Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 17, 1907, Image 4

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    !3arr)CPor) (*? I*CSS.
Kditor and Manager.
Per year |2 00
If paiJ in advance |1 50
Adverttsementsare publishedat the rateofone
I >ilar per square for one insert ion and fiflycenti
pur square for each subsequent insertion.
Bates by the year or for six or three months are
ovf and uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three
Imes or less,f2 00; each sabsequent Insertions*)
cents per square.
Local notioesten cents per line for one insertion.
dvjJ cents perlineforeachsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over Ave lines, ten cents per
(the. Simpleannouncements of births, marriages
ana deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year
ovor five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinsertedforlessthan7s cts.per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class oi
No paper will be discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
In advance,
*®-No advertisements will be accepted at less
htn the price for fifteen words.
4?-Religious notices free.
Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid
More fatalities have their origin in or
result from a cold than from any other
cause. This fact aIoUQ should make peo
ple more careful as there is no danger
whatever from a cold when it is properly
treated in the beginning. For many
years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been recognized as the most prompt and
effectual medicine in u."i for tln - disease.
J acts on nature's plan, loosens the
cough, relieves the longs, opens the secre
tions and aids nature in restoring the sys
tem to a healty condition. Sold by L.
Taggart J. E. Smith, Sterling Run;
Cruui Bros., Sinnamahonitig.
When the cold winds dry and crack
the skia a box of salve can cave much
di.-couifort. 1 n buying salv look for the
name on the box to avoid
an\' imitations, and be sure you get the
original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Sold l>y It. C. ' >od.ion.
Clear up the complexion; cleanse the
liver aud tone the system. You can best
do this by a dose or two (if DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. Safe, reliable little
pills with a reputation. The pills that
everyone knows. Recommended bv L.
"Tliev like the ta«te as well as maple
sugar" is what on ■ moth T wrote of Ken
nedy''; Laxative Cough Syrup. This
ti.odern e lugh -ynm is absolutely free
from any opiates or narcotic. Contains
Honey 'far. Conforms to the National
i'ure Food and Drug Law. Sold by ii.
C. Dodson.
Motlieis who give their children Ken
nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup invariably
indorse it. Children like it because the
taste is so pleasant. Contains Honey
and Tar. It is the Original Laxative
Cough Syrup and is uniivaled'for the
relief of croup. Drives the cold out
through i lie bowels. Conforms the Na
tional I'ure Food and Drug Law. Sold
by R. C. Dodson.
Neaaly every person who is subject to
attacks from the stomach suffers from a
morbid dread of a dietetic treatment for
relief, that is three-fourths starvation,
add one-fourth toast and milk. On the
other hand you can oat as you please afd
digest the food by the aid of a good
digestant, thus giving the tired stomach
equally as much rest. Eat what you
please and take a little Kodul for Indi
gestion after your meals. It digests
what you eat. Sold by II C. Dodson.
Williams' Kidney Pills.
Have you neglected your kidneys?
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys
and Bladder? 11 avc you pains in the
loins, si.!,:, luck, groins and bladder?
Ifavj you a dabby appearance of the face,
especially under the eyes? Too frequent
desire to pass urine? It so William s
Kidney Pills will cure you. S imple fret;.
By mail ">() cat-. Sold by H. 0. Dod
boji. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's, Cleve
and, O. 9-ly.
IV any (lis a-*- tif the skin we can
recommend Chamberlain > Salve. It re
lieves the itching and burning sensation
instantly aud soon effects a cure. This
Salve is also invaluable for sore nipples.
L. Taggart; .1. I']. Smith, Sterling Run;
Cruin Bros., Sinuamuhoning.
(Jut. this out arid take it to L. Taggart s
drug store and tret a free sample of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
These tablets arc far superior to pills,
being easier to take aad more pleasant in
effect. They correct disorders of the
stomach, liver and bowels. Sold by L.
Taggart; J. E. Smith. Sterling Run.
Crum Bros.. Sinnamahoning.
Fowl don't digest? Because the stom
ach lacks some one of essential digestants
or the digestive juices are not properly
balanced. Then, too, it is this undigest
ed loud that causes sourness and painful
indigestion. Kodol for Indigestion
should be used for relief. Kodol is a
solution of vegetable acids. It digests
what you eat, and corrects the deficien
cies ol»In* digests n. Kodol conforms to
the National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Sold here by I!. C. Dodson.
Xatcst County Correspondence,
Patrick Tracey was a visitor in town
the past week.
We are sorry to hear that Geo. Lynch
is no better.
(lordon llowlett, who is scaling logs at
Mix Run, was in town this week.
Mrs. A. J. Brooks has returned from
short visit with herjson at Medix Run.
Miss Mattie Collins was visiting our
schools this week.
Mrs. Hulsinger of Renovo visited with
her parents over Suuday.
Mrs. W. P. Barr of Huston Hill is
quite sick with the grip.
Lulu Lewis was an Emporium visit
or Friday.
Eva Barr who has been teaching at
Port Allegany, was called home this week
on account of the sickness of her mother.
Mrs. Nellie Fulton and children of Sin
namahoning are visitors in town.
Steve Bunce has moved his family to
Canoe Run.
We are glad to see Pearl Trump on
our streets again. He has been working
at Ligonier for some time.
Mrs. F. A. Kissell was a visitor to SinJ
namahoning last week.
Everett Barr has accepted a position
as caf inspector on the A. V. road at
Bibianna O'Sullivan is suffering with
a bad cold.
Mrs. A. W. Mason and grand-daugh
ter were in Emporium Saturday.
Mrs. A. L. Smith of Driftwood atten
ded revival meeting here Sunday.
Misses Nellie and Gladys O'Keefe
were home over Sunday.
Mrs. John Schwab of Cameron was a
visitor in town Sunday.
Mrs. Sprung and Edith Berry of Em
porium spent Sunday with their parents
Miss Evangeline Brooks was home
over Sunday.
Douglas Smith has returned home
from a visit to his daughter in Connecti
We arc having a wonderful revival of
religion at this place. The songs of sal
vation tire being sung. The windows of
heaven are being opened, souls arc being
saved. It is a feast to one's spirit to see
the wonderful doings of the Holy spirit
among the unconverted. Already -7
young men and women have been con
verted and with the rejoicing there goes
to the throne a fevrent prayer that there
may be similar visitations of divine grace
in every part ol our world-wide church.
\\ hy should there not be?
The ice crop looks rather thin at pres
Mrs. Joe M. Shafer came home from
Shamokin last week.
Mrs. John Walker who has been vis
iting her parents and friends returned to
her home in York state Tuesday.
Ben Ross •of Wharton was iu town
Lottie Brooks visited at Williamsport
on Saturday.
Congressman C. F. Barclay visited the
county seat on Tuesday.
Chas. Heitrick of Pittsburg, is visiting
in town.
Geo. C. Gore and Jas. Quigle are go
ing to accept positions on the B. &0.
B. J. Collins of Huntley, was in town,
last week.
T. S. Fulton attendeo a meeting of the
11. P. L. ot Lock Haven Tuesday.
The Keystone Ilrndlc Factory is near
ly running full time.
The Sinnamahoning Powder Co., are
turning out a lot of powder now, shipping
from one to two car loads a day.
Mrs. N. 11. McCloskey is very sick at
this writing.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kinsley
Monday the 1 Ith, a daughter.
G. li. Smith of Lorshbaugh was in
town Tuesday.
Nat. Bushoro caught a fox this week.
One he hits been trying to catch for over
five years.
B. J. Collins reported when down,
that one of the Huntley nimrods started
after a bear on the late snow and came
up to bruin laying in the snow. The
bear scraped up a lot of snow and threw
it in his face and skipped.
A small wreck delayed the B. & S.
Flyer north about three hours Monday.
N. 11. McCloskey installed the officers
of W. C. 13G on Monnay evening.
Business will be booming as soon as
spring opens up. Talk of another rail
road coming into town to connect with
the B. & S.
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the super
intendent of Cert Service, at Kingston. I
Jamaica, West Indian Islands, says that
shehas for some years used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs, croup and
whooping cough and has found it very
beneficial. She has implicit confidence |
in it and would not be without a bottle ;
of it in lei home. Sold by L. Taggart:;
J. E. Smith, Sterling Hun; Crum Bros., |
Sinnamahauing. i
S. A. Krape and wife of Lorain, Ohio,
visited their sou E. D. Krape a few days
this week. Mr. Krape is a contractor
carpenter and is kept very busy and is
doing quite an important part in the up
building of Lorain at present, having 12
houses in course of erection and had to
refuse several more on account of the
scarcity of carpenters.
John Gilmartin and Harry Johnson
of llenovo have been in this place this
' week instructing the P. R. R. engineers
on the signals and block work which is
now in use under the new block system,
which took effect Jan. (ith. Their in
structions are proving very satisfactory,
Another case of the right man in the
1 riszht place.
G. L. Page made a flying trip to Re
novo on important business Monday, re
turning on the evening train.
Several of the boys who have been in
the habit of returning from Emporium
on freight trains mOt with a serious acci
dent Monday evening, while endeavoring
to leap from a moving train and were
considerablo shaken up and bruised.
Boys better cut it out before you loose
your limbs.
•lohn Schneider says he lias no more
time for the operators at this place.
Since they left he cannot keep a cook.
John you had better get the boys back if
you can.
Messrs. Page and Ilobinsen were call
ed to Lock Haven very suddenly Tues
day morning ori account of bushier in
terests there.
A. F. Walker's child aged about two
y irs was taken suddenly ill Friday but is
r.'ported some better at this writing.
Isaac Wykoff, the popular proprietor
of the Keystone poultry farm is refitting
his plant and making many improve
ments in view of the heavy spring and
1 summer trade. Mr. Wpkoff still has the
prize laying hen that broke the erg rec
ord last season and says he has many
more that will give good accounts of
themselves in the future. Mr. Wykoff
seldom composes any poetry, but when he
does we can look for something strictly
up to date as is clearly proven by the fol
We love the sweet canary.
The mocking bird we prize,
There's music in the chirping of the wren,
But the notes that souud more pleasant.
On our attentive ears.
Is the cackling of the busy laying hen.
She sings a song of plenty.
And better days to come.
Her notes with true prosperity do blend.
She is mankinds benefactor.
Her place is hard to fill.
There's no music like the c ickle of the hen.
Her busy life is given.
To help deserving poor.
Her eggs bring many comforts to the home,
Her offsprings grace the tables,*
In mansions of the rich.
And on holidays unto the poor man comes.
Without her life would be a blank,
For we could not exist,
If she did not upon our wants attend,
So here's to roasted chicken,
And fried eggs on the side.
Long life unto our friend, the laying hen.
J. F. S.
The mill has resumed work after a
short shut down.
Mr Snyder went to Altoona last week.
Kttio Haywood of Castle Garden was
visiting in town recently.
Mr. Davis, who has been quite ill is
able to be around again.
R. M. Ford and wife visited the for
mer's parents at Millers Friday and Sat
Dess English of Beunezette, was in
town Friday.
Grace McKay of Tyler, was a caller in
town Friday.
Charles Arrent of this place has gone
to his home at Hyncr.
J. R. Itussel visited his parents at
Mason Hill Sunday.
Mr. M.l. Pauley of Weedville, was
visiting in town recently.
Michael [Jacket of the Medix Hun
eotel has gone to Michigan for his health
There is some prospects of another
barber shop in town. This will make three
in our little town.
HKLL Bluk.
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
By local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional 1
remedies. Deafness is caused by an '
inflamed condition of the mucous lin- i
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rumbl- I
ing sound or imperfect hearing, and I
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is |
the result, and unless the inflammation |
can be taken out and tins tube restor- j
ed to its normal condition, hearing I
will bo destroyed forever; nine cases 1
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which
is nothing but an inflamed condition !
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars '
for any case of Deafness caused by |
catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's j
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. 1
F. J. CIIENKY & Co., Toledo, O. j
Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's j
Family Pills for constipation.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received it full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet rmnic. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
41-tf. 1
County Supt. Mattie Collins, of Km
poriutn spent Sunday with B. J. Collins
and wife.
Wesley Karr, of Tunnel Hill, was a
business caller in Sinnamahoning Satur
The Driftwood callers this week were
' Albert Jordan, John Jordan, W. VV.
Johnson, John F. Carson, VV. 11. Smith
aud C. J. Miller.
Mrs. J. F. Sullivan was a business
! caller in Emporium and llenovo Monday.
| W. A. and E. C. Duell were seen in
j town Monday. They are busy with
! their tie job at Mason Run.
Assistant Foreman A. T. Smith is
j raising a fine crop of "Galways". There
j is a good natured rivalry between him and
I W. R. Smith as to who will have the
| best crop of wind resisters by April first.
| Both being handsome the growth of the
j aforesaid appendages will be watched
with interest.
W. H. Logue and wife were guests of
John Reck and wife, of Emporium,
Monday evening,
j Tie Contractor A. W. Smith has an
opening for a first-class bookkeeper. The
! applicant must be a man of good moral
character and votetne Prohibition ticket.
I A private bond will be accepted The
rumor that he was short in his accounts
is a mistake as he has received a nice sum
of money by the death of a relative in
Germany and is also in reseipt of a large
; consignment of goods from the Lirkin
Soap Co., and is prepared to furnish any
thing from a tooth pick to a Panama hat.
Our East Side merchant, W. H Logue.
has received a full carload of spring tooth
harrows and Easter bonnets besides a full
line of spring medicines and spring
wauons. Prospective purchasers would
| do well to give him a call before going
elsewhere. < )pen evenings.
Promoter W. \\ r . Johnson announces
a six round contest between W. It. Smith
and Operator 11. S. (Jetchell Saturday
| evening at A. \V. Smiths Gymnasium.
| However this contest may not take place
j as Mr. Getchelll refuses to appear unless
j Mr. Smith removes his whiskers. Mr.
Smith does not like to do this as they
(areju -l getting to a nice length now and
look leal cute. However everything
may be arranged satisfactorily as a party
! from Rich Valley can be substituted in
| Mr. Smith's place in case he refuses to
j part with his "Van-Dykes."
Our worthy correspondent from Pine
| Street certainly has a wonderful dog and
! we arc forced to take a back seat with
! our registered hogs and bears but we still
j claim to have the best flock of four year
old laying Kens in the county. They lay
' around the back door waiting for feed
' they fill up and lay on fat and pompous
ity evidently They are aware that the
; holiday season is past and that live poul
-1 try is only worth 9 cents a pound.
The first week of the new Manual
Electric Lock and Block Signal sys
tem between Cameron and Huntley has
j proves that this system is a decided suc
cess iu every particular. The Operators
I that handle this plant are Messrs. Page
| and Krape at Cameron, Miss 11. L.
! Brink and Messrs. Dice aud Morrisson
!at Sterling Run, and Messrs. Sullivan
| and Getchell at Huntley. These opera
tors are strictly up-to-date in all forms
! of modern railroad train service and enjoy
the confidence of their superior officers
and public at large. Aside from Oper
ator Sullivan reverting to poetry and
chickens once in a while everything moves
as smooth as can be desired. Chiet In
strustor W. E. Crupp of the lines east of
Pittsburg, say there is hopes for Sullivan
I yet. Great credit is due to VV. E. Cupp
for the masterful way he has instructed
the aforenamed operators. Always quiet
and unassuming but when he speaks it is
evident that he is well read iu all matters
! pretainiug to the vital parts of railroad
[service. Mr. Cupp is also an excellent
j plasterer and paper hanger and spends
j his sunnier vacations in following these
| lucrative vocations.
Sullivan breaks loose again in the fol
; lowing:
In the good old days of nineteen six,
| And many years before,
Our hands were lull of clearance cards.
; And orders by the score,
A nineteen and thirty-one,
j For each and every train.
Wo ran thera up to Cameron and ran them
back again.
But now our new electric block,
j Has brought a wonderous change,
1 And our good Mr. Anthony,
So nicely has arranged ,
That trains shall move by signals.
To the east and to the west.
Just tell us where you wish togo,
And we will do the rest.
.1. F. 6.
The drip.
"Before we can sympathize with
others, we must have suffered ourselves."
