Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 28, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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How Many Highways Through the
Country Are Being Improved.
Our two illustrations taken from
the New York Times show how hun
dreds of miles of roadway in the rural
Slag Foundation and Broken stone
districts of New York state are being
improved. The slag and crushed stone
roadways are popular in many other
sections of the country, and where the
Steam Roller Finishing the Surface.
materials are not too expensive is the
cheapest in the long run as they make
a permanent road bed which will last
for years with slight repairs.
Gasoline Engines Coming Into More
General Use.
An engine is a time and labor saver
on a farm. With a 24-inch buzz saw,
wood enough can be sawed in one day
to last several months. An engine
will grind feed enough in one day to
last several weeks, and save toll, wear
of harness and vehicles going to mill.
In the dairy time and strength will
be saved running the separator and
churn with power.
Gasoline engines are used to quite
an extent by farmers and the time
saved in starting them is in their fa
vor. You can get first-class steam
engines now that will be ready to run
in 15 to 30 minutes after fire is start
ed, and if in good repair are apt to
run all day without stopping. Whether
to get steam or gasoline, must be de
cided by everyone for himself. If you
have a wood lot, a buzz saw and a
steam engine, you have the fuel prob
lem settled.
Be sure to get an engine that is
large enough. I first bought a small
steam engine, using kerosene for fuel.
1 found it too small for some of my
work and fuel too expensive, so I ex
changed for a larger size. This low
ered my pocketbook some. I now use
a three-horse power boiler and two
horse power engine on a small farm.
1 run a bone cutter, emery wheels,
grindstone, buzz saw and a small
farm feed mill. I can saw two cords
pole wood pe* hour, grind two bags
feed per hoi •, cut 100 pounds bones
per hour, gum saws and grind axes in
a prompt and vigorous manner. I
have found my workshop and engine
a very satisfactory investment.
Buy a good file and keep your tools
sharp. It will lighten work wonder
Quality is more Important than quan
tity in any kind of stock raising. Tha
extra price more than makes up for
the deficiency in numbers.
It is no greater hardship for a boy
to provide dry wood for his mother to
cook his meals than it is to beat ail
the old liars at the crossroads store
at their own game.
Little pigs should have a separate
trough from their mother and the oth
er hogs during the weaning period.
In that way they are taught to eat
and really wean themselves.
Agriculture is one of the oldest, vo
cations known, but there is no other
business about which so little Is
known and which affords such unlim
ited possibilities for improvement.
Winter Time.
Winter is the farmer's vacation
time, but he can improve it to good
advantage by posting himself on the
innovations in agriculture. Following
old methods is not the road to fortune
in this age of progression.
Start That Set of Books.
Have you started that set of books
yet? Unless you keep an account? of
your expenditures and receipts dur
ing the year you will never know what
your profits and losses were.
Plow Deep.
Improvements on the farm should
be, better farming by plowing deeper
and using more farm-made manure,
more thorough cultivation, better
drainage, and more scientific balanc
ing of the live stock
Bom* Account of the Arctic Tript
That Have Been Mad*.
Beginning with the American dis
coveries of John Cabot in 1497, the
search for the northwest passage was
for many years the object of rival ex
-1 peditions from Denmark, England,
Franco and Portugal, says A. W.
Greely, in the Century. It was Frobish
; er, however, who in 1576-78 first gave
a distinct national character to the
quest. John Davis of Davi£" strait,
i followed in three voyages, 1585-88, and
then, in 3C12, came the illustrious and
hapless Henry Hudson, whose motto
was that explorera should "achieve
what they had undertaken or else give
reasons wherefore it will not be."
The search for the Atlantic side
closed for two centuries with the voy
age of a great seaman, William Baf
fln, who, in a tiny boat of 55 tons, with
a miserable equipment, but an un
daunted heart, attained, in 1616, the
highest north in the western hemis
phere, 77 degrees 45 minutes N., and
discovered three radiating sounds,
Jones, Smith and Lancaster, the last
being the eastern entrance to the long
■ought passage.
Rash Covered Face and Feet—Would
Cry Until Tired Out —Speedy
Cure by Cuticura.
"My baby was about nine months
old when she had rash on her face
and feet. Her feet seemed to irritate
hor most, especially nights. They
would cause her to bo broken in her
rest, and sometimes «he would cry
until she waa tired out. 1 had always
used Cuticura Soap myself, and had
heard of so many cures by the Cuti
cura Remedies that I thought I would
give them a trial. The improvement
was noticeable in a few hours, and
before I had used one box of the Cu
ticura Ointment her feet wero well
and have never troubled her since. 1
also used it to remove what is known
as "cradle cap" from her head, and
it worked like a charm, as it
cleansed and healed the scalp at the
same time. Now I keep Cuticura
j Ointment on hand in case of any
1 little rash or insect bites, as it takes
I out the inflammation at once. Per
haps this may be the means of help
ing other suffering babies. Mrs. Hat
! tie Currier, Thomaston, Me., June 9,
I 1906."
Queen of Holland Has Agreed to Rec
ognize Vatican Titles.
Among the lucrative sources of rev
i enue of the pope before the separa
j tion of church and state in France was
i the toll or tax on titles of nobility
and decorations. Since the rupture
the French government no longer rec
ognizes the ennobling titles and dec
orations of the holy father. To have
the right to wear the Vatican ribbon,
or to be called count. It was necessary
to obtain a confirmation of title. This
gave much perplexity to the candi
The question has Just been settled.
Queen Wilhelmina has consented to
validate such titles and distinctions,
j The result has been an amusing pil
grimage to The Hague—and also in
an increase in the price of these pon
tifical favors.
In the last few weeks the French
I Knights of the Golden Spur, of tha
Holy Sepulcher, of Christ, of Gregory
the Great, of Pius IX. have greatly in
Sufferers Should Make This Up and
Try It Anyway.
Any one can mix right at home the
I best remedy of its kind known. The
j name "Cyclone" ip given to the fol
lowing prescription, it is supposed, be
cause of its promptness in driving
from the blood and system every ves
tige of catarrhal poison, relieving this
foul and dread disease, no matter
| where located. To prepare the mix
j ture: Get from any good pharmacy
j one half-ounce Fluid Extract Dande
j lion, one ounce Compound Kargon and
three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsa
parilla. Shake well and use in tea
spoonful doses after each meal and at
This is a harmless, inexpensive mix
ture, which has c. pecnliar action upon
j the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys,
j assisting them to filter and strain
j from the blood and system all ca
j tarrhal poisons, which, if not eradi-
I cated, are absorbed by the mucous
! membrane, and an open sore or ca
tarrh is the result.
Prepare some and try It, as it Is the
prescription of an eminent catarrh
specialist of national reputation.
Photographs Sent by Wire.
Prof. Korn, of the Munich univer
sity, has greatly improved his appara
tus for transmitting photographs over
telegraph wires. He has succeeded in
sending photographs and sketches six
or seven inches square in this manner
from Munich to Nuremberg, a distance
of 100 miles, in from 10 to 15 minutes.
60 years ago Allcock's Plasters were
first introduced to the public. They are
to-day the world's standard plasters.
This invention has been one of the
greatest blessings imaginable and af
fords the quickest, cheapest and best
means ever discovered for healing
and relief of certain ailments.
Allcock's are the original and gen
uine porous plasters and are sold by
Druggists all over (he world.
Decision of character will often give
to an unfair mind command over a
•uperlor.—W. Wirt,
Read the Experience of a Minnesota
Woman and Take H^rt.
If your back aches, and you feel
sick, languid, weak and miserable day
after day—don't
ney Pills have cured
t Sa thousands of women
in the same condition.
Kidney Pills I would
1899 and I've been
well since. I used to have such pain
in my back that once I fainted. The
kidney secretions wero much disor
dered, and I was so far gone that I
was thought to be at death's door.
Since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I
feel as if I had been pulled back from
the tomb."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The "Thunderer.'*
Judge Rentoul's reference on the
bench to the Times as the "Thunder
er" reminds us how remarkably this
nickname has persisted. The Morrr j
ing Post Is no longer "Jeames;" the !
Standard has not been "Mrs. Gamp"
since the decease of the Morning Her
ald —the "Mrs. Harris" to whom it
would allude as an independent au
thority, and the two represented the
same proprietor. But the Times is still
the "Thunderer." It owes that name
to Captain Edward Sterling, who ii
said to have begun a Times article
with tho words: "Wo thundered forth
the other day an article on the subject '
of social and political reform." —Lon-
don Chronicle.
The revelations regarding fraudu
lent paint materials which have been
made by the Agricultural Experiment
Station of Fargo, N. D., and published
by Prof. E. F. Ladd, state commis
sioner, have occasioned almost as
much of a sensation as the exposure
of adulteration in food products did
when the latter first began to appear.
