Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 28, 1907, Image 8

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    This Is Worth Saving.
The following simple home-made
mixture i.s said to relieve any form of
Rheumatism or backache, also cleanstf
and strengthen the Kidneys and Blad
der, overcoming all urinary disorders,
if taken before the stage of
Bright'* disease: Fluid Exl ract Dande
lion, one half ounce; Compound Kar
gon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sar
saparilla, three ounces. Mix by shak
ing well in a bottle and take in tea
spoonful doses after meals and at bed
ti me.
A well-know authority states that
these ingredients are mainly of vege
table extraction, and harmless to
use, and can l»e obtained at small
cost from any good prescription phar
macy. Those who think they have
kidney trouble or suffer with lame
back or weak bladder or Rheumatism,
should give this prescription a trial,
as no harm can possibly follow its use
and is said to do wonders for some
Saved Her Son's Life.
The happiest mother in the little town
of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. llupeo. She
writes: "< )ne year ago uiy son was down
with some serious lung trouble that our
physician was unable to help him; when
by our druggist's advice I began giving
him Dr. King's New Discovery, and I
soon noticed improvement. I kept this
ireatement up for a few weeks when he
was perfectly well. He has worked stead
ily since at carpenter work. Dr. King's
New Discovery saved his life." Guaran
teed best cough and cold cure by all
druggists. 50c and 81.00. Trial bottles
Williams' Kidney Pills.
Have you neglected your kidneys?
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys
and Bladder? Have you pains in the
loins, side, back, groins and bladder?
Have you a flabby appearance of the face,
especially under the eyes? Too frequent
desire to pass urine? If so William's
Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free.
By mail 50 cents. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's, Cleve
and, O. 9-ly.
C. B. Howard & Co., have received
from the Pacific Coast what is perhaps
the finest lot of RED CEDAR shingles
thafc ever came to Cameron county.
Sale by Order of tlie Heirs.
The two-stor.v frame dwelling at tlie N. Iv
Corner of Fourth and Maple streets, Emporium,
Pa., will be sold at public sale on
at seven o'clock, p. in. at the City Hotel, Em
porium, Pa., (being all that certain two-story
frame dwelling house and lot of ground situate
on the north east corner of Fourth and Maple
streets, in the borough of Emporium, county of
''anieron and state of Pennsylvania; containiug
5 front or breadth on said Fourth street fifty
1 < t and extending of that breadth northward
in length or depth one hundred and fifty fee to
Oreedwood street , being lot No. 528 in Block 41
and being the late residence of John \V. Kriiier,
deceased, i
The improvements are a two-story frame
dwelling and a two story frame carpenter shop
and dwelling.
To be sold by order of the heirs of John W.
Kriner, deceased.
Two hundrsd dollars to be paid at time of
For further particulars apply to
Emporium, Pa.
Administrator's Sale.
I'.htute of JOHN \V. KRINEII, Deceased.
The following articles and effects ol the above
named estate will be sold at PUBLIC SALE on
.Saturday. April Cth, 1907 at two o'clock, p. m., at
the carpenter shop of the late John W. Kriner,
at the corner of Mayle and Greenwood streets,
Emporium, Pa.:
Carpenter's tool chest and of
.-aws, planes, chisels and set of slaters tools.
Miter box and saw.
Tool box and contents,
Grind Stone.
Two carpenter's work benches.
Th ree ladders.
One box stove and pipe.
Two pair old two inch doors, 8, '6"x2
Two pair new two inch doors, " •'
One lot of odds and ends of lumber, moulding,
etc., for inside work.
One sythesnath cickle.
One lawn mower.
About 81bs copper.
Four large and four small rollers for moving
buildings and two bars.
Two carpenter's cant levers.
One hoe, one short handled shovel.
Four moulding planes, one panel plow.
Forty pair joice hangers, sundries, etc.
Terms, cash as sale.
For further particulars, apply to
HARRY H. NISSLEY, Administrator,
„ „ Emporium, Pa.
N. Is. -The dwelling house and lot of ground of
the late John W. Kriner, deceased will be sold
by order of the heirs at the City Hotel at public
sale, at seven o'clock, p. m., April6th, ISO 7. Two
hundred dollars to be paid at time of sale.
; —THE I
Between 12th and 13th Sts.. on Filbert St. I
Philadelphia, Pa.
I Three minutes WALK from the Reading I
Five minutes WALK from the Penn'a It. I
European Plan $1 .no per day and upwards. ■
American Plan S2.'JO per day.
Before Using II you have pimples, blotches,
or other akin Imperfections, you
can remoTe " iem ® n d have a clear
1 112 an ' keautilul complexion by using
> Bemoves Skin Imperlecliona. "<&.
Beneficial results guaranteed
or money refunded. \ V»» ji
Send stamp for Free Sample,
Particulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. After Using.
Madison I'loce, Philadelphia, Pa.
Xatcst Gountv Correspondence.
(ieo. Brown of Olean and friend of
liullalo called on tho Misses Swesey
Thursday evening.
Fred McCasiin and wife of Iloward
ville attended church Sunday evening.
\ e scribe called on Riverside l'ark
friends Saturday evening.
While returning home from work
Monday evening F. Iv Swesey discovered
D. W. Swesey's house to be ou lire.
After a heroic struggle he conquered the
blaze. Only slight damage.
The constable was looking after a
number of our people Monday.
A rival to the athletic club has beeu
organized. It is styled the red headed
Dr. Walter Granger of Towatida. was
in town on professional business this
A bill posting company has been
formed with headquarters in the valley.
The pie social Saturday was a success.
Proceeds s2!i.
Young wild west was out Sunday even
\Vm. Pye and wile of the city called
on Frank Craven ou Sunday.
Mark Goodwin and son visited in the
city this week.
Alvin Wright and wife of the city
called on friends Monday.
Somewhat of a romance came to light
Monday, when it was found out that one
of our popular girls had become acquaint
ed with a York state man through a
newspaper advertisement. Man arrived
Monday. What outcome of the romance
will be is awaited with interest as the
youug lady is one of our b'ist.
M. A. P.
Mrs. J. F. Sullivan called ou frieuds
in Sterling Hun Monday.
Mrs. James K. Jordan, of Emporium,
is the guest of B. J. Collins.
Wm. A. Nelson, of Renevo, spent
Sunday with his mother.
Mrs. John Witchey and son, of Re
novo, are visiting W. W. Johnson and
Andra II ill, of Grove Hill, is the guest
of Mrs. W. R. Smith.
Wayne Nelson is confined to the house
with neuralgia.
.1. F. Carson is improving slowly.
Mrs. Frances Logue was a Sterling
Run visitor Saturday.
Wm. Kilbourne was also a Sterling
Run visitor Thursday.
Byron Duell and wife, of Mason Run,
were guests of Mrs. A. I". Nelson Sunday.
The Driftwood callers this week were:
Mrs. ('has. Collins, Mrs. John Jordan,
W. R. Smith, Geo. Starr and Lloyd
Contractor Eastman was a caller iu
town Tuesday.
l»ev. Hendricks, of Houghton, N. Y.,
filled the pulpit at the Huntley church
Saturday evening and Sunday.
•Ip- *• |
"In 1897 I had a stomach disease.
Some physicans said Dyspepsia, some
Consumption. One said I would not
live until Spring. For four years 1 ex
isted on boiled milk, soda biscuits and
doctor's prescriptions. I could not di
gest anything I ate. then 1 picked up one
of your Almanacs and it happened to be
my life saver. I bought a fifty-cent
bottle of KODOL the benefit I rc
ceicved from that bottle of KODOL and
the benefit I received from that bottle
all the gold in < ieorgia could not buy. In
two months I went back to my work, as a
machinist, and iu three months was well
and hearty. 31 ay you live long and
prosper.''—C. N. Cornell, lloding, (Ja., j
l'JOtj. The above is only a sample of
the great good that is daily done every
where by Kodol for Dyspepsia. It is |
sold here by R. C. Dodson.
Panama Canal Erie Canal.
Machinery is digging the Panama
Canal a thousand times quicker than the
shovel dug the Erie.
Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint
at 50 times less cost tor labor, than if
made by hand.
The L. & M., gives the best job in the j
world, because L. & M. Zinc hardens \
L. & M., White Lead and makes !
M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15 i
It only requires 4 gallons of this ecle- I
brated paint and '! gallons of Linseed Oil !
at GO ctsper gallon, to paint a moderatl j
sized house.
