Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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? J arr)ei'c?9 f^pass.
Editor and Manager.
*e»year f2 00 (
is advance $1 60
Advertisement xnrepublishcdat the rate of one
i iotl»r per si|uarefor ouoinsertion and fifty cents
| »er square for each subsequent insertion.
Hates by the year or for si* or three month Fare
.jw ana uniform, ami will befui risked on appli
Legal and Olticlal Advertising per square, three
I-, noes or less, s'2 00; each subsequent insertionOC
• *nls per square.
Local noticestencents per line foroneinsertion,
've cents per line for eacnsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over Ave lines, ten cents pt*
i r*. SimpleaiinouncemenlHol'bir'.hc,marriages
I.TK) deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less 112 i.OOper vear
irrr live lines, at the regular rates of advertising
Jfolocalinserted for less than 75 cis.per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
nxl affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued ontil arrearages
,r» paid, except at the option oft he publisher.
Papers sent out of the county must be paid for
4»IK? ranee.
4®-No advertisements will be accepted atless
the price for lifteen words.
Religious notices free.
aoVERNOR—Edwin 3. Stuart, Philadelphia.
rhy. Cambria county.
lU«ga county.
JM-ury Ilouck, Lebanon county.
For Congress,
Por President Judge,
For Member of Assembly.
For Associate Judge,
GEORGE J. LABAR, Emporium.
tin Vrothonotary, Register, Recorder and Clerk
of Courts,
For District Attorney,
MS. P. McNARNEY, Emporium.
For Coroner,
l)R. W. S. RUSSELL, Gibson.
For Jury Commissioner,
How's This.
We offer One Huudred Dollars Re
jm- 1 for any case of Catarrh that can
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned,have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
Sev»> him perfectly honorable in all
>os ueas transactions, and financially
to carry out any obligations made
his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
jitty. acting directly upon the blood
jrt»<3 mucous surfaces of the system,
sent free. Price, 75c per
Aotlle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills for constl
(rheumatism Cured in Ten Day 6.
Why Will You Suffer.
Mr. Harry Knox. ofßevcriy, W. Va.,
'Videi date of Jan. 23, 1906, says he wqs
* , l W up with rheumatism for more thap
:»!) »ud a half months;.part of the time
not «et out of bed. Could not
with out the aid of crutches, and
a»j - Tie took one-hall of a 50 cent bottle
ni (it joker's Rheumatic Cure and was
rolircly cured. HARRY KNOX.
for sale by R. 0. Dodson. 21jun3m.
Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica
and Witch Hazel.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Itui**. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Teller, Chapped Hands, and all skin
»uj'i,ns. It is guaranteed to give satis
fcefioo. or money refunded. Price 25c
Druggists. Williams M'fg Co.,
JVjp's Cleveland, O. For sale bv R. C.
fcodsoi:. 9-ly.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
sdopaedia,consist ing of thirty volumes
atwi key Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
Latest Popular Music.
Ali-s May Gould, teacher of piano
•forte hits received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet muse. Ali
I#>e popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
Letter to J. A. Kinsler.
Emporium, Pa.
ft >ar Sir: If you could get the ex
plosive sale of a sweeter sugar for five
»lIM round—] lb as sweet as a pound
«i usual sugar, and cost no more—you'd
at it, wouldn't you?
There wouldn't be 100 lbs of any other
sold in a year in your town; you'd
flibb lethe trade and it wouldn't hurt
jftnir whole business.
Devoe is like that among paints; it is
tfcnce as sweet as some; ft is sweeter than
one exception; one gallon is two
w one-aod-a-half or one-and-three-rjuart-
Better than that; paint has to be paint
•W.tlut costs 82 to 84 a gallon.. A
jpllou saved is 82 to $4 saved in labor,
kaidei the paint.
Kvon that isn't all. A gallon Devoe
wears as long as two gallons put
■m at a cost of 82 to 84 a gallon and two
gpß&os mure put-on at 82 to #4 a gallon.
#Mnt all that. The paint that wears
Amble eosts'less by 3 gallons of paint
*tl 3 gallons of painting; that's about
a gallon for those superfluous gallons.
Uhat's as good as a double-sweet
*gar, isn't it?
Yours truly,
F. W. DKVOK & Co.,
New York.
KiMnni) si«
Men Who Wanted Berry Elected to
"Lift the Lid" Now Under Cover.
fmery Gubernatorial Movement Loses
Some "Heavy Contributors" and Hot
Campaign Orators.
[Special Correspondence.]
Philadelphia, September 11.
A severe blow was given to the
men engaged tn the campaign of false
pretense which has been waged
against the Republican party In Penn
sylvania for the last few years by the
revelations growing out of the disas
trous failure of the Real Estate Trust
company of this city.
It has developed that some of the
heaviest contributors to tho campaign
funds that have been used to defeat
Republican nominees and to promote
the so-called cause of "civic righteous
ness" have been criminally responsl
ble for the failure of this trust com
pany, some of them have actually loot
ed the institution, and there Is reason
to believe that part of the funds be
longing to the depositors which were
thus stolen were turned over as sub
scriptions to the Lincoln and the City
Party treasurers.
During the recent political revolu
tion In this city, members of the board
of directors of this trust company
were the most blatant orators among
the "reformers."
They misrepresented the condition
of the state treasury and would have
every one believe that the common
wealth of Pennsylvania and the city
of Philadelphia were being robbed
right and left, that the taxpayers'
money was being squandered, and that
"the lid" must be lifted at Harrlsburg
so that all the rascality which they al
leged existed in the management of
the state treasury could be exposed
And Berry "Lifted the Lid."
They demanded the election of Wil
liam H. Berry, a Democrat, to the state
treasury, just as prior to the closing
of the trust company, they were in
sisting upon the election or Lewis
Emery, Jr.. to the governorship, along
with his three Bryanite Democratic
colleagues, who make up the state
These "reform" leaders believed
that they could continue to fool the
people despite the fact that Berry was
elected state treasurer and Berry had
"lifted tho lid" at Harrisburg.
In the lifting of"the lid" Berry
showed that the so-called reformers
lied when they said the state treasury
had been mismanaged and that the
funds of the people had not been safe
guarded under Republican rule.
Berry has been in office since the
first Monday in May last, and his of
ficial reports as to what he discovered
regarding the finances of the state are
the best testimonials that fan be pre
sented regarding the Republican ad
ministration of the affairs of the state
When Mr. Berry took the oath of
office he receipted for the money in the
treasury and he made public the fact
that he found on hand $14,000,000.
Every penny of the people's money
was found and accountedifor in the state
treasury, and Berry and his co-cam
paigners in the recent political battles
in this state have been silenced upon
that Issue.
At no time within the history of the
commonwealth have the finances of the
state been in such good shape. At the
end of the fiscal year, November 30,
1905, there was a balance in the sink
ing fund of $3,600,575.60. and In the
general fund 18,927,050.79, making a to
tal of $12,528,526.39. The total out
standing Indebtedness on that date was
$4,131,867.02. Deducting from this the
assets of the sinking fund, the net stata
debt Is found to be $122,958.09, consid
erably less than two- cents per capita.
No other state In the union can make
such a splendid showing.
But the Real Estate Trust company'*
directors, who so loudly demanded tha
election of Berry as state treasurer and
who, until the crash came, were Just
as insistent upon the election of Emery
to the governorship, have been removed
from the political arena.
One of them, the president of th«
company, a pronounced Lincoln party
man, blew out his brains when ha
found that discovery of his hypocrisy
and Iniquity was inevitable
Others of bis board of directors hav«
been summoned to reveal the details ol
a damnable conspiracy through which
the trust company was looted of ovei
Borne of them may yet And then
selves before the criminal courts to an
swer to an enraged people
John H. Converse, upon whose name
BO many depositors banked so largely,
owing to his connections with religious
and reform organizations, has dis
claimed any knowledge of the criminal
conduct of offlcials of the trust com
pany. He has not, however, succeeded
in satisfying the people who lost thell
money that he was loyal to their in
terests. Instead of protecting their
deposits, he was engaged in promoting
so-called reform campaigns, espousing
the cause of men like Berry and Emery,
serving on the "advisory board" ol
Mayor Weaver, sending big checks to
the City Party campaign fund, attend
ing their meetings, denouncing public
offlcials and invariably making Repub
licans the objects of his attacks.
Another of these directors of thit
trust company, .7. Bayard Henry, has
been a conspicuous member of the Lin
cola party. Ha was proposed for the
oorciuatlon of lieutenant governor, but
when the Democrats demanded this
place he was slated for the I.lncoln
Pffrty nomination for the state senate
It Is needless to say that Mr Henry
will not run for state senator this year
When the sensational charges wet*
being made against Republican ofR
Clals, there was none more vicious,
none more vindictive among the Lin
coln Party leaders than Mr. Henry
He demanded the election of Berr>
and was to have taken the stump for
Emery, but he and other members cl
his board of directors will be missed
from the list of Emery spellbinders.
Stuart Meets the Issue.
The speech of Edwin S. Stuart, thf
Republican nominee for governor, at
the meeting Itr Lehigh county on Sat
urday last, in which he demanded that
greater protection shall be given de
positors In banks and trust companies,
has been widely and favorably com
mented upon He declared that in the
event of his election to the governor
ship he will urge the legislature to re
vise the state bank laws, to increase
the number of examiners so that there
shall be more frequent and thorough
Investigations of the condition of bank
ing institutions, and that In order that
this shall not be an additional burden
upon the general taxpayers, he advo
cated a special tax upon the capital oi
such banking Institutions, to meet the
expense of these additional examiners
and examinations.
Independents In Pittsburg and Phil
adelphia Declart For Repub
lican Nominee.
Citizens Party In Allegheny and Many
Members of City Party In Philadel
phia For Republican State Ticket.
[Special Correspondence.]
Harrisburg, September 11.
Supporters of Edwin S. Stuart, tha
Republican nominee for governor, and
his colleagues on the state ticket, have
had gratifying reports from two snds
of the state this week.
First, from Allegheny county came
the news that the leaders of the Citi
zens Party, the local reform organi
zation which succeeded In electing
George W. Guthrie mayor of Pitts
burg, have decided to support the en
tire Republican state ticket. They pro
pose to confine their Independent po
lit leal operations to local affairs. In
the state campaign they will vote the
full Republican ticket from Stuart
down, and also for all of the Republi
can candidates for congress.
While State Chairman Wesley R
Andrews has been getting gratifying
reports from all of the Republican
county chairmen in the interior coun
ties, the state committee leaving the
management of the canvass In t'he
counties of Allegheny and Philadel
phia to the local organlations, "he has
not better news from anywhere
than he has received from both these
In Philadelphia, where former Mayor
Stuart is best known, a strong move
ment has been started in his Interest
among the members of the City Party
Leaders in that party have formed an
organization with the view to voting
for the Republican state nominee?
and for Republican nominees for con
Tho chairman of the movement was
one of the most active men upon the
stump for Berry and the fusion ticket
last fall. He was counted upon by th-
Emery managers to accompany their
candidate for governor on his tour ol
the state. I.incolnite Campaign Chair
man Gable was chagrined a few days
ago when he learned that this gifted
spellbinder is going to speak for Ed
win S. Stuart this fall. His name 1?
George W. Sturmer. He is styled "the
locomotive engineer orator," and he 1s
very widely known throughout Penu
Scheming Leaders Repudiated.
In a public statement, explaining his
position to the City Party voters ol
Philadelphia. Mr. Sturmer, amuns
other things, said;
"The City Party voters are going tc
confine their attention to local affairs
this fall, that is, those of them who arc
Republicans. They believe that th'
mixing of state and nation politics lr
this, a semi-national election, is fraught
with grave dangers to the cause ol
clvio regeneration, and If carried fur
ther. means the total annihilation ol
the reform forces next February.
"The ticket nominated by the Dem
ocratic party and endorsed by the Lin
coln party, which was led by many
meD high in the councils of the City
Party. i 6 not satisfactory to a large
proportion of the City Party voters
The election of Mr. Emery, who. whlU
an honeet man, would carry Into offic
three Democrats, which, with the pres
ent state treasurer, would give tl»«
Democrats the preponderance of powpi
in the executive offices at Harrlsburg
Suppose Mr. Emery, if elected, should
die. The entire state administration
of this rock-ribbed Republican sta>-
would be in the hands o( the Demo
cratic party.
"The present Republican ticket ia b»
yond reproach. Against the charactei
or Integrity of any one of them no ra-n
can say a word. The head of the ticket
is a native and resident of this city, he
has been honored by our citixens with
the highest office within their gift, and
he performed the duties of that high
office with all credit to himself and to
the full satisfaction of the people. It
is not to be supposed that if elected to
the office of governor he will fall th
people or put a stain oa th* prou
record he now holds."
\\ V\ \ SXN \ N\ \ \ ✓
| ADAM, <
& 390-408 Main Street,
Fall 1
| Opening 1
Week I
I Sept. 17 to 221
112 We will devote the entire /
week beginning September ,
$ 17th to a grand display of (4
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f< and the new things in
| FOR FALL 1906. I
' Come to Buffalo. j|t
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112, grandest display in its his- j
tory and will offer most as- £
% tonishing bargains for open- /
ing week. || I
'% Railroad Fares Re- £
| funded
; to out of town customers ac- /
' cording to the amount of?*.
112. their purchases. 1 i
| _ _L = ||
>4 % .
% I
American Block, Buffalo, N. Y.
y\ \ v \ s \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
ML The La Belle
For Women $2.50
No other modern design so fully meets all the
requirements of the ideal ladies shoe. It
is an uneaqualed combination of style and fit,
shapeliness and comfort. The high but rather
broad heal, arched instep and slightly manish
appearance makes it the swellest sort for the
If you are a victim of faulty shoes,we can soon
enable you to walk with ease and comfort,
and eventually cure your tender feet. These
shoes will wear twice as long as the ordinary
"ready made" shoes and have a style and fin
ish that is essentially distinctive.
$4.00 For Men
[ 1
Watch for our
Ad. Next
Jasper Harris, I
Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. ■