No one can realize the suffering attend
ant upon an attack of the grip, unless he
has had the actual experience. There is
probably no disease that causes so much I
physical and mental agony, or which so 1
suceesfully defies medical aid. All |
danger from the grip, however, may be
avoided bv the prompt use of Chamber
lain s ( .nil Remedy. Atoonu (he tuns
of thousands who haw used this remedy,
not one e.ise has ever been reported that
ha.» iv.-nlted i;i pneumonia or that h.iv
not r. ■<• .vered. For sale by L. Tagyart;
J. E. Smith. Sterling Run; Crum Bros.,
I Old Man Thrice Tries Murder;
Kills Self.
Kdward Meachau, 77 years old
; on .Jan. 14th, went to the home
! of M. H. Burton, 25 yeirs old,
j three miles from here, and, stand
ing within four feet of the young
man, and in the presence of his
mother, shot him, says a telegram
from Coudersport.
The bullet entered Burton's
breast one inch from the heart and
passed through to the skin on the
back. Meacham shot a second
time at him, and Burton then
grappled with him, and the two
men fell through the doorway and
down an embankment, breaking
While Burton was going toward
his home Meacham fired a third
time, and then went to his home
across the road set fire to it. Fie
then walked across the country a
mile to the home of Samuel
Thompson, where he committed
suicide by putting a bullet into his
own head.
Meachau had only imaginary
reasons for desiring to take Bur
ton's life. Physicians believed
Burton will recover, if blood
poisoning does not result.
Home Made Catarrh Cure.
Any one can mix right at home the
best remedy of its kind known. The
name "Cyclone" is given to the follow
ing prescription, it is supposed be
j cause of its promptness in driving from
j the blood and system every vestige of
! catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and
j dread disease,no matter where located.
! To prepare the mixture: Get from any
. Kood pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid
, Extract Dandelion, one ounce Com
; pound Kargon and three ounces Com
| pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well
i and use in teaspoonful doses after each
i meal and at bedtime.
This is a harmless, inexpensive mix
' ture, which has a pv.niliar action upon
j the siminative tissues of the Kidneys
! assisting them to filter and strain from
1 the blood and system all catarrhal
poisons, which, if not eradicated, are
absorbed by the mucous membrane,
and an open sore or catarrh is the re
Prepare some and try it, as it is the
j prescription of an eminent catarrh spe
| cialist of national reputation.
The Portage Store.
W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the
Portage store, desires to inform his
patrons and the general public that he
is offering special inducement in canned
goods for the next thirty days. Read
Tomatoes, 10c; Good California
j Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c;
1 Finest String Beans. lOe; Pest Seeded
j Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap,
j 25e. Other goods in proportion.
Call me on 'phone.
7-tf. Near Portage Bridge.
The Judge Uses Forceful Language.
•Judge W. B. Simmons, of Finenstle,
Va., told the reporter that L. & M. Paint
j was used on his residence in ISVS'2, aud
held in color wcil for 'll years hefurther
j more said that i> years ago lie was indue
! Ed to use another paint and is sorry he
| did, because the other paint didn't make
| good. The Judge will now always use
! L. & M., because he knows it any defect
i exists in L. & M. Paint the house will be
repainted for nothing.
The L. & M., Zinc hardens the L. Ik
M., White Lead and makes L. & M.
Puint wear like iron from 10 to 15 years,
Actual cost of L. & M., about 81.20
per gallon.
Donations of L. & M., made to
Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. Emporium.
Subscribe for the PRHSS. and read
the county news.
, Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended 112
j j by dealers who have sold it for
!,! many years and know its value. j
! I It has received thousands of j!
I testimonials from grateful people. j
I It has been prescribed by pliy
f sicians with the most satisfactory
I results. ;
| It has often saved life before I
(medicine could have been sent for |
or a physician summoned. J
It only costs a quarter. Can |
you afford to risk so much for so I
I little? BUY IT NOW. I
Goi.d metallic boxes, sealed with Blue({7>
Ribbon. Takb no other. Bur of jour V/
Iti-URRlnt mid auk fop tIIM'HEB.Tf lls V
I>IAM»M> It It AN l» I'l M.S. for twenty-five
years regarded as Best.Safest. Always Reliable.
Clitclieatcr Chemical Co., l'hlla.. 1*».
•Si iHnrir A cam guaranteed 1 112 jou u*o ■
•; PILES Sappositoiy j
•ST' '•»»•" !'«•' il.'lK*MccilVcTa'Kl!i!™, 'Vru!'"-1 I
. «!'■«", I tnr turn* BO r'-'nuJv t.' '
i::. ' 6u . Frfc. f-cltt j '
■ V ' -- vr
Sol:I In Emporlunt by L. Taggarl&R. C. Dddscn
Uric-O Treatment Advised
Very few people nowadays are free
from some form of Rheumatism. In
fact, it looks as though the disease was
fast crippling- our nation. People of
means are trying the great specialists,
and they go from East to West and to
all parts of the earth in search of med
ical help and relief.
The greatest boon to mankind has re
cently been brought about, especially
to those who suffer with Rheumatic
Acid Poisoning. It is a harmless rem
edy called URIC-O. A treatment for
the blood, bladder and kidneys. This
marvelous remedy, taken internally,
acts in a thorough manner on the
blood, relieving those terrible pains
that nearly craze the mind. URIC-0 Is
made for Rheumatism only, and it is a
positive cure for the disease in all its
forms. It is harmless and pleasant to
take, containing no poison, alcohol or
whiskey, and, if taken as directed, will
cure each and every form of Rheuma
tism, no matter how bad.
Druggists sell URIC-O at SI.OO per
bottle, or it will be sent at above price
SYRACUSE, N. Y. Liberal size sam
ples and circulars will be forwarded
free to all who apply for same.
Uric-O is sold in Emporium by L.
Taggart. 321y.
OEL ::::::
At Druggists, 85 cents, or matted.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John
ftrceu, New York.
Vital Weakness and Prostra
| tion from overwork and other
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, the only success
ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases, $5.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y.
Mi UEilirS *
A fUnt, CERTAIN Rkubf for Sumusso Vim vxrtw. r
KNOWN TO FAIL. s.»r : si - . • <
(.uarnntwl « r M..n»v lU-fuiiik'.l. . i j . ... i 1.,
rJI.Ort jH>r box. Will sen,l tbcm on trial, to |.».t ..-r X
• .'i n lifv-il. J-'rcc. If your doc., uci ''
«• them «en<l your order a to tiio "
• * c:CA3. 00., BOX 74, L'.rccasTE.l, PA. >
-•uosi'jmby L laggari&R. C.Dodsc,
\ \ V \ \ \ N N \ \ \ \ \ /
/ y
/ /
/ 396-408 Main Street, /
1 I
/ * ✓
/ Change of
I Management Sale %
/ 1 y
To meet the ideas of our new
Suit and Coat manager wo will 112
sacrifice all our beautiful gar- I?
'y ments at from jto less than ;>
p regular values. These are all %
V new goods and worth full regular. /
| $22 SUITS |
' These are the most popular suits in the
y house—suits that you would not hesi- S
tato to pay $25 for. They are in brown
112 and grey mixtures and are all this sea- '
son's goods that have d} 1 C\C\
112 never sold lees than $22 <pIiJ.UV ■
| $35 SUITS J
> Wo recommend these suits to be one of y
the best bargains ever offered in Buf
y falo. Most of them are in the very /
popular greys. They djQO
y ure good values at SJS (piCiw.OU y
j Also 5® 'ine black suits worth from $25 to j
sls to SSO /
/ Oneraokof $8 50 ej.its in fancy fplaids /
4 mixtures $2.75 <
One rack of coats made of fine materials
in fashionable grey mixtures, plaids *
[y and checks for less than $12.50, sls, Slti ,
% up to $22.0 d; now 5
% Half Price '
'■jy NN 'y
<" "long coats in fashionable plaids and %
'y herringbone mixtures;thevalues range %,
jSj from $lO tosls <tȣ> Cn 112,
y Your choice tpvJ.iJW y
1 $6 SKIRTS |
A, About fifty skirts in good checked ma" £
i I
\ = %
' .IDAM, \
/ /
/ /
American Block, Buffalo, N, Y.
\\\\\\\ \ \ \ x \i