[f any defect exists in L. & M. I'ainte >
will repaint house for nothing.
Sold by llarry'S. Lloyd, Emporium. |
For Sale.
Three residences singly or in double; j
also all the vacant lota and store build- ■
ing on Fourth street. Terms to suit!
3-tf. R. SEGER.
The winds ot March have no terror to
the user of DeVVitt s Carbolized Witch J
Hazel Salve. It quickly heals chapped i
and cracked skin, (iood too for boils and '
burns, and undoubtedly the best relief
lor Piles. Sold here by R. C. Dodson.
Isaac Bowen was buried on the
j 20th, having died at Costello on the 18th,
jat !):l<i a. m. Funeral services were
I preached at M. 10. Church at Costello, at
■ 11 a. u»., by Kev. Wallace, of Austin.
He was almost 91 years old and loaves
j one daughter. Mrs. Will. Mahon with
j whom he was living at tiuie of his death,
| also a brother Martin, who is totally blind,
and one sister in Tioga county.
Humphry Smith and family are t'oing
| to move to Austin from the Brooks Run
j Hotel, where some of them expect to
j work in the pulp mill, so it is reported.
Geo. Morton has moved his family up
)to Hammersley on the East Fork where
j he has a position on the log train.
Curriers mill is expected to start up
| this week to saw yut the stock on hand.
A small bridge on the B. & S.. near
Malvin Logue's burned out the other
| night making the morning passenger
I train several hours behind time.
C. E. Logue has a crew of men vvork
i ing at his pulp wood job, on the moun
j tain north of Brooks Run.
There is a good flood in the creek now,
; but the log drive has not started yet, as
| the boom as not been huug at Sinnama
; honing.
Andrey aud Martha Dell Smith, of St.
Mary 3, were the guest of their grand
mother, Mrs. Sarah Smith, Monday.
Fred Shaffer an aged resident of this
place is very ill. Monday he sustained a
stroke of paralysis and there is little
| hopes of his recovery.
I Jean McNarney, of Emporium, was
j the guest of Lulu Lewis over Sunday.
Mabel Wyle who is teaching at Al
j toona is home for a short vacation.
I They took in about sl4 dollars at the
| box social Saturday evening.
I Mrs. Annie Fulton, of Renovo,was the
I guest of her niece Evangeline Brooks,
I Monday.
j There will be Easter exercises at the
| M. E. church, Sunday, at 11 o'clock.
I All are cordially invited to attend.
Harry Wvlie, of Allendale, is visiting
his mother Mrs. L. J. Wylic and little
j daughter Margaret at this place.
John Schwab aud wife, of Cameron,
visited relatives at this place Sunday.
Samuel Ebersole and wife were Em
porium visitors Tuesday.
Florence McDonald, of Driftwood, was
the guest of Bibianna O'Sulllvan over
1 Sunday.
Moye Whiting visited Mrs. Henry
i Lay ton, of Huntley. Saturday.
Mrs. Malvin Whiting aud Mrs. Mc-
I Alester, of Ridgway were the guests of
| Mrs. .1. E.Smith, Tuesday.
, Gladys and Nellie O'Kecfe were home '
i over Sunday.
Cora Vocuin who is attending her
1 sister Mrs. Kepner, of Cameron was home 1
I over Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Chapman and Mrs. Killeen •
I are worse.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured.
they cannot reach the seat of the' dis- I
I ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu- I
j tional disease, and to cure it you must
| take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh J
Cure is taken internally, and acts 1
directly on the blood and mucous sur
face. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not A
quack medicine. It is prescribed by !
one of the best physicians in this
country for years and is a regular pre- :
fjcription. It is composed of the best !
tonics known, combined with the best I
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combi- 1
nation of the two ingredients is what
; pfodces such wonderful results in cur- j
J ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials
I free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. !
• Sold by druggists, 75c, Take Hatl's 1
| Family Pills for constipation.
Worked Like a Charm.
D. N. Walker, editor of that spicy i
journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, Va.,
says:"l ran a nail in my foot last week
and al once applied Bueklcn's Arnica
Salve. No inflammation followed, the
salve simply healed the wound." Heals
every sore, burn and skin disease. Guar
anteed by all druggists. 25c.
Easter Opening.
We will have on display a large as
sortment of fine pattern hats and
novelties Wednesday and Thursday,
and invite the public to come and see ;
5-2t. 2nd door east of Post Office.
How to Remain Young.
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Me-
Donough, Ga., did. She says:"Three
bottles of Electric Bitters cured tue of
chronic liver and stomach trouble, com
plicated with such an unhealthy con
dition of the blood that my skin turned
red as flannel. lam now practically '2O 1
years younger than before 1 took Elec
tric Bitters. I can now do all my work
with ease and assist in my husband's
store." Guaranteed by all druggists.
Price 50c. i
You can get all kinds of good cedar 1
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
School Report.
Report of the Emporium Public Schools for
| sixth month, ending March 20, 1907.
| Enrollment for month, males, 310; females, 371;
i total, (SKI.
Number in attendance during month, males,
j 280; females, 315; total 625.
i Average daily attendance, males, 226; females,
I 323; total 578.
| Percentage of attendance, males, 92; females,
I 93; total 93.
Number present every day during month, 291.
Number of pupils tardy, 81.
Number of tardy marks, 129,
Number of visitors to schools 92.
' , Pupils whose average scholarship for the
| month equals or exceeds 95 per cent.
,j First Grade, A Class: Gertrude Bennett, Elodie
, j Frappier, Pearl Tompkins; B. Class, Mabel
Hertig, Lillian Perkins, Annie Robertson, Gerald
| Barton, Laura VanWert, Arthur Baldwin, Rose
1 j Dolan, Corrine Cummings, Orvan Meixell, Valuta
I Peary.
j Second Grade, A Class: Grace Robertson, Ruth
; Hackett, LeonaCoppersmith, Rose O'Malley; B.
' j Class, Ruth Johnston, Ruth Hustod.
Third Grade, A Class: Edward O'Malley, Cor
-1 rinne Cleary, Marie Donovon, Emma Schweikart
' B. Class, Jennings Green, Margaret Welsh, Avis
■ | Lewis.
- ( Fourth Grade, A* Class: Velma Frappier,
j Joseph Cox, Frank Carantella, Grace Prentis
| Margaret Klees, Florence Nelson, Marie Edel
i man, Lottie Halderman; B. Class, Eua Wadding
* j ton. Lena Ruberto, Ruth Reed, Deverre Frafltz
Fifth Grade, Room Five, A Class: Charles
j Streich, Agnes Cleary, Matilda Scott, Clare.
, Lathrop, Margaret Faucett, Nancy Turley, Bertha
I Kcnley; B. Class, Margaret Mehlin, Jessie Clark,
| Mary Leutze, Vincent Ritchie.
| Fifth Grade, Room Six." A Class: Charles Cu
m. j mings, Fred Strayer; B. Class, Mary O'Malley.
. | Sixth Grade, Room Seven, A. Class: Margaret
' Cruikshank, Helen Orr; B. Class, Carolyn Moore,
| Paul VanWert, Evelyn Donovon.
> I Sixth Grade, Room Eight, A. Class: Irvin
l Burns. Budd Lloyd; Harry Spence, Lena Swartz,
, I Belle Campbell.
' First Grade, A. Class: Edward Robinson, Lida
> I Fleinming, Arnold Weisentluh, Ada Zwakl; B.
j Class, Francis Barnett, Grace Loucks, Catharine
j Beers.
| Second Grade, A. Class: Sarah Burke, Dorothy
j Howard. Blanche Deiltl, Aloysa Metzger, Dewey
> 1 Carlson, B. Class, Cecilia Torney, Paul Trebs-
I wether, Edward Zwald.
Third Grade, A. Class: Anna Fleming, Clara
' Logan; Inez Logan, Laura Swartz, Mary Hout,
Fourth Grade, A. Class: Mildred Lloyd, Agnes
Jordan, Hazel Farrel, Ruth Loucks Ethel Creigh.
ton, Eunice Diehl, Roberta Murry, Charlotte
' j Rentz, Amelia VanWert, Matthew Burns, Law,
j fence Lathrop, Grant Ellis, Lloyd Snmmerson
J Sam Olivet.
, j Seventh Grade: George Rishell, Ethel Turley:
; j Neoma Whitmire, Gladys Lloyd, Marian Bald
: j win, Mildred Faucett, Minnie Morse, Nora Grace,
j Eighth Grade: Dorr Spencer, Beatrice Barr.
I High School, Senior Class: Jane Glenn, Mary
Welch, Bessie McQuay; Junior Class, Mary
! Farrel, Mary Blumle; Sophomore Class, Mildred
; McQuay, Ethel Lloyd, Marian Judd, Annie Ed-
I wards; Freshman Class, BessieWhaley,May Mul
j caliy, Warner Judd.
The News—No Pure Drug Cougli
I Cure Laws would be needed, if all
j Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's
I Cough Cure is—and has been for 20
j years. The National Law now requires
! that if any poisonons enter into a cough
•j mixture, it must be printed on the label
or package. For this reason mothers,
I and others, should insist on having Dr.
' Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison-marks
on Dr. Shoop's labels—and none in the
medicine, else it must by law be 011 the
label. And it is not only safe, but it is
said to by those that know it best, a
truly remarkable cough remedy. Take
| no chance,particularly with your child
, ren. Insist 011 having Dr. Shoop's
I Cough Cure. Compare carefully the
i Dr. Shoop package with others and
i see. No poison marks there! You can
always be on the safe side by demand
ing Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply
! rafuse to accept any other. Sold by ail
i dealers.
Does Coffees disagree with you? Pro
bable it does! Then try Dr. Shoop's
1 Health Coffee. "Health Coffee" is a
clever combination of parched cereals
and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee,
! remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Cof
i fee, yet its flavor and taste matches
i closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If
I your stomach, heart or kidneys can't
stand Cofiee drinking try Health Col
fee. It is whelosome, nourishing, and
satisfying. It's nice even for the
youngest child. Sold by all dealers
Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica
and Witch Hazel.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Ilheutn,
Tetter, Chapped Hands, and ail skin
eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis
| faction, or money refunded. Price 2f>c
by Druggists. Williams M'f'g Co.,
Prop's Cleveland, O. For sale by R. C.
Dodson. !l-ly.
To remove a cough you must get at tbe
cold which causes the cough. There is
nothing so good for this as Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Syrup. The liquid cold
relief that is most quickly effective, that
stills and quits the cough arid drives out
the cold. Sold bv R. C. Dodson.
You should be very careful of your
bowels when you have a cold. Nearly
all other cough syrups are constipating,
especially those containing opiates. Ken
nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup moves the
bowels—contains NO opiates. Conforms
to National Pure Pood and Drugs Law.
Bears the endorsement of mothers every
where. Children like its pleasant taste.
Sold by R. C. Dodson.
Latest Popular Music.
MISH May Gould, teacher of piano
forte lias received a fall line of the lat
est and most popular sheet mu3ie. All
the popular airs. Popular and class- j
ical music. Priceß reasonable.
C. B. Howard & Co., have the only j
large stock of shingles in the county at
the present time. RED CEDAR from !
the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR !
from Wisconsin.
G. H. Crawford Seeks Release.
The United States circuit court of
appeals in Philadelphia heard argu-
I ment last Thursday on a writ of habeas
| corpus to secure the release of Ueorgo
| It Crawford, of Cameron county, who
is held by Hherill" William Kiddell. of
: Lycoming county.
Orawford is charged with attempt
; ing to evade the payment of a verdict
j amounting to §27,710,60 obtained
] against him and Walter S. Yothers, by
j Maria P. Johnson, New Jersey,
j Crawford, it is alleged, secreted liis
property in violation of the law and
left the jurisdiction of the court. On
his return he was taken into custody
and committed to the Lycoming countv
I jail on a commitment issued by Judge
i Archbald, of the United States circuit
| court, of the middle district of Penn
Judge Archbald based his action on
the Pennsylvania insolvency act of
1842. The defense contends this law
has been superseded by the national
bankruptcy act and that Crawford's
arrest is illegal. The prisoner was
remanded to the custody of the sheriff
pending decision of the court.
School Directors Convention.
Court House, Emporium. Pa., Satur
day March 30tb, 1907.
10:30 A. M.
Devotional Exercises Kev. Johnston
Our Public Schools I'rof. C. E. Plasterer
Song Westward Primary Pupils
Address to Directors
Dr. Nathan Schaeffer, Supt. of Public in
1:15 P. M.
