KM POIUUM MULING PIIICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., March 11, 1907. NEXIOPHILA, per sack *1 15 Felt's Fancy, " 135 Pet drove, " 1 35 Graham " 6u Rye " 60 Buckwheat. " 75 Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, per 1 20 Chop Feed " 1 20 Middlings 1 35 Middlings. Fancy " 1 li Bran 1 30 Chicken Wheat 1 55 Corn per bushel, 67 While Oats, per bushel 55 Oysl r Shells, per 100 Choice Clover.Seed, ) Choice Timothy Seed, !■ At Markest Price Ohoice Millet Seed, ) R.C. DODSON. THE Druggist, KHIMXTIRM, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts., f T\ I <-• '~ v '*f' Jksm' / ' V i;■ -y H.C. nnnmiK. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL UOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would l ike to nee in this department Jet va know by poo • nl card or letter, personally. J. M. Walker, of Scranton, visited in town on Tuesday. Attorney Hippie, of Lock Haven, was in town yesterday. W. Grant Egbert, of Ithaca, N. Y., was in town on Tuesday, E. J. Jones, of Bradford, transacted business in Emporium yesterday. Wm. Wilder, of Olean has been visit ing in town the past few days. Thos. H. Norris and wife are taking in Buffalo sights this week. Jas. Earl and wife went to Buffalo on Wednesday to purchase Jas. an easter hat. Mrs. E. 'Mersereau Newton is ex pected in Empoaium shortly to spend some time. Mrs. D. R. Branson, of Dußois, came over to spend Easter with her father and sister, on Fifth street. We are pleased to report D. C. Hayes greatly improved as we goto press-—in fact is able to leave his bed. Stewart Chase, of Sinnamahoning, visited in Emporium last Saturday, J. Vine Hanscom showing him the sights L. C. Voshage, of Ashland, Pa., stop ped off at this place on Tuesday and visited with friends until yesterday afternoon. Frank T. Beers, Supt. of Eastern Dynamite Company's business at Em porium, left Tuesday on a business trip to Pittsburg. Mr. E. S. Wright, Brockport, N. Y., was guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright, on Maple street, return ing home this morning. Miss Karns, of Cleveland, arrived in Emporium Sunday and will have charge of the trimming department at Ludlam's millinery parlors this season. Mrs. J. M. Card, of Olean, N. Y., was in town last Friday afternoon for a few hours Mrs. Card has not been at all well lately, and came to Emporium to consult Dr. E. O. Bardwell. Josiah A. Fisher has closed the nego tiations for the purchase of the Mrs. Mary Mayze property, consisting of a double dwelling on Fourth street and a double dwelling on R. R. street. Chas. L. Butler, of Port Allegany, has been transacting business in town this week, calling on his many friends. Mr. Butler is now employed in Buffalo by the Pearce Automobile Co. We regret to learn that our old friend 1). C. Hayes was taken suddenly ill on Tuesday, with heart trouble. Dr. Bardwell isnttendinghim. While con fined to his bed, he is resting comfort ably. Wm. Whitmer informs the PKESS he has rented the Allen Ru?sel farm on the Portage and will this week move his dairy stock to the new farm, which affords him better facilities to serve his milk route. The PRESS sanctum was invaded on Monday by Mr. John Diehl, who for some time was chef at Now Warner, accompanied by his brother, Mr. Chas Diehl, the wide-awake West End mer chant, who has built up a hirge and in creasing business. Mr. John Diehl is looking up a location, desiring to en trace in business here. Mrs. J. H. Day returned last Friday from an extended visit to her parents at Brooklyn, N. Y. Hon. Josiah Howard, our hard work ing and faithful Representative spent Sunday at home. J. A. Muttersbaugh, of Driitwood, accompanied by Michael Murphy were PRESS callers this a. m. J. A., seldom ventures away from home, his time being well taken by Pennsy Co., with whom he has been for many years as a trusted ticket and freight agent. Station Agent Asa Murry is now do ing double duty, having contracted to to look after that handsome young lady that putin appearance at his home Tuesday. Read uhe announcement of the Em porium Furniture Co., in another col umn. Chapter Session and Banquet. Emporium Chapter, No. 227, held an important session last Tuesday even ing, which was largely attended, many from neighboring towns being present. The following from Port Allegany Chapter made Emporium Chapter a visitation: Compa jious, King, Stud holme, Bard, Rowley, Taylo' 1 . Fay, Reznor, Wallace and Williams, in ad dition to others from Sterling Run, Drift\ jod, Brookville and Kinnama honin,(. After the work had been concluded the brothers repaired to the handsome banquet hall on same floor, where good cheer and fellowship prevailed until mid-niggt. The menu prepared by the ladies of Presbyterian Church was flatteringly referred to by the visiting Companions. A Dynamite Victim. It has been two or three years since the last serious explosion occured at the Emporium Powder works, and the explosion of yesterday recalls many r the victims of the former disaster thau have now been forgotten by many. In that terrible explosion "BufT" Frantz, one of our respected young man met his death, leaving a widow and four small children to face the world with out a dollar "to keep the wolf from the door." Mrs. Frautz has made a heroic t ruggle and her friends appreciating the fact, to prove their appreciation, they have pursuaded her to open a little store, opposite the Court House and they are giving her a share of their trade. If you believe in helping de serving people who are in need, prove your belief by taking a little cash and giving her a trial order. A FRIEND. Give us a Trial. A fair trial is all we ask. When we say there are none better at any price we mean just that. BRACE UP. —Not your feelings this time, but your clothes. ZERO MARK. —Here we keep the fig ure of profit around the zero mark so closely that it gives competion a chill. 2-tf. BEDARIJ THE TAILOR. For Sale. Side board, ten foot extension dining room table and six cane chairs, all oak. Inquire of MRS. D. W. FELT. 4-tf. DREAMLAND will commence this evening, at the opera house. Perform ance every thirty minutes. Admission five and ten cents. Change of pro gram on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pound at Last. J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va., says: ''At last I have found the perfect pill that never disappoints trie; and for the benefit of others afilicted with torpid liver and chronic constipa tion, will say: Take Dr. King's New Life Pills.'' Guaranteed satisfactory, 25c by all druggists. How to Remain Young. To continue young in health and strength, do as Mrs. X. P. Rowan, Me- Donough, Ha., did. She says:"Three bottles of Klectric Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach trouble, com plicated with such an unhealthy con dition of the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. lam now practically 2(1 years younger than before 1 took Elec tric Hitters. I cau now do all my work with case and assist in my husband's store." Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 50c. Card of Thanks. Editor Presa:— The family of the late Mrs. Philip Schweikart extend their thanks to those kind and sympathic friends who aided and assisted us during our groat affliction; especially do we thank the ladies of M. E. Church and our kind neighbors. THE FAMILY. KODOL digests what you eat and quickly overcomes indigestion, which is a forerunner of Dyspepsia. It is made in strict conformnity to the National Pure Food and Drug Law and is sold on a guaranteed relief plan. Sold by I*. ('. Dodson. Desertion Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that niv wife, JSertha Qraham,having left my bed and board with out just cause or provocation, the public are cautioned not to harbor or trust ficr on my account, for I will not pay any bills of her con tracting. ROBERT D. OR A IT AM. Cameron, I'a.. March '2O, 1907. !i- CAMERON COUNTY PRKSS, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1907. The Ntftvs -N<» Pure Drug Cough Cure Lawn would bo needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop'B Cough Cure is—and has been for 20 years. The National Law now requires that if any poiaonons enter into a cough mixture, it must be prii ted on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop'a CcighCnre. No poison-marks on Dr. Shoe Vs labels-—and none in the medicine, else it must by law lie 011 the label. And it is not only safe, but it is said to by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take 110 chance,particularly with your child ren. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison marks there! You can always been the safe side by demand ing Dr. Shoop'B Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by all dealers. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard & Co.. I Furniture Facts j ipff withu few Remarks Regarding H I |J| 13 this Concern. I \ r 111 making our announcement to the I C f kpublic through the medium of the I La*-*' \i PRESS, we desire to make a few apropos I I HALL RACK statemente, emphasizing particular the I I I Quartered Oak, truth of our assertions. Misrepresentations ■ SB.OO TO $22 of any kind are not permitted in this store I —furniture advertised is oak, is solid oak I "™l "™l throughout. We do not handle any furni- I ture but what is dependable. Prices j| | | quoted by us are the lowest possible figures J | . ... J ' that can be named and still uphold the I | ~ " j worthiness of the article —are not for one I hour or one day, *'t remain in efiect until £ J J— ----j— —j" the article or lot is sold. \W ll —iM\ Last, but not least—the value given in \i I » this store will be found far superior to Ij* those offered by any one else. On this Back P°i n t we invite comparison and cheerfully . . . show customers through our store for that Dining v. h $l.O0 * $3.50 "" rpose EMBALMING AND FUNERAL DIRECTING I Emporium Furniture Co., 8 BERNARD EGAN, Manager. J fy I Ij | j 'iH lilt 1 1 I; MBB^pP HEDUCE GAS BILLS | It jfe The season for Gas Ovens is rapidly approaching jljjj 'lj and we have just received a large supply of this popular [|! J'l make, conceded to be the best and most economical Gas [- !f| Oven. Call and look at this oven before purchasing. IsJ IjiU if || Wc also have Hot Plates and Gas Ranges, the best Jl fr.jj on the market. u«j || For Sale by L [| STEPHENS & SAUNDERS, G| ilf Leading Hardware I )ealers. ll Q|:B agag^lgag^ r|. OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring LJiie of Window Shades |» | " from IOC to 75c per Shade. p 112 Wall Paper for 1907. zr ~"17" I ,[ The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. J, jj) All Colors. p l||i Consists of the best things from three factories. Also - fjj the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's StainfloOl', the best made idnds. for Floors. I PRIZC 1,1 CO,NP " T,OD AL ST HARRY S. LLOYD. I 7z ■ ' v.-".:.; sv. I.' c±=i .-=!&• Tfe rHE£^ The Portage Store. W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the Portage store, desires to inform his ! patrons and the general public that lit; is offering special inducement in canned goods for the next thirty days. Read i this: Tomatoes, 10c; Good California I Peaches, 16c; IWince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c; i Finest String Beans. 10c; Best Seeded Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap, j 25c. Other goods in proportion. Call me on 'phone. W. L. DIXON, 7-tf. Near Portage Bridge. Warning. All persona are hereby forbidden from | trespassing upon tho property of this Company without a permit irom this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1003. 24-tf. Pennsylvania Railroad EASTER EXCURSION $9*95 from Emporium. TO Atlantic I Cape May WILDWOOD, SEA ISLE CITY, or OCEAN CITY, New Jersey Thursday, March 28, 1907 Tickets good going on all regular trains oiulate of excursion I to Philadelphia and connecting trains to seashore points. STOP-OVER OF TEN DAYS AT PHILADELPHIA I allowed ongoing trip if ticket is deposited with Station Ticket Agent, or on return trip, without deposit, within limit. Tickets good to return within fifteen days. EASTER SUNDAY ON THE BOARDWALK Full information of Ticket Agents. J. 11. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. ■ mmmsam e mm momssmam m CELERY A T/J RIPE I LETTUCE UA - A TOMATOES || RADISHES PINE The Satisfactory Store CUCUMBERS APPLES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GROCERY SPECIALS 0 I Make the Day grocery store your grocery. Only goods of the very highest or good quality are allowed in M stock and because of the rapid turning over of the stock they are fresh. Orders by mail or telephone are cor- ■ rectly filled and promptly delivered. The prices too, is ■ another reason why you should buy groceries here. £ I Here's the list for this week. Carefully look it A over and make comparisons. "Barrington Hall" the steel cut Coffee 30 Easter Hams, convenient size, lb 16c 71bs Rolled Oats for 25c. g 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40. * ■ Fancy California lemons, doz 20c. 2lbs. Heinz 15c Mince Meat 25c. I 25c Bottle Heinz Chow Chow, 20c. 25c cans Apricots, extra choice 22c. 40c Gun Powder Tea 30c. ® 15c can Veal Loaf 12c. 118 c can Chicken Loaf 15c. 30c Lunch Tongue a can 25c. 15c Ham Loaf, can 10c. ig ioc can Mustard sardines, Bc. I Better include a jar in ll your order to-day. Sliced Beef 1 ILENTEN SPECIALTIES. Free prompt delivery to all parts of the borough. J. H. DAY,I s a A Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. ft If you have anything to be printed bring it to the PRESS office where it will be done in first class shape.