s \ ege table Compound before she submits to an operation.
| Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
juj Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
■ promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn. Mass. From the
■ symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest
9 way of recovery advised.
Every man, woman and child, everywhere, should benefit by this offer —
for FAVORITE REMEDY is no ordinary prescription. It represen.'s over
thirty years of successful results —thirty years at bedsides —in laboratories--
at hospitals.
In more than a million homes FAVORITE REMEDY is known. It has
cured Kidney and Liver troubles not once but repeatedly —over and over
again. Yet you may not have heard of it- or hearing you may have delayed
or doubted.
This offer is simple: Just send your name and address (mentioning the
nature of your sickness) to Dr. David Kennedy's Sons. Eondout. N. Y„ and
you will receive by prompt return mail a free trird treatment of Dr. David
Kennedy's 112 avorite Keim'dv enough to prove iu your c.t,e l:i a plain sealed
wrapper, all charges prepaid.
Will you accent this opportunity to learn how to b<* rid. forever, of all
forms of Kidney Weakne ;es and Liver Troubles m t only to get rid forever
of the trouble but ot the very cause that produced it ?
Jit the First Sip ef j Ifow la Ts!l if Yoar Kidnsys
Bsckache—Take Heel! £re Diseased.
Don't neglect a backache, for it is tbo i 1 h I ft* V---^n'iito' 1 of 1 11
cry of the kidneys for help -a warning you ; back; also aire- _«riirlWßttDl*-_
will do well to heed rjuent desire to
and without an t ;p -
Ak. David K!• n n ec". y ' . night'. A
Favorite Remedy j sinipl-.t test
" r .ifies th ' ! " 1 your
matter what the cause particles afloat. If \ou hav^^K^M*
—'no matter how longstanding or how deep- ; any of these symptoms it
seated the disease may be, this medicine is j shows disease and demands WV
the surest to cure. FAVORITE REM-' treatment at once.
EDY is -purely vegetable. It contains | Kidney disease must not be trifled with,
no minerals in any form, no dangerous j but can be cured if taken in time by using
stimulants, no mercury or poisons. Chil- Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
dren and invalids can taV:e it with perfect which removes the cause and stops any
safety. Send for free trial treatment today. | further trouble,
40,000 Drug; Stores
sell Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy -have been sel'ing it for 30 years. Any
remedy which has stood the test of time like this des.-rves your confidence. It will
bring you the relief and cure you seek ;:nd now is the time for you to try it. By
acting today you guard against fatal delay, lie sure to mention this p per when writing.
A LAHASTINE comes in dry powder form, ready for xi*e by mixing with clear
pure cold water. Safeguards health and makes homes beautiful and livable.
Easy to mix. You can apply it yourself with an ordinary flat wall brush.
Insist on goods in packages labeled " ALABASTINE" and that your work
men bring Alabastme in nnopen packages and use on job.
If your dealer does not have Alabastine we will «. upplv von. Write for free
color suggestions and send us 10 cents for book " Dainty Wall Decorations."
ALABASTINE COMPANY, Gr<ind Riiptds, Mich. Nov/ York City.
[— — r—l Positively cured by R, R, Agency Work and Type-writing
Ifb A T%'\ Fj" SJ) these Little l'ills. Larjre-t S, fern ..r FIUM.II iri America.
1 wfxc i.l\o Tb(, y a:soreUeTo do- w. u -fi'Vr'i«r
euca _ „ tress from Dyspepsia, Ia- a«.v nw».
KhTb • ISrU 1 , . J Wilt... rfi - «' tin tiiiliMi ti'i-ni!.. ft.-.
R9B H\Bf tf Jiaungi a pprroct rem- JHE morse SCHOOL ur TELEGRAPHY COMPAST
Smj 5! 17 edy for Dizziness, Nansaa, 21 united Bank Bide . CI.NCIKNATI, omo.
■ PILLS. Drowsiness, Bad Taste
E9 DEB la tho Mouth, Coated
Tonguo, min in o®c©ee®c»©«®as®if»B»«®oo®®®
i?»wag)iaiffla ITOIU>ID lxvkr. They S _ 112
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. © Sr SliM 'ii S S Give FfctacliOll S
Genuine Must Bcsr A *.t * n J ■ inu'jtuniin trou. isiui,. s
Fas-Simile Signature % paU "''"" for l "' r fCrv " |
/jIVER ds®B®®®of3©c. > o®«®»©«eo®®«®oa«
M. TIP 1 llal.nn F-. I'n'frnn. I'lltont Attnr-
Rashes Itiis And
Speedily Cured by Warm
Baths With
And Gentle Anointings Of
The Great Skin Cure,
when all other remedies
and even physicians fail.
Guaranteed absolutely
pure, sweet 5 and whole
some, and may be used
from the hour of birth.
Fold thronehotjt the* world. D in all ClUflfl.
I»ruu 'V rh'-m. <S • i'r >*>-, Jinstoo.
book on Torturms* Ui-fltiuruiy iiumuurA
Fertile Farming
i .az* .ofiar rrwn
Easy Terms
lis flic Csst Ssctien
ef iha Ssistli
! Unexcelled for Genera! Farmings
Stock Raising, Berries, Fruit
I and Vegetables.
