Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 09, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Xateet Gountv Correspondence.
Robt. Graham.proprietorot the \ alley |
House, received liis license I'riday.
A. A. Smith spent Sunday with his
family at Lock Ha\en. Mr. Smith has , <
charge of the new interlocking work at : ]
the new tow<r.
Mrs. Liwson of Beech wood, is spend- -
ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs.
J. M. Robinson. ,
Mina Reed returned to Emporium
Monday, after spending Sunday.
A. F. Walker was a business caller at i
Emporium one day last week.
The, dance to be held last Friday night i
was postponed on account of the bad •
roads and rain.
E. F. Cotnlcy accepted a position with j
the (Janoe Bun Mining Co.. Monday.
The new interlocking tower here will j
be ready for service in about two weeks, j
One of the Italian trackmen was |
slisihtly injured with the hand ear Mon- j
The many friends of Mrs. Maggie Far- |
rcl, will be glad to learn she is improving
in health very fa<t. and it is expected she i
will soon be out again.
J. E. Lester came home last Saturday J
for a few days. He has been at work in
the woods the past two months.
Miss Edwards, primary school teacher j
here for this term arrived Monday night, j
M. T. Cummings of Renovo, was in j
town Saturday looking over some lumber i
he has here, which ho will ship to that j
John Schwab is preparing to move into
th Barrows house, lately vacated by i
Robt. Graham.
Miss Susie Killeen left on Erie mail i
Tuesday for Niagara Falls. • j
J. F. H.
Gamie Housler accepted a position on
Howard Co s steam loader.
Ilattie Carter of Gardcau, was the j
guest of' Rev. and Mrs. Dow over Sunday, j
Jas. Dulling was on our streets Sun- j
day, for the first time in many moons.
I'erey Dulling is assistant gardener at j
Lawn View.
Miss Daisy Lewis returned from a J
visit to Hicks Bun Saturday.
N. S. Cutler was haying for Miss |
Sarah V. Lanning Monday.
Vere Dow and Floyd Barton, accom
panied by the Misses Moon were on our
streets Sunday. They also attended
church in the avening.
Malcom Lewis is at Elk Fork this
week, cutting wood for the school lionse
at that point.
M. A. 112.
•'Make hay While the Sun Shines." j
There is a lesson in the work of the \
thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright
sunshine may last but a day when he pre- |
pares for the showers which are so liable j
to follow. So it should be with every I
household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and '
cholera morbus may attack some member j
of the home without warning. Cham- j
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea i
Remedy, which is the best knowu medi
cine for three diseases, should always be
kept at hand, as immediate treatment is
necessary, and delay may prove fatal.
For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith,
Sterling Run; Crura Bros., Sinnamahori
You will never make a mistake by
talking to a man about himself.
Prof. Tyler, of Amherst college, said
recenty: A man can live comfortably
without brains no man ever existed with
out a digestive system. The dyspeptic
has neither faith, hope or charity."
Day by day people realize the importance
of caring for their digestion: realize the
need ol the use of a little corrective after
overeating. A corrective like Kodol for
Dyspepsia. It digests what you eat.
Sold by It. C. Dodson.
The Fanners Exchange, Pittsfield,
Wish to place a copy of their cata
logue and Price List of Groceries, Pro
visions and Farm Products in every
Household in the State of Pennsyl
vania. If you will send ten cents to
cover cost of postage and packing we
will mail you one Elegant Doilie, Six
papers of assorted Sewing Needles,
fourteen Darners, One Bodkin, and
One Ladies' or Gents' White Lawn,
Necktie, absolutely Free of cost, to
gether with our New Price List, quot
ing you prices fehat will save you many
dollars in the course of a year.
Don't let this opportunity pass, but
send Ten Cents to-daJT and get this
package of goods that at the regular
retail price would cost you fifty cents
in any dry goods stores in the State.
Address the Farmers Exchange,
Pittsfield, Pa. 18-tf.
3TinES V
If your dealer hasn't it, F. V. Heil-j
man has.
Pistner Bros, have their new house (
Since the hotel has been given a coat !
of paint ita looks have been greatly iru-J
Edward Russell of Mason Mill, was a ,
visitor at this place Sunday.
(■race Hicks of Ilix linn, visited her
sister here last Wednesday.
The infant son of Harry Whiting is!
very sick at this writing.
Isaac Bresncc and family wer Weed- j
ville visitors Sunday.
Tossie Barr of Hicks Run, was in j
town one day last week.
Win. Cupp and wife are visiting j
friends in this vicinity.
Ray Miller of Millers, is at this place
where iie intenks to help Claude Williams
do his haying.
Roy Russell is visiting his grand par
ents on Mason Hill.
Lizzie McKeter of Tyler, was visiting
Mrs. Ike Frantz over Sunday.
John l!;irr of Hicks Run, was seen on
j our streets one day last week,
i M. J. Pauley of Weedville, was the
! guest of his sister Saturday.
Mrs. James Ross and daughter Jennie
I were shoppeng in Dußois Saturday.
! Bert Russell was a Millers Run visitor
j Saturday.
Mrs. Derm Wilber. who had an oper
j ation some time ago is improving.
Virginia Ore, was a Weedville caller
Mr. Apker of Boons Mountain is
' visiting Thos. Del,nig this week.
! George Pistner and wife spent Sunday
| at Benczette at the home of Jake Spaug
l ler and wife.
A line supper was served at the home
I of John Kraus, Saturday evening for the
benefit of the young peoples society,
j A new clerk came to the home of
| Wm. Pistner Monday afternoon. Wm.
• has a pleasant smile for everybody.
| Mrs.Whitcomb was a Dußois visitor
j Friday.
Mrs. Munu, a lady residing seven or
eight miles from this place, on the nioun
| tain, died Friday. We understand she
| fell and sustained injuries from which
! caused her death.
A new doctor came to town in place of
Dr. Love, who is leaving. Have not
learned where he intends to loeate.
X. X.
•The principal industry of this place,
Currier's mill was totally destroyed by
I fire on Wednesday night about 11 o'clock.
B. & S. engines blew the tire alarm, but
I the apparatus for fighting fire was very
j limited and nothing could be done to save
! it. The mill had been shut down since
111 o'clock a. in. This is the second
j time a mill has burned on this sight,
j Whether the mill will be rebuilt is dmibt
i ful. though there are .a good many logs
; in the woods yet, that were to have been
' sawed here.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Williams are en
tertaining Mrs. A. E. Woodard and
daughter Nina of Salamanca, N. Y.
11. W. Martindale was arouud here a
few days last week. We understand he
has sold his hotel at Youngstown, Ohio.
The loss of sawed lumber at the fire at
Currier's mill was small, as the bucket
brigade paid attention to saving that.
Joseph Gorman ol Jolinsonburg was
looking after his property here one day
last week.
Blackberries plenty but huckleberries
J. W. Philips returned to his home at
Austin Saturday evening after visiting
friends here a few days.
Nijf SED.
Beatrice Barr returned Saturday from
a visit in Potter county. Her cousins
the Misses Edwards accompanied her.
Agnes Taylor was the guest of Mildred
Faucett Friday.
Beatrice Taylor is spending a few days
with her grand parents.
Mrs.John Smith is confined to her bed.
Walter Brundage and Clendon Moore
are very ill at present.
N. A. Ostrum and Wm. Hughes
transacted business at Chas. Barr's Satur
Mesdames Coole and Hrundage visited
the city on Monday.
Llewella Moore did shopping in town
the first of the week.
Elihu Chadwick called on North
Crcek| people Friday and Saturday.
John Kelley is hustling his haying.
Henry Smith was guest of Thomas
Britton, Wednesday.
The Misses Moon entertained a small
; company of children on Wednesday. All
' report a good time.
I Chas. Wiley was in our valley the first
of the week.
Lewis Yates is suffering with hay '
X. Y. Z.
You can get all kinds of good cedar
shingles at C. B. Howard & Co..
Lyle Berry of Emporium, j-pont Hun
day in town.
F. J. Confer spent Sunday with his
parents at Shintown.
John Kissel and Charles llunce spent
Sunday evening in Emporium. What is
the attraction?
I'. E. Trump has returned from Pitts
T. M. I .icwis and Jas. Strawbridge
were Cameron visitors Sunday.
P.J. llobinson and son Frank attend
ed the base ball game at Driftwood first
of the week.
John Devlingjs visiting his parents in
Grant llart and Clarence llowlett
spent Sunday at 1 licks Hun.
The Sterling Run athletic club held a
smoker Saturday evening, which was a
grand success. Among the out of town
patrons were: Win. and Lcroy Carter and
the worthy correspondent from Rich
Valley. The Huntley male quartet at
tended in a body with the exception of
brother Ivrapc, who sent a mesMige of re
gretand explained his absence was due to
that HI pound boy taking up all of his
time. His excuse was accepted as
several of the parties in attendance had
been through a like experience. W. 11.
■ Smith sang a patriotic song as a curtain
; raiser; then Everett Barr danced a two-
I step, followed by Steven Bunce. The
! main attraction of the evening was a three
! round exhibition between Samuel Barr
| and Grant Hari, both of Sterling~Bun.
I Kach man was trained to the minute and
I staited mixing things from the sound ot
the gong. It has been a long time since
j the sports of this county witnessed such a
fast bout. There was some clinching in
! the brake away but no damage was done
! aside from Mr. liarr getting his eyes
j blackened and Hart lost two suspender
[buttons. Referee P.J. llobinson called
j the contest a draw, wnich was a very
popular dicision. Barr then issued a
challenge to any man on the l'ennsy
lines east of Pittsburg at catch weights.
IHe is sertainly a comer and should re
-1 eeivc every encouragement. Special
| trainer Jas. Strawbridgc deserves great
! credit for fitting the men in such fine
j shape. Sammy Barr sang the audience
1 the following little song which was greet
j with a stoi 111 of applause:
I'm Sammy Barr from Sterling Hun,
How ilo you like my style;
! And when it comes to boxing,
| I can beet tliem all a mile;
I've boxed with Fit/, and Corbett too,
I always take my part;
But nothing gives me greater joy,
Than warming up Qr&nt Hart.
In upper cuts I am the goods,
I use the pivot blow;
My left hands swings the claret brings.
My right knows where togo,
So when you want a good fast bout.
You need not travel far;
Just take the train for Sterling Hun
And call on Sammy Barr.
Well, talk of the immortal John L.,
he wasn't in it with the cheering and en
coring that Samuiy got after the song.
Trainer Strawbridge then treated the
audience to elderberry wine and the
party adjourned.
J. F. S.
Peter Ferguson and son ot Emporium,
enjoyed a pleasant drive to our city Sun
day. Pete has one of the finest driving
horses we have seen in a long time.
Merion Toner ot St. Marys, one of
lvaul anu Hall's best mill men spent
Sunday at the Morrison homestead, the
guest of his wife and daughters.
Allan and Oscar Hopkins, who are
employed at Bathbun, visited their home
here Saturday evening.
ltobt. McMannus and sons have been
hauling stone, preparatory to putting in a
stone culvert and thereby do away with
the small wooden bridge just below
Beech wood. That is the proper way to
repair such places and if the plan is fol
lowed up our roads will soon be the best
in this part of the state.
Jake Herbstreet of St. Marys is at
home confined to his house by sickness.
His many friends hope that lie may soon
C. C. Skillman and wife of More Hill,
visited Geo. W. Leavitt and family Satur
Al. Wagner, our efficient station agent,
transacted business in Emporium Friday.
Jack Cleary, our hustling wood jobber,
made a business trip to Clermont last
week. He stopped oft'at St. Marys but
didn't stay long as he says"the Irish aud
Dutch don't agree."'
Mrs. J. 11. Reed was an Emporium
visitor Friday.
Win. McDonald is cutting the hay on
the Seeley farm at Rathbun.
Rev. Brown, a noted evangelirt and
Sunday school worker, preached an ele
gant sermon at Truman Sunday. Mr.
Brown has many friends around here
and they were more than pleased to meet
him again.
Miss Heath of St. Marys, daughter of
Mr. Dave Heath, a former Beech wood
resident, visited friends in town and at
tended church services Sunday. We
found her to be a very pleasant and inter
esting young lady.
It is with much pleasure that we an
nounce the marriage of Miss Anna Cook,
one of our most highly esteemed young
ladies, to Mr. Charles Burkland of How
i ard. Rev. Cleaver of Emporium, per
lormed the eeremony, July Mist. Miss
| Cook was ouc of our most popular young
j iadies. honored and respected by all who
j know her. Mr. Burkland is one of the
l'ennsy R. It. Co s bridge builders and
; one of their most trusted men. Wepre
| diet for them a bright future and join
; their many friends in wishing them su
preme happiness and many blessings.
Berry pickers are very plentiful here at
j present. There seeuis to be just swarms
! of them. We rather think there are
more pickers than berries.
Jos IA 11
Mrs. W. W. Johnson is on the sick
| liflt.
1 Irene Colo is very ill.
Thomas Nickerson and family, of
I Emporium, are the guests of Mr and
| Mrs. John Jordan.
| Miss Helen Jordan has returned from
' a two months visit at Sinnamahoning.
Misses Nellie Grace and Florence
j Logue, of the East Side, spent Sunday
with Miss Ruth Sullivan.
John Jordan was a Driftwood caller
; Monday.
I C. J. Miller is ill with stomach
I trouble.
Ray Jordan, of Mason Ilill, was a
j business caller in town Monday.
W. W. Johnson and Levi Smith were
| Driftwood callers Saturday.
Mrs. W. R. Smith and Misses Nettie
| and Andrew Hill spent Sunday with
j friends in Sinnamohoning.
Mrs. John Mack and Frank Sullivan,
! of Cameron, were guests of Mrs. Henry
j Layton, the latter part of last week.
We are glad to learn that Lloyd
| Logue, who had his leg cut off at
j Rathbun a short time ago, is improv
j ing as rapidly as can be expected. He
1 is at Ridgwav Hospital.
Ralph Goodal, of Driftwood, has just
j received copies of his latest song from
; his New York publishers. The song
j is a success and the words and music
are arranged to please even the most
fastidious critics. His many friends
extend him sincere congratulations.
W. 11. Logue Btill has a fine stock of
boneless codfish and York state cream
cheese on hand Store open a6a. m.
phone 996.
B. J. Collins and his men and teams
finished hauling his logs fram Big Run
into tho Creek Saturday. All that is
needed now is a good flood to move
them to the mill
John Carson picked 75 quarts of
blackberries on Saturday. Some were
over two inches long. Jebb Lynch, o
Sterling Run, says they beat anything
he ever saw in tho berry line.
W. R Smith is soliciting subscrip
! tions for the new Wesleyan Methodist
! Church at Castle Garden. Nearly four
i hundred dollars lias been already
I subscribed.
Thieves stole all of Mrs. A. F. Nelson's
' butter Friday night and also paid a
| visit to the spring house of J. F.
j Carson, taking a supply of butter and
j milk from there also.
Mrs. George Collins was taken
suddenly ill Saturday evening with
acute heart disease. Doctors Corbett
and Beale were called and relieved her
suffering. She is somewhat better at
this writing.
Mrs. Phinn Mason, of Tunnel Hill,
j while leading her cow to the pasture
; last Friday morning, was knocked
j down by the animal and rendered un
conscious Dr. Beale, of Drifwood,
I was called and she is improving under
| his treatment.
J. F. 8.
j All is quiet along the Sinnamahoning
] to-night —the merry-go-round has left.
The B. S. & S. R. R. Co., arc repair
ing the crossing at the red bridge this
week. It was much needed.
G. B. Barclay was at Williamsport
Capt. and Mrs. C. F. Barclay are
making a tour of the eastern states in
| their auto.
Geo. P. Shafer has leased the fiat of
tho B. & S. R. R. for pasture purposes.
Dick Crnm's ducks got badly fooled
picking up the dead fish along Grve
Run. They won't pick up any more.
Warren J. Mead and family came
home from Punxsutawney Tuesday.
G. P. Shafer visited the county seat
Eugene H. Baird, of Ridgway, was
in town Tuesday.
Mrs. J. V. Hanscomb, of Lock Haven,
is visiting friends here this week.
The Powder Co., turned out 3,000
pounds of dynamite Tuesday for the
I first.
O. L. Bailey has purchased the bal
j ance of the Shafer farm from the B. &
| S. R. R. Co.
The Sinnamahoning Powder Co.,
i have a crew of workmen putting up
' dwellings on Col lege avenue.
J. F. Wolf was over to Karthaus last
j week, purchasing hogs and cattle for
] fall trade.
Several of our town boys took in the
i ball game at Driftwood Monday.
V. A. Brooks killed two large rattlers
1 in the woods last week.
Some boys who were in Jerry Run
j picking berries Monday, shot into the
school house while school was in
| session. Be careful boys or you will
! find yourselves in the lock-up
When the first dose of acid was run
| into Grove Run last week, it made all
j the trout and other fish turn tip their
| dead bodies along the shore, but the j
fish warden could not see them. He
was looking after the lone fisherman.
Another home for the speckled beaut
ies gone. Soon there will not be any
streams for trout to live in.
Dkhsi:. 1
Miss Bee Barr lias been entertaining her cousin 1
Miss Edwards this week.
Mrs. Llewella Moore is on the sick list.
Burt Chandler of Potato Creek passed through ;
here Monday.
Agnes Taylor called on Mrs. S. M. Housler
Bee Taylor came up from Renovo to visit rela
Chas Brewer of Smethport is visiting at this
John Kelly, Henry Smith, Claud Swart wood
and Ernest Rivers were seen on our streets re
May Moon called 011 Mrs. Chandler Friday.
M. E. Taylor wears a broad smile. Its a girl.
Willis McClenahan, Walter Smith, Henry
Carter and Will Smith were in Emporium Tues
Mrs. Floreuce Cool went home to see her fath
er Frank Moon, on Tuesday, Mr. Moon is very
sick at this writing, paralysis is the cause and
little hopes are entertained for his recovery.
F. A. Lewis, Fred Solvesou and Warren Moore
are haying this week for 8. M. Housler and Mrs.
Llewella Moore. Beautiful hay weather, boys.
Geo. Barr and family enjoyed the day by tak
ing a drive Sunday; as did several other of our
Mrs. A.O. Swartwood visited her daughter,
Mrs. McClennahan recently.
[Please get your communication in a little ear I
ier—Tuesday evening if possible.
Samanthv Ai,u;x.
Last Saturday evening Miss Lulu Lewis, assist
ant postmaster; while standing in front of the
office was lired at by some one on Smith's corner
about forty feei away. The ball c«mc within one
foot of her head. There were two 16 year old
hoys standing on the corner at the time. This
matter of boys carrying revolvers should be stop
ped. There arc seven or eight carrying them in
this place.
I). W. Eastman of Coudersport, is making
things lively in the lumber and bark business.
Sam Barr ami Grant Hart, while trying to pre
sent each other with a pair of spectacles last
Saturday evening, Sam'l got a good fit—Grants
would not work.
On Monday night the house formerly used by
C. G, Minick at the old tannery was burned by
some unknown party.
Unnecessary Expense.
Acute"attacks of colic and diarrhoea
come on without warning and prompt re
lief must be obtained. There is no neces
sity of incurring the expense of a physi
cian's service in such cases if Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy is at hand. A dose of this remedy
will relieve the patient before a doctor
could arrive. It has never been known
to fail, even in the most severe and
dangerous cases and no family should be
without it. For sale by L. Taggart; J.
K. Smith, Sterling Run; Crutn Uros.,
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at Press office. 36tf
House for Rent.
A good seven room House to let.
Apply to Mrs. W. H. Cramer.
Why does the sun burn? Why does
a uiosquito sting? Why do we feel un
happy in the Good Old Summer Time?
Answer; we don't. We use DeWitt
Witch Hazel Salve, and these little ills
don't bother us. Learn to look for the
name on the box to get the genuine.
Sold by 11. 0. Dodson.
The man who is buried in thought has
no funeral expenses.
Don't drag along with a dull, billious,
heavy feeling you need a [till. Use De-
Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills. Do not sicken or gripe, but
results are sure. Sold by 11. C. Dodson-
Stomach Troubles and Constipation.
No one can reasonably hope lor _ood
digestion when the bowels are constipated.
Mr. Chas! Baldwin, of Edwardsville, 111.,
says: "T suffered from chronic constipa
tion and stomach troubles for several
years, but thanks to Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets, aui almost cured."
Why not get a package of these tablets
and get well and stay well? Price 25
cents. Samples free. For sale by L.
Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run:
Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning.
The Press from Aug. Ist until afte
election for ttweny-flve cents. Sub
scribe at once.
C. B. Howard & Co., have tho only
large stock of shingles in the county at
the present time. RED CEDAR from
the Pacific Coast and;WHITE CEDAR
rom Wisconsin
WANTED—GirI to do general housework and
one who will stay at her own home at nights
Apply at Phkss office. 17tf.
