Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 11, 1906, Cobalt An Evil Spirit Harnessed to Work for Mankind, Image 12
WHO DID IT? WHY JOHNNY WISE rod'u\ Jm&i A tOME Oveß\ X- 112 w, •"■'A /, \ \ 3\ J 4/7 \Qi I |'U fctaa ! ' |/don'T OU W|SH\ VOL I TMisy | V ' i" \ i " I^-^. —;—.. ... 4 / WAIT| ti L. I\ f BOO!HOO! \ g , / TrtflojV THI3) (, p ON ' T (.IKE | B j \ L one J \ T His E I SFSEdOY/ fj N. zs | 1 •..^lltlnil w ! mtfAA (%s • ' *'""" *• ~ 1 '*' I DO YOU BLAME HIM t ft- YOUxHAD Fcuno A TEHTDOLLAR &/L'LXVYHE n .YOJj HA D OHLY 3 O CEN 7*5 m&oumcLorXf s /\/vbv —- S- ■ t—— r* ■ 11 | i 9 i ■ THEHW&&miD Th E TEM DOLLAR, BILL WAS? U&ONTER EJT .— . —— \ / yoi» J t ) /~p \ I TO e>e I V/ ~ p- 1 | Boofi WHILE , j \ • PASTff N YOU I Tte Tte A TAKC/ 6 I nrj Tyy x. VJ, .nlmiQUMu uuim ill' f-l 1 IVMII, , .. * ohzM, v - " ) 112 horrors! j [he's rRtGHTen-] 1 I THE Ll ps ]/ \ \ OOT OP h\Y \UViff] n I . x /Boo! HOO) \ I 112 Yoo didn't \ ( HOO.' \ p1 PuA,y RIGHT. I VMY MAMA? jy.x- TV. )/C —x roo • "* , v « 1 •, ' m 11 P 1 HAD JNVITED A PRETTY' CURL TO DIME WITH YOU AHP wouldn'T YOU beat IT ? I FREEI™ beauty nnn Band ring *• *\> J-* ifLILL • "j An Amerlcw MoTemenf Wsteb with MM Ml OLtLI IH II w"• "■ £>'. ,sSj®££g IJJ ff—O) Plsted cw. item wind mod stem set. wmrrmoWxl to „ ,V x£Xi -SiSZSSSs 1 )" * OC VjHljy keep correct time. •! mllar Id appearance to a Solid Ana Sewing Ontflt i * U. 3*-l Oold Watch warranted for 25 year*; alto a Gold ___ ___, Pilled Ring aet with a Sparkling waa P™ 9 U | » Qsm. are ilren frae for sslllng Wg hJ Im La \ <gji.v» #lfflKv ODITM Jewelry Korsltlesat 10c. MgßßgaSto 1% I W?f Wl d* B€ °J y ° U | f DAl^t] l ' l<l *M . ■■■■ ■■■■ i FRIEND SUPPLY CO., ESFS';V r„!i Dept. 509. Boston, Mann thl>t w * «" r *" v - * w,y -. W>/t She haaamafnlflcent head, jfhft ,}/: >awit WDcVk'!':!]! Tnoul with real carls, and lovely MIW/£ iFj^MA Solo Accordion Free »j« ViVS.?, ~, py A full voiced mn.lcal In- picture hat, trimmed with ly ft\o mt wit^fPrnt t«rtnlninanU.*dtn<jci. etc It some Eton J»cket, u»y wllh to biiv of Y" t r Jc '^ < * t ,^ y B,t lu t ' l * My'®i niaka the TiM 'lili'rms^» pfece th and Je r«turn our'flV.f? GRAPH OF TIIE DOLL. V&fd /, V - ' j- -- and w« will aend the Arcor- u « _. __.._ ■ .... Tt E J , h ) K Wwar s dlon at once and iruaraol« . B ' ni °* »® u » ®*"' e • Dd . f<K I JI ( 112 W&\ JLaSSmESMJLsV aatlifactlon. Tkla la not a drew for only 24 plccca of our J <t i I I\?\\ I %// /^X II 111 n ihtap toy. It (• a perfect In- New Art Jewelry Novelties to sell | K fni S ' ? Hull \V j -j •truinent. with tea Weya, t«a », a r - nLt . t 1.„.„ I K7V tSi ' ill Ik . W lllmi 'll I atop*, double bcllowa. oa*c and nlckel*plat«d %»lv« and 1 cent# a piece. Thei* are 112 If Iv J C Jib|? | \ pNOaa^ trlmnilnv*. You will be delighted with It and with our goods Write gmalne gold plate. Our gooda r ' 112 filf 1 \sxSltr^^ to-day. Addreaa are worn by the beat people. ? J J/I,|}/ 1 t—SI FRIEND SUPPLY CO., Sell theae and return our s£.4o t, i JImK 1 Dept. 409, Boston. MatW. »*«•«▼•<• f'»»> the aale and tre \', IKU I (V will tend you at onee thla great. ~' Mrfli S 112 M® )a ii\ ~ ] dremed. Jointed iy /i® SJt ' if, 'a 4 Vi^k FUtedwlth. Big Magic » nd »"» h % fi \l .'V.. & & WITH HER WEWILLAUO iM \ f'»•*•.' ilfiTn»«« I a a aaaea.Maa OItVK TOIJ THIi COMPLETE W- L«t".rV u LANTERN ™f ®\} N S^. N ®' l ! I , h ItTS" H "CH I II -* mctcbe. 'BUT MANY times TlTiFft&hi? IAM\ Black, alth tAMTiUM I Jl §4 ¥? fl ll LAKOEII.' LH |i» 1 Trim. HANDSOME SEWING 0 j/j \ P •Om eI J d«. ItST A«>. amliroldary silk and elf;ht // ° 112 \m\ I THIHa THIHa bLck W p"nk H rld greint'nd ff o 1 ''' 0 I 1 oS m filmp <l "anS | mow* blue. This la something which l| ' |j e!*i To 1 ! I— — ®" ' o< member wc give this with the doll ' ° colored alldM. dh. " uJ >' ou K et both |>r> uiluinn to- 0 / S.'-'l'/Alltf* rl B ther W,t, OUt ' Bl " y WIU tOUa> ' V ' A Oatlt st* ones. W» also cltsyoo c large aasortment of two-colored —————j 1 poster* and admlnlon ttekcts, ao yon cw glr* *bow* ad charge a. —-/* v ■ 1 ,112 admlMloo Writ* to-day lUm* V | I J This Is an old 9 PRIBNO aUPPLY CO., • \ reliable firm H Dept. 309, Boaton. Mass. and »" prem- | Printing Presji and Otatfit without deu,. H IIP FRIEND SUPPLY Co.7»«p<- «». Boston. Mass. 1 press ana complete outdt for selling only * 4*sea pieces of our swell g" ifi 1 " <?'& H .JA*? e "*• J& Wmm M' I Art Newsier at 10 cants eacb. Send us vour nsme snd sddresa. We & trust you with tbe Jewelnr. When sold send ua the money and we we will ImnVedlatX feIJS M/MLf will send the presa and ourtt at once. Addre- th.' oMa Md ou'tdt JrWGrWM FRIEND SUPPLY CO., lust an described. Write today. Addrew j/THEfS VOu\ • J | PS AN l I ' .'i \ ("Yoo Yoonc, : / / SAVA<se/ c,ET \ (I UwAy FROM I V"-- -*»; I \ HE/RE with )