2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor Published Every Thursday. 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ner jMr MM paid lu advance 1 *9 ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate ol ®-ie dollar per square for one insertion and fift> ■«nln per squure for each subsequent insertion Rates by the year, or for six or three month*, •re low and uniform, and will be furnished o.'i •ppllcaj,iou. Legal and Official Advertising per square ♦hreo times or loss, s2: each subsequent Insei tlon to cents per -.quare. Local notices lu cents per line for one lnser ■ertlon: 5 cents per line for each subsequent Obituary notices over (Ire line*. 10 cents pot line. Simple announcements of births, uia: riages mid deaths will bo inserted free Business cards, live Hues or less, *5 per year, oyer live lines, at the regular rates of adver tising. N<> local Inserted tor less than 75 cents pei Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS Is complete •nd u£Ti rd- facilities for doing the best class of Work P,\H'l ICULAK ATTENTION I'AlllTO LAW FURTING. No pjp?r will be discontinued until arrear ues are paid, except at the option of the pub* Usher. I'apers sent out of the county must bo Dald tor Ifi it .v;u;rcv "Wonderful Power of Light. The extraordinary resuscitating pow er of light recently received a curious illustration in the silver mines of Lau rinm. A mine had been abandoned 2,000 years, when some poppy seed was found beneath the slag. The slag toeing removed, in a short time the en tire space was covered with the most gorgeous show of poppies. After 20 centuries' rest they had bloomed as vigorously a ts if they had born borne by flowers of yesterday. Famous Old Bowling Greet. Bowling Green was the cradle of New York city. It was the center of New Amsterdam. Where the new custom house is stood the old Dutch fort. No. 1 Rroadway Was successive ly the home and headquarters of Lord Cornwallis, Lord Howe and Sir Henry Clinton, and Talleyrand lived there otv (/fit/ ameO fiaritj OA7BVCI& a&J' % aAu^) (ufhn. VcAAT%t*>3 irtffc