EM POKIUM MILLING _COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Kmporium, Pa., September 25, 1906. ( NBMOPHILA, per sack $1 lft • Felt's Fancy, 44 1 3ft ' Pet Grove, " 1 86 lirahaiu, 44 HO Rye 44 Hi) Buckwheat • , Patent Meal . . 4 * 60 « Coarse Men! • i i«»0 112 1 30 Chop f'ecM, .. ... 4 * 130 M"(ldling* Fancy ** 1 35 Bran 125 Chicken Wheat 1 65 ' Corn, per buanei, 72 j White Ons. > r 'Hiatiel 4H Oyster Shells, per 100 Choice Clovei .-jeen, 1 OhoiceTinnthy Seed. ! , M . ~, , CJtioice Millet See.l. 112 1 r " «s. Fancy Kentucky Blut'Orass. i nom .• 37VSJXS. Bvnrfwwai R. C. DODSON, . THE Qrdgy Ist, Is LOCATEU THS CORKER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Stß.. pp «*. C. Tolcplione, 1.9-0. J.OCAL I)EPA»T9IKNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would ike to nee in thin department,let VN know by pos tal card or fetter, personally. Jasper Harris is in New York select ing fall goods. Mrs. Ohas. Seger spent Tuesday with friend* in Driftwood. Miss Nellie E. Marsh, of Mason Hill, spent last Saturday in Emporium. A. H. Shaffer, of Ridgway, trans acted business in town this week. Judd L. Minich and wife, of Altoona, Pd., visited Mrs. M. A. Rockwell Mon day. Mrs. N. J. Barner and daughter, of Kane, visited friends in town over Sunday. Chas. C. who recently located in Buffalo has ordered the PRESS sent to him. Dr. D. C. Groves spent last Friday and Saturday at his home in Brock wayville. Mrs. F. X. Blumle and two sons lett Monday morning to visit friends in Erie for a week. Miss Kate Welsh has resigned her position in Pittsburg, and will teach school on Elk Lick. Miss Perna Qaskill returned Sunday from a week's visit with her sister in Houghton, N. Y. Howard Dodge has been confined to his home for several days threatened with typhoid fever. C. G. Minick, of Ridgway, registered at the New Warner yesterday. He was returning from Potter county. Miss Mabel Smart, of Keating Sum mit, visited friends in town over Sun day guest of Miss Bessie McQuay. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leathers and child, of Howard, Pa., are visiting Mrs. Leathers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Camming*. Misses Mame and Margaret Cum mings accompanied their brother-in law, Mr. Geo. Leathers, to Port Alle gany Sunday. • Mrs. A. L. Good and son Frank, of Allegheny, Pa., are visiting relatives in town guests of Mrs. Good's sister, Mrs. Wm. McDenald. The Keeler Chemical Company at Kane have struck the largest flow of gas ever known in the world, the well now gushing one million feet per day. Mr. and Mrs. John Trebsvether and son Paul went to Niagara Falls last Friday, being called their by the sudden death of Mr. Trebsvether's mother. Mr. and Mrs, Carles Butler, of Port Allegany, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sweeney over Sunday.— McKean County Miner. William Hamilton of Moroco, W.Va., a former resident of Driftwood, stop ped in Emporium yesterday to call on old friends. We were pleased to meet our friend. Mr. Hamilton and his partner were on theiv return from Wellsville, N. Y., where they purchas ed a new band saw mill to take the place of their mill recently destroyed by fire. Mrs. Hamilton will visit in this section for some time. Mr. Arch Lewis, of Ulysses, Pa., is day clerk at New Warner. Mr. Gilbert, Sr., is spending a few days in Buffalo. Mrs. Isaac Wykoff, of Cameron, was doing shopping in town. Dr. F. C. Rieek, of Chester, has been visiting in town for several days. J. W. Kaye and wife left this morn ing for their home at Westboro, Wis. C. L. Gilbert, Jr., of Fenner, Cal., is visiting his father and brother at New Warner. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hinkle, of Wil cox, were guests of Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle last Sunday. W. S. C. Koble, of Buffalo, spent several days in town last week guest of Geo. Hockley. Judge (Jreen is holding court at Lock Haven this week and is disposing of a large amount of business. Ed. Straight, of Ridgway, was shak ing hands with old friends and ac quaintances in town to-day. Walter McCaslin returned to his home in Cleveland Wednesday, after spending two weeks with friends here. Mrs. J. L Eobert's little son Loo, was severely bitten on the face by a dog yesterday while playing on the street. Mr. Raymond J. Weschler,of Evans ton, 111., enroute to University of Penn sylvania,visited the Misses Blumle this week. Chas. E. Crandell, Teller in First National Bank, left yesterday for Phila delphia to attend the State Bankers Association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Lucore return ed home Tuesday morning from a weeks visit with relatives in Williams port and Picture Rocks. Mr. J. H. Welton, of