Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 13, 1906, Image 4

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    jreirr)ep«>r) pass. I
Editor and Manager.
Per jour 00
If paid in advance fl 60
Advcrttsementssre pnblishedat the rate of one
loUar per square for one insertion and fifty oenta
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates t>y the year or for six or three months are
ow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli
Legal and Official Ad vertislnß per square, three
lines or leu, |2 00; each subsequent insertioaso
cents per square.
Local notices ten cents per line for onei nsertion,
Ore cents perlineforeacnsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
line. Hi rayleannounceraents of births,marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, Ave lines or less $5.00 per year
over Ave lines, atthe regular rates of advertising
Nolocalinsertedfor less than 76 cts.per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete.
*nd affords facilities for doing the best class oi
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
PapcrH sent out ofthe county must be paid for
in advance.
W-No advertisements will be accepted at less
h»n the price for fifteen words.
43F Religious notices free.
How's This.
We offer One Huudred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O
Wo, the undersigned,have known P.
J. Cheney for the last 1.5 years, and be
iiovo him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by liia firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per
bottle. Sold by all Druggist:).
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
An Open Letter From Mr. Nason.
To the theatre loving public:—For
the last seven years Mr. Hall has been
appearing among you annually in
comedy-drama—such pieces as "The
Amarican Girl," "An American Hust
ler" and "A Ragged Hero." But dur
ing the last seven years the tastes of
the public have changed and the one
demand on all sides has been for
musical comedy.
To this end I have secured Mr. Hall
for a term of years and am launching
him, the season of 1906-7 in a musical
comedy which I have had written to
fit his personality, entitled "Hello
It will be a musical production
throughout, bubbling over with good
comedy, catchy uiusic and pretty girls.
Special attention will be made to the
costuming. The chorus making no
less than eight changes during the
action of the piece
For several years back Mr. Hall has
been continually plied with the ques
tion: "Why don't you bring a musical
show with a chorus? etc., etc.
lu anwer to that question I invite
you to call and see Mr. Hall in the big
musical comedy, "Heilo Bill," sur
rounded|by a company of clever com
edians and singers and dancers, and
assisted by a bevy of pretty girls.
FRANK W. NASON, Sole Manager.
King of all Cough Medicines.
i>. G. Case, a mail carriier of Canton
Center, Conn., who has been in the U.S..
Service for about sixteen years says:
"We have tried many cough medicines
for croup, but Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is king of all and one to be re
lied upon every time. We also find it
thi best remedy for coughs and colds, giv
ing certain results and leaving no bad
after effects. For sale by L. Taggart;
J E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros.,
For chapped and cracked hands noth
ing i - quite us good as an application of
De\Y : tt's Witch Hazel Salve, l'ut it on
before going to bed, use an old pair of
gloves and see what a difference the morn
ing vHI bring. Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
mm m
I i.i a mistake to use a violent cathartic
to open the bowels. A gentle movement
will accomplish the same results without
causing distress or serious consequences
Later. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
re<.">:i mended. Sold by JL C. Dodson.
!■'. 0. DeWitt tfe Co., of Chicago, at j
who- • laboratory Kodol is prepared, as
sure us that this remarkable digestant and
corrective for the stomach conforms fully
to all provisions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law. The Kodol labor
atory is a very large one, but if all the
sufferers from indigestion aud stomach
troubles could know the virtues of Kodol
it would be impossible for the manufact
urers to keep up with the demand.
Kodcl is sold here by R. C. Dodson.
''Ait persons are hereby forbidden from
respassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Fmporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903,
Tha"StoughtonShoe,"none better for
rucr. or boy, at Chas. Diehl's.
You can get all lands of good cedar
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
Xateet County Correspondence,
Mrs. Levi Smith is slowly regaining
her health and is to be around the house
A revival meeting in charge of Miss
Etta Hay ward (the girl preacher) are
being well attended and much good is
being accomplished.
Mrs. Henry Layton fell from the high
platform at the store on Friday and injur
ed herself severely. At this writing she
Is resting as easily as can be expected,
but it will be some time before she will
completely recover
J. F. Sullivan and son John, are
spending a few days with Mrs. Dennis
Sullivan, Rochester, N. Y.
A. W. Smith spent Sunday with friends
at Pleasant Valley, N. Y.,
Operator F. 11. Morrisson, wife and
daughtdr. are visiting J. F. Sullivan
and wife. Mr. Morrison is relieving
J. F. Sullivan while on his vacation at
Rochester, after which he will accept one
of the interlocking positions at the tower.
Wnj. Strawbridge, who is employed
by A. W. Smith in Wylie's Hollow, was
struck on the head by a falling limb one
day last week. He was forced to leave
his work for the balance of the week, hut
resumed duty the first of the week.
