EM POKIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. ICmporium, Pa., September 25, 190fi. NEMOPIIILA, per sack $1 15 Felt's Fancy, " 1 85 Pet Grove, " 1 31 Graham " 60 Rye " BO Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, p«r 100, I 30 Chop Feed, " l 30 Middlings. Fancy " 1 35 K ran.l 25 Chicken Wheat 1 55 Corn, per bushel, 72 White Oats, per bushel 48 Oyster Shells, per 100 Choice Clover Seed, "1 , ChoiceTimothySeed, I A . Market Choice Millet Seed, 112 At siaiket Prices. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE Brucjcjist, F.MPORItrn, I* A. v IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts., K.C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL. DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would like to gee in this departmentjet u« know by pot lilt card or letter, rergonally. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan, of Huntley, was a PitKsa visitor this morning. Miss Mary Davison, of Johnsonburg. is visiting friends in town this week. Miss Flora Schlecht made this office a pleasant business call Tuesday. Miss Mabel Hunter, of Bradford, is visiting her father and brother at the New Warner. H. J. Moorehouse, of Pittsburgh, transacted business in Emporium this week. Mrs. P. Foley, of Driftwood, has ar rived in Emporium and will spend the winter here, guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Hogan. Orvis Hemphili wears a smile a yard wide owing to the arrival of that big girl baby at his home last Saturday. Patrick Rafferty has been laid up the past two weeks'; appendicitis appears to be the trouble. Capt. C. F. Barclay who is the bus iest man in this congressional district, called on friends in town to-day while making his last political visit to the several counties before election. L. K. Huntington has returned fro m Oregon where he was looking over his timber tract. For the latest popular music, call at Diehl's. Sheet music at popular prices. Mrs. Samuel Heckman, who has been visiting her sister,Mrs.M. H, Dodge re turned to her home at Coudersport Tuesday. W. H. Kresge, of Dußois, while transacting business in Emporium on Monday made the PRESS sanctum a pleasant call. Mrs. B. Schriever and daughter Miss Julia, of Kane, who visited in Empori um the past week, left on Tuesday with Mrs. J. B. Schriever and daugh ter Irene for Scranton. Clyde Washington, the 11 year old son of Mr and Mrs. Chas. Britton died last Thursday, October 25tli. Death was caused by heart failure. The boy was ill only a few days and his deatn is ' a sad blow to the parents. Alice Gross, aged eight yearn, aaugli- ' ter ofMv. and Mrs. Wm, Gro-s died | last Sir day morning from diphtheria ! The fi neral which was private, was j held 112 otn the parents residence Mon- j clay a,ternoon;servicesby Rev.Cleaver. 1 John A, Wykoff of Grove, was a welcome PRESS visitor on Wednesday, while en route for Coudersport. i It is unnecessary to say that Mr. Wy koff is a solid Republican. Miss Grace Walker, who has been spending the past two weeks with her brother and family at Scranton, return ed home Monday. Miss Ilattie Russell, of Mt. Jewett, spent a few days in town last week. Miss Emma Hanhouser, of St. Marys, was in Emporium between trains Satur day. Miss Nellie Fox, professional nurse of Driftwood, is attending Howard Dodge, who is seriously ill. Miss Mame Ritchie, who has been visiting friends in town since the family removed to St. Marys, leaves this place this week for St. Marys, where she will remain for a month before going to Pittsburg to remain permanently. Leo Hayes returned home Thursday from Lynchburg, Va., where he is em ployed." "The man or woman who stoops to writing and sending an annoynous letter is an unjust critic; a coward who stahs in the back, and a stench in the nostrils of manly men." Clear Steal. Tho Lincoln party of Cameron county are as mad as a March hare over thesteal perpetrated by the Democratic King of Cameron county, who made out certi ficates endorsing the Democratic can didates 011 the county ticket as Lincoln Republicans. The steal is bitterly de nounced here and has cost the Fusion ticket, in this county at least, every Lincoln vote. Ex-Sheriff Over hiser, tho Lincoln committeeman authorizes us to repudiate the steal in his name- Desperate trick. People's Star Course. Hoard opens at H S. Lloyd's book store Nov. Bth, 7:30 a. m. Course tick ets including reserve seats for the series of live entertainments $1.50 each, except for the first live rows, for which there will be an extra charge of 25c for the course. First attraction, at Opera House Nov. 9th, The Italian Boys' Orchestra and Eibert Foland the Boston Humor- 1 ist. The instrumentation of the orchestra is as follows: Solo Violin, Second Violin, Flute, Clarinet and Harp The boys are all Italians, which neces.sarily means that they are musical. They in troduce in theirprogram selections from the great composers, which they have committed to memory. There is- a dash and brilliancy, together with ex qusite shading and correct interpreta- : tation, which appeals to all lovers of > good music. j Buffalo, N. Y.—The Y.M.C. A., audi ences have had a great variety of! talent from time to time. It some ( times seems next to impossible to sat- J isfy our patrons, but The Italian Boys and Mr. Foland completely filled the bill. The Boys are a surprise in the 5 quality of the music they attempt and in the excellence of their rendering, i Mr. Foland abundently supplies that > other element that serves to round out an entertainment and send everybody home feeling that the evening has been well spent. The committee is confident that the five attractions for this winter's course is the best that have ever been given in ' this town. JBL The Laßelle For Women $2.50 j No other modern design so fully meets all the requirements of the ideal ladies shoe. It is an uneaqualed combination of style and fit, shapeliness and comfort. The high but rather broad heal, arched instep and slightly manish appearance makes it the swellest sort for the feet. 4 If you are a victim of faulty shoes,we can soon enable you to walk with ease and comfort, and eventually cure your tender feet. These shoes will wear twice as long as the ordinary "ready made" shoes and have a style and fin ish that is essentially distinctive. Walker's $4.00 For Men j CHARLES DIEHL, Hml' . * I A Midnight Marriage. j Some time after midnight last night j | Rev. P. C. Weidman, pastor of the j j German Lutheran church was aroused j j and asked togo to the Olean House to i | perform a marriage ceremony. Upon I arriving at the hotel Mr. Weidman 1 | found a party of five young people, J I Miss Margaret E. Munsell, of Empori- \ j um, Orrin G. Houser, of Jamestown, | j Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Ileliker and Dr. A. i ! B. Mead, of Emporium, Miss Munsell i and Mr. Houser being the couple fori | whom his services were desired. After, I a lunch the ceremony wss performed and the party left via automobile lor j 1 for Buffalo. | The young people left Emporium i j yesterday afternoon expecting to catch the flyer at Port Allegany for | Buffalo where tho marriage was to ! have taken place but failed to reach i j that point in time.—Olean Herald. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER i, 1906 Two jzood second hand coal stoves for sale. STEPHENS & SAUDERB. Judge La Bar is a good business man, kind neighbor and liberal to all in af fliction. See that your ballot contains his name for Associate Judge. Vote for Judge Green and thereby j keep the bench free of politics. I Voters ofCaineron ! Read between the lines and ask yourself the question, "Why does the Eik County Gang seek to control the courts?" Ed. J. Frysinger, the well know poli tical writer, has had charge of the Press | Bureau and editorial work for the Re publican State Committee in this year's campaign for the election of Governor and other Commonwealth officers. . $ 10.00 Reward. | 1 will pay a reward of ten dollars for information that will lead to the ar rest and conviction of the person who i stole my medicine case and rubber ! storm apron from the back of my buggy. R. P. HEILMAN, M. D. Let every Republican do his duty next i Tuesday by supporting the representative of the national ticket, Capt Barclay, for congress. Capt. Barclay's naun> appears at the j head of the congressional square with both | the Republican and Prohibition endorse ' meats. Don't overlook it in making up j your ballot. Birthday Party at Canoe Run. The young people of Canoe Run gave j ! Miss Irene Georgia a surprise party, ' Thursday evening, in honor of her loth birthday. They passed a very pleasant : evening, with games and other amuse ments. Those present were: Gene, Harold and Krcd MeCluro. Sarah, Mary, Isabella and Joseph Harrison; Mary, Fred and Robert Holmes; Flora, Gundy and Charles Cornwall, James Harrison, Agnes Gncnalch, Dorothy and Mary Crugar and Kli/.abcth Davis. A very en joyable evening dinner was served at tool). Everybody enjoyed a good time. [ tens.'tens OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring' Line of Window Shades'^) 1® from ioc to 75c per Shade. | I Wall Paper for 1906. I = = i 'ijji _ The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. 1 i All Colors. I Consists of the best, things from three factories. Also IH the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of.all ;j Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made E (ll kinds ' for Floors. 1 I The Graves line t«ok first prize in competition at St. .> . „. _ w _ irs 1 I