Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Xatest Count? Correspondence.
Dr. I-' P. Heilmau of Emporium was a profes
sional \ tor in our valley last week.
Win McCaslin, Sr., has resigned his position
with M I. Ltadbetter aril has gone to work
,-rr on Hicks Hun. Mr. MK'aslin is a first class
larni"! Hid an allround good fellow and wo are
sorry • have him leave ns.
H • siah Howur J, our respected candidate
! r K entertaine.l a party of gentle
uiei » Clinton irul Elk rmnties at the Lawn
View t .l ii Thursday.
I). I w called on piticnts here last Friday
and s > day. The I) is becoming very popu
lar with air people.
S;i' Vdlard. did you citeli that horse yet?
Perh..: lie horse had inriibei t»o much of that
>izci • .1 • mineral water and \v is sort of intoxi
K 1 sley one of our progressive young
farmers transacted business in Emporium
Thin- i . and took in the picnic on the way
Mr. F. x 13. Smith has been hired «o teach the
- v—•. hool again this year. Mr. Smith is a
- (1 te ler and most of our people are highly
pleased have him return.
Mrs. i N. Chandler of North Creek, attended
•he p. Thursday and incidentally visited old
friemls here,
Vv ■ ret to learn of the serious illness of Mr.
M :i .'forth Creek. His friends here hope he
u.a\ so. i recover.
Hurt rrhas been on thesktk list f.<r a long
un > Issome better at present, we are glad
to say.
The v oeod boys are the champion fishermen
und here. They can catck iish most any
with hooks or without them.
M I. Kvans who has been seriously ill for
we, is staying with Nelt Cutler and
i ! w days. We hope she may soon re
Mr ul McDowell ofSizerville, was a guest
ti leof Lafe. Lockvvoocl several days last
V* : ad wick, P. S. Culver's right hand man
lporium visitor Thursday.
!• and Ed McAlaunus, former residents
i ed on their many friends last week,
you boys. Call again.
A ' nlwin took a load of potatoes to town
Mr. Goodwin is one of the largest
t successful potato growers in the
11 Iw';wiß returned to his work in Hicks
It in i t-' Thursday.
Mr-, is. Culver entertained her daughters.
Hall and Miss Ella liitienbender last
1 arton, the bakery man, cunie up from
chicken and visit friends last \Ved|
la I Thursday.
- mday school picnic held in Swesey's
v •• Thursday was a very pleasant affair.
Ii 1 is cool and everyone seemed to en
vi: • elves immensely. There'were a nuiu*
er «>{ j. . f ,ns from other places present.
Am those from a distance who visited
.•.• nds iml attended the picnic were Oilman
' • f.itt and family andVV. J. Leavitt and family
• t Bee hwood.
'Make Hay While the Sun Shines."
TIK I •is a lesson in the work of the
thrifty farmer. lie knows that the bright
.-un.-hiiii' may last but a day when he pre
} ares for the showers which are so liable
lo follow. So it should be with every
household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and
cholera morbus may attack some member
ofth home without warning. Cham
be! lain - Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Keiuedy. which is the best known medi
in«- 1..r three diseases,.should always be
kept at hand, as immediate treatment is
neeos-arv, and delay may prove fatal.
For salt by L. Taggart; .J. E. Smith,
Sterling Hun; Crum Bros., Sinnautahon
You can get all kinds of good cedar
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
l'rot Tyler, of Amherst college, said
recent) A man can live comfortably
without i.rains no man ever existed with
out a di_ r ( stive system. The dyspeptic
has neither fuitli, hope or charity."
Hay by day people realize the importance
of caring lor their digestion; realize the
need ol the use of a little corrective after
"VereatiriL'. A corrective like Kodol for
Dyspepsia. |t digests what you eat.
Sold by I!. ('. Dodson.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, August Ist, 1903.
The Farmers Exchange, Pittsfield,
Wish to place a copy of their cata
logue an.i Price List of Groceries, Pro
visiotiM atid Farm Products in every
Household in the State of Pennsyl
vania. If you will send ten cents to
cover cost of postage and packing we
will mail you one Elegant Doilie, Six
papers 0 j ;ißßo rted Sewing Needles,
fourteen Darners, One Bodkin, and
' l . ne T -adiea' or Gents' White Lawn,
Necktie, absolutely Free of cost, to
gether with our New Price List, quot
ing you prices that will save you many
dollars in th e course of a year.
Don't let this opportunity pass, but
send Ten Cents today and get this
package of goods that at the regular
retail pri ( ;e wo uld cost you fifty cents
in any dry goods stores in the State.
AddreNH the - Farmers Exchange,
p a . 18-tf.
A -aovjans
If your (i.-aler hasn't it, P. V. Heil
inan hat
Everybody is hustling and our town is more
than booming:. This reminds the writer of a re
mark made by one of our oldest settlers recent ly
when he said: "Good old Republican times, the
kind of times our fathers fought to preserve in
Chauncy M. Barr and family of More Hill,
came dow«n to spend Saturday and .Sunday *\ ith
Mr. Barr's sister, Mrs. Elmer Geswender.
Richard Bliss, Jr., is spending the summc r at
the home of Mrs. Geo. Kautz.
Jack Smith, our hustling lumberman, and far
mer, left Thursday for an extended trip through
Potter counly, where we are informed lie ex
pects to work.
Blmer and Ed McMannus visited friends Iti
Rich Valley last week and incidentally took in
the picnic.
Mr. Perry of Canton, Ohio, representing a
western book concern, called on onr people last
week. We are informed he was quite successful.
Miss Williams of Houtzdale, is visiting at this
place guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Wylie.
The recent heavy rains and wind did consider
able damage. blowing out fruit trees and badly
washing the soil in many places.
Some of our farmers have been very much de
layed with their haying on account of the wet
weather. Looks now as though they would
have to haul in on snow.
Mrs. C. K. Cole was an Emporium visiter Fri
Mrs. Alfred Lewis has returned from an ex
tended visit up Rich Valley and other very dist
ant places. Of course Alf. is all smiles. How
about that treat you promised ?
Jack Cleary, the extensive wood jobber, made
a business trip to Emporium Monday. He was
booked for Cottage Hotel at nine o'clock but
failed to make connection, he says.
John Sauford is rusticating at home, after
working in the bark woods in Hicks Hun all
summer. John is a number one woodsman.
The grangers held a meeting Friday evening
evening at the home of I>. C. Kirkpatrick. The
order is growing rapidly and promises to be a
great help to the farmers here.
.Miss Elsie Morrison came over from Hicks
Run ann spent Sunday at home.
The people of our community are highly'
pleased over the unanimous nomination of
judge Green. They consider it a signal honor
that so distinguished a gentleman should be
nominated from our midst and they eagerly
await the opportunity of showing their appre
ciation at the polls in November. This may be a
Democratic year in some localities, but it surely
will not be around here. With such excellent
, men as llie Republican nominees in the field,
there can be r.o doubt as to the result of the next
Geo. Shafer is fencing in the B. .t S. lawn for
cow pasture.
The supervisors were looking over the rords
Barclay Bros, brought in a drive Saturday.
Burt Hi* of Haramersley was in town Tuesday.
E. L. I.inbaugh is at the hospital having his
•yes treated."
Miss Linda Russell is visiting friends here
this week.
Misses Olive and Lizzie Taylor of Emporium
visited friends here this week.
Fred Drum of Laquin. who has been visiting
here returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. Nathan Silan and children are visiting in
New York.
J. R. Batchelder has a cherry tree that is fulj
of choice fruit.
J. B.and Geo. Koultz and J. Henry Logue have
a contract putting down a well for the Powder
The boys are 'catching quite a few eels and
cattish here, but have to soak them a couple of
weeks before they are (it to eat.
Miss Virga Summerson came home fron New
berry Tuesday.
W. J. Mead is going to move to Renovo.
Geo. G. Gore moves to the B. V. Wykotf place
next week.
The Powder Co.. are shipping dynamite most
every day.
Capt. and Mrs. Barclay and Mr. and Mrs. Rob
erts came home Tuesday afternoon from their
auto tour. They report having visited promnent
places between Sinnamahoning and Boston,
Mass., returning along the coast and visiting
Atlantic City, Cape May and other summer re
sorts. His auto after taking a trip of 700 a miles
came home in good shape. The Captain says
any one wishing to take a trip, the auto is the
machine togo in.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnson of the east side
spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. P.Sullivan
of the West side.
Mrs. N. C. Johnson of Owego, N. Y., is visiting
Mrs. D. S. Logue.
Mr. and Phinn Johnson of Lushbatigh, were
guests of Mr, John L. Johnson Sunday.
Mr. Hanes and two daughters of Lushbaugh
are visiting a few days with Mr. J. L. Johnson.
Mrs. Tucker and children of Angola, N. Y., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole.
Henry Cole and family are moving to West
Virginia. Their many friends wise them a safe
journey and success.
Supt. Miss Mattie Colling of Emporium has
been spending the past week with Mr. and MA.
B. J. Collins.
Chas. Collins was prostrated by the heat the
lattter part ol last week. He is some better at
this writing.
Mrs. Geo. Collins suffered another attack ol
heart disease last Friday and Drs, Corbett and
Beal were called to relieve her. She is some
what easier at this writing, but is still confined
to her bed.
P.J. Robinson and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sullivan.
J. F. 8.
Fred McCaslin accompanied by Hazel Lock
wood took in the Portage excursion Sunday.
The funeral of Mrs Edmund Chadwick of
Little Valley, N. Y., was held at the local ceme
tery Tuesday.
Jjeroy Carter and ye scribe attended a meeting
of the Sterling Run club last Saturday
Miss Sadie McCaslin of Emporium visited her
parents at Cooks Run Sunday.
Wm. Brown and wife of Howardville called on
friends Sunday.
Frank Craven and wife visited P. S. Culvsr
and wife Sunday. (•
M. A. P.
Seed Wheat for Sale
We have 100 bushels of choice bald
wheat, mealy variety, guaranteed pure
and clean at $1.25 per bushel—sack 10c
extra. Cash with order. Call on or
24-st. Sinnamahoning, Pa.
A. J''. Walker was a business culler at '{eating
Summit Friday.
Pearl Kehoe of Bradytown, was a pleasant
caller on Mrs .Page Tuesday. ;
Page and Schneider are busy farming these
The Hon..Jolin F. Sullivan shook hands with
frit-nils Saturday; come again and stay longer
John, always glad to see you.
12 laborers from Lebanon, arrived at Canoe
Run to work in the mines.
The M. E. Church people of Cameron, held a
basket picnic in the McFadden grove Wednes
!>. Sullivan visited his family over Sunday.
Robert Boyd*is home from (lie woods.
IJ. Sullivan, Sr., and little daughter Susie were
Huntley visitors Tuesday.
M I'H. G. L. Page spent a few days at her home
last week.
Mrs. Uavv of Emporium spent a few days with
friends here the latter part of last week.
Miss Esther Stewart called 011 friends here last
Miss Montgomery visited her class Saturday.
W. 11, O. Walker spent Sunday in Buffalo, il
luming Tuesday.
Mrs. Ciarabella Hart is spending a few days
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lupro.
Kobort Sensabauugh was seen on our streets
ft a late hour Saturday night. Itewarc of cross
dogs Robert.
Harvey Peters is stepping high on account of
the big girl which arrived Monday.
Quite a number of Cameronites are seeing the
sights at St. Marys during Old Home Week.
Fred Webster of Canoe (tun, was seen shaking
hands with friends Saturday afternoon.
A. F. Walker has eight fine English setter pup
pies. They are splendid animals and well worth
looking at. Mr. Walker secured the mother Of
these dogs at great cost, but lie says he is well
satisfied with the investment.
Burglars attempted to effect an entrance to
the New Cameron Hotel Monday night by trying
to pry uu the back window in the bar room. Mr
Walker heard the noise and went down stairs
and upon striking a light the burglars were
frightened away. As good luck would have it
the window was nailed down, otherwise tliev
might have accomplished their purpose.
E. M. McFadden killed an eight foot black
snake in Square Timber Run, Monday. Two
young kittens and a pair of calk shoes were
found in its stomach.
RobtGraham, the genial proprietor ul' the
Valley House is renovating and refitting the
hotel in view to make it one of the best liostel
cries in the county. Special attention will be
paid to the transit trade and also to out of town
parties who wish for chicken suppers, etc. Mr.
Graham is a popular young man and his friends
prophesy future success for him.
Postmaster Lininger has just returnen from a
business trip to Baltimore, Md.. where he pur
chased a mixed cair load of melons, pine apples
and other green goods for the Schwab mercan.
tile company. Mr. Schwab's business is increas
ing in a very satisfactory manner and he is in a
position to supply his customers with everything
in the grocery and dry goods line;
.[. F. S.
Miss Mabel May of Westport, was the guest of
Cathryn May a few days last week.
JoeO'Keefeand DeMont Whiting are spend
ing a few days at Williamsport.'
John Killeen of Driftwood spent Sunday in
Henry Petit has accepted a position on the P.
R. R. as bridge watchman.
Geo. E. Barr has accepted a position in Empo
J. F. Sullivan with his daughter and son was
in town Sunday.
P.J. Robinson was a Renovo caller last week.
Gordon Howlett, Supt. for the Elk Tanning
Co., spent Sunday with liis family in town. Mr.
Howlett is looking well and says hard work
agrees with him.
The rumor that Samuel Barr was looking for
J. F. Sullivan's scalp is a mistake as Mr. Barr i s
not the kind of a man to take a little joke to
heart. It is thought that Barr and Sullivan will
goon the road with a medicine show in the
spring. Sammy says;
"A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men;"
And if we could not have our fun.
We all would die in Sterling Run.
P. J. Robinson, the up to date landlord has re
fitted his hotel and has everything in shape to
give first-class accommodations to the traveling
Joseph Furlong, the popular assistant agent at
the sation is fast mastering the details of station
work under the able tuitiou of J. A. Dice. We
wish liim success.
Night watchman James Strawbridge was in"
terviewed by a PRESS reporter Monday evening-
Mr. Strawbridge is a very entertaining conver'
sationalist, among other things he spoke of the
miles traveled by each track walker. They make
16 miles every night aud 5810 miles in a year-
He says thatsall the physical culture he
aside from training our local boys for their pug
ilistic bouts, once in a while.
J. I\ S.
A very good day for the picnic. Everybody
reports a good time.
J. W. Lewis, one of our esteemed townsmen,
is haying for Henry Smith.
Veryl Barr is visiting friends and relatives in
Costello and vicinity.
Baty Housler who was doing a few days work
for D. N. Chandler, has returned to Roulette.
Mrs. M. E. Taylor is improving under the care
of Mrs. M. Hoftsler.
Mrs. Florence Cool called on Mrs. Taylor Mon
day evening, also was to see her father F. Moon,
who she reports is failing rapidly.
Beatrice Taylor who has been visiting here,
has returned to her home at Renovo.
Hazel Chandler called on Agnes Taylor Mon
day evening.
Bird killing cats should be consigned to feline
laud or canine land.
Ernest Rivers visited with D. N. Chandler
Monday evening.
Mrs. Dow of the valley was a caller at F. Moon's
F. A. Lewis made a trip to the city Saturday.
The Portage Store.
W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the
Portage store, desires to inform his
patrons and the genera! public that he
is offering special inducement in canned
goods for the next thirty days. Read
Tomatoes, 10c; Good California
Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c;
Finest String Beans. 10c; Best Seeded
Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap,
25c. Other goods in proportion.
Call me on 'phone.
7-tf. Near Portage Bridge.
Of Interest to Tax-Payers.
Editor Preßß:
A person passing along the public
roads of Gibson township about this
time last year, might have noticed that
planks had been distributed in the
neighborhood of sewers and ditches.
He would perhaps have thought they
were intended by the supervisor to be
used in covering the sluices and so
putting the roads in better condition.
Very few of them were used for that
purpose but the planks gradually and
mybterously disappeared.
This year there are more planks
dumped here and there along the same
stretches of road. On inquiring what
became of last year's planks we were
told that one man fixed his stable floor,
another put stalls in his stable, another
made a new slicker to smooth his
harrowed ground, while still others
had carefully stored away their share
of town planks to season against the
time they should need to use them.
Well, fellow citizens, if these are the
uses for which our township furnishes
lumber, you will not think it unreason
able if we make this modest request.
Won't you who helped yourselves to
the planks last year, kindly step to the
rear and be seated while the rest of us
have a chance at the now ones? [fit
is a good thing pass it around. Don't
be selflsh. We need new stable floors,
slickers and stoneboats as much as
those who built them of town planks
last year. Of course, if the lumber is
used in repairing the road, we with
draw any personal claim but if not
please let us have our share.
Our Crop Reporter.
K. I/. Mason just returned from Wells
ville, \. V., anil reports to the PRESS AS
follows: 1: I have just returned from a
trip tn Wellsville. N. Y . and the sur
rounding vicinity. From Kiuporiuru tu
< Mean the crops look good but f'ron < Mean
east they are still better. I have never
seen better crops than this year averages,
more especially, corn, potatoes, and buck
wheat, these are tine. Potatoes promise
an exceptional crop unless the bliglit strikes
them, but I only saw one small piece that
showed any signs of blight, all the rest
were growing Uric.
At Wellsville there is rio market for
early apples, the supply being more than
double the demand. Hay is a good crop,
but must be light somewhere else, as the
market is crowding close to .SB.OO or $9.0(1
pfr ton delivered.
While returning on the I'. R. 11., I
passed through the village of Scio, N. Y.,
where the burglars blew tip the bank
building Sunday night. The building
caught fire from the explosion and burned
the residence next to it and the large
sture building on the opposite corner from
the bank building l*p to Monday night
they could not tell whether any money
was missing or uot, or whether any of the
burglars were in the wreck, on Monday
the ruins were so hot to investigate even
what remained of the vault. The sides of
the vault stood intact, but the top look
ed too be badly damaged."
Sudden Death.
A telegraphic dispatch, yesterday, to
Mrs. Newconiber, (who lias been visiting
friends here for a few weeks) states that
her father, Geo. Heck tier, was dead. No
particulars received. He is to be brought
here for burial. Leaves two sons and
two daughters to mourn his loss He
was well known in Cameron and Potter
counties, where he lumbered a good many
\ cars. His home was at Laurel, Miss.
First Fork, April 14th, 1900.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
On .July oth, 1900, a cow, white and
brown, with small hole in left car, and
large bell around neck. Any informa
tion of same will be liberally rewarded by
20-It. Canoe Run, Fa.
Death of John McGee.
John McGee, who has made his home
in Emporium for many years, following
the woods for a living, died in the Elkins
Hospital, at Klkins, W. Va., Aug. 3rd.
He was aged about 00. We arc unable
to learn the particulars. McGee was a
member of Emporium Maccabees and
carried $2,0U0 insurance in favor of his
brother Jas., who resides in Frince Ed
ward Island.
Truthful Words.
It is an outrageous thing to despoil
a woman's character, yet that evii
grows from century to century, and it
is all done by whispering says a writer
in an exchange. A suspicion is start
ed. The next whisperer who gets hold
of it states the suspicion as a proven
fact, and many a good woman, as hon
orable as your wife or mother has
been whispered out of all kindly asso
ciation, and whispered into the grave
Some people say there is no hell, but
if there is no hell for such a despoiler
of womanly character, it is high time
that some philantropist built one!
But there is such a place established,
and what a time they will have when
all the whisperers get down there to
gether rehearsing things. Everlasting
carnival of mud. V
Home Wanted.
The Children's Aid Society have in
their care a baby girl for which they
want a home. Light hair and blue
Mits HINKT.E, Sec'y.
Local news on every page.
As Viewed in Clinton.
Lock Haven Daily Express.
S. I). Furst, Esq., of Look Haven, in
a few well timed remarks, placed the
name of Hon. B. W. Green before the
conferences In doing so, Mr. Furst
said that they were assembled to nomi
nate a representative who shall stand
as a candidate of the Republican party
of the 25th judicial district. The Re
publican party of this district lias not
been represented by a Republican
president judge on the bench, but the
indications now are that we shall elect
a Republican to occupy this position.
It is most important of all that he shall
be an honest man, one who will admin
ister the duties of the office in an
unbiased and non-partisan spirit—a
man who will enforce justice. If we
put on the bench a man who is upright
and honest, one who will administer
the office in an non-partisan spirit, it
will reduce litigation. Law admin
istered judicially will have a tendency
to increase real estate values and in
spire confidence in the judiciary. I
present said Mr. Furst, to this re
ference a gentleman possessing the
requirements I have indicated. A
judge occupiesa position of high honor
and lie should be a man of high ideals,
for his influence and example is of wide
extent. Mr. Furst, in ciosing his re
marks, said that lie had the honor of
presenting the name of Hon. 15. W.
Green, of Cameron county as a candi
date for president judge of the 25th
Mr. Younger made a dignified and
capable presiding officer and struck a
keynote when he suggested that all
should go home to take off their coats
in the interest of Judge Green's elec
Hon. Josiah Howard, the Cameron
' county representative in the Legisla
j ture, did his full share in helping to
entertain the visitors. In the morning
a delightful carriage ride was provided
by Mr. Howard and this served to what
the appetites of the participants.
The party returned to the Warnei
house in time to partake of an excellent
Cameron county is enthusiastic for
Judge Green and will roll up a big vote
for him at the polls in November. Elk
county also expects to do her part for
him and with Clinton county in iine
the Republicans of the 25th district
have bright prospects of electing their
nominee for president judge.
Successful Year.
The Lock Haven State Normal School
closed the most successful year in its
history. Its new catalog containing
122 pages, beautifully illustrated, is
now ready for distribution. This is
one of the greatest schools of our state
and affords the best available advant
ages for training of teachers, fitting
for College or Business. Its depart
mentis of music and elocution are also
largely patronized and thoroughly
equipped. The fall term begins Sept.
10th. Address for catalog, the Prin
2o:4fc Lock Haven, Pa.
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
ana key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRESS office. 36tf
Don't drag along with a dull, billious,
heavy feeling you need a pill. Use De-
W itt's Little Karly Risers, the famous
little pills. Do not sicken or gripe, hut
results are sure. Sold by Jt. C. Dodson-
Stomach Troubles and Constipation.
No one can reasonably hope for
digestion when the bowels are constipated.
Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Kdwardsville, 111.,
says:"l suffered from chronic constipa
tion and stomach troubles for several
years, but thanks to Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets, am almost cured."
\\ by not net a package of these tablets
and get well and stay well? Price 25
cents. Samples free. For sale by L.
Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run:
Crutn Bros., Sinnamahoning.
The PRESS from Aug. Ist until afte
election for ttweny-flve cents. Sub
scribe at once.
C. B. Howard & Co., have the only
large stock of shingles in the county at
the present time. RED CEDAR from
the Pacific Coast CEDAR
rom Wisconsin
WANTED—GirI to do general housework and
one who will stay at her own home at nights
Apply at PR KSS office. 17tf,
There is nothing so pleasant as that
bright cheeful. at-peace-with-the-world
feeling when you sit down to your break
fast. There is nothing so conclusive to
good work and uood results. The halthy
man with a healthy mind and body is a
better fellow, a better workman, a better
citizen than the man or woman who is
handicapped by some disability, however
slight A slight disorder of the stomach
will derange your body, your thoughts
and your deposition. Get away from
t ho morbidness and the blues. Keep
your stomach in tone and both your brain
and body will respond. Little indiscre
tions of overeating can be easily corrected
and you will be surprised to see how
much better luiti you are. Try a little
Ivodol For D>spepiii after your meals.
Sold by 11. Dodson.
This college has recently taken a new »lac*
amont? the colleges of the country. Within torn
years five new !>uil<liriK- have l»een erected, new
professors added and e?.' rime classes doubled.
Five course.s of Ftudy, <sical. Latin and Mod
ern Language, Latin-Sci«ntific. Scientific and
Civil Engineering. Good traditions, .strong fac
ulty, superb location, beautiful grounds and
buildings, reasonable expenses. Fall term opens
September 18th. Write for catalog to President
Crawford, Meadville, Pa.
Decorating and Sign Co.„
No. S, South Harket Square,
Estimates given on all kinds of de
corating, artistic paper banging and
painting. Would be glad to corres
pond with Cameron county patrons
who may have work in my line.
Harness Maker and Upholsterer
F. G. .fluid's Old .Stand.)
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
WHIPS, etc.
At Prices as Low as Possible
Repairing a Specialty.
UPHOLSTERING.—I cirry a fill) line
of cloths for recovering furniture
and guarantee all work.
Henry Jaeger.
~ WWA -W ■W I JKWM.'f
| Chamberlain's I
ICofic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy!
I Almost every family has need |
1 of a reliable remedy for colic or I
I diarrhea at some time during the £
| year. 112
I This remedy is recommended J
by dealers who have sold it for g
many years and know its value. i
It has received thousands of 1
testimonials fron) grateful people. ;
It has been prescribed by phy- i
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned. i
It only costs a quarter. Can
you afford to risk so much for so
little? BUY IT NOW.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous*
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the gresßcst known tonic
and reconstructive proparties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va.. says:—
" I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured me and we are now using it in miUc
lor baby,"
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. Relieves indigestion, sour stomach,
belching of gas, etc.
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO.
Sold by R C. Dodson.
Specifics cure by acting directly on the
sick parts without disturbing tho rest of
tb« system.
No. 1 for Fevers.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Teething.
No. t " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 9 " Headaches.
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Suppressed Periods.
No. 12 " Whites.
Nt>. 13 " Croup.
No. 14 " The Skin.
No. 15 " Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria,
No. 19 " Catarrh.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough.
No. 27 " The Kidneys.
No. 30 " The Bladder.
No. 77 " La Grippe.
bk small bottles of pellets that fit tho vest
pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each.
Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphreys' Sled. Co., Cor. William &John Streets.
New York.
IJivorce Notice.
TO LUELLA S. FAY LEE, of Akron, Ohio.
WHEREAS, Cassias M., your husband,
has filed a libel in the court of Common Pleas of
Cameron county, of October term, 190fi, to show
cause if any you have, why your husband, Cas
sius M Lee. should not he divorced from the
bonds of matrimony which ho hath contracted
with you, the said I.nella 8 Kay Lee, agreeably
to the petition and libel exhibited against you
before our said court; and this you shall in no,
wise omit at your peril.
Sheriff of Cameron Couutv. "
Dated, July 2titli 186(i.-!!l-tt.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of JOSEPH t'. ('HIS 1\ deceased.
N OTICE is hereby given that letters testa
mentary upon the estate of Joseph P. C'rist.
late of Emporium, C meron countv.4'a., deceas
ed have been granted to the undersigned to
whom claims against said estate must be preset t
"I, duly authenticated; also all persons indeb:e d
to said estate must make settlement.
Admiui tiatrix
May 28th. 19(16.—'2141