A KENTUCKY WOMAN How Sho Gained Fifteen Pounds In Weightand Became Well byTaking Dr. Williams' Fink Pills. "Women at forty, or thereabouts, have their future in their own hands. There will bo a < hango for the better or worse, for the better if the system is purified by such ii tonic as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. D. O. Wedding, of Hartford, Kv., writes as follows concerning the diffi culties which afflicted lu-r: " 1 was seriously ill and was confined to my be<l for six or eight mouths in all, during two years. I had chills, fever, rheumatism. My stomach seemed al ways too full, my kidneys A id not act freely, my liver was inactive, my heart boat, was very wealt and I had dizziness or swimming in my head and nervous troubles. "I was under the treatment of several different physicians but they all failed to do mo any good. After suffering for two years 1. learned from an Arkansas frV'iid about the merits of I)r.Williams' Pink Pills and 1 decided that I would try them. The very first box I took made me feel better and when I hail take :i four boxes more I wasentirely well, weighed fifteen pounds more than when I began, resumed my household duties, and have since continued in the best, of health. 1 have recommended Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills to many puoplo on ac count of what they did forme, and I f< (I that I cannot praise th an too strongly." I>r. Williams' Pink Pills restored Mrs; "Wedding t ) heal I h because they actually li:a';:e new blood and when tho blood i.i in full vi;r->r every function of the body is reston-d, because the b'.o d carries to every orsjan, eve; v muscle, every nerve, the :i« iry nourishment. Any woman v ho is interested in the cureof Mrs. Wed ding will want, our book, "Plain Talks to \\\>me:*," v.'Mah i- free on request. All - gu : • ■ :-■■ 11 £■. Williams 1 Pink Pills, or they will bo senc by mail post paid,on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for &'~.50, by the Dr. \Y.!lituu» Medicine Co., tich.jneciudy, K.Y. MiS « Vhenyouluyan tUt&feS OILED SUIT iMh °» SLICKER \\ demand /Mw r . 5# //Jrvv easiest and 0 /!' Lj r n f\\ on 'y to get the best r cve '"y w here SICK HEADACHE ~ = —(Positivelycured by these Little Pills. URFII bllO Tlioy also relieve Dls gu&gg tress trom Dyspepsia, In- ITTIE digestion and Too Ilearty Pi 8 \Jf ET 52 Eating. A perfect rem- Kg 8 wMm Si edy for Dizziness, Naucca, 1 m pi as. Drowsiness, Bad Taste ! Jttfl 111 t!io Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain In tile Side, I IIOHPID LIVER, rheu regulate tho Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL rHiCE PADTFDV Genuine Must Bear jp™ jf d Fac-Simile Signature SS#„J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. * P°!l tive CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Lmf «ll Cives Relief at Once. beals and protects the diseased brano. It cures Co tarrh and dri vos away a Cold in the WJI? ■ -"i'- ■' Head quickly. Ke-Mj&V ftores tho Senses of W 8 •fa W Skill Taste and Smell. Full size 50cts.,at Drug. | gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 56 Warreu Street, New York. Wo L. DOUGLAS 5 3c50&'3.00 Shoes BEST IN TH£ WORLD W.LDoujSas $4 Gilt Edge cannolbtiequalledatanypriso /r. V>\ ' V.\L. Dougta*' Job- I ( \ nfrrj Ilouso la tho most 11 r'' ! ▼Ln) 1 cuiupicfn in this country If 1 ip, / I „ II ftl SHOES FOE EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES Men's Shoes, $5 to $1.60, Boys' Shoes, $3 . to 51.25. "Women's Shoos. $4.00 to SI,6Q. Missus' & Children's Snoos, $2.88 to fI.OO. Trv W. 1.. Douglas Women's, Misses and Children's Mioes; for stylo, fit aud wear tliey exeel other makes. If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass.,and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, you can obtain W, L. Douglas shoes. HU name and price i.s stamped ' on the bottom, which protects you azalnit high prices and Inferior shoes. Take no substli tute. Ask your dealer for W. L Douglas shoe* ■nd Insist upon having them. Fast Color Eyeleti usetf; theuwlll not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog ol Fall Styles. W. L. DOUULAS, Dept. 12, Brockton, Mass. IF YOU WANT to EARN MONEY ~ T.iV-uVh " >n ' 'l ' - We offer«:£.»,OOO'ln ( ANSI * 14 i'>r iii'iso wtlo secure a description for ihi '• "ficl übbl UK iiirVrnof tho season Btu.crh» and XV oiruiii 3 Home Companion, euch lor ( f' forming 11 nine CmpanUi 4 lCn'tfiu*, Ji.uii. I'i ices are inaddttlot v** >i iibentl cornraission on oach ordpr. Thesylub. « n'nV n „I,h Cms *liy, es „ Bon,e »ItX) a week mapv as mjch as 161*. f!an use all your time orr is token.w 7 ' ur » ,irUeul «». l^forejoa IlliUitt BaUAZI.NK, IS ffuhtniUa | f| lew York CU% A COW WITH A RECORD. Noted Member of the Guernsey Fam ily Which Has Numerous Progeny. Glenwood Girl VI. belongs to one of the noted Guernsey families. Her mother, Glenwood Girl, was imported ; in her dam in 1883 and has given birth to seven daughters and four bulls. All of Glenwood Girl's daughters are alive except Glenwood Girl 11., which had to be killed on account of an injury. In every dairy herd there is usually some cow that is a great deal bettei r~5 " 1 'XI \fs : j !_ _ J Ummmm ■ i ■■■■■■■■■■■■—— —■ —: —l l mi —m Guernsey Cow, Glenwcod Girl VI. than all the rest, one that is capable of producing large yields of milk and , fat, and at the same time gives biith to many strong and large producing . animals. The science of breeding Ilea in tlio judicious use that ia made of the best blood in the herd. In order to obtain the be3t results, records must be kept of not only the amount of product yielded, but a breeding rec ord, which should show the strong characteristics of the animal, as well as the weak. Glenwood Girl VI. is considered one of the best individuals of this family and her heifers are making good rec ords and her bulls are producing some very fine stock. These facts all show that Glenwood Girl was a very pre potent animal and that she has trans mitted to her daughters and bulls the same good trait. Glenwood Girl VI. has a yearly rec ord of 12,184 pounds of milk; average test, 4.69 per cent., and 572 pounds oi fat, equivalent to 687 pounds of but ter. FARM SEPARATOR CREAM. Can Be Delivered In Good Order by Proper Care. The chief difficulty in the way of success in all creameries where the cream is collected instead of the mills is the difficulty of 'getting the cream ; delivery in a sweet, clean flavored condition. Patrons who deliver milk know that it must be delivered sweet daily, or at least six times a week in warm weather, in order to have it in a condition fit to make tine butter. On the other hand, cream will remain sweet for a longer time than milk, and , most persons consider that it does no harm if the cream sours—ln fact, , it pays better to have it sour, because | they receive a higher test for such cream from those creameries using ; the oil test. This is the chief reason why the oil test should be discarded in favor of the Rabcock, which latter test place# a premium on sweet cream. In order to get sweet cream for creameries the two main requisites ere to keep everything clean and to keep the cream as cold as possible un- ; til it is delivered at the creamery. The first requisite should be easy, but many persons fail here for the same reason that an old bachelor failed in getting good results in his cooking by following recipes in cookbooks. When some one asked him if he had ever tried any of the recipes for cooking he said lie had tried a good many oi them, but never had good results. When asked why, he said they all be gan in the same way, "take a clean dish," and he couldn't do that very handily, consequently he gave up re ferring to cookbooks. The second requisite is gotten by having on hand a supply of ice or cold water. Ordin arily each and every patron ought to have a supply of ice for cooling cream. The subject may be summar ized in the following, as presented by Prof. Dean in the Canadian Dairy man: First—Clean the pails, cans and separator daily or twice daily. Second —CooJ cream to 50 degrees by the use of fee or cold water. Third —Havis rich cream testing not less than 25 to 35 per cent. fat. Fourth—Fresfli cream should not be added to older cream until after it is cooled to 50 degrees. Fifth—Deliver daily or at least four times a week In warm weather. The cream can or tanks should be protect ed from sun, rain and dust while on the wagons. Sixth—Proper weighing, measuring and sampling are essential for satis faction among the patrons. Seventh—Cream should be pasteur ized and cooled at the creamery, espe cially in the fall and winter, to re move objectionable flavors and to add keeping quality to the butter. Eighth—Cooperation on the uart of the drivers, patrons and creainerymen is necessary in order to improve the quality of the cream and butter. Freak Ear of Corn. A freak ear of corn is reported from Shelbyville, Ind. It is composed of about 200 small ears, each the size of a lead pencil. The dairy cow Is a great factor In •very civilized country. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOEER 11, 1906. CURED OF GRAVEL. Not a Single Stone Has Formed Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills. J. D. Daughti'ey, music publisher, jf Suffolk, Va., says: "During two or three years that tl had kidney trou ble I passed about pounds of gravel and sandy sediment haven't passed a stone since using Doan's Kidney Pills, however, and that was three years ago. I used to suffer the most acute agony luring a gravel attack, and had the ; nther usual symptoms of kidney trou -1 ble —lassitude, headache, pain in the \ back, urinary disorders, rheumatic I pain, etc. I have a box containing 14 | gravel stones that I passed, but that : is not one-quarter of the whole num : ber. I consider Doan's Kidney Pills a One kidney tonic." | Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bird Breding Islands. During the last year the Audubon Society of Louisiana has rented some ! 17 bird breeding islands, located in the ' waters of the gulf. Last year the islands were watched by two wardens, whose wages were paid by the na tional committee of Audubon societies, and although they were not wholly : able to prevent trespassing and egg stealing nevertheless the results at tained were wellnigh marvellous. On their own and the neighboring islands of Breton reservation, owned by the federal government, by these simple 1 preventive measures, there were hatched and raisc-3 all of 40,000 birds, composed of the following species: ommon terns, foresters, terns, royal ems, laughing gulls, black skimmers —Country Life in America. Aunt Mary's "Quiet" Funeral. A dear old New England spinster, the embodiment of the timid and shrinking, passed away at Carlsbad, where she had gone for her health. H?r nearest kinsman, a nephew, or dered the body sent back to be buried —as was her last wish —in the quiet little country churchyard. His sur nrise can be imagined, when, on open ing the casket, he beheld, instead of 1 the placid features of his Aunt Mary, I the majestic port of an English gen eral in full regimentals, whom he re membered had chanced to die at the same time and place as his aunt. At once he cabled to the general's heirs, explaining the situation and requesting instructions. They came back as follows: "Give the general quiet fu neral. Aunt Mary interred to-day with full military honors, six brass bands, saluting guns." WHO PAID FOR THE DRINKS? Erdless Chain Operated by Thirsty Men on the Mexican Border. "Now, here is the best yarn of the lot and a good puzzle for the Sunday papers to print," said the man with the alkali in his whiskers, when ho had settled down in the hotel lobby after a long day on the rubberneck wagon. "Several years ago American silveT coin in Mexico was on the same basis a3 Mexican silver was at that time and still is in the states; it passed at half its face value. Drinks in El Paso and In Juarez, the Mexican town across the line, were a bit apiece or 12% cents, as you easterners would say. "In those palmy days a citizen oi El Paso could go Into a drinking em porium and buy a drink, paying for it with an American quarter. The bar tender would hand him back a Mexi can quarter, which was, of course, worth 12 V 2 cents in Texas. "Then with this Mexican quarter in his hand the citizen could cross the bridge to Juarez and there buy an other drink, laying his Mexican quar ter on the bar. "If the Greaser barkeep should give him in change an American quarter worth 12V£ cents in Mexico the joyous citizen could return to Uncle Sam's back yard and repeat the process. "Now, the question is: Who paid for those drinks?" —N. Y. Sun. RIGHT HOfVifc. Doctor Recommends Postum from Personal Test. No one is better able to realize the injurious action of caffeine —the drug in coffee —on the heart, than the doc tor. When the doctor himself has been relieved by simply leaving off coffee and using Postum, he can refer with fuil conviction to his own case. A Mo. physician prescribes Postum for many of his patients because he was benefited by it. He says: "I wish to add my testimony in re gard to that excellent preparation— Postum. I have had functional or nervous heart trouble for over 15 years, and part of the time was unable to attend to my business. "I was a moderate user of coffee and did not think drinking it hurt me. But on stopping it and using Postum in stead, my heart has got all right, and I ascribe it to the change from coffee to Postum. "I am prescribing it now in cases of sickness, especially when coffee does not agree, or affects the heart, nerves or stomach. "When made right it has a much better flavor than coffee, and is a vital sustainer of the system. I shall con tinue to recommend it to our people, and I have my own case to refer to." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, The Road to Wellville," In pkgs. .1 There's a reaso- " ' BABY'S TORTURING HUMOR. Ears Looked as If They Would Drop Off—Face Mass of Sores—Cured by Cuticura in Two Weeks for 75c. "I feci It my duty to parents of other poor suffering babies to tell you what Cuticura has done for my little daughter. She broke out all over her body with a humor, and we used everything recommended, but without results. I called in three doc tors, they all claimed they could help her, but she continued to grow worse Her body was a mass of sores, and her little face was being eaten away; her ears looked as if they would drop off. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before I had used half of the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the sores had all healed, and my little one's face and body were as clear as a new-born babe's. I would not be without it again if it cost five dol lars, instead of seventy-five cents. Mrs. George J. Steese, 701 Colburn St., Akron, Ohio." Hindu Moon Lore. The full eclipse of the moon was ob served in Singapore on the night of August 4. According to the Hindus this eclipse is the contact between the moon and another planet called Rahoo, but the masse 3 believe that owing to the will of God, Rahoo, or the serpentlike planet, catches hold of the moon by its hideous mouth and re leases it after a short time. At the first contact the Hindus bathe principally in the sea and anxi ously await the release. After the contact they take another bath. Dur ing the interval they are not allowed even to drink a cup of water, as their belief i 3 that all things in the world got polluted during the contact. —Sing- apore Times. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ca«e of Catarrh (hat cannot bo cured by llali's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactioua and financially ablo to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WAJLIMNO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. nail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua surfaces of the pyatem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The Port of Hong-Kong. Hong-Kong is one of the most active shipping ports in the world, but it Is not a market. It is a convenient point for the transfer of cargoes from or Intended for the different ports of China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine islands, Siam and other parts of the east, but it is a small island, with a limited population, who produce noth ing and consume comparatively little but handle a great deal of trade in transit. Low Rates to the Northwest. Every day until Oct. 31st the Great Northern Railway will sell one way Colonists' Tickets from Chicago at the following low rates: To Seattle, Portland and Western Washington, $33.00. Spokane, $30.50. Equally low rates to Montana, Idaho, Oregon and British Columbia. For further information address MAX RASS, General Immigration Agent, 220 So. Clark St., Chicago, 111. When a married woman throws a hint it is reasonably sure to strike her husband's pocketbook. LAXATIVE^ I ! KNOWN QUALITM i : - I ?*:< |F ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting P iMf ®t' £* nt,y ' * n & an nony With nature, when nature needs assist •./ iMm v'fetlr ance ? an d another class, composed of preparations of 8 ?3§lf Ipr ""known, uncertain and inferior character, act ing tempo (;' 4'' jStiM / \ Hsr rarily ' tut injuriously, as a result of forcing- tlio natural, f . KF functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of *' ,e remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever ' pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fijr Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of -C\, - plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, tS" in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con y'J Ip'■ tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy * j°f all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse tlio system kJ..-;. gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming const!- ' .'- v \ - i; ' -hj ration and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi- . wff- : * ' remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with 1 Vi ' >iv? Iff. * •/ \V** the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know I ■ 77* I % V J °* their own personal knowledge and from actual experience I o*o wgs that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. Wo do not claim that I ;(/ Wmwill cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really ; 'Cf r ' x Z"0l "Mm represents, a laxative remedy of known quality .and excellence, s containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. 'j W/< There are two classes of purchasers; those who aro informed » 112. as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for (the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage togo j| elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known || jfir/fgigic. article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, || and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect nl its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said II that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional II integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer II ' ''wr^aT imitati<)ns of 41,6 {.• -f Genuine-Syrup of Figs I v wi2| manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to || II •• <l% buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has H II .•-' T :i>'* only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company— f z >i II # c f California Fig Syrup Co.—plainly printed on the front of every : "I Imitate Sw-ma, who laid up much secret merit. —From the Chinese. Presses, CloUks, Ribbons, Suits, etc., can be in«de to look like new with PUT NAM FADELESS DYES. No muss. And no man realizes what a val uable asset a wife is until he has oc casion to put his property in her name. Blra. Wlnnlow's Soothing: Syrup. For children trethiutr, soften* the quints, lettuces In (lamination ailu,) B pain.cured wind colic. ttc a bottle. Chinese Send Much Money Home. It is calculated that Chinese living nnd working in other countries now send home not less than $50,000,000 annually. Cheap Excursions South. On the Ist and 3rd Tuesday of each month the Big Four Ry. will sell ex cursion tickets to most all points in Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia at rate of one fare plus $2.00 with return limit 30 days. Liberal stopover privileges. Write I. P. Spining, General Northern Agent, Big Four Route, 238 Clark St., Chicago, for further information. Poacher Had Nerve. Robert Jones, a Liverpool surgeon, tells of a patient who was an old poacher and who, while under the in fluence of cocaine during an operation upon the bones of a leg. regaled the surgeon with tales of his poaching ex ploits. n una tin ' ;Jjj For Infants and Children. JFF? " WMM H BIH'II ■ ■!!■ C/ISTQRiiS j The Kind Yog Have similalingfteFoodandßegula- SH § ling the Stomachs andßowcls of V M Bears the /. ■ 1 Signature /%¥ ness and Rest.Contains neitlier || r» 112 w . IT^ Opium, Morphine nor>lincral. Jg 01 /j\ Af / NOT Narcotic. 1 # U If Bmpe of Old ArSAMUEL [HTCJOa M .b* Sad' ■ IJg \ M.x.Senna * s®| B J~\ lUMI.-S.Ut- * Ml | 1 1(\ lJr ' n —) I/w Jr II Q Q Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- J* I « |V UvU fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea If I liK Worms .Convulsions, Feveris- 'M I P 112).. . M ness and Loss OF SLEEP, J rQ r yyP r , facsimile Signature of B3rS B3rS EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. P THC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITV. i LUMBAGO AND i SCIATICA j l! I ST. ill JACOBS °!L ] | Penetrates to the Spot ! ► S Right on the dot. 1 [ ]i[ Price 25c and 50c SScoacccocGcceocoDaooeoesso' $25 000 00 FOR AGENTS. Pieasam work among your fr.ends, frequent sales, larte commissions, and b»i? iirtxee for all. Address Dept. 4X, 11 fc. 24 th St., N. Y.lliy. e/« w <i«f Thompson's Eye Water A. N. K.—C~ (1906—40) 2146.~~ 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers