Business Cards. J. C. JOHNSON. J P. MCNARNEY JOHNSON & McNARNhY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en- j trusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate j andpensionclaim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. JAY P. KELT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Corner Fourth and liroad streets, Emporium, Pa. All business relating to estate,collections, real j estate. Orphan's Courtand general law business will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly. ! AM KRIOAN HOUSE, East Emporium, Pa., JOHN L.JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and ; well established House I invite ilie patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated.! IBly THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. , I take pleasure in informing the public that I have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner , that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. n027-lyr WM. McDONALD. MAY GOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in ali the Popular .sheet Music, Emporium, Pa. Scholarstaught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of tbepupils. Outoftown scholars will be given datesat my roomsin this place. F. 0. RIECK, I). I). DENTIST, Emporium, Pa. I Office. Fourth street, opposite opera house. I (las and other local anaesthetics ad- WESSJKministered for the painlessextraction SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in- j eluding Crown and Bridge Work. EVERY WOMAN ! Sometimes needs a reliable , monthly regulating medicine. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain in result. The genu ine (Dr. Peal's) never disappoint. £I,OO per box. Foley's Honey and 7> t • cures colds. *?r. 'is nneumnr, a mmmmmm mmm mam mmmmmm a^ I "IT WILL PAY YOUj To See H. SEGER A: SON'S New Fall and • | I Winter Clothing j AND FURNISHINGS. I New and Beautiful Latest Styles in H MEN, BOYS' AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING 112 I Selected with the greatest care as 1 j to quality and price. Call and see our I! beautiful stock of stylish clothing and 9 I furnishings. Iliig JJne of Summer Huts. Fin est I.ine ofTrunks and Satcliels 9 Don't forget our Merchant Tailoring I; (Department. R. SEGER & SON, j ft TO HANK. ffl I "GET THE HABIT"! 'M We are doing a splendid business. Our ft' |JM patrons seem to be so impressed with the de- [p] liciousness of our baked goods that many oi & <&| them have ''got the habit 11 of coming here % ill regularly. We anticipate more of that "habit," because our bread and pastry is be:- W\ terjthan everl before. Get the habit—the % j||j> health giving habit of eating the products of H ||J our sanitary shop. iffi | Emporium Bakery | M. L CUMMIXGS, Prop'r. BREAD OF QUALITY Next Door to Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. ; It's Easy i J ' write a good letter when I ur paper, pens f.r.d ink are i ' . friendly. ; Eaton-Hurlbut j Writing Papers | the "PAPERS THAT APPEAL," make uoiite correspondence a t ieasuie. Most people just ! T .o\v aie asking us fc: Twotone , f.nd Highland Linen. There are other styles you may like even better. Come in and see there. M. A. ROCKWELL, druggist, Futporiuin, I»a. nMan^ii^earfsf A mU', certain nllef for Suppressed B Menstruation. Never know;, tol'ail. .Safe! B Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ;. i.r nioiM'Y Refunded. s« :,t j>repaid foi r" £I.OO per box. Will s-n<; '.l.' !i;mi t rial, 1.. 1,- be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. «•„! . N C MCOICAL CO . 80. 74 U\caSTCK r« I y L. Taggart and R. C. Dcdson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1906. I r~~ \v ~ /» — t The Shooters 112 g of Philadelphia 4 Jj JVetu year's J By J. -A. Edgerton L Copyright. I 806, by J. A. Edfcrton k 4/ NSv J I ' v k 01ty ' / . \ }n| gorgeous and ex-i I N4JHL and is escort oil on j Y s his way with niu- V-> '» H\ erybotly makes r VP mc-rry or watches! others doing so, | the clubs keep open house,the mummerß tnru out by the thousand, the clowns crack jokes, t lie bands play, the! "shooters" march in fancy dress, there are cowboys. Indians, kings, princes.j j high moguls and maskers galore, and altogether the festival is a veritable riot of color, sound and gayety. There are silks and velvets, gilt and glitter, tloats and fandangoes till t you can't rest, and neither can the marchers. | GETUPS 1 T.AIiKUIj AND WON'DEItFOT, TO BEIiOI.D. Altogether it is a spectacle to make the little Annus Domini glad that in; is on earth. i!e may get hard usage after Hi. Hi' - ii y. • hi-; i;.i! i.-itit>u is one that he in remember as a "thing of beauty and ;i joy forever." It is not generally known that the city of William l'enn~has a carnival j on the Ist ot' each January that in cost I and size excels even the famous Mardi j 'Ji'js of New Orleans, but such is the i fac,\ it I - called the shooters' parade, | I.ast year there were over .I.UOO people j in line a;i ! fully half a million looking j on, and the affair promises to be big ger this year than ever before. The ] expense runs into the hundreds of thousands. Last year one costume cost thousands. It biilunged to the captain of one r ' tlie marching organizations and was one that would have made j Solomo green v,\ h envy. The train to this costume was wide enough to cover Philadelphia's chief street, and was so heavy that it required 131 pages lo carry it. The train of the captain of a rival organization was almost :: ; elaborate and expensive. Xot only so, tint these thousands of yards of, dry goods consisted of the finest fabrics, figured with dainty roses and fringed with most delicate trimmings. Then there were other gettins fearful and wonderful to be hold that would have gladdened the eyes of the king of Siam or of the Lord High Kingumdoodle of the island of Woolimalo. There were Irish Indians, German negroes and Yankee chinks. There were knights and "white caps," queens and jesters, coons and court iers. There were in line the Ilome breakers* association, a Wyoming Hayseeds' association, a Hardly Abie association and a lied Carrot associa tion. There was a Weary Willie band, likewise a Trilby string band. There were floats that told of the downfall of Iz Durham, floats on the .Japs lick ing the Russians, floats on pretty much everything and.floats that were on nothing much at all. All this was a year ago, but it is being repeated with additions and frills this year. If you don't believe it visit Philadelphia and see for yourself. The Philadelphia shooters started over a century ago. In the early days they simply went to each other's house, made speeches, recited bad po etry. ate, drank, danced and were merry. This they kept up ail Xew| Year's day. They got the name of j shooter* frntn the fact that they fired I a volley before each door before enter ing. They called it shooting the old year out and the new year in. One time they shot a man, but usually theyj only shot holes in the Quaker stillness of the place. Oradually the custom j extended, until now they celebrate thej oming of ill' novum annum all night and march all the next day. They are still called shooters. I lit in reality are mo -fly ii t>' mors. The expenses are bona" by the •arloits clubs and tisso cfatl'inw and individual contributions, II t "if; i acii week In order that they may have a proper carnival. Then the city offers prizes for the best floats and maskers. The 112 parade, which is many miles in lengtf), I is reviewed by the mayor, regular ; judges are appointed to make the 1 awards, and (lie tiling is done up on business principles. The whole city takes n pride in the event. Even the statues of Father Penn and Benjamin Franklin have kindly twinkles in their eyes. The citizens predict that this will grow to be one of the most famous car nivals in the land. They even have hopes that it may become a national institution. Some of the old fellows grumble, it is true, that the shooters' j calls in the early days were better than j these expensive affairs. They say, "We I spent 50 cents and had §5 worth of fun, while you spend SSOO and have no fun at all." But there are always fault finders. There have been mummers in all ages. They were in Babylon. They danced before King Menes in Egypt. They made merry in Troy before the days when Agememnon and Achilles quarreled over a girl outside the walls. If there ever was a continent called Atlantis they doubtless had rlproaring times in the streets of its capitals. Kings may come and kings may go, but fun goes on forever. So long as human nature loves mimicry, so long as it delights in the fantastic and the ridiculous, so long will the mummer be in our midst. The day may come when the last king shall have lost his throne and when the only queens will be those that men crown with their love, but the kings and queens of tlio carnival will still make their appear ance to lead in the frolic. Empires may pass, continents may sink in the sea, but laughter and song, jollity and happiness, mirth and love abide for ever. They can no more be quenched than the sunlight, no more lie stilled than tlje murmur of the winds and the streams, no more become stale by fre quence than tlu> dawns and eves. So the method of ushering in the New Year that lias become the vogue ill Ihe City of Brotherly Love is one that ap r>-. 's in the human heart. Blow liini in or. ":ii • ; of laughter and greet him with i comic mask. He will see enough of tragedy ere the procession of the months has borne him away. We shall see it also, and live it. Then why not initiate the year with giadr nessV Perhaps if we start it so some of t'.ie joy may linger in our hearts. Thi- New Year's day old Broad street, Philadelphia, will be the wit ness of a scene such as will gladden the heart of little 1907. It is safe to say that he will know no other like welcome anywhere on earth. King Mounts himself will give him royal es cort. He will be accompanied on his way by court chamberlains, by gor -X'OU -I.\ bedight attendants and by in numerable bands of music. He will be cheered by the hundreds of thousands that line the wide thoroughfare as they strain at the ropes, swarm the pavements, crowd at the windows and perch on every point of vantage. At N:"0 or soon thereafter a band will blare up the street, followed by the city police and dignitaries. Then will follow marching clubs in robes so splendid that they would eclipse the liv ries of kings. Following these will be other bands, living cartoons and caricatures on wagons, giving a mimic but grotesque history of the events of the past year. There will be miles and ''''' ' l\j j KINOS, QUEENS ANI> JESTERS, miles of the marchers. Last year the parade was ten miles long, and this year it will be even longer. All day long the maskers will be about tl streets, weary, but happy. Everybody will be la good humor, for h is not a ! guest come that never came before? Other years there have bee:i an in- | numerable caravan of them- ; n tact, j reaching back into the mists of uati "is and civilizations that are dead but never this year- our year In the e."er advancing Now. He is different. Let its hope tint he will prove a little greater ;i :« little better than asjy that have preceded. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Co Passenger Train Schedule, effective daily ex cept Sunday, ij r I SOUTHBOUND. »■ m. a. m. p. m. Leave Addison 7 Hi! 11 20 p. m. Westfield 8 40) 12 23 " Anson ia 9 45 j Wellsvllle 840 326 I " (ialeton |lO 2.5 j5 95 " Cross Fork j8 10 425 " Wharton ill 55| 630 720 Costello 112 07 642 738 " Austin, ] 1 oo; 652 750 Arrive Keating Summit.. 210 722 Additional trains leave Austin at 7:10 a. ni. and 10:10 a. ni. reaching Keating Summit at 8:50 a.m. and 11:10 a. in. respectively. NO RTHBOUND. ji. m.ia. m. a. ni. Leave Keating Summit j 1140 ! p. ra. " Austin I 6 30' 12 55 700 Costello ; 6 36! 101 706 " Wharton j 6 48] 1 18 7 18 Arrive Cross Fork 12 05j 655 a. m. ; Leave Galeton 11 2.. 830 300 Pillow tubing 45 inches wide. ' JuffiP Mi 1 Ladies Wrappers. Good quality, sizes 32 to 44. lw |l®Jj Outing Flannel, all colors and grades. j||- Table Linen from 50c to §1.75 per yard. if® |M| Lace curtains from 50c to $3.60 per pair. ffl] The McCall Patterns which are always up to date m. Wool and Cotton underwear from the infants sizes to *he ffl » grandmas size. USM 1 |P Demorest Sewing Machines, Mattings, Rugs, Carpets. f§ Grocery Department. ft ! Pressed Out ('lhss. Just the thing Tor a present 1 xt COFFEES-Wbite Pfouee, Hotel Astor, Vienna Java ind iM Mocha Blend coffees that are unsurpassed for drinking qualities ffl Everything in the grocery line. " j|jM ft Clink's Ham, Conewango Creamery Butter Cone- Its, H' wango Cheese, John Peters' Home-made Lard and M ||f| Sausage. ' W I I ♦ C. B. HOWARD & CO. Ij| j| Jj| | Get There j j Early, j jjj Building season is hero and 3 lr we are prepared to furnish pi I Heavy and Shelf | 1 Hardware and | g| Builders' Supplies i jjj of all kinds, at prices that. 3 tJ will astonish you. (n We handle everything for n) [}{ use on the farm or garden; S ffl also " K B COOK STOVES, rfl g HOT PLATES, | • OVEN 3, ETC. § ru We also carry a complete line in [ S\ of SHERWIN WILLIAMS' P [n HOUSE PAINTS, VARNISHES, 3 nJ OILS and ROOF PAINTS. The t/J n] largest stock in Cameron county. [" [j] A full line of Carpet Sweepers, jO m Wringers and Lawn Mowers of u| [j] all kinds. Screen doorß and [» li| Window Screens, Poultry Nett- n] pJ tng, Fence Wire, Two and three In "j ply roofing, Paroid roofing, the 112» (j- best made. We also carry a com- nj ru plete stock of Bath Tubs, Closets, in j{] lavatories and range boilers. (u In We employ none but expert }y K workmen in our plumbing es- US u tablishment. ju •n We also have in connection a }{j |u Tinning Department, Tin Roof- l/i J] ing; Spouting and general repair [jj [n work solicited. }g ru All work done by ns will be in j{J guaranteed to give "satisfaction. [£ I - 'I jil Estimates Cheerfully fiiven in II" ~ $ |on ali Kinds of Work j(< jC| By strict attention to business p | [J{ we hope to merit a reasonable |(j j ru share of your patronage. in i jjj Thanking you for past favors. |jj IF. V. HEfLSTOi I '%sasSHHsasasPHas7=!SEsHsa^