Hicks Run, transacted business in town Monday and while here made the PRESS a pleasant and substantial call. Floyd Van Wert left Wednesday night for Philadelphia where he will enter the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. J. Roe Cox and wife, of Pauls boro, N. J., are visiting in town, guests of Wm. Knickerbocker and fam ily. Mr. Cox is an electrician and is installing some electrical work for the Eastern Powder Co., here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Lloyd left Tuesday noon on a pleasure and busi nesstrip to New York City. They will purchase their holiday goods during their absence. Misses Minnie Baur gelt and Emma Ellis have charge of the store during their absence. Robt. Armstrong, of Beech wood, was a PRESS visitor last Saturday and squared himself with ye printer by pushing the date on his PRESS ahead well into 1907. Robt. is employed on Hicks Run and is working hard and seldom comes to town unless he comes on business. Come again friend—we enjoyed the cigars you left for us. Caterpillar The symptoms of the aliment known to doctors as "caterpillar rash" aoe'ln tense Irritation on the palms, and some times on the face, accompanied by a atmber of bllsterllke swellings which, when they occur round the eyes, some times have the effect of obstructing vision. The preventive Is to leave hairy caterpillars alone. As the "palmer worm," the hairy caterpillar of the goU\ tall moth, one of the com monest and most beautiful objects of the country at midsummer, passes from hand to hand. It leaves on every palm a few of Its loosely attached hairs, and those hairs are possessed, for the protection of the caterpillar against birds and browsing animals, •112 what scientists call "urtlcatlng prop erties." "Urtica" Is the Latin for "net tle." Many other hairy caterpillars ure almost as bnd as the "palmer worm," and as a general rule the less you han dle any hairy caterpillar the better.— London Mail. Business Men's Association. Weekly meetings of Business Men's j Association will be held every Thurs ! day evening at Council Room, City | Hall. It is earnestly requested that I every member will be present at these j meetings as they will be of the great l est interest to every one. We had an j enthusiastic meeting last week, let us i have a better one this week, Thursday ! evening, Sept. 13th. No notice will be : mailed hereafter. Remember every j Thursday evening. 30-3. CHAS. DIEHL, Secretary. How's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O We, the undersigned,have known F. I J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be | lieve him perfectly honorable in all , business transactions, and financially : able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood i and muoous surfaces of the system. 1 Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. As a dressing for sores, bruises and leirns, Chamberlain's Salve is all that can b<> desired. It is soothing and healing in its effect. For sale by L Taguart; •J. K Smith, .Sterling Uuo, Crurn ]Jr< • Sinnamahoning. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1906 Letter to F. W. Yentzer. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: We shall feel obliged if you write 11- how you eauic-out on your first few Devoe, 11* to pillonti expected aud used. Take Job A. You made your price, ex peel in.; to use "iillmis Devoe, and used 1 .*l. Job 15- \ou expected to use 15 and u-ed 10. And tell us what paint you had used beluie. Of course, you judi!" Devoe by what you have used be fore. ill if.'.- how a few eanie-out. M A. Thomas, painter, Lynchburg, Va., writes: My first job with Devoe, I estimated :>7 gallons, it took 25. Since then I have used nothing else. ('. I>. Ivlwards, Haleiirh. N. had used :;il ga'lons paste paint on his house, and b«iu<;hti>() gallons Devoe: A. Iv I ilenn. his painter, said it wouldn't be enough. Had 1(i uallons left. Ma\nr W. \V. Can oil, Montieello, Florida, writes: Painter estimated Mf> gallons Inr my house: took 20 gallons Devoe. < iiluiiii'c & Davis Co., contractors and painters, Tallahassee, Florida, say 2 gallons Devuc uprcads as far as 15 of any other punt they know, and covers better S. A. Bollard, painter, Sunford, Flor ida, estimated 50 gallous for Odd Fel lows :■ i*«l Masonic Halls; tliev took Dev...-, Jones & Rogers, Merkel, Texas, esti mated 111 gallons Devoe for Mr. Pratt s hiiu.-'- and bought '» gallons for first coat; it painted two coats. Krh Co.,San Antonia, Texas, i paint. ! two houses satin; *i/.o for I'. J. ' Woodward, one lead-and oil. ihe other | Devee, Devoe com §l2 less lor paint! and labor. Toni Masev's ji.iintei . Walnut Springs, Texas, e.-iimati d lor his house 10 gallons Dovo. . le- had I left. Vull -l eli.nv il go-s. Iv. en (he best ean't gue.'.« little eiixtigh at first. V<urs truly, !•'. W. DEVOK & Co , New York. For Sale Cheap. One .••lightly used high class piano For further particulars itii|uire at this office. Tin: Howie humbug shows how easily people are religiously looted. When two strong man come to blows, even if they are well matched, it is not a pleasing sight, but if the man who gets the worst of it will use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, he will look better and feel better in short order. Be sure you get DeWitt's, Good for everything a salve is used for, including piles. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. Daily duty may be the divine drill. The Laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree able and so natural you can hardly realize that it is produced by a medicine. These tablets also cure indigestion and bilious ness. Price 25 cents. Samples free at L. Taggart's; J. E. Smith, Sterling ltuu; Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning. Once in a great while the voters get careless and elect an honest man. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt llheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25c by Druggists. Williams M'f'g Co., Prop's Cleveland, O. For sale by It. C- Dodson. 9-ly. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendent at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFO. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1»03. 24-tf. PENNSYLVANIA R'AILROAD $2 50 from Emporium to Buffalo and Niagara Falls Tuesday, October 2,1906 Tickets Rood for passage going only on train leaving 8:25 A. M., returning on all regu lar trains October 2 and 3." Baggage will not be checked nor will tickets be accepted for passage in Pullman cars. W. W. ATTERBURY, General Manager. J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. GEO. W. BOYD, Gen Passenger Agent rag-i IsnsiSns uft'stzi fi) OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Sh Ijj 1 , from ioc to 75c per Shade. I Wall Paper for 1906. „ , T = ,fi _ The best PAINT, Longman & Mart ij| All Colors. U Consists of tlie best things from three factories. Also ■ —— : the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of.all Rodger's Stainfloor, the best m kinds. f or Floors. The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. »w A r* II Lonisl against theworld. ® I—* LvJ The Portage Store. W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the ! Portage store, desires to inform his patrons and the genera! public that he is offering special inducement in canned 1 ! goods for the next thirty days. Read i this: Tomatoes, 10c; Good California I ! Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c; Finest String Beans. 10c: Best, Seeded i Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap, j 25c. Other goods in proportion. Call me on 'phone. W. L. DIXON, j 7-tf. Near Portage Bridge. I JAY P. PELT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Corner Fourth and Broad .streets, Emporium, Pa. All business relating to estate.collections, real estate. Orphan's Court and general law husineFß will receive prompt ittentjoii. 41-25-1 y. Dissolution Notice. * VTOTK'K is hereby givimlliat the co-partner ! ship heretofore existing between Charles j McCarthy anrl Asa Iteeil, of Sliippen Township, | Cameron county. I»a., was dissolved October 1905, Chas. McCirty purchasing Asa Reed's in- I terest. CIIAS. McCARTY, AS A REED, j Shippen, Pa., Sept. 10th, 19«6.—30-3t. - I Desertion Notice. N'OTICE is hereby given that my wife, Esther Jones, having left my bed and board with out just cause or provocation, the public are : cautioned not to harbor or trust her on my | j account, for I will not pay any bills of her con ' trading. IIKRMAN C. JONES. | Sterling Hun, I'a., Sept. 2 r », 100(5. 32-.U I Administratrix's Notice. Estate of DA I 'ID S. LOU UK, Deceased. VTOTICK is hereby Riven that letterstestamen titry upon the estate of David S. Logue, late • of Gibson township, Cameron county, Pa., cle- I ceased have been granted to the undersigned to • whom claims against said estate must be present i ted, duly authenticated; also all persons indebted to said estate mu*t make settlement. FRANCES LOGUE, Administratrix, j Aug. 30.1900. -28-It. NOTICE. r PHi: board of directors of the Sinnamahoning I Powder .Manufacturing Company,hereby give ! notice that a special meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of said Company, on Tuesday, the 27th day of November, 1906, at one o'clock, n. m., for the purpose of voting for or against the proposed increase of the capital stock from *IOO, 0<»0.0j to $200.000 00 by an issue of $100,000.0" preferred stock, the holders" of which preferred Mock shall be entitled to receive cumu lative dividends thereon, at the rate of and not . exceeding six percent, per annum, as the board l of directors of said company may prescribe, pay able nut of the net earnings of the Company. ATTEST:— 31-10. JOSEPH KAYE, Secretary. District Court of the United States. Middle District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of 1 George H. Gross and Addison 112 Gross, trading as George H > j n Bankruptcy. I Gross & Co. I Bankrupts. ) j To the creditors of George H. Gross and Addison j Gross, trading as George H. Gross & Co., of Emporium, in the county ot Cameron and dis trict aforesaid, bankrupts, i Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of 1 j August, A. D., 1906, the said George H. Gross and | Addison Gross, trading as George H. Gross & Co., was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and thatthe first : ; meeting of creditors will be held at the office of j M. M. Larrabee, in Emporium, said district on , the 12th day of October, A. D„ 1906, at one | o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said I creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap j point a trustee,examine the bankrupt, and trans act such other business as may properly coma ! before said meeting. A. R. MOORE, Referee in Bankruptcy. Coudersport, Pa., September 26, 1906. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF ON SEATED LAND. ;l _ The County Commissioners will sell at public sale on Tuesday, October 16th, 1906, at It o'clock a. m. The following described real estate of unseated land:) Warrant Acres Township To whom Assessed 1142 50 Shippen E.C.Davy 1407 10 do Addison Stephens 1141 50 do Charles Howard •108 40 do F. P. Ulrick 4885 150 do ....Franklin Housler 1142 85 do ....L. IC. Huntington 1142 50 do F. P. Ulrick 1360 32 do ....Addison Stephens Vacaat 583 do F. P. Ulrick 4956 40Vi do David Hovis Est Vacant 30 Lumber Addison Stephens 5471 188 Gibson G.W.Warner 5474 116 do George Mead 95 do John Mason Est 4123 217 Grove J. A. Wykoff i Vacant 330 do A. R. Williams 1360 156 Portage H.C.Crawford 1360 112 do ... .Addison Stephens I | 3554 50 do ... .Delos Burlingame .1407 1 00 do H.C.Crawford 1193 55 do Charles Howard J. W. LEWIS, > S. P. KREIDER, I ATTEST— O. L. BAILEY, W. L. THOMAS, County Commissioners. Clerk. Commissioners Office, > Emporium, Pa., Sept. 7tb, 1906. } 30-5t WANTED Local Agent to represent a well-known and substantial Lite Insurance Company, with Guaranteed Dividend policy. Liberal contract and renewals to rhe right man. Address IS. h. Payne, Mgr. 1400 Keystone hulldlnv Pltt.sburir. Pa Clearance Sale! sCiolhing at a Mce. $ |, „ | J All renminingSmnmer Goods, in every C department must be dispn«-d of during p 1 August in order tr» prepare for curly full 2 112 goods. Do not miss .this wonderful ,>ar " v. gain opportunity. J $ N. SEGER. \ y Pioneer Clothier of Cameron County rm mtew&mm m TRY I Our Sliced Ham and Baco CHOICEST A 7"«* /""V TRY FRESH DAI S FRUIT AND LILLY ® i/crrTADir The Satisfactory Store VEGETABLE J FLOUR.: Did you ever stop to consider the real satisfac* in having a place to buy groceries where reliability the watchword? The Day Grocery Store has a rep tion for "reliability" and on this basis continues t< business. Are you one of its patrons? Here's our special list for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, THIS WEE> 2 5 If* Bag Granulated Sugar si.. California Ham, (trimmed shoulder) a lb. 10. 30c Dried Beef, choicest cuts, nicely chipped a 25c. Wheat Biscuit— 15c package Shredded W Wheat Biscuit 12c. Toilet Paper— 10c roll 1000 sheets to the "Square Deal" Toilet Paper Bc. Six rolls for 45c. Macaroni—lsc package Macaroni, Spagetti or micelli 12c. Soap—7 cakes Acme Soap 25c. Sardines—loc box Mustard sardines, Bc. Pine Apple—lsc cans, pine apple, chunks 2 fo Apple Butter—3sc jar Heinz Apple Butter 30c I Matches—lsc package Grocers matches 12c. Onions —Very choice yellow onions, peck 25c Pure Spices and Pickling Vinegar. I Booth's Baltimore Oysters AND LAKE FISH Leave orders for delivery Friday morning. I Free Prompt delivery to all parts of the Borot J. H. DAY, A Phone 6. Emporium, M 1 It's Easy! ''!! I I ■ ; to write a good letter* | ! your paper, pens and irfi *| , '1 friendly. 11 Eaton- Hurli Writing Papa I j the "PAPERS THAT API 1 make oolite correspond! ■ pleasure. Most peopf j now are asking us for T| I and Highland Linen, i are other styles you m| even better. Come in I | them. T I! M. A. ROCKWE IIKI «{;jsr, 112 • Kinporlmn, J'.ii Foley's Honey * 'lor children,saf,?,sura, 'i > V,:»aS§?vv.ai3©©tt§a .'Jociiis, fcoids ani
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers