EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., August 6, 190fi. N BMOt' l 11. A. per sick $ 125 felt's Kaucy, ■' 1 10 Pet Grove, '• I 85 Graham " 15 iiyi* .. .. " lio Buckwheat " 70 Patent Mea: . ..." 50 ■Coarse M .tl ■•'■r mil 1 35 hopK*'-. ...." 135 •dillint, !■ nicy • 1 35 Brau 1 28 Chicken Wheat 1 55 Oom, oer bushel, 75 White »a - nmhel SO yster Shells, per 100 Choice Clove" 1 Choice Tim >th> Seed. i v t Market Prices Choice Millet -Seed. 112 ,l "icei^rius. i'ancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE Qtdcjc|ist, I*A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE AtFourth and ChestnutSts., K. C. IIOUHII.X. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL OOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would ike to see in this departincnt,lct us know by pot *al card or letter, personally. Geo. Morrison, of Driftwood, was in town Tuesday between trains. Chas. Howard enjoyed an auto ride to Port Allegany on Saturday. The tent meeting being held up Rich Valley is quite largely attended. Miss Mollie Stephens, of Couders port, is guest of Mies Edna Auchu. Mrs. Harry Derby has returned from viaiting relatives And friends at Olean. W. J. Leavitt transacted business and visited friends at Driftwood last Friday. Walter McCaslin, of Cleveland, is spending this week in town with friends. Clarence Howlett, of Sterliog Run, bought a splendid matched team at the horse sale. Grant Hart, of Steditig Run, was among the number who visited our town Tuesday. A. A. McDonald and Franklin Housler visited Warren county oil rtelds last Monday. Carl Ingersoll, of More Hill, is visit ing friends in town and taking in the sights around the city. Wm. Crosby came up from Sinnama honing Tuesday and bought a line driving horse at the horse sale. Miss Eva and May Swartzftsher, of Kenovo, are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Vogt. Miss Qolda Lyons returned home this week from a week's outing spent in Potter county with a camping party. Miss Avis Lane, of Mason Hill, was in town Saturday, the guest of Miss Alvira Farr. She was enroute to her school at Four Mile. Mr. and Mrs A. 8. Hicks, of Hicks Run, while transacting business in Emporium last Saturday, made the PRESS a social call. Call again friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas R Robbins and two children, of Renovo, visited in Emporium on Monday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Moore, on Sixth street. W. S. Clark, of Belington, W. Va., arrived in town last Saturday, being called here on account of the illness of his wife, who i 3 visiting her parents here. Miss Olive Curtis, expert hat trimmer from Cleveland, 0., hasarrived in Em porium to take charge of W. H. Cramer's trimming department. Miss Curtis is one of the best trimmers that ■ever visited this place. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rathfuss, of Williamsport, Pa., visited in Empori um on Saturday last, guests of Mrs. M. A. Rockwell. The Paras editor had the pleasure of meeting the genial couple. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam, accompanied by Miss Mame Cummings, trimmer for Misses Ludlam, have returned from visiting Buffalo and Cleveland, inspect ing and selecting fall and winter styles in millinery and fancy goods. Their patrons will no doubt hail with delight their new styles. Miss Francis Lead better visited friends in Austin last week. Geo. S. Moore, of Sterling Hon, is visiting in Emporium to-day. Editor Ftockley and wife are visiting their son and family in Old Virginia. Miss Johnson of Bradford has been visiting her father in town the past week. Rev. J. M. Robertson has returned from visiting his family at C'atskill mountains. Mrs. E. O. Bardwell returned on Tuesday from Buffalo, having visited there for a week. Will Zuber, formerly of this place, now located at Lewistown, Pa, was shafting hands with friends in town this week. Mins Stella Hoffman, of Renovo, graduate of the Central State Normal at Lock Haven has been added to our staff of teachers for this year. C. V. Minick, one of the Republican nominees for the legislature from Mc Kean county, died at Bradford Tues day morning, after an illness of one month. J. M. Walker, Esq., and family of Scranton, who has been visiting Robert Hanna and family for a week, returned home yesterday.—Monday's Lock Haven Express. Mrs. MacGregor and children return ed to their home in Canada this (Thurs day) morning after spending the sum mer with Mrs. MacGregor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robinson. Mrs. Josiah Howard and Mr and Mrs. William Howard were in Buffalo, and to the Toronto Pair, last week. The trip to Buffalo was made by automobile, Mr. Hilliker acting as chauffeur. Chas. Cummings returned home last Saturday from Toronto where he spent a week taking in the sights. Charles was so pleased to get back home that his friends complain of bis hearty hand shake. They say it felt like nettles. Donald Wright left yesterday for Pittsburg where he will enter the Westinghouse Air Brake plant as an apprentice. He is a son of Engineer and Mrs. W. K. Wright and has the pluck and vim necessary for success— Renovo News. Mrs. Thomas Q. Brady, of Clarks burg, West Va., visited in Emporium last Wednesday, guest of her brother in-law, Mr. Andrew Brady and daugh ter Miss Marian. On account of the illness of Mrs. Brady, Miss Marian ac companied her aunt to West Va., to remain, possibly for some time. Prof. A. L. L. Suhrie and wife are visiting relatives and friends in town. They leave to-morrow for New York city—from there they take the boat for DeLand, Fla., their future home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Suhrie will take positions in Stetson University. Their many Emporium friends wish them well. While Thos. Davin, who is flagman on local freight between Emporium and Olean, was going over his train last Saturday, and in the act of step ping from one box car to the other, the coupling broke and Mr. Davin plunged down between the cars. He had one foot quite badly hurt and was consider ably bruised on other parts of his body. It is a miracle he escaped being fatally injured. Miss Audrey Smith left Tuesday for Clarion, to enter the Clarion Normal. Her father, B. E. Smith and son Derr accompanied her and returned home the following day A. Leo L. Suhrie and bride are visiting at the home of Fred Ritchie, a brother of Mrs. Suhrie. From here they will goto Emporium, after which they will leave for DeLand, Florida, their future home.—St. Marys Enterprise. Miss Frances Leadbetter, of Empori am, is the guest of Mrs. W. S. Warner this week Mrs. Wylie and daugh ter, of Beechwood, and Mrs Coulter, of Keating Summit, were guests ef Mrs. Susan Yarger and family the first of the week Little Myrtle Mattison, of Emporium, will make her home with her aunt, Mrs. W. S. Warner, this winter and attend the Austin High School.—Austin Autograph. Mrs. Wm. Lupoid and son Clyde, of Utica, N. Y., have been visiting friecds in Emporium for some days, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Campbell, Spring street. Mrs. Lupoid and her husband, will be pleasantly remembered by many of our citizens. Mrs. Lupoid and son called to see the PRESS on Monday and renewed their subscrip tion-well into 1907. Once a resident of Emporium and a reader of the PRKSB, you are sure to order it to follow you when yon leave. New Bakery Opened. McCann & Sterner to-day start the new Bakery in Walker Block. By Monday they will be in lull blast. 'Phone 139. One nicely furnished room to let. Inquire of Mrs. Bardwell. The Metropolitan Music Co.,has soli cited permission to set some of Mrs. E. Mersereau Newton's song-poems to music. Dinner and supper will be served at the Park both days "*,he Fair, by the ladies of the Fir - 'todist church. Lunches, ice cr«. Meals 25 cents. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1906 Married at Buffalo. A lovely wedding wan solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. | Crandall, 281 J«»rney street, Buffalo, N. j Y., Kept. sth, at 9 a. m, when Mr. Wm. If. Brady, of Emporium, Pa., was united in marriage to IJIIaT. Belmont, formerly of Hallowell, Me. With the strains of Mendelssohn's mareh, the ■ bride and groom enteredthe room. The bride wore a white silk crepe do chene, trimmed with Irish pointed lace. The groom wore a black broad cloth suit, with white silk vest. Mrs. Br*s lyn, the mother of Mrs. Crandall,! maid of honor; Miss Green the brides maid, woreiSwiss muslin, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. Mr. Robin, one of the leading fellows of Buffalo, was the best man. The wedding was perform ed bythe ringservice, which the groom | presented the bride a lovely diamond ring. A wedding reception was serv ed, after which the happy couple left < for Toronto and other cities. The wedding was attended by some of the leading white people of Buffalo, About 25 or 30 participated in the soc- 1 ial functions. It was said to be one of , the grandest colored weddings that ; ever took place in Buffalo They were I the recipients of many beautiful pres ents. The Buffalo Courier, Express, News und the Telegram all wish Mr. and Mrs Bi-ady many years of h ippi nees. XXX Wlum two strong tnun come to b'ows, ! even if they are well matched, it is not a i pleafiii}.' sight, but if the uiau who yets | the worst of it will use Do Witt's Witch ! Hazel Salve, he will look better and feel I better in short order. Be sure you get | DeWitt's (jooil lor everything a salve J is u<eil for, including piles. Sold by It. j 0. Doilson. i JAY P. FELT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Corner Fourth and Broad streets, j Emporium, Pa. 11l business relating to estate,collections, real ' estate. Orphan's Courtandgeneral lawbusiness ! «ill receive prompt attention. 41-?5-ly. j Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partner- | ship heretofore existing between Charles McCarthy and Asa Reed, of Shippen Township, Cameron county. Pa., was dissolved October : 1905, Cbas. McCarty purchasing Asa Reed's in terest. CHAB. MCCARTY. ASA REED, Shippen, Pa.. Sept. 10th, 1906.—30-3t. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OE UN SEATED LAND. The County Commissioners wilt sell at public sale on Tuesday, October 16th, 1906, at 11 o'clock a. m. The following described real estate of unseated land:' Warrant Acres Township To whom Assessed 1142 60 Sbippen E. C. Davy 1407 10 do ....Addison Stephens 1141 50 do Charles Howard • 108 40 do F. P. Ulrick 1085 150 do ....Franklin Housler 1142 85 do ....L. K.Huntington 1142 50 do V. P. Ulrick 1360 32 do ....Addison Stephens Vacant 583 do F. P. Ulrick 4956 40% do David Hovis Est Vacant 30 Lumber Addison Stephens 5471 188 Oibson G.W.Warner 5474 116 do George Mead 95 do John Mason Est 4123 217 Grove J. A. Wykoff Vacant 310 do A. R. Williams 1360 15# Portage H.C.Crawford 1360 112 do ....Addison Stephens 3554 50 do ....Delos Burlingame 1407 100 do H.C.Crawford 1193 35 do Charles Howard J. W. LEWIS, S. P. KREIDER. ATTBST- O. L. BAILEY, W. L. THOMAS, County Commissioners. Clerk. Commissioners Office, ( Emporium, Pa., Sept. 7th, 1906. 1 30-Ht No. 3255. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT EMPORIUM, IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESi SEPTEMBER 4, 1906. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and Discounts $382,741 02 _ .... , ~ »innnoono , Capital stock paid in uu Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ... 634 55 j„J" , fund 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00 I Un aivided profits, less expenses and Other Bomfc to secure U. 8. Deposits.. 25,000 00 taxes aid 26,799 76 U. S. Bonds on hand 26,300 00 1 National bank notes outstanding 97*,200 CO Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 5,500 00 ! Dividends unpaid..... Bonds, secureties, etc #8,442 98 Ind '* t jeck l dep ° S ' tS ! .°5424,028 11 Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 21,000 CO o eman d certificatesofdeposit 500 00 Other real estate owned 4,519 02 Certified checks 205 44 Due from Nat'l Banks (not reserve agts) 450 77 R a an ' nB 25 000 00 455 523 49 Due from approved reserve agents ... 48,801 13 Un ' te<! Statcs de P os,ts 35 ' 000 00 455,WS 4 Checks and other cash items 103 65 ' i Notes of other National Banks 1,770 00 • Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents J47 03 LAWFUL MONKY RKHERVK IN BANK: I Specie $30,209 60 ! Legal-tender notes 7,880 00 38,089 60 j Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent of circulation 5,000 00' Total $729,599 75 I $7t9,599 75 SUtte of Penruiylvania, County of Cameron , SSs—l, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement isjtrue to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. M. i.i.ovn, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me 1 ( „ thisßth day of Sept. 1909. '/ ) CORRECT—Attest: JOSIAH HOWARD, ) JAY P. FHLT, Notary Public. j N. SEQER. > Directors My Commission expires Feb. 2, 1910. V JOSEPH iK A YE, J [L OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of "Window Shades I IFFI from IOC to 75c per Shade. y | Wall Paper for 1906. =-=- . i== k Bit The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez H fi] ~~ AU Colors. j| ip Consists of the best things from three factories. Also 1 - 1 ja J the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of Jail Rodger's StainflOOr, the best made f' lu k,nds for Floors. | I pJ The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. «w a 112 v J! Louis against the world. 11 /m.IvAV* LLOV|),, jtf '• Each side of the house s« is subject to peculiar weather I S conditions of its own. jl But no matter how trying H W the north winds of winter or I the summer sun on the south II '4 side, all sides are equally pro- I* tcctcd if painted with Lucas I g Paints —they cover so thor- B y oughly and last so long. m "jj Many letters come to us like this: R 31 "One reason we arc giving you this R J order is that the writer painted his resi- R| a l ' c . nc " V°ur paint 15 years ago, and ■p it is better preserved than n good many B; ;J ):■ •!•.:«■* in the neighborhood that were K§ / ;»-.i:ittJ 1 iu< h later." K. S. GREEN, I*ouisburg, N. C. ■ \ Ask your dealer. H V; hn Lucas & Co Philadelphia^! \ The Famous x | Old | | Mails I \ Wil hold their Twentieth annu » I REUNION s At Driftwood i C Sept. 14 and 15, 'O6 ) i Their ranks are gradually i growing less and it will not be \ many years until there will be s no Bucktails, so let the good peo- i pie of Cameron and adjoining s counties turn out enmasse and s give the old veterans the hearty J welcome they so richly deserve \ Desertion Notice. X hereby give notice that my wife, Mrs. Helen English, has left my bed and board, and that I wilt not be responsible for any bills that she may contract. Any persons harboring her do so at their own risk. MARSHALL ENGLISH, Medix Kun, Pa.. Aug. 13, 1906.-2Mt. Administratrix's Notice. Estate of D AVID S. LOGUE, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary upon the estate of David S. Logue, late of Gibson township, Cameron county. Pa., de ceased have been granted to the undersigned to whom claims against said estate must be present ted, duly authenticated; also all persons indebted to said estate must make settlement. FRANCES LOQUE, Administratrix. Aug. 30. 1906.—48-4t. WANTED Local Agent to represent a well-known and substantial Life Insurance Company, with Guaranteed Dividend policy. Liberal contract and renewals to the right man. Address B. H. Payne, Mgr. 1406 Keystone Building Pittsburg, Pa. > Mid-Summer Clearance Sale! Clolhing at a All remaining Summer Goods, In every I department must be disposed of during a j August in order to prepare for early fall J 112 goods. Do not miss this wonderfulbar-1 \ gain opportunity. j 5 N. SEGrER, \ Pioneer Clothier of Cameron County, Fresh Fruit and Veget^^^^ Ibles. Rightly Priced. a SWAN'S \ ~\]T Q CAPE 1 DAY l) shore I CAKE „ .. , , CORNED ■ The Satisfactory Store • FLOUR 25C COD, ISC 112 I Fresh Fruits,such as Bartlet Pears, Yellow Peaches, I Prune Plums, etc, for canning and preserving are now I in prime condition with prices ruling reasonable. Or- I ders left with us will have the usual careful attention I given by the Day Grocery store. * I REDUCED PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. ft MILD CURE CALIFORNIA HAM, Lb nc I 30c Dried Beet, nicely chipped a lb. 25c. ft Apple Butter —35c jar Heinz Apple Butter 30c. ft Ham Loaf —15c Can "Rex" Ham Loaf 10c. ft Pickles—lsc American style Heinz pickles, mixed ft plain, or Chow, roc. ■ Cream Custard —3 packages Burnham's Cream Cus- B tard. Good for making Ice Cream 25c. ■ Washing Powder-scFairbank's washing powder 4c. * Kipperel Herring—l7c Kippered Herring or Her- ft ring in tomato sauce 15c. I Bird Food—loc package Bird Food Bc. ■ Stove Polish—loc package Stove Polish. The ft kind that don't burn off. 8 Grape Juice —15c bottle of Randall's Gold Medal I I Grape Juice, 2 for 25c. * Chocolate —Walter Baker & Co's Chocolate, lb 8 25 lb bag Best Granulated Sugar #1.40. 8 BOOTH'S BALTIMORE OYSTERS I I AND LAKE J The season is now on for Oysters. We have receiv- ■ ed our first invoice and find the quality fine. Unless K the weather proves too warm, wifl have regular ship- I ments each Friday. Leave your orders for Fish and I Oysters for delivery Friday morning. ft J PURE SPICES, PICKLING VINEGAR I ft Free Prompt delivery to all parts of the Borough I I J. H. DAY, I ft Phone 6. Emporium, P a . A VftMftftftMHftftftft^^ It's Easy to write a good letter when your paper, pens and ink ar; all friendly. Eaton-Hurlbut Writing Papers the "PAPERS THAT APPEAL," make polite correspondence a pleasure. Most people just now are asking us for Twotore and Highland Linen. The r e are other styles you may like even better. Come in and see them. M. A. ROCKWELL. imiGGIHT, Kmporluin, I'll Foley's honey and Tar for children, safe, sure. No opiates. One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers