Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Established BY C. B.GOULD.
Editor and Manager.
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Mir square for each subsequent insertion.
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Religious notices free.
OOVERNOR—Edwin S. Stuart. Philadelphia.
pliy, Cambria county.
Tioga county.
Henry Honck, Lebanon county.
For Congress,
Por President Judge.
(Subject to Judicial Conference.]
For Member of Assembly,
Tor Associate Judge,
GEORGE J. LABAR, Emporium.
For ''rothonotary, Register, Recorder and Clerk
of Courts,
For District Attorney,
7i\b. P. McNARNEY, Emporium.
For Coroner,
DR. W. S. RUSSELL, Gibson.
For Jury Commissioner,
Name the Crimes.
Mr. Emery in his letter makes
particular mention of t lio necessity
•>f punishing men who commit
crimes against the whole people,
against the community. It is the
failure to punish these crimes that
lias aroused the people not only of
Pennsylvania, but of numerous
other states of the T'nion. Pitts
burg Leader.
What crimes'.' We wish these
Democrats. including Emery,
would lile a bill of particulars.
Wo have been hearing about
crimes for years. It has been the
stock in trade of the Democratic
orators in Pennsylvania for many
<* campaign. Heretofore we have
bad something definite. The
crimes were concealed, so it wa#
aaid, under the Treasury IrJ,
»ud year after year the State has
been ringing with accusations.
"Lift the lid" has been the cry
over sine there has been a Repub
lican party.
Well, the lid has been lifted.
JTi. Berry, who thundered his
charges from every stump last fall,
was elected for the special purpose
of making these charges good.
Has ho done so? Everyone knows
that he has not; that on the con
trary, lie found no crimes to reveal
to an astounded people.
If crimes did not exist in the
Treasury I lepartment, where every
Democrat -:iid they did exist,where
are they? Where can they possi
bly be concealed?
Time for Emery and the Demo
crats to bring their proofs. We
have had piite enough of this ac
cusing business —several years too
much of it. File your bill.—Phila.
The Issue in a Nutshell.
Lewis Emery advocates certain
Edwin S. Stuart for
every one of those reforms.
Emery is running on a ticket
with three rampant Bryan Demo
crats and standing on a platform
that Bryan as the next
is running on a ticket
with three Republicans who, like
bimsclf, are the sincere supporters
of and sympathizers with President
Pennsylvania is a Republican
iitato and the administration at
Washington needs its endorsement
and help.
It ought to be very easy for any
Republican to make up his mind
what to do. —Phila. Inquirer.
C. fl. Howard & Co., have received
from the Pacific Coast what is perhapa
the finest lot of RED CEDAR sbingtoa
that ever came to Cameron county. |
Iho Republican Convention Gives him Unanimous Endorsement. —Judge
Green Empowered to Name His Own Conferees-His Speech
is Enthusiastically Received.
From Lock Haven Republican.
At 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the j
Republican county convention met at i
the courthouse to place in nomination |
a candidate for President Judge of the |
Twenth fifth Judicial District. It was j
a Hpecial convention held for this pur- ]
pose and as lion. B. \V. Green, of i
Emporium, had no oppositon he receiv
ed the unanimous endorsement of the
Clinton county Republicans. Having
previously been endorsed by Cameron
county insures his nomination by the
Republican district conference.
Judge Green was appointed by Gov
ernor 1 'ennypacker to fill the vacancy
caused hy the death of Judge Mayer.
This appointment holds good only to
the first of January and* it is therefore
necessary for the voters of the district,
which is composed of Clinton, Cameron
and Eik counties, to elect a President
judge at the November election.
The district is naturally Democratic,
but with a strong candidate like Judge
Green the Republicans have a splendid
fighting chance of winning the contest.
He is popular throughout the district,
is a man of high charact <r, a lawyer of
fine ability and during the brief incum
bancy of the office has proven himself
well qualified to fill the position with
honor and credit.
County Chairman H. G. Shearer call
ed the convention to order and
appointed E. L. Hoover, C. S. Whit
man and B. Ryan as secretaries. The
most of the districts in the county
were represented and after roll call R.