It has been shown that kegs marked
"Pure White Lead" often contain other
substances such as chalk, barytes,
silica, etc., and that oil supposed to
be linseed often contains petroleum
adulterants, to say nothing of water
in large proportions. Sometimes, so
called "White Leads" contain not an
iota of genuine White Lead.
The farmer is a large user of paint.
No one is more interested than he is,
that the label should enable him to
get what he supposes he is paying for.
There should be a law in every state
requiring that all paint packages be
labeled exactly according to their con
tents. That would enable every paint
buyer to buy intelligently.
"Is your husband up yet?" asked
the sour-faced woman at the door. "I
expect he is," was the reply. "I'd
like to see him for a few minutes."
"So would I. He hasn't come home
yet."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
Take Garfield Tea, the mild Ilerh lax
ative, to purify the blood, eradicate dis
ease, and maintain Good Health.
To be a great man It is necessary
to turn to account all opportunities.—
PAZO «I|»NTMKNT is guaranteed to cure an* ca«e
«>t lii!b nir. Blind, Bleeding or I'rotrudliig I'ilea in
Gto 14 days or money refunded. 6Uc.
The soubrette has the laugh on tha
comedian who gets none.
Mr*. Wifiiluw's Soothing Syrop.
For children teething, Buftens the gums, reduces In
lluinuiatiuu,*l!aya[mla, cures wUidcolii;. '.!6c » buttle.
Some men blame their wives every
time it rains.
AYegetablePreparalionforAs- ■
similating the Food andßcgula- W
tingtheStomachsaMßowelsof |8
Promotes Digestion, Cheerfu- Bj
ness and Rest.Contains neither Ijfl
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. H
NOT Narcotic.
aroUOrSiMlHimmg ?f|
fampjun Sent- . . u
J4IX.Suu%M • I ri£
Bm&USJm- I 3S
AmttXtt* * '•> V'
jHr+Sed.- I
VE&SMn* '
A perfect Remedy for Censlipa- 1
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms,Convulsions.Fevensh- B
ness and Loss OF SLEEP. H
Tac Simile Signature of
Money refunded for each package of
PUTNAm FADELESS DYES if unsatia- ~Wc, y •
factory. Ask your druggist. 'll* |
What we are stretches past what we
do, beyond what we possess.—Drum- #*Sl
mond. tm\ mKxSK
Garfield Tea insures a normal action of JL 'J I H^LxK
the liver, overcomes constipation, and V
keeps the blood pure. Drink before
Prickly thistles hare their uses U.11^1" gw
r;"^'.-.'-''"' 1 ! " su ' I all ni<iht long from toothache. ■
ONLY ONE "BBOHO m IMM " I or rheumatism. II
That is I.AXATIVK HKOMO Onimne. Similarly W¥ 112
named n»nedict» sometime* deceive. The and 41 r ■ &HL
original Cold Tablet Is a WHITK I'ACKAIiK with fij Mfflg
black and red lettering, and boars the signature of a IB 61 ■ B w W^M
K. W.GROV H. 25c. ■■ XVT Vr\ 1. li_T
It's a never-falHns sign that a girl SnS Jj * —-? dT^ [ 112 1 fp|
Is In love with a young man when she BB I JI JT% Hll g% I §L"|
begins to want to read the letters he 19
receives from other eirls || \[\\ S the quiets tllC
An " c " re " wl ) lle You f Walk - , I nerves induces sleep |§
Aliens l'oot-Ka«e/is a certain cure for i B&jj
hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching , HI I 1 . . AP r- ft .<i AN ?;: i
feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't H AT ft.LL QGdilerS, RRFCE ZJC OUC FE I.UU
acceptanv substitute. Trial package FREE. _ V
Address Allen S. Olmsted, he Roy, N. Y. ■ J) r Ed,rl S.S!odd\, BostotV, MzvSS.U.S.A. |jl
Rudyard Kipling, who dislikes the HbBBI3ME!F" ffi^'JMiIK^SIWBWBBBBSPSS'M^
winter climate in Kngland, will hero- ■P^WBEBB^KI
after blot out the chilly months from ..... ~«,«.«« ..„
his calendar by a visit to South Af- , CHEAP LAND 2 < Jnfi * cc ' le * for general farm- JOIN POST CARD CLUB "tKSSSSS/'^a^SS
rica, whero he has a beautiful house rt>: /convenient 10 the\cry bi.t"/***"'. «'ri'l trVnipor? (toU^PMt^SardS^ndVour'n^
r* m _i , , . n ~ | tat ion facilities Write nearest olHoe for Hat* and pub- IMPKHIAI POST rißnni-H VIVRU ~
I Dear Cape Town, given him by Cecil Hcatlonii. M. V. Richard*. Land and Industrial Ajrent, IMrKRUL POST CLtB, 7# IIFTU AFK., M.l. CITI.