The Relation of the School Hoard to Public Senti
nient Hon. I. K. Hockley
Recitation Miss Mildred Lloyd
Address to Directors,
Prof. W. M. Pierce Principal of Ridgway
Round table discussions of any of the tollowing
questions may be considered:
1 The purchase and cure of text books and sup
2 How protect school grounds and sohooi pro
3 Compulsory atttendance.
4 Compulsary vaccination.
5 What is a good teacher? How keep such
teachers in the profession?
C How can directors prevent failures in the
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit trom this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903,
Give us a Trial.
A fair trial is all we ask. When we
say there are none better at any price
we mean just that.
BRACE UP. —Not J our feelings this
time, but your clothes.
ZERO MARK.— Here we keep the fig
ure of profit*around the zero mark so
closely that it gives competion a chill
For Sale.
Side board, ten foot extension dining
room table atul six cane chairs, all oak.
Inquire of MRS. D. W FELT. 4-tf.
Found at Last.
•I. A. Harmon, of Lizetnore, West
\a . says: ''At last [ have found the
perfect pill that never disappoints me;
and for the benefit of others afflicted
with torpid liver and chronic eonstipa
tion, will say: Take I)r. King's New Life
Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory, 25c by
all druggists.
| ,r i ¥J 11,1.11
I can tell a person who is constipated
on sight. Their complexion is pasty
or yellow. Their
"| eyes are dull, and
jgfc--. ' they look and feel
si sleepy. No wonder
they do. The
bowels arc a sewer.
p§!jjF They carry away
the poisonous re
fuse. If they dont
act the poisonous
k matter is absorbed
■ML headaches, dull
—-lt?,ig'g™:i ness, bad complex
ion and eventually
SAMCIiL 11UOKEN. • * . i
serious troubles re
There is no better rule for good health
than that the bowels should move eyery
day at the same hour if possible. Regu
larity can be acquired by making a habit
of this. Foolish people neglect this and
when chronic constipation effects them
they take pills every few days to force the
bowels to perform their natural function.
As years goon they require more and
more pills. This should be stopped.
Cooper's New Discovery will build up
the stomach and cause the bowels to act
naturally. While taking the medicine get
the habit of regularity, then gradually
stop taking the medicine.
Here is a sample of letters from those j
who have trieil it:
"For sixteen years I have suffered from
stomach and liver trouble, and chronic
constipation. 1 had headaches
and always felt tired and worn out. I
heard of Cooper's New Discovery and
began its use, After I had finished one
bottle I was wonderfully improved. Con
stipation gave way to a pleasing regularity
of the bowels and I ate better, slept bet
ter and felt better than I had for months.
It is the greatest medicine I have ever j
known." Samuel Booren. 1742 Munsey |
Ave., Scranton Pa.
Our customers who have used them say j
the Cooper medicines do the work. We
sell them.
R. C Dodson, Druggist.
: ! lraiUsll[l!
, j flercantile Appraiser's Notice.
[■ j Names and kind of license of dealers
in the County of Cameron, Pa. The
Appeals will be held in the office
of the
1 Balcorn & Lloyd General Merchandise
I Beattie, P. R Cigars and Tobacco
i Catlin, C, O Grain and Floor
Cruice, John Tobacco and Cigars
Cummings, John Cigars
Coppersmith. E. S Millinery
! Creightou, J. P Cigars
; Donovan. D.W.., Cigars
DolaD . M -J Cigars
Day, J. H Groceries
Dodson, R. C Drugs
Diehl, Charles Grocegies and Meats
112 Emporium Machine Co Tile and Fixtures
, Emporium Furniture Co Furniture
Edgcomb, Henry General Merchandise
Emporium Milling Co Grain and Seed
Furnace Supply Co General Merchandise
l Fisher, J. A Vehicles, &c
112 Gross,',Wm. G
Gilbert, W. G ci?ars
Heilman, F. V Hardware
Howard, C. B. At Co,. General Merchandise
Hogan, M. T Groceries
Harris, Jasper Clothing
Hirsch, R. H Jewelry
Hacket, S. J. General Marchandise
i Haupt & Hauber Vehicles, Ac
Hughes, W.J Produce and Meats
Jaeger, Henry Harness
. Johnson, J. L
Johnson, C. F
• Kinsler.J.A Groceries
Kibe ' John Cigars
Kelley, Misses Millinery and Clothing
Ludl&m, Misses Milliuery
i Laßar, Geo. J Furniture
r Lechner, Joseph Boots and Shoes
1 Lloyd, H. S Stationery
Leet & Co General Merchandise
' Larrabee, M. M Furs, Ammunition, Ac
McDougall, Alex Groceries and Meats
; Murphy, Michael Cigars
-MeUger.Geo. '.'.'.'.Jewelry
• .McDonald, A. A Cigars and Tobacco
McDonald. S.D ciKars
■ McDonald Wm cigars
Murry & Co Tile and Fixtures
Newton, Joseph Groceries
Nellis, Otto Notions and Cigars
Odell, Mrs. Ora Confectionery and Fruit
Overhiser, Mrs. Kate Confectionery & Fruit
i Overhiser, Mrs. I. O, Confectionery b. Fruit
Parsons, J. F General Merchandise
Rockwell, Mrs. M. A Drugs
Seger, R.& Son Clothing
Shives, Prank Groceries and Meats
I Schmidt, Mrs. C. G Confectionery & Fruit
I Schlecht, John Groceries
l Seger, N Clothing
Stephens & Saunders, .... Hardware
Tulis, M. C.... General Merchandise
Turley, A. J Gcoceries.
