A LAND PRODUCING TWO CROPS PER YEAR Marvelously Rich; Enormous Yield; Farmers Flocking In. Brownsville, Tex., Feb. s.—Browns ▼llle is the southern terminus of the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico rail way. This line was completed in 1904, and has opened up to development a ( Bection of the richest and most pro ductive land to be found anywhere in the United States —California not ex cepted. There is no more fertile region in •11 this broad land of ours than that be tween the Nueces and the Rio Grande. None will produce a greater variety of •fruits and vegetables, or produce them more abundantly; and what counts for more, the Gulf coast country will pro duce them at times when no other re gion can. Two crops per year of the staple vegetables is the regular pro gramme. And yet up to the fall of 1904 comparatively little was known of this marvelous fertility. The re gion has heretofore been given over to cattle raising—ranches of thousands of acres—thus tying up all this vast natural "Winter Vegetable Garden" un der the merciless hoof of Texas beef producers. But this is all changing and chang ing fast. Eastern and northern farm ers and fruit growers are flocking into this country. Towns are springing up —ranches have been cut up into farms —on every hand is the evidence of a :tew era of prosperity and of develop ment along the line of extensive irri gated farming. There is an underlying sheet of clear artesian water which has been tapped by hundreds of wells, and more are being sunk daily. This provides a never-failing source of supply for the one element needed to make this coun try a veritable garden, and there are those who predict great things for this Gulf coast of Texas. I am advised that 16 car loads of people were brought down from different points lalong the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico railway by the Rock Island trains alone on January 15, which was the date of a low-rate excursion. At this pace the country bids fair to be peopled in short order. And all It needs is people. In another part of this fafer *vill be found an interesting advertisement re garding tins country and hoiu to learn more about it. MOUNTAIN GUIDES FAIL HER, Miss Peck Will Make Another Attempt Upon the Highest Andean Peak. Miss Annie Peck, whose chief pleas ure is climbing mountains, has re turned to New York from Peru, beaten In her attempt to climb the highest of the Andes, beaten not by the moun tain itself, but the worthlessness of the men she employed as guides and porters on the expedition. She is con vinced that she would have reached the summit but for the faults of her men and says she is going back with Swiss mountain men to make another attempt. As it was she reached a height of 18,000 feet, being then about 2,000 feet above the summit. This was at her first attempt. One of her men deserted and the rest got drunk on the alcohol which was carried as fuel for cook ing. Besides they were all afraid of the trip and especially as they ap proached the top of the mountain, of which they have a superstitious dread. The second attempt was like the first, except that the men gave out sooner and so less progress was made before the attempt had to be aband oned. FEARFUL BURN ING'SORES. Boy in Misery 12 Years—Eczema In Rough Scales, Itching and In flamed—Cured by Cuticura. "I wish to inform you that your wonderful Cuticura has put a stop to twelve years of misery I passed with my son. As an infant I noticed on his body a red spot and treated same with different remedies for about five years, but when the spot began to get larger I put liiip under the care of doctors. Under their treatment the disease spread to four different parts of his body. The longer the doctors treated him the worse it became. Dur ing the day it would get rough and form like scales. At night it would be cracked, inflamed, and badly swol len, with terrible burning and itch ing. When I think of his suffering, It nearly breaks my heart. His screams could bo heard downstairs. The suffering of my son made me full of misery. I had no ambition to work, to eat, nor could I sleep. One doctor told me that my son's eczema was Incurable, and gave it up for a bad job. One evening I saw an article in the paper about the wonder ful Cuticura and decided to give it a trial. I tell you that Cuticura Ointment Is worth its weight in gold, and when I had used the first box of Ointment there was a great improvement, and by the time I had used the second set of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Oint ment, and Cuticura Resolvent, my child was cured. He is now twelve years old, and his skin Is as fine and smooth as silk. Michael Stein man, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y„ April IG, 1905." Has Right to Damages. A Baca county man threatens to sue a hunter for SSOO damages be cause the hunter killed a laying hen. A hen that will lay at this season is worth money, you know. —Denver Poet HMnppM A CHEAP GREENHOUSE. Structure That Will Prove Adequate for the Small Business. This greenhouse was built for the purpose of supplying a country town with cut flowers, but later young plants of tomatoes, cabbage and cauli flower were grown as an experiment. These proving successful, many vege tables were grown and put upon the home market, some time before the gardeners had sowed the seed. This greenhouse is perhaps larger Interior of Greenhouse. than most gardeners woul 1 need, bn-' ing §o.\Bo feet, says a correspondent of Orange Judd Farmer. The main en trance is from the south, there being two walks two and one-half feet wide, each extending the length of the house. At the north end of the walk is a door and window opening into the furnace room. This window fur nishes all the air for the furnace room during cold weather. This fur nace room is 7xlß feet and has an outside door. The pipes extend through the house from the furnace under the center bench and back j again to the boiler. The center bench ' is six feet wide and two side benches each three and one-half feet wide. Some 840 feet of lumber was. re-' quired for the benches, which cost' $1.25 per hundred feet, rough oak being used for most of the work. | The bill of materials for construction of this house was as follows: 980 feet siding at $1.25 sl2 00 840 feet for benches }o 50 1.060 feet of sash f>3 CKJ , 1.200 feet of glass 54 <>o 1.00 fire brick 5 oo ; 900 common brick (i 30 Furnace door 3 50 | Grate bars 2 00 ; Sand and lime Moo | One glass door and 2 plain doors. 350 ; Shingles, rafters and sheeting for furnace room 9 00 Smokestack 4 (X) 60 feet of ridge pole ° 600 | 120 feet of eve plates 12 00 I Nails, screws and hardware 5 00 40 posts 4 00 SO posts 7 20 Carpentry 40 (io Building paper 200 1 liricklaying S 00 Total $2»00 Orchard and Garden, Fight the scale or cut your trees down. How many apples have you eaten to day? Scions for grafting purposes can be taken at any time during the win ter, or while in a dormant condition. They can be wrapped In wet burlap, packed with moss, or boxed with old sawdust or excelsior. We must grow low headed apple trees so that we can spray and pick the fruit at least cost, says a corres pondent of Farm and Home. I advo cate to start a head nine in from the ground and keep the tree low so that the fruit can be picked with a 12-foot ladder. Send in your nursery order before the rush. Too much land is the bane of many small fruit growers. Be sure to have u. full crop of nursery catalogues. Write for 'em. Keep an eye on the strawberry bed. If winds blow the mulch off in spots, jeplace it at once. Be prepared to adopt the valuable practical advice which is given so free ly by neighbors and practical fruit growers.—Farm Journal. Heart of the Apple Tree. It is quite a popular impression that the heart of the apple tree is essential to its well-being. Yet it is known that the heart is but dead wood and plays little part in the life or usefulness of the tree. It helps to keep the tree upright and gives strength t jit after the wood that composes the heart has ceased to perform cellular work. The strength given by the heart is valua ble when great windstorms sweep over the orchard; for without the hard wood In the center of me tree, it would bend and break. It is often noticed that hearts of apple trees rot out, and the trees goon bearing as if nothing had happened. Fruit Tree Whitewash. T.ast spring 1 made a whitewash for apple trees with water in which to bacco stems and refuse tobacco had been boiled, using the usual amount of lime required to make a good thick coat 011 the trees when applied. The effect was beyond my expectation. It made the bark look sleek and healthy, even on trees that had considerable moss on them, also the insects were destroyed on most of the trees. To spray an orchard thoroughly in early winter and again in the spring with the above whitewash will, says Farm and Home, at least hold many insects !n check. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color Silk, Wool and Cotton at one boiling, East, beautiful colors. 10c per package. Be honest In your business rela tions. It pays to be honest. Mm. Window'* Soothing Syrnp. For children teething, softens the gurus, reduces t»- flammation. Allayu pain, cures wind colic. liSca buttle. When a man makes a show of him self he's not always comedy. PILES CURED IJJ « TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any oaae or ltchinic. Blind, Uleedlug or Protruding Piles in ( to It days or money refunded. 6Uo. And people who stand up for their rights usually want to sit on the rights of others. FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00 Irial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ld., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. No man is so foolish but he may give another good counsel sometimes, and no man is so wise but may easily err if he will take no other's counsel but his own.—Ben Jonson. There Is more Catarrh In tbli section of the country than all other diseasesput together, unit until the last few yeara wai suppoaed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced tt a local dlieaae aad prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure on tbe market. It la taken Internally In doaes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It ects directly on the blood end mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any cane It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hell's t amlly PHI* for constipation. A May Irwin Story, Tho Irrepressible May Irwin tella ol a little New Yorker who had a bath EO seldom and wore such dirty clothes that it was more than the children and teacher could stand. So she was sent home to be made more bearable but returned as dirty as ever, ac companied by a sister who inquired what she was sent home for. The teacher explained. Then the sister burst out: "Well, say, mo mudder says does our Rosie come here to git ■melt or to git learnt?" Oat6—Heads 2 Foot Long. The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., are bringing out a new outs this year with heads 2 foot long! That's a wonder. Their catalog tells! Spetz— the greatest cereal hay food America ever saw! Catalog tells! FIIEE Our mammoth 148-page Seed and Tool Catalog is mailed free to all intending buyers, or send 6e in stamps and receive free samples of new Two Foot Long Oats and other cereals and big catalog free. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La Crosse. Wis. It Is great folly not to part with your own faults, which is possible, but to try, instead, to escape from other people's faults, which is impos sible.—Marcus Aurelius For Infants SignalurYears * ' The Kind You Have Always Bought TM« CINTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY HTRCCT, RCW YORK CITY. 112 For Emergencies at Home I For the Stock on the Farm Slo&ks Limmeivt Is a.whole medicine chest Price 25c 50c 6 * 1.00 Sand For Free Booklet on Horses.Cattle.Hogs Address Dr. Earl S. Sloaru Boston, Mass. Paint Your Floors I Nothing will lead more elegance and refinement to your home than nicely II painted floors. For your parlor, dining room and bed rooms a painted border surrounding a rug gives you floor perfection, sanitary conditions and all around satisfaction. The painted border sets off the rug and gives the room that finished appearance. The rug can be easily taken up for airing and cleaning. Buffalo Floor Paint is specially made for painting floors; is made of the kind of materials that stand scrubbing with soap and water; is made to walk on, and holds its finish long after other so-called floor paints have been worn off. Buffalo Floor Paints are made in different shades, and are easily and quickly applied F a dies # To every ,ady wli ° has a floor to and who sends us * name of her dealer, we will send our booklet of valuable inform lation on floor finishing, which will surely interest you, and our beautiful silvered Souvenir Buffalo-Head Mat Pin Free. Buffalo Oil Paint & Varnish Co. ?° ,taIO,N . c ,» Y ? Pk toicago, Illinois TO CURE A COLIT IN OWE DAT fake I.AJATIVK HItOMO Quinine Tablets. Urn*- gfttn lefund mono? if it falls to cure. K. VT HOVE a signature is on each box. 25c. Men never fully appreciate the blessings of poverty until after they break into tho millionaire class. Garfield Tea, an unusually practical household remedy; take it for constipation, to keep the liver normal, to purify the blood, to dispel colds, to cure rheumatism, to keep well! Even a busy men must take a day off sooner or later for the purpose of attending his own funeral. IL P f M Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of W a ILJa 3 competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate JjEUjjl!f The Well Informed of the World. , .lfj A vast fund of personal knowledge i 3 really essential to the achievement of the \ A highest excellence in any field of human effort. M A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl- W edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health A when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup 4 / fed ■ of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an • iflC P ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and N gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of Jnj f?|'■ / € Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component TS lij A Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of thejl 'jlf // M world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first / / " Y S-ffiSfflESfti \ and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable clauns are made, \mll/// This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known N# under the name of —Syrup of Figs—and has attained to world- / rsHT2 — wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians r i ' 'he Well Informed of the world to be the best we have /•'%!&£ji adopted the more elaborate name of —Syrup of Figs and W Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, | ~v but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter '.jMI if, I V .7 f// If* name of Syrup of Figs—and to get "it beneficial L'hS v \ 'w g ' effects, always note, when purchasing the full JlJll l|lj |\ * \ ijj f'l% name of the Company California Fig Syrup jff 11 11 || |\V \\ j 111\ w\ vaft 112 LOUISVILLE, KY. NEWYORK.N.YJ HURT, BRUISE OR SPRAIN ST. JACOBS OIL THE OLD-MONK-CURE RELIEVES FROM PAIN Price 23c and 50c * "" " ——»— 1 « i i i i | " "-*> IHiooiS? from land costing but $25 per acre. Z I That is what they are doing in the Texas Gulf Coast Country. It's easy there, because this land yields double crops —every month is a producing month —a money-making month. Think of it! SSOO per acre in cabbage—s6oo per acre in onions—$400 per acre in mid-winter tomatoes. These and many actual every-day accom plishments in fruit culture also, can be proved to you. I can give you the , names and addresses of people who are doing these things while you are read ing this advertisement and the snow and cold weather are keeping you idle. Warm, Dry Climate, the healthiest in the country. Irrigated land—the kind you can buy now at $25 per acre —is the richest in productiveness. The railroad facilities will place your products in the markets ahead of every other section of the TlteWirterVegettble uarrifol Iff Let me send you a 80-page illus ' - trated book about the Texas Gulf '*■ • V,. Coast Country, and tell you about the I very low excursion rates for inspection ■...ii v ! L Write me TO-DAY. Sixteen car- X <_• ST VA / \ loads of people went down on our excursion of January 15th. ACT ! \ JOHN SEBASTIAN, Pass'r Traffic Mgr. VgUu. «— 0 8, a' i " : KOOm BT'. r L r iui 0 3 Eldt '' i ROCK ISLAND-FRISCO LINES. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK, SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICB •f-—IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR DY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest externai counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove whaj we claim for It, and it will be found tJ be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family will bs without it. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMI .4LET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CITY _-m 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT Oor vehicles and harneas have been sold direct from our factory 7X to user for a third of a century • We ship for examination and P" J|Ul approval and guarantee safe delivery. You are out nothing 1 / 1 f-yP"?if not satisfied as to style, quality and price. We p, e Manuiacturers In The WorM flr* No 758 Bnln 7