Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 28, 1907, Image 5

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KM porium, pa., February?, 1907.
NEMOPHILA, per sack |1 15
Felt's Fancy. " 1 3ft
Pet Grove, " 1 35
Oraham, " 60
Rye ." fio
Buckwheat. " 75
Patent Meal " 50
Ooarse Meal, per too, 1 20
Ohop Feed, " 1 20
Middlings, 1 35
Middlings-Fancy " 1 15
Bran 1 30
Chicken Wheat 1 55
Corn per bushel, 67
White Oats, per bushel 53
Oyst r Shells, per 100
Choiie Clover Seed. )
ChoiceTlmithySeed, > At MarkestPrice
Ohoice Millet Seed, 1
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.,
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you would
kc to see in this department,let us know by pot
al card or letter, personally.
C. C. Fay is laid up with the grip-
Mrs. J. R. Fetter was a PRESS busi
ness caller on Friday lust.
Mrs. Gordon Baker, of Fifth street,
was a Press visitor on Monday.
Mr. J. Oren Mikle, of Seranton, is
now employed in Taggart's drug store.
Thos. Stephens, W. M. Bergin, C. H.
Corde and Lea Hayes spent Sunday at
Miss Elizabeth Ludlam went to New
York and Philadelphia on Monday to
purchase new spring millinery goods.
Mrs. A. L. Hickok, of Shippen. was a
PRESS visitor yesterday and carried
away a receipt for one year's PRESS.
Our townsman, Mr. E. G. Coleman,
has recovered from his illness and is
able to call on his friends, including
the PRESS.
Word has been received here that a
daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Schweikart, at Watoga, W. Va.,
on Feb. 24.
Supt. 11. A. Eick, who has almost
completely recovered from his seri -
ous illness, was calling on his friends
down town Tuesday.
James Hobson, of West Creek, who
for several years has been a very profi
cient poor master of Shippen township
was a PRESS visitor on Monday.
Elmer Kaye, eldest son of our enter
prising townsman Mr. Jos. Kaye, was
a PRESS caller on Monday, and pushed
the date on his paper well into 1908.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Norie and child
ren were at St. Paul, Minn., on Feb
22, taking in the sights, while en route
for their new home at Pilchuch, Wash.
Ross W. Barrows, of Lock Haven,
Pa., was a visitor in Emporium on Fri
day last. Mr. Barrows is pominently
engaged in banking at Lock Haven
and is meeting with success.
Col. J. O. Brookbank and Dr. Beale,
of Driftwood, were visiting in Empori
um on Saturday for.the; purpose of hav
ing X-Rays used on Mr. Brookbank's
Electric light engineer, W.W. Knick
erbocker has been confined to his resi
dence for several days, suffering with
muscular rheumatism, but is able to
again resume work.
Geo. Strawbridge, of Sterling Run,
but spends most of his time in this
place as a member of P. E. R. R., con
struction gang, was a Press visitor on
Tuesday and made sure of the Press
for another year.
Last Friday as Mr. Dan'l Downey
was crossing the street, r.earthe Hamil
ton Hose House, he slipped on the ice
and fell injuring his right ankle. Dr.
Heilman diagnosed a fracture of the
small bone, just above the joint.
E. B. Hulley, of Lewistown, and M.
H. Morning, of Philadelphia, are call
ing on our citizens in the interest of
the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insur
ance Co., of Philadelphia. They are
pleasant gentlemen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lupoid, of Utica,
"V , were called to Emporium hist
I hursday evening on account of the
death ol Goo. Campbell, but were not
allowed to visit their sister and left for
home. Mr. Lupoid was a Press visitor
on Friday.
J. M. Davison lihh returned from his
delightful trip.
.Judge B. W. Green and family left
for Emporia, Fla., on Tuesday.
S. E. Murry, the plumber, says they
have a little lady at his home which is
as fine as silk.
We notice that Miss E. L. Ludlana,
of this place, register at Windsor Hotel,
Philadelphia, yesterday.
Our old friend Michael Evers, of
Beechwood was a social and business
caller at PRESS office this p. m.
Michael Dolan and wife are delight
ed over the arrival of their first boy
all other children having been girls.
Mre. E. S. Coppersmith desires to
inform her trade that Miss Moyer, the
trimmer, will be with her again this
Miss Mattie Collins returned on Mon
day from Cleveland and reports her
brother no better—being still in an
unconscious condition.
Mr. A. C. Blum, secretary of Key
stone Powder Company, of this city re
turned to-day from an extended busi
ness trip in the west.
Mr. Fred A. Johnson, wife and little
daughter will arrive in Emporium this
afternoon. The genial Capt. has not
yet ordered any lullaby songs.
Mrs. Chas. T. Logan is visiting rela
tives and friends in New York city,
while her husband is makinga business
trip to eastern points in interest of
Sinnamahoning Powder Co.
We regret our old friend and great
ly e«teemed citizen Mr. W. P. Lloyd, of
firm Balcom & Lloyd,is confined to his
residence, having a severe attack of
grip, with all the usual trimmings.
L. O. Goodnough, brother of Ex-
Prothontary Mr. C. Jay Goodnough,
of this place, has been appointed post
master of Corn wall-on-Hudson, N Y.,
a fine position. Congratulations, L. G.
Josiah A. Fisher is negotiating for
the purchase of the Mrs. Mary Mayze
property on Fourth street. He is also
negotiating the sale of his Fifth street
residence to Jas. Haley. LATER— The
latter sale has been closed.
Preventics, as the name implies, pre
vent all Colds and Grippe when "taken
at the Bneeze stage." Preventics are
toothsome candy tablets. Preventics
dissipate all colds quickly, and taken
early, when you first feel that a cold is
coming, they check and prevent them.
Preventics are thoroughly safe for
children, not as effectual for adults.
Sold and recommended in 5 cent and
25 cent boxes by
Some Notes on ''Origins."
"Humpty Dumply Sat on a Wall,"
etc., has cotui down to us from the
days of King John. "The Babes In the
Wood" dale-' f. iin the fifteenth cen
tury, being founded upon facts, an old
house near Wo >d. Norfolk,
having the whole story in carvings on
u mantelpiece. "Little Jack Iloruer,"
"Little Mis*. MiiiYett," "Old .Mother
Hubbard," "Mother Goose" and
"Goosey, Goosey tlander," are each
traceable to the sixteenth century.
"Pussy Cat, Pussy Cot, Where Have
You Been?" belongs to the reign of
Queen Elizabeth. "Three Blind Mice"
first appeared in a music book dated
"A Froggle Would a Wooing Go"
was licensed to be sunjr as far back as
1050. "Boys and Girls Come Out tc
Play" and "Lucy Locket Lost Her
Pocket" both hail from the period of
Charles 11. And last of all, "Cinderel
la," "Jack the Giant Killer," "Blue
beard" and "Tom Thumb" were pub
lished by their author, Charles Per
rault, in the year 1097.—London Notes
and Queries.
Plain Words.
Freeman, the historian, it Avas said,
was apt to grow irritable over matters
of intellectual difference. One day he
was at the Maeinillans' when the con
versation turned upon the subject of
Ireland. Mr. Macmillan said that, for
his psft't. he was !a favor of granting
Whereupon Freeman liegan to growl
at tbi! use of a Greek word.
"Why can't you speak English," de
manded he, "and say home rule in
stead of speaking Greek, which you
don't knowV"
One of the guests flushed with anger
and ventured to reprove Freeman, call
ing his attention to the respect due
their host and at the same time paying
tribute to Mr. Macinillan's remarkable
abilities. But, although Freeman did
not apologize in so many words, he
smoothed the matter over by a humor
ous repetition of his criticism. Later
some one mentioned gout. "There you
go again!" exclaimed Freeman. "Why
can't we call if toe woe?"
Prey of the Sparrow Hawk.
The sparrow hawk almost invariably
catches a flying bird for its meal, even
striking down birds as large as the
wood pigeon, though usually going no
higher than a blackbird. If it does not
exactly swoop like the larger hawks,
yet it must have conditions of chase of
its own choosing. That is why the
small birds usually mob it with impu
nity when they arc numerous enough
to bewilder it. Once, however, I saw
a sparrow hawk that had been molest
ed for some minutes by a perfect, cloud
of green finches darf among them and
secure a victim. One day I had one of
these birds pointed out as the one
, which a few days earlier had come
close to the house toward dusk and
i caught a bat on the wing. That, how
ever. is a very unusual meal.—London
If you want to make a thief angry call
him a thief.
Colors and Seamstresses.
The seamstress, passing her needle
through and through the fabric on
ber lap, said:
"I love to sew white. I love to sew
green too. Pinks are easy. So are
most of the clear, pale tints. But
black! But red! Hut shepherd's
She threw back her head in horror.
"Bright red, when you sow it, In
flames your vision, it angers you, it
makes you nervous. Black strains the
eyes out of your head, the stitches in
it are so hard to see. Black is a de
pressing color too. Rut worst of all
is that combination of black and white
called shepherd's plaid. Work on shep
herd's plaid an hour or two and the
black and white squares will dance
under your eyes like living things.
Polka dots dance, too," she ended.
"Tliey polka; hence the name."—-Xew
York Press.
The Childish Voice Too Much.