Tompkins 6t Norris Geueral Merchandise
Taggart, L DrllgK
Vogt, C, J Groceries
Vogt, A. F Boots and Shoes
Winfield, Mary .Confectionery ond Fruit
Zarps, H A. & Co Toys and Furnishings
Brookbank Mercantile Co. .General Merchandise
Bartlet, Joe Groceries
Brooks, M J. B Cigars and Stationery
Callahan, Geo. A Cigars, (stationery, &c
kreider & Yothers ••General Merchandise
Mitchell, W. H Drllga
McDonald, A. M Cigars
McCoole, O. R . Cigars
McVicker, Mrs. Fred Cigars
McVicker, W. F Meata
Nefcy, MissM. E Groceries
Riley. T. J Cigars
Ebersole, E. M Groceries
Furlong. Mary A Cigars
Graham, Robert Cigars
Lewis, MissL Notions and Cigars
Schwab Bros Groceries
Smith, J. E General Merchandise
Walker, A. F Cigars
Barclay Bros. General Merchandise
Baird, D. P. General Merchandise
Bailey, O. L- : Cigars
Crum, V. E Groceries and Meats
Logue, C. E.... General Merchandise
Silin, Nathan Clothing
Shaffer, Geo. P Cigars
Wolfe & Leightner Groceries and Meats
Sizer. Mrs. W. R General Merchandise
Kline &Co. General Merchandise
Lewis, F. J Groceries
Logue, W. H General Merchandise
Dubois, J. E General Merchandise
Hammnod, C. A Meats
Wilson, J. it A General Merchandise
Welton, J. H Cigars
Housler, Mrs. L Emporium
McCorniick, Daniel Emporium
Shoup, Peter Emporium
Snyder, A. H Hicks Ran
Creighton, J. P Emporium
Fisher, Henry Driftwood
Krebs Bros Sinnamahoning
WcDonald, A. A Emporium
Snyder, A. H Hi*ks Run
Atlantic Refining Co Emporium
Dußois, J. E Hicks Run
All persons so ascertained or assessed who
shall fail to attend such appeal from the decis
ion of the Appraiser to the Common Ploas with
in ten days thereafter will not be permitted to
set up a defense to the-rccovery of the amount
of license which lie is repuested to pay when
suit shall be broght that he is not a dealer in
merchandise &c.
The law further provides that it shall be the
duty of the County Treasurer to sue for the re
covery ot all licenses returned to him by the
Mercantile Appraiser if not paid on or before th c
first day of July in each and every year, within
ten days after date and said Treasurer shall no <•
be discharged from any such license unlets he
bring suit to recqvor the same ou or before that
ti-4t, Mercantile Appraiser.
For Sale.
One meat wagon for sale. Call on
Wm. Hackenberg, trustee for Geo. H.
Gross & Co., bankrupt.
Little globules of sunshine that drive
the clouds away. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers will scatter the <>lnom of sick head
ache and biliousness. They do not pripe
or si«-ke*i. Ucconinionded and sold hero
by It. ('. DodsHin.