I). Simpson, of Renovo, was placed in
nomination for president by S. M. Mc-
Cormick, Esq., and he was elected by
S. M. Hall, South Renovo, and John
i Berry, of Loganton, were chosen vice
presidents, and the temporary secre
taries made the permanent ones of the
Nominations for president judge
were declared in order and H.T. Hall,
Esq., of Lock Haven, in few well chosen
remarks placed Hon. B. W. Green, of
Emporium, in nomination. The nomi
nation was seconded by S. D. Furst,
Esq , of this city in behalf of the
Republican members of the bar of
Clinton county.
Judge Green being the only name
prosented, his nomination was made
by acclamation. The speeches by
Messrs. Hall and Furst were heartily
applauded b> the members of the
convention, for they were in full sym
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain nercury.
AH mercury will surely destroy the
nense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except on
prescription from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do iB ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, anil
is taken internally, acting directly up
on the blood and mucous surfaces ol
the system. In buying Hall's catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Go. Testi
monials free. Sold by Druggists.
Price, 75c per bottle. Take Hall's
Pamily Pills for Constipation.
Rheumatism Cured in Ten Days.
Why Will You Suffer.
Mr. Harry Knox, ofßevcrly, W. Va.
under date of Jan. 2i5, 1906, .says he was
laid up with rheumatism for more than
two and a half months; part of the time
could not net out of bed. Could not
walk with out the aid of crutches, and
says he took one-half of a 50 cent bottle
of Crocker's Rheumatic Cure and was
entirely cured. HARRY KNOX.
For sale by It. C. Dodson. 21juni)m.
No man believes half the things lie
wants his wife to believe.
In this state it is no necessary to serve
a five days' notice for eviction of a cold.
IJHe the original laxative cough syrup,
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar.
No opiates. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
He wealthy and people will forget
you for not being good.
A world of truth in a few words:
''Nearly all other cough cures are consti
pating, especially those containing opiates.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar
moves the bowels. Contains no opiates."
You can get it at 11. C. Dodson's.
The fewer friends a man has the more
popular he is with himself
Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica
and Witch hazel.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt ltheum
Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all skin
eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis
faction, or money refunded. Price 25c
by Druggists. Williams MTg Co.,
Prop's Cleveland, O. For sale by It. C,
Dodson. 9-ly.
| pathy with the sentiments of the
I speakers.
I W. I). Kintzing moved that the chair
j appoint a committee to conduct Judge
I Green before the convention The
I motion prevailed and W. D. Kintzing,
jR. V. Rogers and 11. C. Stoner
J were named as the committee.
1 Judge Green was cordially received,
when he appeared before the conven
In accepting the nomination of the
Republicans of Clinton county Judge
Green said in part:
"I would be ungrateful, indeed, if 1
I did not appear before this convention
of Republican citizens of the good
county of Clinton and thank you
personally for the high honor which
1 you have conferred upon me this day.
I I fully believe my iriends, from the
' knowledge of the people of the
J Twenty-fifth judicial district and
j from tiles warm greetings which I have
I received from the other good people of
i this district, that your action here
j to-day will receive the approval of the
J people at the general election in Nov
| ember next. Fdo not appear before you
ias an absolute stranger. I have known
I the people of this county for over a
third of a century, and for over a
i quarter of a century we have been as
j sociated with the county of Clinton in
i the same judicial district.
"I desire to be frank with the people
! and although this may seem to be un
necessary, and yet I say frankly to one
and all and to the people of the county
i at large, that during the time that it is
my privilege and my honor to preside
{ over the courts of this district, I shall
not in any manner or iu any way or
j particular try to be a Republican,
I Democrat or to be a partisan judge in
j any sense of the word. 1 shall appear
! on the bench of this Judicial district so
| long as it is my privilege to serve,with
out any affiliation of any interest or
| person whatever. It will be ruy pur
j pose, to ttie best of my ability, to treat
every person, be he rich or poor, or to
whatever political party to which lie
may belong, without fear or favor.
"I thank you again for placing my
name in nomination as president judge
of the Twenty-fifth judicial district "
•I At the close of his apeecli Judge
Green was enthusiastically applauded.
On motion of H. T. Hall, Judge
Green was authorized to select his own
President Simpson then said he felt
that the action of the convention would
receive the approval of the people,
and on motion adjourned the conven
Summer Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather of the summer
months the first unnatural looseness of a
child's bowels should have immediate at
tention, so us to check the disease before
it becomes serious. All that is necessary
is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed
by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the sys
tem. Rev. M. 0. Stoekland, Pastor of
the first 31. E. Church, Little Falls,
iMinn., writes: "We have used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for several years and find it a
very valuable remedy, especially for sum
mer disorders in children. ' Sold by L.
Tacgart; J. K. Smith. Sterling Run;
Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning.
Even the chronic liar accidentally tells
the truth once in a while.
Williams' Kidney Pills.
Have you neglected your kidneys?
[lave you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys
and Bladder? Have you pains in the
loins, side, back, groins and bladder?
Have you a flabby appearance of the face,
especially under the eyes? Too frequent
desire to pass urine? If so William's
Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free.
By mail 50 cents. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's, Cleve
and, O. 9-ly.
Where Tourists Will Find Hum
phreys' Specifics.
PARIS, 61, rue des Petlts-Champs.
LONDON, 49 Haymarket.
VIENNA, Stephansplatz, 8.
BRUSSELS, 85 Bulevard de Waterloo.
LISBON, Rua do Arsenal, 148 & 152.
BARCELONA, Ronda S. Pedro, 36.
MADRID, Calle Tetuan, 3.
ALEXANDRIA, rue Cherif Pacha.
MANILA, 167 Escolta.
RIO DE JANEIRO, 72, Rua de S. Pedro
BUENOS AYRES, 446, Calle Florida.
MEXICO CITY, Calle del Coliseo, 3.
At all Drug Stores in Canada, Cuba,
Central America, Honolulu, Porto Rico,
the West Indies, and in every City,
Town and Hamlet in the United States
of America. Humpheys'Homeopathic
Medicine Co., N. W. Corner William j
and John Streets, New York.
The intense itching characteristic of
salt rheum and eczema is instantly allay
ed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As
i cure for skin disease this salve is un
equaled. For sale by L. Taggait; J. E.
Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sin
\ \ \ \ \ \ VN \ \\ \\/"
J Adam, . \
% Meldrum & $
f' /
ij Anderson Co. %
j9f>-108 Main Street,
% BUFFALO, N. Y. t| j
\ | j
112 August |
; Blanket i
Sale J
/ Greatest chance ot the vear /
/ mm /
! / for blankets at £
J 1-4, 1-3 AND 1-2 J
Fleece Blankets at 45c to >
\ %
I > /
/ Finest assortment of grey, /
; / white, scarlet and plaid /
. blankets, worth $ C flfl .
| $6 to sio, pair OD.UU
k r " ■ J|
Sample Blankets sent to us ,
from the mills to show /
what they are making 1 for
112 fall, some rare fjs. j- 7
' bargains /
r '
i / Blankets worth $3.00 lo sis p
p at s2. of) to SIO.OO. p
I' |
< ADAM, <
/■ /
y American Block, Btiflul" X. Y. x
I / \ \ \ \ X \ X \ \ \ N \ \
aBI The Laßelle
For Women $2.50
No other modern design so fully meets all the
requirements of the ideal ladies shoe. It
is an uneaqualed combination of style and fit,
shapeliness and comfort. The high but rather
broad heal, arched instep and slightly manish
appearance makes it the swellest sort for the
If you are a victim of faulty shoes.we can soon
enable you to walk with ease and comfort,
and eventually cure your tender feet. These
shoes will wear twice as long as the ordinary
"ready made" shoes and have a style and fin
ish that is essentially distinctive.
$4.00 For Men I
The Up-to-Date Store.
Watch for our B
Ad. Next I
Week, I
Jasper Harris, 1
Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa.