THE ' I Windsor Hotel Between 12th and 13th Sts>.. on Filbert St. Philadelphia, Pa. Three minutes W A I.if from the Reading Terminal. 1 Five minutes WALK from ihePenn'a R. R. Depot. European Plansl.o4 per day and upwards. American Plan $2.. EASTWARD. 12& 6; S 2 : 10 I 4 STATIONS. ! ! Port Allegany,.. Lv. 5 10 » 30 11 4J 2 45 7 12 Chemical Works 00 *9 34 00 ! 00 00 Burtville, 520 9 to 11 50 255 7 22 Roulette 5 28 1 9 48 11 58 303 7 30 Knowlton's, *5 32 *9 52 »12 02 »3 07 00 Mina, *5 38 968 »12 08 3 1 3 7 40 Olmsted, *5 42 10 02 "12 12 *3 17 »7 44 , Ar 550 10 10 12 20 325 00 Coudersport. ', „ A. M 752 1 L,v - 600 100 North Coudersport, ' '... . »1 05 ' Frluk's, «6 i!) *1 12 1 Colesburg *0 17 1 19 Seven Bridges, »6 21 ..... *1 23 ... Ravinotuls »c 30 1 3J Gold, n 35, 1 38 Newneld 1 42 Newtieid Junction. 6 45 1 50 Perkins, IS ...... *1 53 Carpenter's, »i 56 Crowell's, »6 51 *2 59 Ulysses, 7 05 2 10! ; I |A.M.IP.M. I I WESTWARD. 7 1 3 9 5 STATIONS. —— j A. M. A. M. P. SI. P. M. Poit Allegany 4 50; it 10 230 455 650 Chemical works .... OG oo »2 24 00 Burtville,. »4 37 857 217 442 637 Rc ilette, i 130 KSO 210 485 630 Knowlton's OD , oo *2 05 *1 30 *6 '.'a Mina 420 840 200 425 620 Olmsted, «4 15 *8 35 *1 55 4 20 *6 15 lAr 410 830 150 415 610 Coudersport, .. < r. M P. M.'P. M. • ( Lv.; 825 j 505 North Coudersport, 00 *5 00 Krink's,.. | »8 14 ,*4 52 Colesburg, «8 07 1 ' 4 45 Seven Bridges, *8 02 *4 40 Raymond's i «7 52 4 30 Gold I 1 7 47 1 4 25 Newßeld... ! »7 43 *4 21 Newtieid Junction,.. 740 358 Perkins ' *7 33 *3 53 Carpenter's I *7 30 ;»3 50 Crowell's, : *7 27 *3 47 Ulysses Lv,i... .| 7 20' ! I 3 40 Train 15 arrives at Port Allegany at 8:50 on Sunday. Train 14 leaves Port Allegany on Sunday at 8:10 p. m. I*l Flag stations. <°°) Trains do not stop (t) Telegraph offices. Trains run week days only. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y for points north and south. At B. &S. Junc tion witli Buffalo A Susquehannaß. R. north for Wellsville, south for Galeton and Addison. At Port Allegany with Pennsylvania R. R., north for Buffalo, Oleau, Bradford and Smethport: south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium and Penn'a R. R., points. B. A. McCLURE, vlen'lSupt. Coudersport, Pa. Business Cards. J. C. JOHNSON. J P. MCNARNEY (JHNSON A McNAKNfcY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en trusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate andpensionclaim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. JAY P. FELT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, Pa. All business relating to estate,collections, real estate. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium, Pa., JOHN L. JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established Housu I invite the patronage of the nublic. House newly r :irnislied and thor ughly renovated.] 48ly THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that 1 have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all honrs. n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD. MAY GOULD, TEACHER OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. Schoiarstaught either at my home 011 Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftown scholars will be given datesat my roomsin this place. 