A good story is told of Siguor Foli,
the famous basso. Once upon a time
he was singing "The Itaft," when a
childish voice from somewhere in the
stalls suddenly piped in and attempted
to organize an impromptu <1 net. Un
fortunately the next line of the song
was: "Hark! What sound is that which
breaks upon mine ear?"' Tills so tickled
the fancy of the great vocalist that lie
burst into a hearty lit of laughter and
left tin- platform, followed by the pi
anist. Twice tbey came back and at
tempted llic song, and finally they had
to give it up in despair, much to the
amDrt of the audience.
Lame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by rheu
niatism of the muscles and may be cured
bv applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm
two or three tiuien a day and rubbing the
parts vigorously at each application. If
this does not afford relief, bind on a piece
ot flannels slightly dampened with Pain
Halm, and quick relif is almost sure to
follow. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E.
Smith. Sterling Run: Crura Bros., Sin
New fine white dress goods, at all
prices, fancy waist and dress silks from
50c up; long black and white silk
gloves, $1.25, at E. S. Coppersmith's.
Get busy! Goto Bedard the Tailor,
for your spring suit. 2-tf.
Ilai Merrett, the star cartoonist, %vho
is du ate the Emporium opera house,
Tuesday, March 26th, tells the follow
ing little story on one of his own peo
ple. The past summer he had occasion
to pass along Main street, which by
the way is the only streat in the little
town he picked out for his summer
home It was quite late in the even
ing, when he espied a young man of
his acquaintence trying to laugh londly
to himself. The young man halted the
new comer, "Shay" he yelled, "Waush
tell you funny thing." I don't see
anything to laugh at replied Mr. Mer
ritt, disgusted at the young fellows
condition. "What's the joke?" "Fun
niest thing ever saw", replied the
youug man "Fellerzh down t'th club
tried to get mo drun'k'n. I fooled 'em.
Drank six bottles of beer 'it- never fays
lied me." Prices, 15, 25, 155 and 50cts
jj "Dockash" i|
IA Stove that Lasts aLife Time |
and Always Gives Satisfaction. '
Burns wood, coal or yas. A perfect baker and will ||i
fl meet the approval of every perfect housewife. Ifjj!
11l P
Jj For Sale by [jj]
Ifjj) Leading Hardware Dealers. Mi
iSSiySiPEi g; □ gHFslgn3gaisfilil
l( OUR NEW LINE OF NeW ® prin,E L *" e "' Wl "''°" ShadeS l
Ijij from IOC to 75c per Shade. 1
If! Wall Paper for 1907. . PIIM . T ~ .. I
.!' The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. 8=!
I ==================== All Colors. 1
Consists of tlie best, tilings from three factories. Also - —— ■— - |jjl
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's Staillfloor, the best made
kinds - for Floors.
lij The Craves line took first prize in competition at St. •_* a 7 c* II Al rr\ S
& 'l.onis against the,world. HARRY S. LLOYD. J
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
All headaches go
When you grow wiser
And learn to use
An "Early Riser.' -
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, safe, sure
pills. Sold by It, C. Dodson.
Piles of people have Piles. Why suf
fer from piles when you can use DeWitt's
Carbolized Witch Hazel Salvo and get re
lief. Nothing else so good. Beware of
imitations. See that the name is stamp
ed on each box. Soid bv R. C. Dodson.
WANTED. —A man to sell tea, coffee,
spices, extracts, baking powder and
soap on commission to consumers.
l-3t. Dußois, Pa.
You can get all kinds of good cedar
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
Williams' Kidney Pills.
Have you neglected your kidneys?
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys
and Bladder? Have you pains in the
loins, side, back, groins and bladder?
Have you a flabby appearance of the face,
especially under the eyes? Too freijuent
desire to pass urine? If so William's
Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free.
By mail .">U cents. Sold by R. C. Dud
son. Williams M'f'g. Co.. Prop's, Cleve
and. < >. 9-ly.
The Maddening Disease, Rheumatism,
Easily Cured With URIC-O.
It might interest Rheumatic suffer
ers of this country to learn the wonder
ful work that Urie-0 is doing towards
the relief and cure of this dreaded dis
ease. Letters of praise are received
daily from men and women who have
used the remedy with the greatest suc
cess. The manufacturers of this won
derful Specific have never solicited a
testimonial or a word of praise from
people who have used the remedy. Yet,
letters like the one given below are be
ing received from both old and young.
Mr. Reuben Whipple, grocery clerk, of
Glens Falls, N. Y.,says:—l was laid up with
Severe form of, and was eon
-11 tied to my room for nine weeks. A sample
bottleof urle-o, and one regular bottle lias
worked a wonderful change In me. It lias
entirely cured my Rheumatism,and I am
now able togo about my work again I
recommended the remedy to Mr. John
Harris, of Ksist I,ake fieorce, who was unable
tow alk. He had taken every possible treat
ment, had spent hundreds of dollars, and
had found no relief, lie Is taking t'ric-O,
and is improving rapidly, and able to be out
around. I will continue to recommend
L'ric-O, as It Is certainly a merited remedy.
Uric-O is sold by Druggists generally
atSI.OO per bottle, or it will be sent by
SYRACUSE, N. Y., upon receipt of
price. Liberal size samples and circu
lars will be mailed free to all who ap
ply for same.
Uric-0 is sold in Emporium by L.
Taggart. 321y.
The Best Physic.
Whet) you want a physic that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in
effect, take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets 25 cents. Every box
warranted. Get a free sample at L. Tag
gnrt's dru<; store and try them. J. E.
Smith. Sterling Run: Crura Bros., Sin
Neighbors (lot Fooled.
"I was iiterallly coughing myself to
death, and bad become too weak to
leave my bed; and neighbors predicted
that I would never leave it alive; but
tbey got fooled, for thanks be to God. I
was induced ro try Dr. King's New Dis
covery. It took just four one dollar
bottles to completely cure the cough and
restore me to good sound health," writes
Mrs. Eva l aeaph'er, of Grovertown, Stark
Co.. Ind. This King of cough and cold
cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is
guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and
81.00. Trial bottles free.
Insurance Agency,
Fire, Life, Health and Acci
dent, Employers Liability, Boiler
Insurance, Plate Glass, Surety
Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa.
l>4>|M*rv. Made of a»be»to* Is l~ IHII PROOF;
Allracilvely flnUhcd in ifrwii IraihtrHl.-*, with brass
B. Crackers sp 100lb "
® s
COD 12 1-2 _ 4 FLOUR, j
The Satisfactory Store ■
CAN J 25c Pkge V g
tion of the best Spanish and Virginia
peanuts, roasted, ground and packed
Appeals to the housewife, because it under rigid sanitary conditions. More
can be used in such variety of ways. pure and healthful than dairy butter—de-
The "Beech Nut Brand" Bacon has a licious in flavor—the best peanut butter
distinctive flavor, just the right propor- in the best jar on the market. "Beech
tion of fat and lean meat, and is sliced Nut Brand" I'eanut Butter, price per jar
thinner and more uniform than you can 10c, 18c, 25c. |j§
do it by hand. Orderja trial size jar. jB
* California Hams, trimmed Shoulder lb nljc Jf
-• 251b bag granulated sugar $1.40. m
50c Teas, black, green or mixed, 40c. 11
"Regal" Corn regular 12c, Friday and Saturday 10c. »
IP Pure Corn Starch, a lb 6c. Jp
Iloc Macaroni, Spaghetti or Vermicelli, lb 12c.
30c Brooms, each 20c.
50c package Taper Matches —double length 10c.
15c seeded Raisins lb 12.1 c. ftfe
12c Banner Lye, can 10c.
lib can Royal Baking
21bs Heinz Mince Meat, 2JC; regular 15c lb.
I Presto lialliniore Chucked Oysters, b
received each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Choicest fresh fruits and vegetables. J!
You get better values here.
J. H. DAY, I
T T"1 rt A cure guaranteed if you um
PILES fl""" Suppository
, D Mit[ Ihm 8
Graded RchooM, 8! nt'flTl ]' e, N. C.. wrilca ; "I ceo ■»»
llirj do all »..o claim for tli.m." l>r. 8. M. UeTorr,
I'.aveo Rock, W. Va., wrltcal "Thfj glre uolnrmlaaiU
f action. Dr. H. D. McOUl, Clarkrturj, T. no., write,:
11 la A prac!lce of 23 jeara, I have found no r> medy to
equal your*." Patca, 60 Caxre. Sample, Pr.«. gold
Sold in Emporium by L. TaggartO R. C. Dodson
> ' ■> n . net?.
1 '"kkt »iv Rkiikf for Scpprkmed Jlit.-i n.
• .... rniitrcit ..r >i V lC«*fuiiil- 1. >
,» r liox* V/ill tbcm on innl, t»
•vo tlicm acud > our order* to tUo >UU J J
''<* L Mr. OtCAL CC. t top* 74. LAt^O#' *v• ••, -a
■ . i
. ,si.yonnm by L 1 aggsrf & R. C. Dodson
I Woro I sin# If you have pimples, blotches,
, p £* ■ or other skin Imperfections, you
can ren,ove them and have a clear
an{ ® beautiful complexion by using
Removes bkin Imperfections.
Beneficial results guaranteed jm
or money refunde-l. jf
Sendstarnp for Free Sample, v*" A
Particulars and Testimonials.
Mention this paper. After Using.
Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bed Clover Blossrm an - } i J .cucy Bee oo Every Uottle.