There is nothing so pleasant as that
bright cheeful. at-peaee-with-the-world
feeling when you sit down to your break
fast. There is nothing so conclusive to
good work and good results. The halthy
man with a healthy mind and body is a
better fellow, a better workman,,)! better
citizen than the man or woman who is
handicapped by some disability, how v< r
slight. A slight disorder of the stomach
will derange jour body, your thoughts
and your disposition, (let away from
the morbidness and the blues. Keep
your stomach in tone and both your brain
and body wiil respond. Little imli»<-re
tions of overeating can be easily corrected
and you will be surprised to see how
much better man you are. Try a little
Kodol For Djspepia after jour meals.
Sold by U. ('. Dodson.
This college has recently taken a TI«?W placo
anions the colleges of the country. Within four
years five new buildings have been erected, new
professors added and entering classes doubled.
Five courses of t-tudy, Classic al. Latin and Mod
ern Language. Latin-Sci ntifir. Scientific and
Civil Engineering. Good traditions, strong fac
ulty, superb location, beautiful grounds and
buildings, reasonable expanses. Fall term opens
September 18th. Write for catalog to President
Crawford, Meadville, Pa.
Decorating and Sign Co.,
No. 8, South riarket Square,
Estimates given oil all kinds of de
corating, artistic paper hanging and
painting. Would be glad to corres
pond with Cameron county patrons
who may have work in my line.
Harness Maker and Upholsterer
F. G. Judd'B Old Stand.)
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
WHIPS, etc.
At Prices as Low as Possible
Repairing a Specialty.
UPHOLSTERING.—I carry a full line
of cloths for recovering furniture
and guarantee all work.
Henry jaeger.
Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy
Almost every family has need
of a reliable remedy for colic or
diarrhea at some time during the
This remedy is recommended
( by dealers who have sold it for
many years and know its value.
It has received thousands of
testimonials from grateful people.
It has been prescribed by phy
sicians with the most satisfactory
It has often saved life before
i medicine could have been sent for
or a physician summoned. ;
i It only costs a quarter. Can
you alford to risk so much for *o
little? BUY IT NOW.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervou*
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risingsi and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the gresftest known tonic
and reconstructive proporties. Kodol for
dyspepsia doe 3 not only relieve indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W, Va., says:—
" I v/as troubled with scur stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured me and we are now using it in milk
j for baby."
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. Relieves indigestion, Sour rtcmach,
belching of gas, etc.
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT &. CO., CHICAGO.
Sold by R C. Dodson.
Veterinary Specifies cure diseases
of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and
Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PABTB
without loss of time.
A. A. I FEVER!"?, Contention*. Tnftainma-
CURKS ) ttons. Lung Fever, Mtlk Fever.
112). 11. ?BPRAIX6, Lameness, Injuries.
CURES ) fttiieuiuatiaiii.
V.V IHORK THROAT. Quinsy, Epizootic.
CURES ) Distemper.
Pd&IWOTMM. Ho«.. Grub..
E. E. ICOrOHK, Colds, Influenza, Inflamed
CURES) Lung*. Pieuro-Piieumonla.
F. F.) COLIC, Bellyache. \Y Ind-Illown.
CURES ) Diarrlien , Dysentery.
1.1. ) SKISi DIKEAfcEi". Mnutie, Eruption.,
CURES J I'tccr., <■ rt'u.e, Farcy.
J. K. > BAD C(»\DITI«\. Siarins Coot.
CURES > ludlse.lton, Stoitinrli Smaller,.
flOo. each ; Stable Case, Ten Specific, Book, &c., $7.
At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John
streets. New York.
Divorce Notice.
TO LUELL.V 8. FAY LSE, of Akron, Ohio.
WHEREAS, Cassias M. Lee. your husband,
has filed a libel in the court of Common Pleas ot
Cameron county, of October term. 190(1. to show
cause if any yon have, why your husband, Cas
sius M Lee. should not be divoiced from the
bonds of matrimony which he lialli contracted
with you, the said Luella S Fay Lee, agreeably
to the petition and libel exhibited against you
before our said court; and this you shall in n<t
wise omit at your peril.
Sheriff of Cameron County.
Dated, July 20th 1906.—21-4t.
Administratrix Xotice.
Estate of JOSEPH P. CRIST, tletmied.
N'OTICE is hereby given that letters testa"
mentary upon the estate of Joseph P. Crist,
laie of Emporium, Cameron county. Pa., deeeas
ed have been granted to the undersigned to
whom claims against said estate must be present
ed, duly authenticated; also all persons indehte d
to said estate must make settlement.
May 28th, 11106.—24-4t