0,000,- 000 ready to load on the ears. Rev. DDW has decided to remain on this charge another year with is gratify ing news to his many friends. Miss Leah Ncckerson of Cooks Ruu visited Mrs. William Brown, of River Side Park, over Sunday. Garuie Housler informs us that lie will be a candidate for County Supt. of Schools at the next election for that offioe. Ho is capable of" holding the position. J. J. Lewis continues in feeble health to the regret of his friends. There will be preaching at the Swesey school house on Sunday evening by Rev. A. C. Dow. M. A. I*. HUNTLEY. Mrs. W. W. Johnson suffered a severe relapse Sunday night and for some time ber life was despaired of, and Mr. and Mrs John Witchey, of Renovo, were called to her bedside on Monday, but happily the mother revived and is some what belter at this writing. E. S. Johnson and wife, of St. Marys, are guests of W. VV. Johnson. B. J. Collins left on Buffalo Flyer Monday p. m.for Cleveland, 0., upon receipt of a message that his brother Edgar was at the point of death. Miss Anna Helmbreclit, our school teacher, is suffering from a sovere attack of grip. She was forced to close school on Friday on this account. Mrs. J. F. Carson is some better at this writing. ' A. W. Smith, the tie man, spent Sun day with relatives on First Fork. Mrs. Summerson, who has been quite ill the past week, is able to be up again. W. H. Logue was a business caller in Austin Saturday and Sunday. Alonzo Duell, the popular photogra pher, spent Sunday with W. R. Smith. Douglas Smith spent Sunday in Sterl ing Run. A. W. Smith captured a Rocky Moun tain parrot on .Monday morning at his camp. It attacked Lewis Smith, but for tunately assistance was close at hand. Many of these birds have been seen in these parts since the Sari Francisco earth quake. This specimen is on exhibition j at W. 11. Logue's store. Monday morning, while Darius Ives j was coming down Big Run with a trail of I logs, his horses took fright at something jin the road. Mr. Ives went quickly to | see the cause and found that he had run I over a black bear. The bear was not ! killed and made its escape while Darius ] was looking for an axe. W. R. Smith has received a large con signment of condition powders and spring ' CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907 FROM OUR REPORTERS. tonics from Chicago and liis laboratory is now equipped with all of the standard remedies. Mr. Smith is making a heroic fight against the grip and has been very successful in all the cases he has treated. Wo could not spare him trom our com munity without realizing a great loss. I Isaac Wykoff of Cameron was a welcome , caller on friends in town Friday. Operator Getchell is visiting friends in j Ashtabula, O. He is being relieved by i Opr. Morrisson of' Sterling linn. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan, who has been quite ill with heart trouble the past week, is some better at this writing. We were glad to see the Pennsy car-1 penter. Thomas Kilborn, at Church Sun- ! day evening. Mr. Kilborn is always I welcome. He is now visiting friends at; Westport. Geo. Starr is confined so his room with | grip. J. F. S. CAMERON. The N. P. L. public pay-off and dance I which was held in K. G. E., Friday | evening, Feb. Bth, was well attended audi all report having a good time. People ! from Sifcerville, Emporium. Sterling ltun ! and Driftwood were in attendance. Ice is in demand, and the town people are filling their ice houses as fast as pos- 1 sible. They claiming we will soon have a break-up. Schwab Bro's, Gra ham, Walker and Wykoff have already their houses filled and still plenty left. Kdward Schwab is reported very sick at this writing, nature of illness unknown. • He is attended by Dr. W. H. Bush, of Emporium. . Isaac Wykoff visited friends in Huntley Friday. Messrs. Cruger and Webster, of Canoe llun, spent a few hours iu town Sunday and reported business booming and stead ily increasing. Mr. Sinsabaugh and Miss Harrison, of Canoe Run, were married the middle of last week. Their friends wish them a long and happy life. Mr. Sinsabaugh is employed by the Furnace Supply Co., at Canoe Run, and is highly respected by his employers as well as the people at large. Dan Sullivan, Jr., of Renovo visited bin parents Saturday. Mrs. Annie Mack is spending the winter with her parents, Daniel Sullivan, ! -Jr.. and wife. Master Thomas Page is reported very I sick with tohsilitis at this writing. Operator Geo. L. Page visited Renovo. I Saturday. Isaac Wykoff, of this place, and Oper ator.J. F. Sullivan, of lluntley, are at i the present time reapiug great benefits | from their poultry farms. Eggs arc in i demand and the prices arc exorbitant. ! They both are reaping enormous quan ! titles of the fruit. Operator Morrison, of Sterling Run relieved Operators Krapc and Page, 1 Thursday and Saturday, respectively, Page taking his vacation in Renovo, aud I Krape spending his day on the wood pile at home. Mrs. J. M. Olson, mother of Mrs. E. D. Krape, who has been spending the | winter with her at this place is sick with I an attack of the ''grip" at this writing. ; Mrs. Dan Sullivan, Jr., who is work ; ing in Johnsonburg, is spending a few j days in this place visiting relatives. The school board of Lumber township j has for several years experienced coDsidcr t able trouble to have the children through -1 out the country, who are of the required | age, to attend school and have as a last | resort appointed Constable Lupro as . Truant Oflieer to look after these child i ren and compel their parents to have them sent to school. This has proved a very successful move, as there have been al ready an increase of nearly one dozen scholars in attendance aud more expected in the near future. It is a very serious mistake on the part of parents not al lowing their children to attend school be cause they are needed at home to help do the work or for other reasons, when they should be sent to school and receive the neecessary v so they may be able to taktt care of 'themselves in the ways of life as they grow older and are compel led to start out in the world for them selves. The school board has made the right move and it is hopeel that in the near future they may have all the child, ren who are of the required age, in at tendance. J. K. s. SINNAMAHONING. Everybody is busy harvesting ice this I week. Geo. P. Shafer has a fine team oti trial which he anticipates purchasing. W. J. Mead visited his family the first of tiie week. The wood mill has been shut down for a few days, having run out of stock. | Barclay Bro's have finished hauling : logs out of Logues Run. W. 11. Van Wert and A. L Ensign visited atjhe county seat Monday evening. Horn to L. E. Smith and wife, Satur day, a daughter. Noel Bushore is trying to catch a x'ox near his place but Gundy Logue has hoo doed his trap. Otto Wykoff, while working on a lotr I landing, was struck on the head by a log which fell off of a pile. He was J)adly i cut but is doinir well at present. It was j a narrow escape from death. The cold snap has pleased most every- ! body around here. The Powdor Co. have twenty-five men and teams tilling their ice house this week. P«IJ> Berfield who has been prophesy ing an open winter, according to the goose bone, has made up his mind that the ground hog knows more about it than he does. Gundy Logue is canvasing for garden seeds. He says he has pole beans the pod of which grows from two to four feet lon;.' und cucumbers from three to tour feet long; all other vegetables corre spondingly. DEBSK. \ \ \ X \ Y V \ \ V V N \ ✓ SECONDTO NONE. / ADAM, | 1 MELDRUM & % % 1 > ANDERSON Co. G / 390-408 Main Street, / % BUFFALO, N. Y. Jjf k | White % S_ Goods j II FOR 1907 I \ S 'fy. I p Our showing of new White p j|| Goods surpasses anything we '■fy have heretofore attempted, tl ! p French, Swiss and English Novel- $ j % ties in immense variety, and all % & the newest things made in fine p j white goods are in !arge assort- % / ment. Many of the best designs V | i. are in single pieces of two dress "A \ patterns. These cannot be dup- % ' / iicated. Just the goods for the & i very popular one-piece snits. U ! *4 Send for samples. / I . INDIA LINENS at So, 10j, and 12' .c, 15 (■> I to 30c yard. % I . PERSIAN LAWNS, 32 inches wide, at , I % 20c, 25c, 30c, 3c. 40c, 60e yard. % . PERSIAN LAWNS, 40 inches wide, 15e, y ]f* 25c, 80c. 35c, 400. 50c yard. % . PERSIAN LAWNS, 15 lncbes wide, 35c. > j . 50c and 65c yard. v ! . FRENCH LAWNS, I 5 inches wide, 25c, / If; 30c. 35c, 50c. 65c yard. 112, ; j LONiJ CLOTHS, 12 yards in piece #I.OO, / i\ \ ,®t.25, #1.35. $1.50, #1.76 a piece. . ' / NAINSOOK, 3li inches wide, 15c, 18c, 20c, / ' 25c yard. % • / NAINSOOK. 12-yard pieces, $2.00, $2.25, / j V $2.50, $3 piece. % s BATISTE, 45-jnch English goods. 25c, 35c, / l 50c, 65c yard- , | / DOTTED SWISH, domestic goods, 25c / % and 35c yard. I / JONES' ENGLISH CAMBRICS, celebrat- / A edsoft finish and masalias, 20c, 25c, 30c. % 35c, 40c. 50e. , 4 WHITE LINEN WAIBTINOS. special /• y soft finiih direct from Belfast, 40c, 50c. ■/ 65c, 75c yard. / IRISH LINEN LAWNS, 10c,50c, 60c, 75c. S? 85c yard. / SHEER LINEN LAWNS, 36 inches wide. / ! & 50c,'5c, 85c, SI.OO $1,25 a yard. t | I J| === ft i > / IJ ADAM, J > • % MELDRUM & 112 £ ANDERSON Co. | J American Block, Buffalo, N. Y. '■/. ' i % y. s N v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ n j . J It's Easy I i . : J writs a good letter when J. :• i '.pcr, pens and ink are "fendly. Nation-Hurlbut Writing Papers ti...- "PAPERS THAT APPEAL," ;aakc correspondence a , p.casure. Most people just now are asking u.~ lor Twotone ■ ' and Highland Linen. There jj j are other styles you may like i even better. Come in and see ° ! them. js M. A. ROCKWELL, IIKITGGIST, L litre rluni. PH. - ti A Habit to be Encouraged. The mother who has acquired the 1 habit D! keeping on hand a buttle of i Chamberlain's Cot)gh Remedy, saves her- i self a great ain nun i.l! uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children arc susceptible arc quickly cured by its use. It couuteiacts any tcndeucy of a cold to result in pneumon ia, and if given as soon as the first symp toms of croup appear, it will prevent the attack. This remedy contaius nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a ieeling of perfect security. Sold by L. Taggart: J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheu matism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three tiuien a day and rubbing the parts vigorously ai each application. If this does not afford reliet, bind on a piece ot flannels slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick relif is almost sure to follow. For sale by L. Taggait; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Cium Bros., Sin namahoning. Commissioners' Report Receipts and Expenditures. Liabilites and Assets of the County of Cameron. Pennsylvania, for the Year Ending January 7, 1907. RECEIPTS. Balance in Treasury Jan. 1, 1906, Co., $1,187 66 Balance in Treasury Jan. I, 1906, Bridge 80ud....." . ti,692 27 Balance in Trcaxury Jan. 1, Court Hnuseßond D 383 35 Balance in Treasury Jan. 1, 1906 Dog Fund 179 13 Roc'd from Collectors, Tax of 1839 .... 1.5 00 Rec'd from Collectors, Tux of 1903 .. 100 00 Rec'd from Collectors, Tax of 1901 681 16 Rec'd from Collectors, Tax of >9(is SSI 23 Rec'd from Collectors, Tax of 1906 11,150 12 Rec'd from Retail Liquor License.... 615 00 Rec'd from Transfer from dog fund.. 278 67 Rec'd from State forest fire 496 69 Rec'd from Commonwealth costs 207 11 Rec'd from Redemption County Lands 60 50 Rec'd from 8. P. Krr-ider, Old Punk.. 11 00 Rec'd from Sale of County Lands 133 06 Rec'd from % State Personal Tax Ret'd 613 18 Rec'd from Gibson Twp. for Old Plank 4 0» Rec'd on note of R. B. Warner surety forC. C.Craven 225 00 Rec'd from Sale of County Bond 3,500 00 Rec'd from Interest on Bond Held 115 00 Rec'd from Interest on Unseated Land 287 86 Rec'd from Unsealed tax of 1904 627 17 Rec'd from Unseated tax of 1905 5,591 11 Rec'd from Unseated tax of 1906 3,121 90 *10,363 77 To Bal. due County Treasurer on State Per. Tax 555 75 $10,919,52 EXPENDITURES. Paid J. W. Lewis, Commissioner $ 300 00 Paid Expenses ... 35 (.0 Paid S. P. Kreider, Commissioner ... 300 00 Paid Expenses 10 00 PaidO. L. liailey, Commissioner 300 00 Paid Expenses 45 00 Paid Commissioners Clerk 600 00 Paid Commissioners Counsel 55 00 Paid Sheriff 142 58 Paid Prothonotary 270 10 Paid County Auditors 80 79 Paid Jury Commissioners 41 78 Paid Janitor 510 00 Paid Constable Returns 40 58 Paid District Attorney 216 00 Paid Official Reporter 60 00 Paid Court Crier and Tipstaves 29 01 Paid Sheriff and Constables 96 44 Paid Justice and v\ itnesses 94 69 Paid Bridge Repairs 2,92 382 Paid Sheep Damage 79 00 Paid Assessing 284 00 Paid Registering 416 no Paid Election Expenses 636 91 Paid Jail Expenses 484 50 Paid Printing and Advertising 1,302 25 Paid Stationery and Postage 52 85 Paid Fuel and Light 342 57 Paid Repairs to Public Buildings 363 57 Paid Indigent Soldiers 220 00 Paid Blank Pooks 178 31 Paid County Bridges 1,933 86 Paid Water Company 100 00 Paid Express 9 45 Paid Indexing Deed Iluoks 300 00 Paid Insurance 130 00 Paid Livery Hire 26 50 Paid Deeds to County 33 20 Paid Telephone Service 81 40 Paid County Institute 200 00 Paid County Agriculture Society . 100 00 Paid School Directors Convention 22 00 Paid Refunding Orders 8 45 Paid Forest Fires 13 96 Paid Shippen School out of dog fund 28 78 Paid Emporium School out of dog fund 35 66 Paid Portage School out of dog fund 27 24 Paid Lumber School out of dog fund 5o 50 Paid Gibson School out of dog l'nnd 31 18 Paid Grove School out of dog fund.... 31 89 Paid Driftwood School out of dog fund 7 30 PaidGrovePoorDist. Bur'ngunknown 25 00 Paid Hicks Run Election District 25 40 Paid Stale of Penna., Shippen road .. 485 65 PaidJ.P. McNarney Con. return Judge 26 00 Paid I. K. Hockley, Jud. return Judge 16 80 Paid Stale Prison and Hospital 978 89 Paid I. K Hockley for making Com missioners report for 1905 14 00 Paid A. F. Vogt, Lawn Mower 18 50 Paid Grove Poor Dist., care of Italian 29 30 Paid Misscellany 41 17 Paid Transfered from dog fund to Co. 278 67 Paid Bonds 7,500 00 Paid Interest on Bridge Bonds 712 50 Paid Interest on Court House Bonds 800 "0 Paid State Tax on Court House Bonds 80 00 Paid State Treas. State Personal Tax 1,217 57 Paid outstanding orders previous years 1,131 00 Paidspercent on $23,795.66 1.W9 78 Paid 2 per cent, on $3,50(1.00 70 00 Paid 1 per cent, on $1,325.70 1,3 i 6 Cash in Treasury $13,191 73 Less Outstanding orders 1900, 1,663 34 11,531 39 $40,268 90 Bal. due County Treas., at last settle ment on State Personal Tax 650 52 $40,919 62 ASSETS. Cash in Treasury, Jan. 7th, 1907 $13,191 73 Bond held by Treasurer .... 2,500 00 Due from unseated tax 1906 3,350 00 Due from Collectors 582 95 Due from State Personal 300 00 $19,927 68 LIABILITIES. Outstanding orders previous years— $ 294 66 Outstanding Orders 1906 1,663 31 Outstanding Bridge Bonds 10,5 0 00 Outstanding Court House Bonds 20,000 00 *32,458 00 Liabilities over Assets ... $12,530 32 j Recapitulation of Tax Collectors. ; year C'nll. List Rep. Paid l.xon. flu!, j 1899 W. 11. Logue Dist. (iibson »;>! 5.1 sls 00 $23 52 SIR 01 P. S. Culver j Dist Shippen 1903 $238 50 SIOO 00 $l9B 50 I 1904 457 411 100 00 133 19 253 '.II J 1905 I«; 1(1 385 110 15) 63 111 53 $582 P5 W. H. Logue has settled in full since auditors i settlement. ! This is to Certify that the foregoing is a | true and correct statement ol the receipts and ex- I penditures. liabilities and assets of the County of I Cameron. Pa., for the year 1906. J. \V. LEWIS, •S P. KREIDER, (). L. BAILEY, County Commissioners. Attest:— | VV. L. THOMAS, Clerk. I We hereby certify that we have examined the books and accounts of the County Commission ers of Cameron County, Pa., and 'find the above a correct statement of the same GEO.!', WYLIE, (>. 11. TANNER. GEO, A. WALKER, .lit. Emporium, I'a., Jan. 7,1907. STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO, I LUCASCOUNTY. J Frank J Cheney makes oath that he iw senior partner of the tirni of F J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County aid State afore said, and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber. A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist**, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25e by Druggists. Williams M'Fg Co., Prop's Cleveland, 0. For sale by R. C. Dodson. fl-ly. For Sale. Several good milch cows, several young heifers and spanking good team of horses. Apply to CHAB. .1. HOWARD, Emporium, or Sizerville, Pa. 47tf mm in Schedule in Effect NOV. 25, 1906 TRAINS LEAVE EMI'ORIUn. For Harrisburf?, Philadelphia. Baltimore anil Washington, 8:10 a.m., 12:0(i, 3:15,10:30 p.m. daily. ForWilkesbarre and Scranton. B:U> a. in. week days. For Erie and intermediate stations: 10:45 a. m., 4:23 p. m.daily. For Falls Creek, Red Bank and Pittsburg. 10:45 a. m. week days. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM JUNCTION For Buffalo: 4:os'a. m.and 4:15 p. m.daily. J. R. WOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr. W. W. ATTERBURY, GEO. W. BOYD, General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. Chamberlain's I Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy j Almost every family has need i of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the '! year. This remedy is recommended : j by dealers who have sold it for | ! many years and know its value. ' It has received thousands of | testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before I i medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for no little? BUY IT NOW. ONEIDA COMMUNITY TRAPS The NEWHOUSE TRAP is the best in the world. It is a perfect machine. Hand-fitted! Thoroughly inspected and tested I The VICTOR TRAP is the only re liable low-priced trap. Don't buy cheap imitations. Be sure the Trap Pan reads as follows: ASK ANY TRAPPER [THE TRAPPER'S GUIDE Send 2$ rents for the New ho use TRAPPERS' GUIDE. Tells best method of trapping and ikinning game. S*nd to Dept. A, Oneida Community, Ltd. % Oneida, N. V. ■ HUNTER-TRADER-TRAPPER I j The only MAGAZINE devohd to the inttrests I ' of the trafi/>er. Send Jo een.'s for- copy. I j *» A. R. HARDING PUB. CO., Columbus, Ohio j | Notice of Triennial Tax Appeal. Cameron County, Pa. The appeal from the Triennial As ! sessment for 190" will ho held at tlm | following time and places Emporinm borough, at the Court House, Emporium, Tuesday and | Wednesday, February 1!) and 20. Shippen and Portage township, at : the Court House, Emporium. Thurs ■ day, February 21st. Lumber township, at the Alpine House, Sterling Run, Mondat, Feb. ; 25th. Driftwood borough and West Gibson township,at T. J. Riley's, in Driftwood, i Tuesday, Feb. 2