Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 31, 1906, Image 5

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Kmportutti, Pa., May 9, ltf#6.
WftMOl'itiLA, per 9*clt *1 85
ffelt'ft Fancy, •• I *o
Pet Orove, •• 1
<>rahain "
Rye •* • •
Buckwheat, 70
Patent Meal M
Ooirw Meal j»er HHi, I 2^
Chop e*'vM, If
Middling* Faucy * 1 M
Hran. '25
Chicken Wheat 1 M
Corn, i#«r buahel, .. 70
White 'i it ti.ishel 15
New Oats.
Choice Clovei Seed,
Choice Timothy Seed. ! a Market Pricee.
Onoice Mnlet
P»ncy Kentuck\ Blue Oram. |
Ofdcjcj Ist,
K>it>»Riir.n, pa.
AtFourth and Chestnut Stß..
H. C. I»0(M»0N.
Telephone, 19-2.
Coutributions invited. That which you would
ike to nee in this department,let uh know by po«-
talcnrd or letter, personally.
Frank Boyne, of Olean, is now clerk
ing at Frank Shives' store.
Mrs. Corwin, of Sanbury, visited re
latives in town on Tuesday.
Mr. Frank Murry, of St. Marys,
spent Sunday in Emporium.
Mr. Ralph Richardson is spending a
week with triends at Dußois.
Clifton Larrabee transacted business
in Port Allegany last Monday.
Miss Celia Gleason, of Driftwood, I
was an Emporium visitor Tuesday.
Mr. A. Brady transacted business in j
Buffalo last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. A. Huff, of Olean, is the guest of
E. S. Huff and family this week.
Mrs. Wm. Beck, of Renovo, was an
Emporium visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Clark, of Renovo, and Miss
Blanche Mason, of Sterling Run, did
shopping in Emporium Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branson, of Du- '
Bois are spending this week with the ■
latter's father and sister at this place. 1
R. C. Cortwright, of Brockpcrt, j
transacted business in Emporium last
Hubert Brady arrived home Satur
day from State College to spend his
summer vacation with his parents.
Mrs. M. M. Larrabee weut to Wil
liamsport last Monday to spend some
time with her son and family at that
Miss Lola Beck and Miss Laura Fisk
were PRESS visitors last Tuesday, Miss
Beck renewing her subscription for the
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jos, L. Wheeler went to Buf
falo lust Saturday, to witness Mrs.
Leslie Carter in *'Zaza."
A. H. Kinney and family who have
occupied rooms' in Seth J. Hackett's
block, over the East Emporium Post
Office have moved to Cross Forks.
Mr. W. 11. Smith, of Sterling Run,
transacted business in town last Mon
day, and while here calied at this oflice
pushing the date of her PRESS well in
to 1907.
Emmett Tulis returned home last
week from a three weeks trip to the
Eastern cities, New York, Philadelphia
and Atlantic City. He reports a
"howling time."
Miss Encie Howard left Wednesday
for New York City and Herkimer, 17.
Y., to be gone several weeks. Her
mother Mrs. Elizabeth Howard accom
panied her as far as Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. B, B. Throop, have
arrived from Norfolk, Va. and are
guests of lion. I. K. Hockley and wife.
Mr. Throop has accepted the position
of private secretary to Hon. J. K. P.
Hall and enters upon the discharge of
his duties June Ist. He will be located
at St. Marys.
A large number of Emporium! tea
took in the Buffalo excursion on Tiles
day. Among the party were: Dr. and
Mrs. E O. Bard well, Mrs. Thos. Mc
Grain, Mis* Katie H»-st, Mr. and Mrs
W. B. Thompson. Misses Christina and
Florence McDonald, A. P. Vopt, Wm
McDonald and Philip lilowiinger.
Norman Macintosh, ono of oui
prompt paying snliecribers, calltn
yesterday and pushed his PRKBH wel
into 1907. Mr. M. continues to work
in Howard's mill and is steady and re
Miss Carrie Miller, left on Sunday
for Philadelphia to attend a meeting ol
the Alumni Association of Philadel
phia School for Nurses, to be held
during the week of May 28th.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. II Norris pleas
antly entertained a party of friends
last Thursday evening at whist, the oc
casion being held in honor of the tenth
anniversary of their marriage. The
evening was pleasantly passed and
hearty congratulations extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Norris.
M. J. B Brooks, W. H. Mitchell and
H. B. Muttliersbaugh favored the
PHESS with a visit while attending the
Republican county convention Tues
Don't forget the Business Men's
meeting at Council Chamber, Friday
Hon. Chas. W. Stone carried Hunt
ington county on Wednesday for Gov
The Children's Aid Society will meet
at the home of Mrs. I. K. Hockley.
Tuesday, June 5, at 2:30 o'clock.
The base ball team went to Renovo
yesterday and played two games, The
game in the morning resulted in a tie,
3to 3. The afternoon game was a
more one-sided affair, the score being
10 to 3 in favor of Renovo.
Edward Everett Hale's optimistic ar
ticle on"The Comforts ofTo-day," and
the first article of a serious campaign
against Child Slavery are the contrast
ing features that distinguish the June
number of the Woman'sHomeCompan
ion. The latter subject is handled in a
masterly way in the first of a series
of articles called "To Save the Child
ren"—each article sustained by actual
photographs and names and addresses
of little children drudging all around
The editor who can please everyone
is not fit for this world, but is entitled
to wings. Human nature is construct
ed so that some like scandal, some
don't; some like fake exposed, others
don't; some like the truth told about
them, others do not. Some like to take
the paper for seven or eight years and
never miss an issue or pay a cent, and
get mad and stop it when they get a
statement of their account; others
don't. It is some consolation to know
that the lord himself failed to please
everyone while on earth.
Eye Specialist.
Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known
Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y.,
will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry
store, Emporium, Pa., June 16th.
If you can't see well or have
headache don't fail to call and see Prof.
Budine, as he guarantees to cure all
such cases. Lenses ground and fitted
in old frames. Eyes tested and ex
amined free. All work guaranteed.
Clothe* nn<l Conduct,
Every man and every woman feels
the Influence of clothes and appearance
upon conduct. You have heard of the
lonely man In the Australian bush who
always put on evening dress for din
ner so that he might remember he was
a gentleman. Addison could not write
his best unless he was well dressed.
Put a naughty girl Into her best Sun
day clothes, and she will behave quite
nicely; put a blackguard into khaki,
and he will be a hero; put an omnibus
conductor into uniform, • and he will
live up to his clothes. Indeed, in a
millennium of free clothes of the latest
fashion we shall all be archangels.—
London ('hronlcln.
U.m Men.
Do ii• >i re ihe bow legged man.
for he plays ;,n important part In the
world. II is estimated that 40 per cent
of maiik'n 1 are bow legged, so nu
meric,"!: !. : class is entitled to great
respect. I!.iv,- legs Invariably accom
pany robust physique. We find them
one or' ill • conspicuous features of
athletes. ''om<fdiaus are almost al
ways how ieggr.-d. (If the bow legged
geniuses 1O which humanity points
with pride the most illustrious ex
amples are t'aesar. II >racc. Napoleon,
Wellington. Nehopi nhauer and favour,
the celebrated Kalian statesman. — Lon
don Answers.
The Itriurlit Side.
Words of cheer are words of help;
words of gloom are words of harm.
There i < a bright side and a dark side
to every pli ip of life and to every
hour of i!nsc if we speak of the
bright ve bring the brightness
int > pr im 'i".i if we speak of the
Cai'k si ■ en Its shadows. It
Is in or | ■ I-) help or to hinder by
* WO" 'id every person with
• h v ■ ' > contact.
lie is a mean man who refuses to gir
praise when it is due.
SSOO Hcwurd,
On or about May sth or tith som
thief forciably entered mill No. I, foil
mill i and broke into two tool chests
stealing tools, etc., and ruining an
other valuable chest We will pay th
ah »ve reward for information that wil
lead to the arrest and conviction of th
12 4t. C. B. HOWARD Jk Co.
Sickness in
More Cases of Illness this Spring
Than in Former Years.
Ao open winter such as the one just
passed always leaves mote sickness than
usual in the Spring, as the stomach is
overloaded with Winter food that is not
Physicians and druggists say there are
more eases of illness in Emporium this
Spring than in former years. Petjiaps
there is not so much serious sickness, but
Spring languor, loss of appetite, head
aches, sleeplessness, back aches, weakness
and debility, indigestion and other ills
that result Iroui indigestion or an over
worked stomach, are more common than
they have been lor some years past.
This has resulted in an unusual de
mand for Mi-o-na stomach tablets at L.
Taggait s. Before he felt that he could
recommend this remedy, lie tested it
rigidly in many eases of heart-burn, in
digestion. wind on the stomach, debility,
and other tumbles that result from a
weakened digestion, with the greatest
Iu fact, Mi-o-na has been so uniformly
successful in curing all stomach troubles
that L. Taggart gives a signed guarantee
with every 5(1 cent box to refund the
money if it does not cure.
Take one little tablet before each meal
for a few days, and you will soon regaiti
perfect health and strength, and lose all
fear of indigestion or stomach troubles.
Ash L. Taggart to show you the guar
antee under which they sell this remedy.
Don't expect to get rid of your troubles
by advertising them.
Letter to hred Julian.
Emporium, Pa.
Dear Sir: If our agent charges you 10
cents more for a gallon of paint than
somebodody else, don't think he is making
more profit; we charge him more; it costs
us more. It is all paint, true paint, and
\o other paint is all paint, true paint,
and full-measure, so far as we know.
That is wrong. We know some that are
pure and full-measure, but weak, thin, too
much oil and too little lead-and-zinc; an
honest sort of weakness; don't know any
better, may be.
It amounts to this; so far as we know;
and we think we know the whole Ameri
can trade; there is no other name but
Devoe that stands for all paint, full-meas
ure, right proportion. That's why it
takes less gallons and wears longer.
Yours truly,
F. W. DEVOE & Co.,
New York.
I'. S.—Murry & Coppersmith sell our
Stomach Troubles.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly
respected resident of Faisonia, Miss., was
sick with stomach trouble for more than
six months. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets cured her. She says:"l
can now eating anything I wautand am the
proudest woman in the world to find such
a good medicine." For sale by L. Tag
gart: J. K. Smith. Sterling Run; Crum
Bros., Sinnamahoning.
A Protest.
The Lion—The leopard, you know,
jnnnot change his spots. The Zebra-
Well, r can't change my stripes either,
but no one ever thought it of sufficient
Interest to make a proverb of.—Phila
delphia Record.
Good \ntiirr Hay llr Ctxstly.
"Don't look so glum, I'ilkerton. Use
cheery words. They cost nothing."
"Cost nothing! If I speak ten cheery
words to my wife, she asks me for
some money."
x A f.ittlc MiMiin<l<»r*tfixtdifiK.
"Sir, your son's performance ou the
French horn is execrable. It will drive
everybody from my house. You told
uie lie was a teacher."
"I did not. I said he was a tooter."
Men are often capable of greater
things tha the;, perform. They are
sent into t'' • world with bills of credit
i'Mi seldom draw to tlieir full extent. —
\\ Minnie.
For a painful burn there is nothing
like DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There
are a host of imitations of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve on the market—see
that you get the genuine. Ask for De-
Witt's. (!ood, too, for sunburn, cuts,
bruises and especially recommended for
piles. The name E. ('. I >eWitt & Co.,
Chicago, is on every box. Sold by 11.
C. Dodson. ,
' Sggi -^ifsSngisrcgiCTSgiafg- 1 a ; . L g 1 a; □' '~z.
i I'i OUR NEW LINE OF New S P rin « 11 nt "' Window Shades" 5 ®
! IF, from ioc t« 75c per Shade. p
J'l Wall Paper for 1906. _. u t" — ,'"« I
Li L The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. JJ
W All Colors. h
ffl Consists of the best things from three factories. Also , I - ——=— —« fi]
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of.all ' Rodger's Staillfloor, the best made jjj
If ktnds - for Floors.
