A PORTABLE HEN HOUSE. The Advantages of Such a Building Over the Stationary Structure. Poultrymen are fast recognizing the lndispensability of portable hen houses as an adjunct to their perma nent system of house arrangement in profitable poultry raising. There are always conditions under which a poul tryman must labor at certain periods of the year that makes any permanent system of shelter management more or less inconvenient. It is only through some intermediate oieans, such as a portable shelter that he can eliminate his difficulty and conduct his business upon an econom ical basis. A portable hen house has several ad- IllovuL!* Poultry Kouuj on Rjnners, vantages that makes It not only prac tical, but indispensable in profitable poultry keeping. It frequently hap pens during the breeding season that one desires to separate a few individ uals from the llock for special breed ing purposes. A portable hen house furnishes means through which the desired pur pose can be accomplished economical ly and conveniently. The house can be moved a short distance from the main plant, a small area fenced in, and the flock maintained without much additional expense. There are always occasions in poul try raising when it becomes advisable to promote best results to keep broods of young poultry separated during the growing season. In fact if the broods can be distantly separated they will do much better. In such instances it is a matter of great convenience to resort to small shelters for carrying on the work. I have many times found it advisable to separate my young growing stock into colonies of a hundred and house them u few rod apart. To separate the fowls successfully I used colony houses, and find that I am not only able to conduct the work more satisfactory, but far more eco nomically as well. Especially with young growing stock the colony meth od of growing the stock is the most profitable. There are various designs of colony houses that can be made portable and answer the purpose in every way. The one here illustrated is an excellent one and has many strong advantages over many that are in use to-day upon some farms. The house is 5x6 V 6 with five posts. The building is mounted upon run ners that serves as a means of trans portation. The runners are 5x5-inch pine with an Iron strip nailed to the bottom of the runner to save them from wearing, also to keep the wood work up as much as possible from the moisture. The main frame work is made of two by fours. The siding is pine ship-lapping of good quality. Shingles were used for roofing. In the front is a door for en tering the building when necessary and for cleaning out. A system of ventilation is used that supplies fresh air on the same principle as used in cow-stables. This is essentia! as the ehelter is small and tight. This portable shelter, says Prairie Farmer, has been in use for several years and is one of the most popular portable hen houses in use upon sev eral Michigan poultry farms. The Sone Mill. It is surprising that every farmer that has fowls does not have a bone mill. Bones cannot be utilized with out being ground, and they contain a large amount of food ingredients. Bones contain much lime and this is very necessary to the fowl dropping a large number of eggs during the year. Bones also contain phosphorus, and this is not found in as large quan tities in some other foods. The green bones also contain considerable of nitrogen. Altogether the use of bones ground or cut is to be recommended. Moreover, large quantities of the bones are constantly going to waste. "Why throw away bones which may be of such value in the poultry estab lishment? Their manurial value is also made available after they have been used by the fowls. The Weil-Bred Fowl. Beak for beak well bred poultry eat no more than mongrels. Pound for pound the meat breeds cost no more to raise, but less. Bird for bird they cost more; they are worth the differ ence. Egg for egg the laying breeds and strains cost no more to feed but double, triple or quadruple the profits derived from scrubs. Everything is In favor of pure breeds. Make your poultry run the gauntlet at once. Do not let any fowl into the hen house thl3 winter unless it gives giromise of immediate or future profit. AWFUL SUFFERING. From Dreadful Pains from Wound on Foot—System All Run Down— Miraculous Cure by Cuticura. "Words canont speak highly enough for the Cuticura Remedies, i am now seventy-two years of age. My system had been all run down. My blood was so bad that blood poisoning had set in. I had several doctors attending me, so finally i went to the hospital ■where I was laid up for two months. My foot and ankle were almost be yond recognition. Dark blood flowed out of wounds in many places and I was so disheartened that I thought surely my last chance was slowly leav ing me. As the foot did not improve, you can readily imagine how I felt. I was simply disgusted and tired of life. 1 stood this pain, which was dreadful, for six months, and during this time 1 was not able to wear a shoe and not able to work. Some one spoke to me about Cuticura. The consequences were I bought a set of the Cuticura Remedies of one of my friends who was a druggist, and the praise that I gave after the second application is beyond description; it seemed a mir acle for the Cuticura Remedies took effect immediately. I washed the foot with the Cuticura Soap before apply ing the Ointment and I took the Re solvent at the same time. After two weeks' treatment my foot was healed completely. People who had seen my foot during my illness and who have seen it since the cure, can hardly be lieve their own eyes. Robert Schoen hauer, Newburg, X. Y, August 21, 1905." After Many Trials, Johnny had been fighting. Ills mother wan telling him of tho evils of resorting to violence to obtain ro dress for a wrong. "1 don't care," said Johnny, "he took my ball." "Did you try to get it from him peaceably?" "Yes'm." "How many times did you try, Johnnie?" "I tried once, twice, thrice and force: and 1 didn't get the ball till the latst trial." SIOO Reward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded dlnea.ne that science has been able to cure lu all lis stages, and that Is Catarrh. 11*11*0 Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure uuw known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being conHtltutlonul disease, requires u constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon ttie blood and mucous surfaces of Ihe system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. and giving the .*atlent by building up the constitution and asslst- Ing nature iu doing ItK work. The proprietors have so much faith lu Us curative powers that tb»*.y offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for of testimonials. Address K. J. CHKN'KV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75C. Tako UaU'a Family Pills for constipation. Women at Strenuous Tasks. On the western coast of the United States, at Monterey, Cal., Mrs. Fish keeps the lamps lighted in the Point Pinas lighthouse. On the eastern coast, at South Portland, Me., Mrs. Gordon earns her living by working as a deep-sea diver. Sprinkled over the country between these two wom en are thousands of other members of tho female sex who deserve to be enrolled as auxiliaries to Mr. Kip ling's corps of "Unafraid Gentle men." And then, from the woman in Utah who is sheriff and hangs mur derers, to the woman in Chicago who bosses a gang of Italian street clean ers, he tells the role of women who are engaged in strenuous occupations in the United States. Wherever man has tried to wrest a living from un willing nature there woman has also left the impress of her daring ex ploits.—Technical World. His Monument. There has been set in a cemetery In Orwell, Oswego county, N. Y„ as the memorial of a lumberman, framed of granite and marble, the exact re production in miniature of a sawmill in the town of Redfield, which was owned by the deceased. On the scale of an inch to the foot, the mill is complete in every detail, being provided with saws, carriages, rollers to carry off the sawed lumber, skids with three logs placed thereon ready to roll on the carriage car, which is loaded with lumber. So one man has escaped from the conventional angel with outspread wings, the recumbent sheep, and all the rest. —Springfield Republican. COFFEE IMPORTERS Publish a Book About Coffee. There has been much discussion as to Coffee and Postum lately, so much in fact that some of the coffee import ers and roasters have taken to type to promote the sale of their wares and check if possible the rapid growth of the use of Postum Food Coffee. In the coffee importers' book a chap ter is headed "Coffee as a Medicine," and advocates Its use as such. Here is an admission of the truth, most important to all interested. Every physician knows, and every thoughtful person should know, that habitual use of any "medicine" of the drug-stimulant type of coffee or whis ky quickly causes irritation of the tissues and organs stimulated and finally sets up disease in the great majority of cases if persisted in. It may show in any one of the many organs of the body and in the great majority of cases can be directly traced to coffee in a most unmistak able way by leaving off the active ir ritant—coffee—and using Postum Food Coffee for a matter of ten days. If the result is relief from nervous trouble, dyspepsia, bowel complaint, heart failure, weak eyes, or any other malady set up by a poisoned nervous system, you have your answer with the accuracy of a demonstration in mathematics. "There's a reason" for Postum. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906? SICK HEADACHE _ ; —Positively cnrod by PADTTDC these Little Pills. Vn|\j Ll\o Tlicy also relieve Dts ■hh tress from Dyspepsia, In- ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty I|l I\l C n Eating. A perfect rcm- O I * edy for Dizziness, Nausea, R PILLS, Drowsiness, Bad Taste ■Jj[ la tho Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain In the Hide, 'torpid liver. TUey regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear ■ittle Fac-Simile Signature [pill?. ■■fi—REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. He Knows the kind of Waterproof ! '■ Oiled Clothing! [/ that stands thev|fV, j hardest service I\J/ A DoY&uKnowf IC-y'Jffix ■>/ /, ' IW/ I I y\y Made for all kinds [1 '//"/ 11 of wet work, or sport Hi SOLD EVERYWHERE A Positive /gTeTy^V. CURi: FOR fej&lM BAU*\ GftTARRH/f3ff|l Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Onco. M- It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a ('old in the Head quickly. Kastores the Houses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail; Trial size 10 cts. l>y mail. ii'.y Brothers. 56 \Varren Street. Yor'v. of this paper de- L/Xlu sirinif to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask lor, refusing all substi tutes or isolations. Attention, Farmers! Fur sale—l.ooo aeres rich vallov land in solht body, Cioo acres in cultivation one mile frotn k«kk! railroad town on county road; two wis buildings; uj fenced. Can !»<• divided into six farms. Price In separate tracts 81 ft t<» VttO oer acre, but will-sell whole trnct f««r HfcO por acre. For particuTars, address FIIANK M. II AM El* Mar&htleld, Missouri. I MAKE YOUR FORTUNE IN SOAP ] i Others Have Done It —We Are Doing It —You Can Do It. WE OWN A SOAP MINE IN NEBRASKA II Mb The men in control are reputable men who will treat all stock- ! jjQ||~||| MW) h°lders honorably. A money-making proposition for you. Factory. U IjfWjjf building-, ground, patents, soap mine, etc., all owned outright by !;■ a CcYBKHiT£ at MAH'F'& Co ifW& the company. /I Des/veh.Col. fl/ i i ' Dollar Stock Now 35c a Share; Was 25c; Will Soon Be 50c! Look Us Up to-day it is costing 35 rents; if you di- All we want of you is to assist us in something that vou ran point to as an We realize that manv concerns are wiU cosl i" ou 50 ccnts - ™ lsln ß ll ! e monev to allow us toman- asset all your life long, offering their stock, an B ln , K %' of ( olorados greatest merchants: its its surface. These are probabilities; toilet and surgical soaps; the world is 1,1 * 2 stockholders comprise some of the lead- Geyserite Soap is a realitv. It exists, large and all we need is capital to push un nt>t'es regularly—thej would not ing statesmen, men who have been or it is being manufactured, sold and sales. Help us do this and vou will earn \v„ „ an >' w ' lore ; are now honored with foremost posi- uge d. It is no gamble or speculation. >' our reward in large dividends. Your ° r !"- yo ,", r money tions-a U. S. senator, a governor, a You can see it made, you can see it capita l will always be sate, and the '' Way ? - leading I S. Government official, any R old in the large stores of vour citr, dividends will many times over bring 'A,?' ,J'V on °»r part , number of professional and business you can see it used in households, of- back your original outlay. You will be " i L*i I throughout the men, publishers of daily newspapers, Kees, etc. building up something for the future , t ' iat > our '"vestment etc. Is a proposition that is good -frr-r- makes money for you. enough for these people good enough j .° j| l Knowledge of j , p_„_- 1 getting, and with the good-will of many Prominent Directorate. stockholders widely scattered, the Among the .' financial success of his enterprise, on Denver merchant; Hon. I ||^ a ' Try One of Three Wav« ber of the Colorado' bar; Lieutenant- Ml Jt ' 1 Presuming that you have read this an- Governor Parks, President Daly, of the _ 7T"i nouncenient carefully through, we ask Honfils, nublisher of the Denver I'""' • Ifiplwir'BnlCpOH fi ft ft'fl n • Q-f MjBB I—Fill out the coupon and order as Crawford Hill, publisher of the Denver PrkflßlDplfcSyß I(gH wy M jf*l lm "'h of the stock for cash us your Republican; I nited States Marshal ■ Of ■ U-U ' present savings will permit, or as much Bailey, and many others. It will thus on the installment plan as your future erable standing, and that there must —Send to the company for a copy of be a substantial basis of fact. These '«r |' 'jßpfo L ft «C\s? r "Gold in Geyserite," the book that tells j men could not afford to lie involved U TOn j n " about. Geyserite Soap, with analysis, in anything that was not genuine. fl We are offering the stock to you at' 1 t ' ie ( m |" e ..' n -Nebraska; out faetory), and nil the money secured is paper, friend or foe in ('oloiado asking being used to increase the sale and |L(g about the Geyserite Mfg. Co.. and from the profits of Geyserite Soap. S the answers yon get decide whether you A few weeks ago vou could have *" wi " ,)uv tllis stock at 35 cents or not. bought this stock at 25 cents a share; Ordinal "Geyserite-• Soap Factory Owned by the Co., Present Capacity 20,000 Cake. Dai.y. vlntZe" you' w.U want"to Sin! 1 " 9 Geyserite Is the Most Attractive Investment on tHe American Market Today! How You May Buy Stock fill OUT THIS sv~ COUPON AND MAIL IT —SO bharei > 17.50 cash or >8.60 cash »2.00 per mo. for 7 months. THE GEYSERITE MFG. CO.. 32nd and Blake. Denver, Colo. lWjhjugg-Jiy.tlO cash or —$11.00 cash g.5.00 per ny>-for 7mo nth i- Gentlemen; Kindly enter mv subscription for shirec of _2jjj shureg 87(1.00 cash or ?10.Oti cash s(i.oo per mo, for 10 montjig; stock in The Geyserite Manufacturing Co., at the rate of «c Der share oar'value ft i or, 400 shares $140.00 cash or $20.1)0 cuwli $12.00 per mo. tor 10 months. non-assessable, no personal liability. * ' ' 500 shares $175.00 cash or $25,00 cash $1 5.00 per iihi. for 10 months. I enclose $ my first payment 10(10 shares »;i50.0(> cash or SIOO,OO cash $35.00 per mo. for 10 months. , T Address all Communication* and Make Remittance! Payable to " -Name Town State THE GEYSERITE MANUFACTURIING COMPANY, «rid Blake, Denwe-r, Colo. g ■■■■■■ ~ , jr EVERY WOMAN Who has the care of housekeeping knows that the hardest physical labor she has to perform is the weekly cleaning and dig ging to keep carpeted rooms free from dust, dirt, moths, vermin, etc. bv cutting down carpets to rug size, filling all cracks, crevices, nail-lioles and open ings in floors, under baseboards, wain scotings, etc., with BUFFALO CRACK AND CREVICE FILLER. Then stain and varnish or paint the floors, making smooth level surface which can be wiped with a damp cloth and rugs cleaned with carpet-sweeper. No matter how large the openings or poor the floor m+/ be BUFFALO CRACK AND CREVICE FILLER will make it as good as new. Insist on having BUFFALO brand. Do not accept substitutes. Send for samples and descriptive matter to FOR (JFFAIOOIRPAIIIT I VARNISH © Sale by v mi Hardware & Paint Dealers. FARMS THATIiROW "NO. 1 HARD" WHEAT IH'fTJ-li— (Sixty-three Pounds to IgjliiWttMyiß the Bushel). Are situ 'late T™ tj e IDEAS ~ex U I £«. Kj> I don tdelay TO APPLY FOR PATENT Semi for FKEB BOOKLET and learn why. MILO 11. RTKVKNK K CO..MX> 14th St.. Wa*ii ington, 1). c, Urauclieo at Chicago.Cleveland anil Detroit. ESTABLISHKD ISM NO PATENT. NO FEE FOR OUR SERVICES NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS RFADY CURE FOR PAIN-PRICE 15c. — IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES -AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, OR bY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve ! Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CITY piameiiite pj pi I STOVE POLISH lIySPILI 1 You CANNOT CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed