THE HOODOO COON AND THE BLACK CAT , r .. S 73 I : j vai® fISIV %,iiH MIIMI A MJ IUY DLAPIL. ran 1 11 !!i||«lM )F ~YOU HAD FALLEM ASLEEP VYH/LF WMIRINCJ FOR A PRE rrr 0//-?*. A/YO I wot/to FJT YOU \ WIS IL v L mf ro • / I THEM 5/AW T/Y£ PRETTY Q/RUS OLD J MA/O S/STER CR/MMIMC AT YOU L " ~ - t [Wfta. J L-IKC TO MAHHY I j |fflis[j 1. \we ? &*.? j y j L-j W ERE -A W/\ KEM E O 8v SOFT MUSIC AMD THE S TFT/\ T/V5 OF T HO UV WOOL, D YOU U / TO MARRY" ME'' AMO V J ir ~ rif ) I pa ' ! ~ , ilif I 112 I (f<#»y} ,4'n I -X.'' WOUL ON T YOU BMT IT ? \ TO GIRLS are GIVING AWAY thousands . 'HHof BIG DOLLS. EVERY GIRL who ' this advertisement CAN W S|hAVE ONE, and it WILL NOT COST B pHONE CENT, although the dolls are 112 V iSIWORTH THREE DOLLARS APIECE. m a aJlas ai We mean just what we say. You do not have to pay I P§§ji. Hone cent. You do not even have to pay the express, for This picture is taken from a photograph of one of the I and shows just how she looks, only of course the dolls much larger, in fact every doll is nearly twenty-four • Every doll has a TURNING HEAD, eyes.that OPEN (. $4% * jJBBHA N I) CIiOMK, genuiue bisque head, strong body; long, golden, curly hair; big, bright blue eyes; perfect Wm Every doll is FULL JOINTED at the shoulders, elbows, mm wjlHHhip.sand knees. Every doll is COMPLETELY DRKSSKD k'3|f \1» head to foot in RIBBONS AND LACK, and is pro- Hsak ijjSHvided with a complete outtlt of dolls' uftderwear. and l||§|<lainty little, kid shoes and openwork stockings that can Hff ■ jHbt' taken off and put on. JUST THINK OF IT—This BIG, HANDSOME looninff IH IUS^1 K DOLL, KIiLLY DRESSED, just as described, HanilsnmV / ° |i|j|sent FREE, without one cent of cost, all charges paid. _ y J r ||||| Ail you have got to do is to write us. We will send you anil 112 a *-J"" Bjfltw o dozen fancy jewelry novelties to sell for us at 10c each, mm aiiu/ e trust you with the jewelry until sold. The jewelry LSPfI I Wmi novelties are easy to sell, as they are worth more than you have to ask for them. \V hen the novelties are sold send us I ,none y y° u have received and the very day we / IHHI receive the money we will send you one of these handsome, <&MB big dolls just as described above. • Sit right down NOW and write before you forget it. We : iflH are a reliable Company and you can depend on us The , editor of thin magazine has seen this doll and knows that it i gsp||Sp !■[ is just as we describe it. Write to i As# I>KPT. 09, £ UNION NOVELTY COMPANY. Attleboro, Mass. ||||l£ 1 |B| ■ f .. 11» any porituii who will show lliat we du not give thl* liuixliiiilaK dreasfd doll or ntcm wind ami stem *ct wittcli, ami » cliulu S ;Mfor selling only 24 HitlclvM of J«u«lry at 10c each. jFrce-Cold Wsjteh AnoChjiin year, w© will rend you the Wat'h and i ; h»:in, l/ihr < p j| *n«i v\«ns r<na.>nt fkek. «" %• h. chnrm » paid, for "i-ly 24 article.* of Jowplry at 1U ceutj each The Wati-li Pendant Is Koldplated and »et with flvo beautiful ruble#, emeralds and sapphires. I Dept. 99, Union Novelty Company, Attleboro, Mass? J jr* h at - k & ! -(jl ~N ioKFOUND r) BL\ I JJ "<> "-=- ' / ■"\ f^hCK| /dat^hoo O'D^s" ; Wf^y^ h -■ " s ' w , ' : n 4 m,."" i .' N \ ' '''" ,r ~ N , ' ■ 1 .. ■ -"P
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers