Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 07, 1907, Image 5

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'.i ipornun, I'll., February 7,190".
NEMOPiIILA, per sack fl 15
Felt'H Fancy, " 1 35
Pet Grove, " 1 35
Graham " HO
Rye " BO
Buckwheat " 75
Patent Meal., " 50
Ooarae Men 1, per 100 1 20
Chop Keetl, " 1 20
Middling* 1 30
Middlings. Fancy " 1 15
Bran 1 30
Chicken Wheat 1 40
Corn per bushel, 67
White Oats, per bushel 50
Oyst r Shells, per 100
Choice Clover Seed, )
Choice Tim ith y Seed, > \t MarkestPrice
Choice Millet Seed, )
AtFourth and Chestnut Sts..
17 'ipih ■ njw •
K. c. IIOUNnN.
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. That which you mould
7he to sec in thin department Jet UH know by pot
t a I card or letter, personally.
Fashionable wedding on the program
for the near future.
Geo. Howard, who has been serious
ili for some time, is slightly better as
we goto press.
John Dysart, formerly a resident of
Emporium, writes us irom Spruce, W.
Va., ordering the PRESS mailed weekly.
Jas. Wright and family are now com
fortably situated in one of Forest Pye's
neat residences on Sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert passed
Sunday at Rochester, N. Y., being call
there by ii.e illness of Mr. Gilbert's
Mrs. Johnson, of Corry, who visited
in Emporium last week, guest of her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Norris, returned
home on Tuesday.
J.S.Douglas visited his Emporium
friends between trains last Monday,
being enroute for Puerto Ric<>, where
his family are located.
The many friends of Mrs. W. J.
Leavitt will be pleased to learn that
she is beginning to recover from her
recent serious illness.
Mrs. J. D. Logan and Mrs. Lizzie
Hinkle are planning to visit Keokuk,
lowa, about Feb. 18.
"Kit" Dalphy, of West Fourth street,
who has been an invalid for a long
time, is in a very feeble condition.
Mr. and Mrs. T.|H. Norris entertain
ed a large number of lady and gentle
men friends last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Josiah Howard entertained
about twenty-five lady friends at whist,
yesterday afternoon.
Experienced Caterer.
Any one wishing assistance in pre
paring dinners, parties or catering
should give me a call. I will take full
charge and assume all responsibility.
Give me a call.
One door West of Dan'l Downey's
residence, Fifth street. 51-tf.
Church Notice.
Cameron charge: Friday evening,
Feb. 8, Cameron; Saturday evening,
Feb. 9, More Hill; Sunday, Feb. 10, 11
a. m. West Creek, 3 p. in., Howard,
7:30 p. m., Beech wood.
W. H. ALLEN, Pastor.
A Surprise Party.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Spence gathered at their home
near the junction last Friday evening
to celebrate Mrs. Spence's forty-seventh
birthday. Mr. Spence has been afflicted
with nervous prostration for a number
of years and during this time he has
been unable to work. Their friends
remembering their circumstances, pre
sented them with many useful presents,
also with a sum of money, for which
Mr. and Mrs. Spence are very grateful.
After spending a very pleasant evening
they all atfid good night wishing "Aunt
Becea" many more happy birthdays.
:MI -S E file] Wilson, of SD. Marys, visit
ed Iva Mebougall one day* last week.
Table Boarders.
A few more table hoarders can be ac
commodated by Scott Sterner on Broad
street. Terms, $4.00 per week.
Better Telephone Facilities.
Mr. Joseph Garfield, Jamestown, N.
Y., and Mr. J. G. Wood, representing
the New York and Pennsylvania Tele
phone and Telegraph Go., are looking
after the company's interest here. The
former is specal agent, while the latter
gentleman is right of way agent. They
are here for the purpose of contracting
for the erection of a line between Em
porium and St. Marys and eastern con
nection. A better service east and
west is greatly needed and we, as well
as our business community, will wel
come any improvements.
By Squire M. M. Larrabee, Thurs
day, January 31st, 1907, Mr. Charles
Wesley Berfleld, of Wharton, and Mrs.
Vina Nelson, of First Fork, Pa. Mrs.
Berfleld was formerly Miss Vina
Caldwell and was very well known
along the First Fork, where she
has a host of friends, who wish her
much happiness. Mr. Berffeld will be
pleasantly remembered by many of
our people here at Emporium, where
lie made his home years ago. Con
gratulations, old friend; we wish you
both all the happiness this world af
fords. A FRIEND.
Two Little Tots Did the Town.
Helen Housler, aged five and Elsie
Crandell, aged four, gave their parents
a good fright last Monday Taking
their sleds they visited East Empori
um and called on Mrs Libbie Housler
at Junction House, who proceeded to
give the kids a good dinner. After
scouring the town, they were located,
none the worse for their jaunt and
ahead one good dinner
Revival Services.
Kevival services each evening at 7:30,
at the Free Methodist church. All are
invited to come.
Confirmation Service in Emman
uel Church.
On the evening of Ash Wednesday,
February 13th, the Rt Reverend Cort
landt Whitehead, S. T. Bishop of Pitts
burgh, will preach the sermon and ad
minister the rite of confirmation. The
service will begin at 7:30 o'clock.
Candidates for confirmation are re
quested to meet in the parish house
next Sunday at 4 p. m. Others also
Subscribe for the PRESS. and read
the county news.
Read H. A. Zarps & Go's big bar
gain adv. in another column.
Chas. Prosser had a severe fall on
County Commissioners statement in
this issue.
C. W. ShafTer returned to New York
on Wednesday.
J. W. Norris has purchased the va
cant lot from Mrs. Loucks, corner of
Fifth and Broad streets.
Secure seats at once for Mountaineer
Minstrels, if you wish to see it. The
seats are selling like hot cakes.
"Lion and the Mouse" at opera
house, Feb. 14th. Don't miss it.
James H. Havens has purchased the
Capitol Hotel property on West State
street and it is said will remodel the
hall on the top floor for a roller skating
rink.—Olean Times.
Gave Up Waiting.
A young man who was anxious to
•eeure a job as a railroad brakeman
wandered into one of the local yards
the other day and came across a bunch
of railroad men who were sitting in
a shanty. He made known Ills am
bition, and one of the men, who is
quite a joker, asked him a few foolish
questions. The youth answered them
and then asked
"How long before I'll get a job?"
"Sit down and wait," said the joker.
"There's ten or fifteen brakemen killed
here every day and you can't tell how
soon we will need you."
The young man's ambition seemed
to fade and he remembered that lie
had an engagement elsewhere. —Al-
bany Journal.
ICxprfi»n«K l!er Opinion.
Ernest Lanison tells of a Colorado
■woman who presented herself one day
at the registration booth of a town in
that state for the purpose of qualifying
to vote upon the school questions at
the next election.
"With what political party do yon
affiliate?" asked the clerk. The lady
blushed and otherwise exhibited con
fusion of manner.
"Is it obligatory that I answer that
question?" she inquired.
"Certainly, madam. The law re
quires it."
"Then," said the woman. "I don't
think I care to vote if I must mention
the party's name. However, I don't
mind saying that he is one of the
nicest men I've ever met."
Tells Which One 81ie IN.
Jack London, the well known
novelist, loves children.
In San Francisco there are two twin
sisters, little girls of 6 years, of whom
Mr. London is very fond.
On the way to his boat one morning
Mr. London met one of the twins. He
stooped and shook her hand.
"Good morning, my dear," lie said.
"And which of the twins are yon?"
"1 am the one that's out walkin'."
iiraf -iwilMff#
-01i%-er Doud Byron as Ready Money
in li, OE and the Mouse, at opera
house, Feb. 14. . j
Eye Specialist.
Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known
Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y.,
will be at R. 11. Hirscli's jewelry
store, Emporium, Pa , February 16th.
If you can't see well or have
headache don't fail to call and see Prof.
Budine, as ho guarantees to cure all
such cases. Lenses ground and fitted
in old frames. Eyes tested and ex
amined free. All work guaranteed.
Box Social.
There will be a box social at Gar
deau hall, Saturday evening, Feb. 9th.
All cordially invited.
School Keport.
Report of the Emporium Public Schools for |
Third month, ending January 22, 19'<7.
Enrollment for month, males, 31"; females, 376; i
total, 681.
Average daily attendance, males, 275; females, j
329; total 60-1.
Percentage of attendance, males, 95; females,
94; total 94.
Number present every day during month, 356, j
Number of pupils tardy, 81.
Number of tardy marks, 135.
Number of visitorsto schools 75.
Room one. First Grade; fiertrude Harnett,
Elodie Frappier.
Room two. Second Grade: Leona Copper- |
smith, Grace Robertson, Rose O'Slallcy. Ruth !
Room Four, Fourth Grade; Velma Frappier, j
Frederick McClure, Florence Nelson, Grace j
Preritis, Frank Caramella, Lena Ruberts, Eva i
Waddington. Ruth Reed.
Room Five, Fifth Grade: Agnes Cleary, Mar
gurite Faucett, Matilda, Scott, Nancy Turley.
Room seven, Sixth Grade: Emmet Geary.
Room eight. Sixth Grade: Bndd Lloyd, Irwin
urns. Belle Campbell
Room one, First Grade: Willie Burnett, Blan
che Deihl. Ada Zwald, Arnold Weisenfluh, Lida j
Flcmming. Frances Barnett, Leo Blinzler, Gladys I
Fountain, Grace Loucks.
Room two, Second Gradv: Dewey Carlson,
Dorothy Howard, Rose Summerson, Sarah
Barke, Cecilia Torncy.
Room Three, Third Grade: Anna Flemmings.
Room Four, Fourth Grade: Rubert Pearsall,
Grant Ellis, Mildred Lloyd, Hazel Farrel, Ruth I
High School, Sophomore Class: Ethel Llo.vd, I
Mildred McQuay. Senior Class: Lee Felt.
For Sale.
A limited number of Andalusian !
Cockrels, also White Wyandotte eggs |
for batching.
48-4t. J. T. HEALY.
WMumrasran mm.
Great Bargains
At the FAIR
Commencing Wednesday, for ten days
we will have a
lof Ladies and Children's Coats and
Skirts. Will close these articles out
make room for the spring stock. Call
I and inspect.
|ll OUR NEW LINE OF ew Spring Line of Window Shades jjj]
m from IOC to 75c per Shade. |
| Wall Paper for 1907. "- 1 - 1 ft
J =========z The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. j£
& All Colors.
Consists of the best things from three factories. Also : r _ ijm
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of.all Rodger's Staillfloor, the best made P-;
pi kinds ' for Floors.
The Graves line took first prize in competition ;it St. - H » r,. r /~y w * r
!. gainst thelworH. HARRY S. LLOYD. I
The Portage Store.
W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the
Portage store, desires to inform his
patrons and the genera! public that he
is offering special inducement in canned
goods for the next thirty days. Read
J this:
j Tomatoes, 10c; Good California
| Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c;
Finest String Beans. 10c; Best Seeded
Kaisens, 1 lc; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap,
J2oc. Other goods in proportion.
Call me on 'phone.
7-tf. Near Portage Bridge.
Mix This at Home.
; The following simple home-made
j mixture is said to readily relieve and
| overcome any form of Rheumatism by
forcing the Kidneys to filter from the
J blood and system all the nric acid and
: poisonuous waste matter, relieving at
! once such symptoms as backache, weak
kidneys and bladder and blood diseases.
Try it, as it doesn't cost much- to
J make, and is said to be absolutely
harmless to the stomach.
Get the following harmless ingredi
ents from any good pharmacy: Fluid
Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce;
Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com
pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Mix by shaking well in a
bottle, and take a teaspoonful after
each meal and again at bedtime.
This simple mixture is said to give
prompt relief, and there are very few
cases of Rheumatism and Kidney trou
ble it will fail to cure permanently
There are all harmless, every-day
drugs, and your druggist should keep
them in the prescription department; if
not, have him order them from the
wholesale drug houses for you, rather
: than fail to use this, if you are af
Mr. Frank llowe, a prominent farmer
j of the Town of Van Buren, says:—
; "During a siege of the most painful
form of Rheumatism, which lasted two
| years, I did everything that was possi
| ble with the aid of money to find rc
| lief. I spent several hundred dollars,
; and seemed to grow worse instead of
I better each day. Being on crutches
i and forced to drive to the train and
then hobbling to the doctor's office, be
| came very discouraging, let alone the
| sleepless nijrhts and fearful hours of
i pain. Being advised by a friend to try
i Uric-O, I purchased a bottle and began
its use as directed. In less than 24
hours these fearful sciatic pains left
me, my blood seemed to let loose and
flow freely, I felt different, and knew
at once that I had found a cure, as I
slept and rested all that night, some
thing I had not done before in two
years. I used in all six bottles of
i Uric-O, and can truthfully say that I
I have never felt a return of the disease,
and have had no use for crutches or
cane since the first day's treatment. I
invite all Rheumatics to write me and
learn further truth concerning this
wonderful remedy."
[Signed] FRANK HOWE.
Smith's Specific Uric-O can be ob
; tained from Druggists at SI.OO per bot
tle. Samples and circulars will be
} cheerfully sent free by addressing the
Uric-O is sold in Emporium by L.
j Taggart. 321y.
j Whai Our Reporter saw in New York
A recent visit toone of"tin; largest paint
i lue-torics in the worl<i disclosed inachin
: ery that was producing 10,UOU gallon* of
I Paint, and doing it better and in less
! time than 100 gallons could be made by
! hand mixing.
This was the celebrated Ji. & M. Paint. !
The L & M. Zinc hardens L. & M.
White Lead and makes L & M. Paint '■
1 wear like iron t«>i* 10 or 15 years.
4 gallons L. & M., mixed with <wl- |
I lons Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons of paint :
at a cost of less than 81.20 per gallon.
If any defect exists in L. k M.. Paint,
will repaint house for nothing
Donation of L. & M., made to church e j
Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Kmporiu
Auditor's Notice.
rpHE undersigned, appointed iuditnr mdis
± tribute the funds in the hands of'lame.
Haley, Administrator of the...state ol'l'ltrick
Haley late of the Borough of KmpoHunf de
ceased will attend to the duties of hiHapiioint
ment. at the office of .Messrs. Green V Kin
the Borough of Emporium, on Tuesday, the 26th
.. . „C. J. GOODNOUGH, Auditor. '
Emporium, Pa., Jan. 30th, 1907. 50-4 ,
Administrator's Notice. !
Httale of HANNAH M. DININNY, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
meutary upon the estate or Ilannah M
Dininny, late of the Borough of Emporium. Pa '
deceased, have been granted to the undersigned
to whom all claims must be presented and to
whom all moneys due said estate are payable.
Emporium, Pa., Dec. 24th, 1906.—4«-4t.
Your Valuable's |
**■"' <*' a *«'<- or vault, (lip "Tmiull®" Document Rot jp
/ r»si '» "» wo-pim !«.».«• »..„, |,.»»i, y ot) j vaiu..!,:..
l " p ""' | *'»<'<• "'«»be»tov II it I IHKI'KOOK; andwh.u
h«n«llr. IIK It and hlnjo.. 53.50 1., S! .00 ... corillrj lo
I sUe. Write for (nil description.
•■■■■• iwm«craß»^
You Get Better Values •
I a\ T ° Es DA Y 9 S heinzs I
■ FRUIT dill
&■ lfttmpf The Satisf » c tory Store
I 251U Bag Granulated Sugar $1.40. J
I I- 8 151)1. sack White JLilly Flour 65c.
jg CaSit'ornia Ham, TRIMMED SHUULDER LB. 11c
I Spring Brook Creamery Butter, 36c
Van Camp's Soups, assorted, 3 cans 25c.-
Large 35c bottle Queen Olives, the bottle 30c.
Cape Cod Cranberries 2 qts 25c.
15c Raisins, Diamond Brand, 2 for 25c.
50c package Noiseless Matches, 45c.
4lb package Fairbanks Gold Dust Washing Pow
der 22c.
6 boxes Col bums' Laundry Blueing, 25c.
Domestic Sardines in oil % tins 4c.
25c Cottage Loaf 20c.
18c Chicken Loaf a can 15c.
15c Ham Loaf, 10c. IS
15c Veal Loaf 12c. 9'
15c Loop Mantles, 12c. S
I Fresh Baltimore OYSTERS.
Fresh Cameron County EGGS I
Housefurnithing Hardware. Dairy Supplies. ' China, g|
Crockery, Glassware.
Pratt's Stock Food, Veterinary Remedies and Poultry
Regulator. Crushed Oyster Shells for Poultry.
Prompt free delivery to all parts of the Borough. I
I J, H. DAY, I
5 •
■ Phone 6. Emporium, Pa.
—lWfiawMfflnwr-ic frrn a . TMn.vw
;Notice oi Election in Grove Town"
i ship to ctiange the System
of Taxation tor Working
ttie Public floa#.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Cameron County ha>
I authorized an election in Orovetownship, in said
i county, to change the system of taxation in said
j township for working the public roads by abol-
I ishing the work tax, as is provided by the seccnd
; section of the Act of Assembly, npniuved Anril
12th, 1905. '
The election for that purpose will be held at
the regular February election in said township
on the third Tuesday, the 19th of February 1907
By order of the Board of Supervisory
i ~ 'J* R- BATCHELDER, Treasurer. *
I Grove Township, Cameron County. Pa .Tan-
I nary 11th, 1907.—48-3t.
' District Court of the United States, Middle
District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of | N -„
Orion B. Barnes, !• .
Bankrupt. jln Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of Orion B. Barnes, of Empori
um, in the county of Cameron and district
aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice is hereby eiven that on the 10th day of
January, A. D. 1907. the said Orion B. Barnes
was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the tirsi
, meeting of his creditors will be hold at the office
ol M. M. Larrabee in the borough of Emporium
I C j?" ,e , ro " county, Pennsylvania, on the 4th dav
' e hruary, A. D. 1907, at one o'clock in the
: afternoon, at which time the said creditors may
! appear, prove their claims, appoint a trustee ex
amine the bankrupt and transact such other
business as may properly come before said meet
Refeieein Bankruptcy.
Coudersport, Pa., January 18th, 1907.
Kotiol Dyspepsia Cut e
Digests v/hDt you eat.