(The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. ■* A r» w ■ /"v« r U'
Louis against the world. HARRY S. LLOYD^Jj
-qji|>a ait|)i«tiraai>nqtu.iai|«.iAai|<ui
•IIW uno oi|» il.>nii>a|«x ju • ->q» .iJMMIui
Still (I VOM'IIVH K Va.L»"»Mrt
It's Easy
i 3 write a good letter when
ur paper, pens and ink are
: . friendly.
Writing Papers
I make Dolite correspondence a
pleasure. Most people just
now are asking us for Twotone
and Highland Linen. There
are other styles you may like
even better. Come in and see
Emporium, Pa.
To is to Believe
Popular West End
Is replete with the choicest
and largest assortment of
The largest assortment and
best line of Canned and Glass
Goods. Call and see us.
J *
2 v ''/' I;
0000 O i "
ZZZZZin - v
I v
The ever Popular
Dame fashion decrees the high bust
and tapering waist. To be in style
you must show a full figure with
graceful lines and curves. Slialin Per
fect Form and Corset Combined will
do for your iigure what your dress
maker connot do. You need not show
a deficient bust measure—What Nature
denies The Sahlin Supplies No pad
ding or interlining needed in your
waist or coat. Leading physicians
recommend them as health promoters.
The straps crossing in the back act as a
shoulder brace and incline the wearer
to throw back her shoulders. Try the
position and note the effect on your
chest expansion.
partment is up to date.
Come up and see us. We havethe
To See R. SEGKtt & SON'S
New Spring and |
I Summer Clothing" I
I New and Beautiful Latest Styles in I
I Selected with the greatest care as I
to quality and price. Gall and see our I
beautiful stock of stylish clothing and S
IBijf of Summer Hats.
Finest Line of Trunks and Satchels I
Don't forget our Merchant Tailoring I
I Department.
I 1 DAY'S ~ I
BLACK The Satisfactory Store MOCHA
When a customer has once been educated to Quality, he will
I seldom seek a store that appealsjmerely to desire to save pennies
That's the reason the Day Grocery store has so many "Quality"
customers. It has no equal in Emporium. Ho say its patrons of H
long standing, and they know. By taking advantage of our
week end close prices, you may get quality and save pennies. H
Here's the list for this week:
Red. Clover Creamery Butter wrapped Boiled Ham, nicely sliced a lb 30c.
parchment paper alb 24c. Buy just what you want with no waste. H
Domestic Saadines, put up ' u ! New or H. Sweet Corn,
size, the tin, 4c. Regal brand, 3 cans for 25c. ■
, , „. , . u ,i ■ 10c package Bird Food Bc. H
Niagara Laundry Starch In bulk,six ~. . , ~ ~ . "
bs for 25c. l airbank's Gold Dust W ashing Pow
, der, 4 lb package 23c. H
Gilt Edge Evaporated Crean>(unsweet- ~ ... _ „ ■
e iied condensed mllki Scans for 25c. California Lima Beans, alb Bc.
15c bottle Heiuzes Pickles mixed or 15c package "Force Food" 12c.
plain, a bottle 10c. "Grocers" noiseless matches. No
251b bag best Granulated Sugar $1.35. beads flying oil these, 15c pkge 12.
Without tfood utensils to rook with. We have a complete line ot
notable KITCHEN SPECIALTIES for you to select from.
Gilmore Grater. / STEAM
It Oocin't Clog. ZXyTj) \ CEREAL
This means that COOKER.
grater will in an really good oatmeal it
hour. Tho little i V s "' you havo not used tho
knives out; they j Steam Cereal Cooker,
do not tear. j SO Corais.
jfe 8311UI I'Jix 'li it
SAVORY ROASTER mc ire t! ion i '
S removing cake
I The only .Sanitary Roaster; no seams or I V 1 from the tin
corners. As easy to clean as a plate. Always
gives good results. SI.OO. lO cent*,
li is so much easier to do your housework if you use our up-to-date Kitchen Utensils.
J. H. DAY, |
A Phone 6. Emporium, Pa.