2 CAMERON COUNTY Fi'.ESS.; H. H. MULLIN, Editor Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ftr year <*[ If paid 111 advance » ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate ot » ,<• dollar per square for one Insertion ami tlftj (writs 1 er '•quart' for earn subsequent Insertion Rates by the year, or for six or t'ureo month*, arc low and uniform, and will be furnished en application. Legitl and Official Advertising per square Ibreo times or less, *2; each subsequent inset ilea Ml cents per square. Local notices 10 cents per line for one inscr iption. R cents per line lor each subsequenl aonsecutivc insertion. obituary notices over fire line*. 10 cents pot line. Simple announcements of births, mas • riajre* and deaths will be inserted free. Bu.-lncss cards, five lines or less. >5 per year, ever live lines, at tbo regular rates of adver tising. No local Inserted for lesa than 7o cents pe« Issue. JOB PRINTING. The .Tob department of the PHR*S Incomplete and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PAUTIOUL.AU ATTENTION PAIDTO LAW PKINTINI.. No pjp>-r wtll be discontinued until arrear ages are paid, except at the option of the pub- Cher. Papers sent out of the county must bo paid lor in advance. Kansas has plenty of corn, but the price is so good that it dislikes the prospect of being forced to till the coal bins with it. It is a sad tiling to hear of SSOO worth of ostrich feathers going up in smoke when they make a smell no pleasanter than can be produced from burning the plumage of an ordinary 40-cent barn-yard fowl. One of the high officials of the Standard Oil company admitted on the witness stand recently that he didn't, know what his salary was. He must have a patient and extraordinary un obtrusive wife to have allowed him to goon iu tills foolish way for long a time. I John Howard Larcombe, 80 years old, a veteran employe of the pension •office and the man who taught Andrew Carnegie telegraphy, has just died at Bellesville, Md. When he retired from office some months ago Mr. Carnegie gave him a pension of SIOO a month for life. The natives of the Sandwich islands estimate women by their weight. The Chinese require them to have de formed feet and black teeth. A girl be tatooed sky-blue and wear a nose ring to satisfy a South Sea islander. Certain African princes re quire their brides to have their teeth filed into the semblance of a saw. By placing a negative at the focus of a telescope during the hours of the night Miss Harriet S. Leavitt, one of the members of the Harvard photo graph examination force, has recently discovered 36 new variable stars. These latest additions to the known twinkling points of light make a total of 1,364 stars which Miss Leavitt has discovered. During his school career the kaiser was a model of the studious German youth. He took his place as an or dinary pupil in the public school at Cassel, and studied and played with the other scholars. At the final ex amination he was, indeed, only tenth in the list; but then he was two years younger than his companions, and was rightly considered to have done so well that his tutor was immediately decorated. In a recent report of the bureau of navigation it is shown that 93 per cent, of the enlisted men in the navy are native-born Americans, and that during the year 43 per cen*.. of the men qualified for reenlistment did re enlist. It is highly desirable that the man behind the gun be a man ot ex perience, and it is best that the man who may be called upon to fight should be born under the flag that floats above his ship. Col. Barnsdale, a prominent citizen of Pittsburg, was traveling through In dian territory. While strolling around Muskogee he met an old colored wom an who seemed to be an interesting character, and asked: "Aunty, how many people are there in this city?" The negress considered gravely for a few moments, and then said: "Well, boss, I reckon there's about 25,000, in cluding the white folks." Col. Barns dale says he thereupon saw a first il lustration of how much depends upon the viewpoint. . Oklahoma's star will be added to the on July 4 next year if the formal admission of the state to the union takes place before that time. The Var and navy' departments have agreed upon the arrangement of the 46 stars, to accommodate the new one, and to make it easy to add two more when New Mexico and Arizona are ad mitted. The plan provides for four rows of eight stars each, and two rows of seven stars each. The rows of seven are the second and the fifth. The rows of seven can be made into rows of eight when the other terri tories are admitted, and the ll«v. Diiiiaes»,Slre|.)ow. 27 T«r ffi inilftl I an J Varicocele,Acrophy,*c_ w 112 fir'fflfln 1 ti*" , ' l '""' ' h> h *"* i " "—1~" • V y make digestion rigor la the whole being. All drains and losses »re checkcS ftrmatuntly. Unlrts patlenc WBkX lrr<« are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Dei tIL Mailed sealed. Price $t per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-cUd legal guarantee to cure ot return t>v, "*B 'J*w money, 15.00. Send (or (reo hook. Address, HfcAl. MESICINE CO.. Cltuluci. *. 9wr Mleb/ ft. 0. Uodscn, Prujgfst, F». S The Place to Bay Cheap S ) J. F. PARSONS' C <[ Bend model,sketch or photo of invention lon* 112 freereport on patentability. For free book, 11 ill!mwscmi. Safe, speedy regulator: 35c»nta. Pruggtflta or matt Booklet free. DK. LA Fit AN CO, Philadelphia, Pa. EVERY WOMAN Sometimes needs a reliable montUJy regulating medicine «Pr*/A DR - PEM -' S PENNYROYAL piLLS* Aro prompt safo and certain In rosult. The jfeniv fee (Dr. Pears) iwcr tVCO ptr bojfa Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist . m*mL CVfiES RHEUMATISM LOBAGO, SCIATICA NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE "5 DROPS" taken Internally, rids the blood of the poisonous matter and acids which are the direct causes of these diseases. Applied externally It affords almost In stant relief from palD. while a permanent cure Is being effected by purifying the blood, dissolving the pol3onous sub stanoe and removing it from the system. DR. 8. D. BLAND , Of Brewtoii, Go., writes: ••I had been a anfferer for a number of yeara with LUMUKIO and Khcumatiam In ID? anna and lege, and tried all tho remedies that I oould gather from medical worlds, and also ooneulfced with a number of the beat phyalclane, but round nothing that gave the relief obtained from EH*. ♦•6- DROPS." I ahall preaorlbe It In my praotloe for rheumatlam aud kindred diaeaaea." FREE If you aro suffering with nbeumati3m. Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble or any kin dred disease, write to us for a trial bottle of "5-DROPS." and test It yourself. "5-DROPS" can be used any length of time witbout acquiring a "drug habit." as It is entirely free of opium, oocaine. alcohol, laudanum, and other similar Ingredients. Urn Size Bottle. "G-nitOPN" (800 DoMi) ■ •1.00. For Solo by iirusgiito, i BWANSO3 RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY, ; Dept. SO. 160 Lake Street, Oklo«#