Cantaloupes, Strawberries, Peaches,
Apples, Grapes, etc., give
handsome Returns.
Cattle need but little winter feed.
Address G. A. PARK, Gen. Im. & Ind'l Act.
LsulsviSle & NashvsHe
V ' O!-" ' ru'vantage
■L \\ W»V '/wA Jc Southwest has is its
*T( there is rarely ever
J 112 a providing
cu.—..«• i J shelter for stock. The ti
tin /\\/"\ \\ \ growing season is longer
«■» '—i <* Band another crop is Ire-
Vs«k jf quently grown on the
. \ < saine land after the first
Cheap Trips \ becn harveste(L
Hound tnp tickets n ra/
ciirCSifIntVl 1 nt Vl Jr Go Southwest Now
etc.. on the first and Vfc.
third Tuesdays of each Oil April l6th, May
From Cincinnati $33.75 /til and 21st you can
F.omCleveUuil 38.60 see the Southwest verv cheapl v. Tickets are good
rrom Chicago ZS.UU
From St. Pr.u! 27.50 30 days and permit stop-overs. One very desir-
From S*. L«ui3 20.0() a k] e feature of the trip via the M. K. &T. Ry. is
Troni Kansas City a.O. 00
To Oklahoma and the diverse route through Oklahoma —you can go
jL\l-saro T i« s r s7n y ma!iy through Indian Territory and return through
ca 6fli way tickets at Oklahoma City, or vice versa.
hi.lf the regular rate
plus S2.r-M, • «.. from Whv not investicate the possibilities of this /w..^
St. Louis the tare to wonderfil land? Take a trip in the tu >:t / * n "L. _A
S:mi Antonio is excursion anil see for yourself. Write me A A U&
intermediate points in to-da*' for full information, and a-k for a copy Hi |||PH !f
proportion. r ->t "liio Coming Country." V KVI Eg ||
Genera! Paseenger Agent, M. K. & T. Ry. /
Wainwright Building Saint Louis, Mo.
GEO. S. STEIN, 403 Traction Building, Cincinnati, Oiiio.
Your nearest railway scent will quote you the rates.
XJen'n • l)o<'D, to Itoyrt' hlioos, Wi' l(» ftil.'W. Wiuiif,.'i i t y J
Shoes, $4 1«> M isbe*;' & Children's Ullocs. t'i ,1.(11). J "■' \ /
W. IJ. Douglas shoos arc recognized lij expert judge* of footwear V*' '''*&? A
to bo tlio best in stylo, fit ami wear produced in this country. Kach >, ;. .-'1
part of the slioo anil every detail of the making is looked after „ , "ffls*.
and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard t<> ''\ y_j\
time or cost. If I could take you into my largo factories at
Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas
shoes are made, you would then understand why they held their shape, lit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes.
\V. Ij/Dmifflrm name unit pri.'e is stamped on tin* bottom, w tm-h iiroteiis t!u> wfr.r.t apalnst hiirh
priocH itiifi iutcriuf RhoM. Take HuliHtitiste. St >l*l by In.* hlk i- •: i- a c-vitvu lie? e.
Fatl Color ti/elets used excluiivetu. Catalog maikU fret. IV. 1.. Ilui GLAV, It-•< ,'i i<»M, 18 :i«t,
llfcßACKsl 1
|IHII 111 imuIII
, I Arc lines of constant worry to the E
1 housewife. .Floors can not be I
! I really clean, nor rooms free from fl
p dust when the cracks gather dirt, 3
2 fuzz and germs from the rugs. I
I For a proper finish the lilling $
B of these cracks is as necessary as B
fl the floor covering itself. You can jP
fl obtain perfect results with
p Buffalo !
Crack & Crevice
| Filler S
|! It is easily applied, and when dry I
| fl is tough and will not crumble. It &
| B fills every crevice to stay filled, B
|fl and gives absolute satisfaction. B
m Has the color of natural wood, is ¥
|! readily colored for darker woods, B
! fl and will take any kind of finish. P
|j We will send you a free sample P
g and descriptive booklet. Address, w
6 Buffalo Oil Paint ® Varr.Lh Co. 1
Bo- 103, Buffalo, N. Y.
P s'or sale try Hardware I
E aad Paint Dealers
iravvTvapraprap* i r nnn additional miles
Of railway ihiy
Jpj. 112? b" voar have opened up a
i largely increased letri.
1 i Canada and the Oov-
I ' rimi'iit id''the Doniin-
I I SariSsSJlis:'ijßSs continue* to >;ive
SIXTY ACRES I-Rl\E to every settler.
Coal, wood and water in abundance: churche*
and schools convenient; markets easy of access;
taxes low; climate thefcc-l in the noitliern tem
pt- rate zone. I«aw and order prevails everywhere.
lor advice and information address the
Ottawa, Canada, or any authorized Canadian
Government Agent.
H. M. WILLIAMS, Law Building, Toledo. Ohio.
"v ;
Dries in 10 Minutes
It Is nothing like an enamel, but Is very thin
and very black.
6-5-<* "eats up" rust as water doea
and literuture. DAVID I£. KOCTZ CO., Mfra, lSultuuurc. WcL
1 A. N. K.—C (1907—15) 21 7 3.