S(|uire Smith expects to begin thresh
ing for Ed. Schwab at Cameron, nest
We are having plenty of rain this
week: that is about all we have had since
Wright Masou, of Tunnel Hill, has
nearly recovered from his severe attack
of inflammatory rheumatism, which sue
sutnbed under the strenuous treatment of
W. R. Smith, P. M. D.
Anna Helmbreicht. our popular school
teacher, is suffering from a severe attack
of hemorrhage of the lungs. -It is feared
that she will not be able to complete her
term of school. Her many friends ex
tend sympathy and hope for her speedy
Our popular merchant, W. H. Logue,
has secured an experienced decorator
from Shamokin, Pa., to trim his store
windows for the coming holidays. He
also received a full line of Xmas goods
and a call at his store is sure to be one of
the treats of the season. York state
cheese and Cruikshank's Ketchup al
ways on hand.
Darius Ives is visiting his friends these
days and distributing the cigars in honor
of his beautiful daughter, who arrived a
short time ago. More power to you,
W. 11. Smith, our popular and efficient
inter-locking repair man, is raising a
beautil'ul "'Van Dyke" beard preparatory
to the severe weather predicted by the
renowned weather prophet, Pap Blodget,
of Sinnamahoning, Pa.
A large bear has been making kimself
familiar around the carep of A. W. Smith
in Wylie's Run. Monday evening he
became so bold as to try and catch the
family cat, following it nearly to the door
of the house. Wesley Barr was soon up
on the scene and watched for the bear all
of Monday night but tailed to secure him.
Wesley will watch for the bear the balance
of the week and it is safe to say that
Br'er Bruin will have to look well to his
ways when such an experienced hunter
as Brother Barr takes the trail.
J. F. 8.
Eva Brooks was at home on Saturday
to take charge of the Teacher's Institute
held here.
Mrs. Edward Council, of Laquin, has
beeu visiting friends here the past week.
George Smith and wife visited Stea
ling on Tuesday.
Surveyor Geo. Jones, of Emporium,
was in town Tuesday.
E. F. Smith is doing the assessing of
Grove township this week.
O. L. Bailey is getting in his supply of
Chrstmas goods this week.
Born to Win. Swart wood and wife, a
Born to Clifford Pfoutz and wife, a
The surprise party at Mr. Hyde's, Fri
day evening, passed off very pleasantly
and all report, having a good time.
Quite a number of school marins and
dads wore in town Saturday attending
the local Institute.
The B. S. & S. R. R. Co., have takeu
off the Sunday passenger train, which
makes it quite inconvenient for some of
the school marins bnt out young bloods
will not see them get left.
Chicken thieves are getting to be quite
a nuisance around here. Several of our
citizens have lost chickens within a couple
of weeks. J. 11. Bacthelder lost 02 in
one night. Some cf the parties are
known and no doubt the rest will be
found out before long.
Several parties are out after bear but
have failed to bring any in.
Pap Berlield has contemplated on get
ting an auto as soon as the weather
settles and the roads get good.
Pap Blodget is waiting for snow to
take his annual bear hunt.
No hunting stories this week. All are
too busy stealing chickens.
Constable Crane is after the chicken
thieves hot tooted and no doubt he will
.and some of them before he gets
Mrs. Patrick Killeen, who has been
failing in health very rapidly the past
few months owing to old age, is some
better at this writing. Her daughter,
Katherine, of Buffalo, N. Y., arrived Sun
day afternoon and was met at the train
by her brother John. Patrick Killeen
is one of the oldest settlers of this county,
coming here when the Penn'a Railroad
was first graded through here.
Mrs. L. J. Heffafinger, of West Vii
gina, is visiting her parents, Albert Lord,
and wife, this week.
Edmund Stewart and Elix Schwab, of
Delray, Mich., arrived in town Saturday
James Leonard, received a telegram
Friday informing him of the death of his
sister at Colegrove, Pa. They left on
Erie mail Saturday morning to attend the
The local concert held in the school
house Saturday evening for the benefit of
Rev. Allen, was a grand success, the
proeceeds amounted to over eight dollars.
Robert Glenn, of Port Allegany, visit
ed friends in town Sunday.
The infant daughter of Harvey Peters
aud wife died early Sunday morning.
Funeral was held at Emporium Tuesday
afternoon. They have only been married
a short time and have the sympathy of
their many friends.
Up there in heaven our little pet,
Greets the dear Saviour with ker dimpled hands;
Her sweet little face wears a heavenly smile,
And her baby voice with the angels blends.
J. F. >S.
Ross Smith, of Corning, N. Y.. is visit
ing in town.
Wright Mason is recoveriug from his
Mrs. Thomas, of Corning, N. V., is
visiting relatives in Sterling.
The "Onlys" need not think they are
| quite the"it"; for there is another
I society in town, the "Has Beens".
Mrs. Patriek Killeen is on the sick
| list.
Chaunccy Leathers, of Ilenovo, was
visiting relatives (?) in town.
Clarence Howlett spent Sunday
in Hicks Run.
Wc must thank the young boys of
town tor their good behavior of late.
They have not been tormenting Senator.
Our young folks are very much inter
ested in prayer meeting, and we think the
older ones should encourage them in their
good work.
Wesley Barr was in Emporium Sun
John Devling spent Sunday at the
home of his parents.
Jesse Sterling has accepted a position
at Jersey Shore.
Blanch Kissel is visiting friends at
Lora O'Keefe left Sunday for Wil
liamsport, where she will resume her
studies at Commercial College.
Gladys Bunce is visiting her sister at
Lulu Lewis has received a fine line of
Christmas goods.
Mrs. Millie Sprung is visitng at Em
porium, this week.
Charlie Smith, of Medix Run, was in
town Saturday.
T. M. Lewis will soon be on duty at
the Post Offiae.
It is easy to sit in your carriage and
counsel the man on foot, but get down
and walk and you'll change your talk,
as you feel the peg in your boot.
Joseph Moore died on Saturday was
buried Tuesday afternoon.
William Welsh, who has been on the
sick list is able to be out again.
Lulu Lewis made a business trip to '
Emporium on Wednesday.
Mrs. Jennie Oliver, of Susquehanna |
county, is here attending her father's j
Quite a number of our young folks at- !
tended the musical intertaininent at Cam- j
eron on Saturday exening.
Bibianna O'Sullivan was quite ill one j
day last week.
The Fulton Brother's papered the i
grammar school room on Saturday even- j
ing, making a great improvement.
Mrs. Patriek Killeen is quite sick. j
"The Onlys" are leaving town again
one by one.
Miss Sullivan spent Sunday with her
sister in St. Marys.
Mrs. V. A. Brooks, of Sinnamahon
ing, visited with Mrs. J. E. Smith on j
m m
I have on band from 700 to 800 Men's I
and Boys' and Children's suits, also I
about ~200 overcoats, to close out at j
once. One half of it at least, must be j
sold before Christmas, regardless of I
price. Don't hesitate to come. It '
don't pay you to miss it.
Proprietor of the Enterprise Clothing !
House, Sinnamahoning, Pa. 43-lt'
Prof. Earl Rifel assisted the Sunday
school choir at Elk Fork Sunday.
Verus Dow called on North Creek
friends Sunday.
Rev. Dow's dog came in contact with
a hedge hog last week. When the
smoke of the battle had cleared away it
was found the canine had been worsted
and had to be killed.
B. L. Spence called on Elk Fork
friends Sunday.
Floyd Barton and Frank Lockwood
went to Potter county to work this week.
Mrs. Andrew Housler visited W. W.
Lewis and family over Sunday.
Jacob and Geo. Huffman and wives,
were in the Valley Sunday.
Malcom Lewis had business at Elk
Fork Sunday.
D. W. Swecsey killed a monstrous
porker for J. J. Lewis, Tuesday, as did
j Rev. Dow for the Misses Chadwick.
Elihu Barton and wife, of Slab Town,
j were city visitors Tuesday.
Some one must be sitting on the safety
I valve, for thr little man from the east end
j did not say a word about election. But
when he does pop then—
M. A. I'.
It is noticeable a cold seldom comes on
; when the bowels are freely open. Neither
j can it stay if they are open Kennedy's
Laxative Cough Svrup tastes as pleasant
l as maple sugar. Free from all opiates.
| Contains Honey and Tar. Conforms t<>
| the National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Sold by 11. C. Dodson.
I The prettiest and dainties, dishes at
! Chas. Diehl's.
Sudden Deaths, Heart Failure and
Paralysis Are Caused by Poisonous
Uric and Rheumatic Acids.
The disease whose cause is shrouded
in mystery, the affliction that is said to
j be incurable, is commonly known as
I paralysis. Show us a person suffering 1
i with this disease, and you will find
[ that at some time previous to the at
! tack, the patient suffered from some
| form of Rheumatism. This dangerous
| disease should not be neglected, espe
; cially where there is a cure within such
easy reach. We refer to Smith's Spe
cific Uric-O, a harmless compound, free
from alcohol and poison, and made to
cure Rheumatism only. Uric-0 acts
with marvelous swiftness on the blood,
muscles and kidneys, and cannot fail
to remove all traces of poisonous Uric
and Rheumatic acid from the system.
Uric-0 is not a cathartic, does not affect
or distress the stomach, and is the only
known liquid preparation that will re
, lieve and permanently cure Rheumd
tism in its mpst distressing forms. We
! want all Rheumatic sufferers to test the
merits of Urlc-O. therefore hv address
j ACUSE, N. Y., a liberal size sample and
I circular will be sent free. Uric-O is
j sold by Druggists at SI.OO per bottle,
| or will be sent direct upon receipt of
j Uric-O is sold in Emporium by L.
j Taggart. 321y.
Chamberlain's I
Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family ha* need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value.
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
It has been prescribed by phy
i sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before '
j : medicine could have been sent for i
' or a physician summoned. j
| 1 It only costs a quarter. Can I
| : you afford to risk so much for so 112 !
[ little? BUY IT NOW.
OIL ::::::
At Druggists, 25 rents, or mailed.
Humphreys'Medlclue Co., Cor. William and John
Jtreets, New York.
———————————————— ,
Vital Weakness and Prostra- '
tion from overwork ancl other ;
causes. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, the only success- ;
ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec
ial package for serious cases, $5.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid 011 receipt of price.
Humphreys' Mod. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y.
In Praise of Chamberlain's Cough
There is no other uiedicinc manufact
ured that lias received so much praise
and so many expressions of gratitude as
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is ef
fective, and prompt relief follows its use.
Grateful parents everywhere do not hesi
tate to testify to its merit for the benefit
of others. It is a certain cure for croup
and will prevent the attack if given at
the first appearance of the disease. It is
especially adapted to children as it is
pleasant to take and contains nothing in
jurious. E. A. Humphreys, well known
resident and clerk in the store of Mr. E.
Lock, ot Alice, Cape Colonv, South
Africa, syas: "I have used Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup
and colds in my family. I tound it to
be very satisfactory and it gives me
pleasure to recommend it." For sale by
L. Taggart; J. E. Smith Sterling Run;
Crum Bros.. Sinnamahoning.
Dealers say that they who have used
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
are quite loyal to them and can not be
persuaded to take any obstitute. Get a
free sample at L. Tagggart's; J. E. Smith,
Sterling Run. Crum Bros.. Sinnamahon
[| Just a Word ||
j About the
Guaranteed to I
I ls ls . ct . , „ D
p /M \> give Satisfaction m
111 —> 1
ip We have a large and up-to-date stock of Blankets ffl
P Stoves and Ranges, Granite Ware and everything in Hard- Pj
p ware. y]
|j| $40.00 Hard Coal Heating Stove, good as new for J|Ej QQ jjjj
| Holiday Sale Now On J
g Distribution of good Furniture makes prices |
such as this community never heard of. Every
$ r piece of furniture affected and all contributing j|jr
<$ 112 values of intense interest to make this the
Jj I There is interest and profit for you in every Jfli
1 [ inch of this mammoth establishment. No- -
I [ where will the wide awake holiday shopper find JW
II such grand assortments of Furniture, especially IB!
11 adapted to the need of Christmas givers as H
* here. Nowhere will you find prices based on a |
level as uniformly low as here. L
This house is strong in eveay featue which
jrf' help and protect our customers. It is strong in
vg 1 character, strong in stocks and has and will con-
I to make lowest prices without exception.
J> New Furnitute for gay Holiday buyers. jR
Our present stock must be lowered before the M
jHi New Year. 11
I Every piece included in this movement is I I
1 I r
especially adapted as suitable Xmas gifts. Ij
Bear in mind that the reductions are from our 11
regular prices, which were originally from 25 |[
to less than the closest competitor charges. I
Visit our ware rooms rnd you will be de
lighted with our productions and astonished at 1
jj j the low prices|we ask tor them. jj *
S Emporium Furniture Co j
Igf 112 1
II _ „ . . 11
'SM&tmr, mci < w rmft 112?
No Opium in Chamberlain's Cough
'1 here is not the least danger in giving
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small
eli ildre n as it contains no opium or other
harmful drug. It has an established
reputation of more than thirty years as
the most successful medicine in use for
colds, croup and whooping eough. It al
ways cures aud is pleasant to take. Child
ren like it. Sold by L. Taggart, J. E.
Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinna
Schedule in Effect NOV. 25, 1906
For Harrisburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore anA
Washington, 8:10 a.m., 12:05, 3:15,10:30 p.m. daily.
ForWilkeßbarre and Scranton. 8:10 a. in. week
For Brie and intermediate stations: 10:45 a.
m., 4:23 p. m.daily.
For Falls Creek, Red Bank and Pittsburg,
10:45 a. m. week dayß.
For Buffalo: 4:05 a. m.and 4:15 p. m.daily.
J. R. WOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr.
Oeneral Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.