T7VIR>^ A O I Bonthem Hr. and Motjt>*A Ohio R. K.. Washington. D.C.
Itnoaes. as. ChaHe.Weat.Agt. f2iChemieai Hid*., St. Louis, Mo. FSJ # K. C (1907 8) 2166.
ffj One of the Important Duties of Physicians and m
1 the Well-informed of the World J
is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufacture M
■k ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to
1\ the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well JfM
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup &M
Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
tinjf its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the jjggjf
■B Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent sue- 1%
V I cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would | 1
I I enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right I I
II living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour
of recreat'on, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute W
■k to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but
II as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the M I
xAI proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present II
Xoji truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won
the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac- p
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. kv
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of —
Syrup of Figs —and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of lyT
I I family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well » |
1/ known to physicians and the Well-Informed of the world "to be the best of natural ml
V laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of —Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Jk
ML Senna —as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be
■ m called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs—and to get its beneficial effects always | m
II note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. — I I
% I plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of I I
MM Figs—or by the full name —Syrup of Figs and. Elixir of Senna —as —Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna —is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
«|9 Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
jHV satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout MS
■K the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which Jfe|
HH is fifty cents per bottle. ■■
It Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Companj-, filed with the raff
Wjl Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., that the remedy is not adulterated or V|
WM misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. ml
I 0% San Francisco, Cal. A I
VJ Louisville, Ky. U S. A. New York, N. Y.
TFfIRY BEAR P ar LOR GAME, all the rage,
IL«kJUr| sample sent for DIUK poitpalil.
EUIt£KA Mb G. CO., Box 742, Schenectady, N. Y.
I For Infants and Children^
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the / «
Signature /Kv
(V Jp* ' n
Hi/ Use
U* For Over
Thirty Years
!; |
I'• K&2 That's the program in the Texas Gulf BUMP
111".' US Coast Country. It's easy there, because the K
i'' H l an d works ' and produces every H
! !', HH month in the twelve! k
' Think of it: SSOO per acre in cabbage—s6oo per j&gtXC
j[ HH acre in onions—s3.3o a bushel (or new potatoes —
I cucumbers bring $3.00 a bushel in Msy at the Eastern SMK
markets. These and many actual, evcry-day results in
!l H fruit culture also, can be proved to you. I can give you mRB
i names and addresses o{ the people who are doing
II these things while you are reading this advertisement |MK
j U|J Bffll and the snow and cold weather ore keeping you idle. yffiqH
111 I aRkuS of the Texas Gulf Coast is the healthiest in the 1881
"j J B country. The irrigated land which you can buy now at
<IJ BHH $25 per acre —is the richest in productiveness. S9B
IA 11 > BH Tho railroad facilities will place your products in the
i J '11 ||Mg markets ahead of every other section of the country.
[1 ■I i ■HI You get fancy prices—you save in freight rates —you gEfraE
I make money and ery'oy good health.
11 Let me send you • 75-page illustrated book full of
( PralS actual facts about that wonderful country. Read it.
I I BTfltli Let me send you names of people who own some of
I i ! MSB this land and are doing these things. Write to them.
i)l I Buy a round-trip investigator's ticket to any point on L'ijJ
flißltfgi the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Ry.— go down BBgp
UWluB snd look the country over. Rate is but $25.00 from $SjS$
\lu\l jjpyfa Chicago, 520.00 from St. Louis, for the round trip, on *'
I i and third Tuesdays monthly. Sixteen carloads of
w KpH people went down on our excursion of January 15th I PMjßf
II ( Iv Do not the arfwaeate reasonable? Wouldn't r
<l ; '! /11 IRSVjM you Hies to loam more about tb« couotry ? Tbeo write . /
I'l'/'jl BnSs write mo Addreaa f^tv
y.Uy,'l H§Pj| JOHN SEBASTIAN, PasMDger Traffic Manager, _f*
1 Alii Kraßa Rsobl La Saßa Statical _J Room | Fritce Bnildinf 'Mj