Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 11, 1906, Image 5
EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. \ PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., September 25, 1906. i NEMOPHIL.A, per sack #1 1". [ Felt's Fancy, " ' 85 ! Pet Grove, " 1 35 , Graham " '>o 1 Rye " • Buckwheat " 75 j Patent Meal., . .." s " Coarse Meal, j. T 100, I 31) ' Ohopi'V'l " 1 3,1 ! Middlings, Fancy " % 1 85 Brail 125 i Chicken Wheat 1 55 Corn, per bushel, 72! White Oats. i»«r bushel 1* | Oyster Shells, per 100..' i Ohoice Clover Seen, "I OhoiceTiin'.thvSeed. ! u v ar ketPrioe». Choice Millet Seed, Kancy Kentucky Rlue Cirass, J -w R. C. DODSON. THE Druggist, K Hi'UHirH, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At "nurth and CJicst.ixit S's.. sop— -1; JP I W7rr ~ JiHs if 7 / \ It . C. aWMHO-X I Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. ■ PERSONAL (iOSSiP. Contributions invited. That which you woulu ike to sec in this department,let us know hy pot talcard or letter, rersonatljj. Mrs. Geo. Herteau and son Junior, Of Hammersley Fork are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Von and two children, of Shingle House are visiting Austin Jones and family. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Jones last Tnursday. Miss Delia Clair and Miss Annie Morarity, of Renovo visited in Em porium on Sunday. Miss Louise Ogden Wright, of Re novo, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. F. Moore, over Sunday. Mr. Arthur Hall, of Binghamton j was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Logan, last week. H. S. Lloyd and wife returned home last Sunday afternoon from New York, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Contractor George Wright and wife have returned from a ten day visit to relatives and friends in New York. James Pearsall, of Coudersport, has been guest of Mr. Josiah Fisher and family, West Fifth street for some time. The gentleman is Mr*. Fisher's father. Miss Grace Lloyd left Wednesday for New York City where she will enter the lustitute of Musical art, taking the vocal course. Her brother Fred accom panied her to New York. Miss Mertie Madison who has been making her home with her aunt, Mrs Warner at Austin has returned home and is ill with typhoid fever. Arthur Catlin walked to Port Alle gany on Sunday. Notwithstanding the walking was very bad he arrived at 4:30, and transacted some very im portant business, arriving homo on Monday. "Nuf Sed," our First Fork corres pondent, is taking a trip out west. He writes us from East Saginaw, Mich., that "probably "Uncle Josh", will keep us posted on First Fork matters." Our old friend will no doubt enjoy his trip and return home full of big yarns. Allen Murry, after an absence of four years, came home last Sunday to visit his parents. He is now located at Hammersley Fork, where he and his partner have a log contract. After visiting the major portion of the coun try, including four trips to Europe, ho has now settled down to bnsiness. Asa Murry and wife visited relatives at Sterling Run and Sinnamahoning last week. Mrs. R. A. Robertson, the wife of our Free Methodist minister, who lias been ill the past five weeks with ty phoid fever is reported better and thought to be convalescent, the fever having left her. The many friends of the family will he glad to read this good news.—Ridgway Daily Record. John A. Johnston left to-day,(Thurs day) for Joplin, Mo., where he will in. stall Jtwo shell machines in the pow der plant at that place. This machine that Mr. Johnson has invented has a capacity of 25,000 shells a day . Ben S. Gunzberg, of Kenovo trans acted business in town Wednesday. Mrs. John T. Howard and Miss Eneie Howard visited Buffalo last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Reed, of Buffalo, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kepler, on Portage street. Hon. L. Taggart has been confined to his residence for several days, threatened with pneumonin. He is quite sick today. B. J. Collins, Gibson's leading lum berman and farmer, was a welcome PBESB visitor this afternoon. He is now lumbering on Big Run. The many friends of Mrs. W. 11. De- Long will bo pained to learn that she is confined to a dark room and suffer ing greatly. The ailment, rheumatism and neuralgia, so effects her eyes that she cannot stand the light. Mrs. J. D. Logan left for Buffalo this (Thursday) afternoon to meet her daughter Mary, who has been spend ing several months on Lake Michigan. They will return home Friday. Mrs. R. D. Branson returned home i last week from Denver, Col., where she spent several months with her sister, Miss Sarah McDonald. She reports Miss McDonald gaining in health very rapidly. Mrs. E. T. Osborne is spending a couple weeks in town, guest of her mother, Mrs. J. M. Judd before leaving for her winter home in Hot Springs Ark. Dr. Daniel Chester Grove, who set tled in Emporium a little over a year ago, as surgeon to the Sinnamaboning Iron and Coal Company, has resigned his position on account of poor health, and moved to his home at Brockway viile, Pa. After a good reßt the Dr. may again embark in practice. W. .J. Leavitt, our candidate for Protlionatary, was born in a log house in Cameron county, the lieir of poverty. At an early age he realized the benefits to be derived from an education; and lie worked on a farm, in the "woods," in the coal mines, at any honest work his hands found to do, until lie had qualified himself to teach others in a country school. Enterprising and industrious, Mr. Leavitt, never sits down and waits for something to turn up, but gets up in the morning before breakfast and turns up what ever comes to hand. Af- j fable anil obliging, Mr. Leavitt, J will make a splendid Protlionatary. George .1. La Bar, has never ask ed for an office before, but now having been appointed to fill a vacancy as Associate .Judge, caused by the death of the late < Jeorge A. Walker, he naturally feels a laud able desire to serve in that capac ity for a full term. Mr. LalUr's eminent fitness for this position has not, and will not be questioned. One of our solid business men, a self-made man in every sense of the term, Mr. Laßar was one of the boys who "stood by" in '6l in the days of the Na tion's peril, when men turned pale and talked with bated breath of the invasion and probable capture of Washington. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., October 13th. If you can't see well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. Birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huffman enter tained a large party of friends Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. Huffman's birthday, the event being a complete surprise to Mr. Huffman. The even ing was pleasantly passed by the fol lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. M. Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Dinniny, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ensign, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zwald, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nellis, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, Misses Dessie and Eva Lewis, Miss Maud Rentz, Mrs. Jessie Laucks, Mr. Clipson Martin. Mr. Huffman was presented with a j very handsome umbrella by his ; friends. | After partaking of the many good | things to eat the pleasant neighbors j departed for their homes, wishing Mr. | and Mrs Huffman many pleasant simi | lar occasions. Datus Ensign discover ed that Jake Huffman and Owen Din | ninv had eaten so much that he was j compelled to assist them home. Jake l declared he enjoyed the refreshments | better than ever and should celebrate j his birthday every six months liere | after and exacted a promise from Owen i to follow suit. Deafness Cannot be Cured. By local applications, as they can i not roach the diseased portion of the | ear. There is only one way to cure I deafness, and that is by constitutional j remedies. Deafness is caused by an i inflamed condition of the mucous lin ! ing of the Eustachian Tube. When ! this tube is inflamed you have a rnmbl i ing sound or imperfect hearing, and | when it is entirely elo-ed, Deafness is , the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restor ; ed to its normal condition, hearing i will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition ! of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars | for any case of Deafness caused by I catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Emmanuel Church. Beginning next Sunday, October j 14th, the hour of the early celebration of the Holy Communion will be chang ! Ed from 7 to 8 oclock. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER n, 1906 State Roads in Cameron County. Since the passage of the Sproul Good Road Lawfin 1903, the following appli cations have been filed with the State Highway Dept., requesting aid in the reconstruction of highways in Cameron county: Shippen Township 1,575 feet Emporium 80r0ugh,.... 2,528 do 4,103 do The 1575 feet in Shippen Township, extending from the western line of Emporium at the county Bridge over Driftwood Creek to a point on the road to Beechwood, was constructed by John McMenamy, of Pliila., Pa , the macadam portion being 14 feet wide. The approximate cost of the road is about $3,902.23, of which the state con tributes about ?2,926.67, the county about $187.78 and the township about §487.78. The section in Emporium Borough, 2,528 feet in length, 1200 feet of which is to be 18 feet wide, 1120 feet to he 16 feet wide and 208 feet to be 14 feet wide, extends from west line of Broad street to the Borough line of West Fourth street. The contract for the recon struction of this road has been uwa d ed to John McNanamy of Phila., Pa . at an approximate cost of $5,358.00 of which the State contributes about §4,018.50, the county about $609.75 and the Borough about $669.75. The amount of money available for road building purposes in Cameron county until after Juve Ist, 1907, is about $6,013.29. The 1907-1908 appor tionment, amounting to $2,242.24, be coming available at this time makes a total of $8,255.53 for use until June Ist, 1908, at which time the 1908-1909 appor tionment, amounting to $2,242.24, will be placed to the credit of Cameron county, making a total of $10,497.77 available for u«e until June Ist 1909- Tlie approximate total State share of the cost of the above roads amounts to about §6,945.17, which not only ex hausts the entire apportionment to .June lat,l9o7,but consumes almost one half of the 1907 1908 apportionment. From the above It will be noted that the balance left of the 1907-1908 ap portionment is not sufficient to pa.V the State's share of the cost of a half mile of road and unless the next Legis lature makes a substantial (lood lioads appropriation, it will not be possible to build any more roads in Cameron county until after June Ist, 1908. Wanted. Every hotSekeeper in this county to send for our New Fall Catalogue and price list of Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce of all kinds, also a com plete line of Household Goods, Ladies Wearing Apparel, Notions and Novelties of all kinds. En close 10 cents for postage and packing and we will send you the following articles that would cost til any retail store in America 50 cents: One elegant Doilie, six papers of choice Sewing Needles, fourteen Darners, one Bodkin and one Ladies or Gents White Lawn Necktie. And last, but not least, we will include six beautiful Pic ture Souvenir Post Cards, which alone are worth more than the 10 cents asked for the entire lot of goods listed above. We want Boys and Girls to act as agents for the sale of these Post Cards and will allow a very liberal commission. Send for samples and prices today and earn enough be fore the Holidays to secure a nice Christmas present. Address, The Farmers Exchange Mail Order House, Pittsfteld, Pa. E. A. PYLE, GENERAL Insurance Agency Fire, Life, Health and Acci dent, Employers Liability, Boiler Insurance, Plate Glass, Surety Bonds. OFFICE—CLIMAX BLDG. Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa. H.C FRITZ, Decorating and Sign Co., No. », South Harket Square, HARRISBURG, PA. Estimates given on all kinds of de corating, artistic paper hanging and painting. Would be glad to corres pond with Cameron county patrons who may have work in my line. " RE\SONVT^T° '- 1 The Best Course of Study. Q I Large Faculty of Kxperienced Specialists. fj 8 I Faculty are Authors of the Loading Series of Commercial Textbooks. M I Finest Building and Equipment, Gymnasium, Haths, etc. Li Free Course of High-Class Lectures nnd Entertainments. 112) More than 100 New Typewriters, and latest Office Devices. w Calls for Graduates to fill good places exceed Entire Student Enroll- IJ ment by more than 50 per cent. 112) Clean Athletics—Baseball, Basketball, and Field Day Exercises. si Enthusiasm in Every Department Send for Catalogue. u ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE, fij ROCHESTER, N. Y. I :axa.u-uujuuc(xoouuuj-«jxocK/ ft OUR NEW LINE OF NeW *»""* ° f Wi »«» ow Shadcs l|' 10) from IOC to 75c per Shade. || I WALL PAPER FOR 1906. ZTT T _.__ _ _ 1 1 ISii The best PAINT. Lonsrman & Martinez. Es! I = All Colors. | IP Consists of the best things from three factories. Also I fjjl the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper ofjall j ( Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made kinds - for Floors. 1 The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. w■ a t^v 7 r* ¥ * Airrv ® Louis against the world. * HARRY S. LLOYD. J | For Sale. , At the lowest prices, stationary and ! marine, gas, gasoline and ttlcohol en gines, from one to one thousand horse power. The Fairbanks Co., 34-2 m. Buffalo, N. Y. •JAY P. KELT. ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW , Corner Fourth and Broad streets, Emporium, Pa. All business relating to estate.collections, real estate. Orphan's Courtand general law business ' * ill receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly, Dissolution Notice. "VTOTICEis hereby given that the co-partner -I.N ship heretofore existing between Charles McCarty and Asa Reed, of Shippen Township, Cameron county, I'a., was dissolved October 1905, Asa Reed purchasing Chas. McCarty's in terest. CIIAB. McCARTY, ASA REED, Shippen, Pa.. Oct. 2, 1906.—33-3t. Desertion Notice. # N'OTICE is hereby given that my wife, Esther Jones, having leli my bed and board with . out just cause or provocation, the publi« are cautioned not to harbor or trust her on my | account, for I will not pay any bills of her con i- trading. HERMAN C. JONES. Sterling Run, Pa., Sept. 25, 1906. 32-3t NOTICE. : rriHE board of directors of the Sinuamahomng ! I. Powder Manufacturing Company,hereby give 1 notice that a special meeting of the stockholders I will be held at the office of said Company, 011 : Tuesday, the 27th day of November, 1906, atone | o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of voting for or J against the proposed increase of the capital stock from 1100,000.00 to $200,000.00 by an issue of I $100,000.00 preferred stock, the of which preferred stock shall be entitled to receive cumu lative dividends thereon, at the rate of and not I exceeding six percent, per annum, as the board ! of directors of said company may prescribe, pay I able out of the iy;t earnings of the Company, i Attest:— I 31-10. JOSEPH KAYE, Secretary. j District Court of the United States, Middle District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of 1 i George if. Gross and Addison [ i Gross, trading as George H. > X n Bankruptcy. , Gross & Co. I Bankrupts. J • To the creditors of George H. Gross and Addison ! j Gross, trading as George 11. Gross & Co., of | Emporium, hi the county ot Cameron and dis- j ' 1 trict aforesaid, bankrupts. Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of ! August, A. D., 1906, the said George H. Grossand | Addison Gross, trading as George 11. Gross & Co., I was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first I meeting of creditors will be held at the office of M. M. Larrabee, in Emporium, said district on j the 12th day of October, A. I)., 190f>, at one I o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said ! creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap ! point a trustee,examine the bankrupt, and trans j act such other business as may properly come before said meeting. A. R. MOORE, _ - Referee in bankruptcy. I Coudersport, I\a., September 26,1906. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OE UN SEATED LAND. I Tha County Commissioners will sell at public ! sale ort* i Tuesday, October 16th, 1906, at 11 o'clock a. m. s The following described real estate of unseated I land:! : Warrant Acres Township To whom Assessed i 1142 50 Shippen E.C.Davy 1407 10 do ....Addison Stephens • 1141 50 do Charles Howard ' 0108 40 do F. P. Ulrick r 4885 150 do ....Franklin Housler ! 1142 85 do ....L.K.Huntington 1142 50 do F. P. Ulrick . 1360 32 do ....Addison Stephens Vacant 583 do F. P. Ulrick " 4956 Wli do David Hovis Est i Vacant 30 Lumber Addison Stephens 5171 188 Oibson G. W. Warner , 5474 116 do George Mead 95 do. John Mason Est 4123 217 Grove J. A. Wykoff Vacant 330 do A. R. Williams 1360 150 Portage H.C.Crawford 1360 112 do ... .Addison Stephens 3554 50 do ... .Delos Burlingame 1407 100 do H.C.Crawford 1193 55 do Charles Howard J. W. LEWIS, S. P. KREfDER, Attest— O. L. BAILEY, W. L. Tiiom as. County Commissioners. Clerk. Commissioners Office, ) Emporium, Pa., Sept. 7tb, 1906. J 30-5t MAT ION.—Wh ebb as: —Th e Hon. B. W. Grbkn, President Judge and the Hons. John McDonald and Geo. J.Laßbk, I Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer • and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 28th day of July, A. D., 1906, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 22nd day of October, 1906, at 10 o'clock, a. m., ' and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and ■ other rememberances, to do those things which . to their offices appertain to be done. And those ' who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute . against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., October Ist, 1906, i and in the 130 th year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. LIST OF CAUSES. T IST OF CAUSES SET DOWN FOR TRIAL 1 J at October Term of Court for 1908, com mencing Monday, Oct. 22nd. No. 0. January Term, 1901. Eugene Kelley, Executor of the estate of A. G. Kelly deceased vs H. L. Hucket, S. J. Ifacket and T.N. Hacket, Executors of the last Will and Testament of S. S. Hacket, deceased. F. D. Leet, Esq., for Plff. No. 18, July Term, 1904. Mary Nolan vs John Kelly. F. D. Leet, tis<|., for Plff". I. S. Hickok, Esq., for Delt. No. 27, July Term, 1905. Marv Grace Kelly vs Frank Hhivcs, Kate Shives. I. 8. Hickok, Esq., for Pill'. Jay P. Felt, Esq., for Delt. No. 14, October Term, 1900. Johnothan B. Kephart vs The Pennsylvania liailroad Company. S. H. Glassmiro, Esq., for Plff. J. C. Johnson, Esq., for Deft. No. 19, October Term, 1905. Octave Bloch and Paul Bloch, a partnership trading under the firm name of Compagnic Oenerale des ProduiU Metallwigiques de France, for the use of Bloch Brothers of NOw Yor* City, N. Y., vs the Emporium Iron Com pany, A. Brady manager and proprietor. F. D. Leet. Esq.. lor Plff. Messrs. Johnson & McNarney, for Deft. No. I#, April Term, 1906. J. E. Johnson vs Frank E. Willson. Jay P. Fell, Esq., for Delt. No. 41, April Term, 190 U. Heilman J. Lewis vs P. S. Culver as Tax Col- I lector. F. D. Leet, Esq., for Plff. No. 43, April Term, 1906. Cameron Lumber Company, a corporation, vs ] Phoenix Assurance Company, Limited, of Lon- ; don, a corporation. Messrs. Johnson Ac McNarney, Jay P. Felt, ! Esq., for Plff. F. R. Shattnck, Esq., for Deft. No. 41, April Term, 1900. Cameron Lumber Company, a corporation, vs | Aachen .V Munich Fire Insurance Company, of Aix La Chapelle, Germany, a corporation. 1 Messrs. Johnson U. McNarhey, Jav P. Felt. Esq., for Plff. K. R. Shattuck, Esq., for Deft. No. 45, April Term, 1900. Cameron Lumber Company, a corporation, vs 1 The Northern Assurance Company, of Loudon, a corporation. Messrs. Johnson & McNarney, Jay P. Felt, i Esq., for Plff. F. R. Shattuck, Esq., for Deft. No. 46, April Term, 1906. Cameron Lumber Company, a corporation, vs The North River Insurance Company, a cor poration. Messrs. Johnson & McNarney, Jay P. Felt, Esq., for Plff. l-\ R. Shattuck, Esq., for Deft. No. 47, April Term. 190«. Cameron Lumber Company, a corporation, vs Nassau Fire Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, a corporation. Messrs. Johnson it McNarny, Jay P. Felt. Esq., for Plff. F. R. Shattuck, Esq., for Deft. No. 58, April Term, 190 U. Owen Dininny vs John Kelly. F. I>. Leet, Esq., for Put'. ' C. JAY GOODNOUGH, Prothonotary. ft I mmtm 11 ■■ i■ i ■ ■ Good Goceries, Rightly Priced • CHOICEST A NOTABLE I ft FRESH 13/\ jf KITCHEN § I FRUIT AND Specialties * n The Satisfactory Store Dairy ■ VEGETABLE J Supplies. ft When in need of groceries, try Day's. If you'r I looking for something good you've nothing to lose and a much to gain. All groceries bought at Day's, if in any I way unsatisfactory, may be returned at once and pur- V chase price refunded. We aim, first to please. £ Reduced prices for A FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. THIS WEEK. I American Full Cream Cheese 16c lb I 251b Bag Granulated Sugar $1.40. N. Y. State hand picked beans 4c lb. Mild cure, medium size California Ham, lb. 10. 35c jar Heinz Apple Butter 30c. 30c Dried Beet, choicest cuts, chipped a lb. 25c. 15c package Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 12c. Soap—7 cakes Acme Soap 25c. Niagara Laundry Starch in bulk, 61 bs 25c. 25c bottle Red Ribbon Vanilla Extract 20c. ioc box Mustard sardines, Bc. 50c pail Fairbanks Cottolene 45c. %\b tin Walter Bakers Cocoa 20c. I Drink "Royal" Java and Mocha I Coffee. 1 The best Coffee money can buy, 35c lb; 3lbs SI.OO. I I Booth's Baltimore Oysters AND LAKE FISH Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. I: i| Prompt free delivery to all parts of the Borough. I J. H. DAY, 1 • j A Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. A ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. This college has recently taken a new place among the colleges of the country. Within four years five new buildings have been erected, new professors added and entering classes doubled. Five courses of study, Classical, Latin and Mod ern Language, Latin-Scientific, Scientific and Civil Enginoering. Good traditions, strong fac ulty, superb location, beautiful rrrounds and buildings, reasonable expenses. Ffcll term opens September 18th. Write for catalog to President Crawford, Meadville, Pa. j It's Easy j to write a good letter when ; your paper, pens and ink are i."!! friendly. | Eaton-Hurlbut ; Writing Papers i the "PAPERS THAT APPEAL," J make Dolite correspondence a • pleasure. Most people just now are asking us for Twotone ; and Highland Linen. There j are other styles you may like j even better. Come in and see I them. M. A. ROCKWELL, URUGC.IST, Emporium, ra. I •