Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 03, 1906, Image 8

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    u Pou,tp y P ress I
\^*^ B **^matTi>n t "112 practical use worth I j
dollars to you. The poultry Review ■ |
1* not a large bulky paper that you have to ■ j
waste valuable time In l, wa«liUK throUK" B
to find anything of praetieal value, l»ut It ■
Containable Cream ol r«Milt r> Knowl* ■
Sample copy and premium list 5 cent*. I
Poultry Review# Doi 7, Salem* N* Y. I
Cum-late »»<! ItfoMl&g plfcat fo» E. Sjftl
97.Mi SqM. ollhih'bM 6«» ft* M«l «'•••
•hlc*». <'»«■!• <n# f.*« writ# frit t-Uj.
_ l'ox VV!' "'snle'ui ,'n'. V. J
OIL ::::::
At Drugglntfl. % cents, or mailed.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John j
• '.rcett, New York.
Vital Weakness and. Prostra
tion from overwork and other
auses. Humphreys' Homeo
pathic Specific No. 28, in use
over 40 years, the only success
remedy. $1 per vial, or spec
package for serious cases, $5.
■v in UKgists.or sent prepaid on receipt of price
«rnhreys' Med. Co.. William & Johr, St»., N. Y.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what ye- oat.
Note the Difference
This kind shines it- I This is a liquid stove
self and is the only polish that shines eas
prcparation suitable j er> wea rs longer and
for Gas Ranges. It c(Jstß |esß tha „ any
Kills Rust on Stove other Kcers foreyer
Pipe, Wire Screens. always ready for use-
Stoves or any iron B|g
work. It will not
wash off, and wears
months. Price, 35c.
Ask your dealer for either kind.
If your dealer hasn't it, P. V. Heil
nian has.
We are doing a splendid business. Our
I patrons seem to be so impressed with the de
liciousness of our baked goods that many ol
them have ''got the habit" of coming here
regularly. We anticipate more of that
"habit," because our bread and pastry
Iter than ever before. Get the habit—the
health giving habit of eating the products of
our sanitary shop.
I Emporium Bakery I
L Next Door to Post Office, , EMPORIUM, PA. ft
■ I———>>J
825 lor one Soil is Wise Economy
$25 lor two Suits is Unwise Economy
$25 lor three Suits is Foolishness
Men, it costs no more to haveoue BKDARD SUIT,
and always be well dressed, than to have two or
tliree cheap suits and never be well dressed.
Our Spring Woolens are Here
Bedard The Tailor,
Parsons' Bazaar, Emporium, Fa.
Three Fine Pictures Given Away
For the next three Sunduyn, all peo
plu wl\o buy THE (IRK AT PHILA
a fine picture suitable for framing.
Many newspaper picture supplements 1
are only cheap ohromOH. These are
not. You never see a SUNDAY
PRESS picture thrown away. It is a
work of art. SUNDAY PRESS pict
uresjeost more to make than any other
pictures and people frame them. Are
you reading tbe New AnthonyjHope 1
DAY PRESS? Your newsdealer will |
supply you. 11 3t.
A torpid, inactive liver can produce
more bodily ills than almost anything
i Ise. It is good to clean tlie system out
| i ceasi' lally. Stir the liver up, and get
1 into shape generally. The best results
i are derived from the use of DeWitt's
i I jit ile Early Risers. Reliable, effective,
| pleasant pills with a reputatiou. Never
| gripe. Sold by R. C. Dcd«.n.
Eggs for Hatching,
i Full blooded black Minorcas. In
| quire of E. G. Rentz, Emporium, Pa.
I TheE. W. §
| Eschbach
s Wall PaperCo j
! [}j Mr. Edward W. Eschbach,who S
|(] has located in Emporium, in if,
I m Parsons' Bazaar, Chestnut Btreet, ju
! [Jj desires to inform the public that 2]
he carries a full line of
ju W
nj which he is prepared to hang In
I U| at short notice. Window Shades ["
![5 made to order. All orders by Sy
I n| mail will be promptly attended In
u] to. Store open Tuesday, Thurs- [jj
I jj{ day and Saturday evenings. No n]
ru trouble to show samples. in
| The E. W. Eschbach Wall j
| Paper Company.
ESaSHHP =;asHsasasHsHH
Xatcet Count? Correspondence.
All our farmers are busy witli (heir
spring work.
Mrs. M. K. Taylor transacted busi
ness in Emporium Saturday.
Hazel Chandler spent a delightful day
Saturday with Wm. Lcavitt and family, j
Mrs. .John Long vicited her parents,
('has. Barr and wife.
Agnes Taylor visited the city on Mon
Ernest Housler returned home Satur- ■
day evening, from Dußois works, where
he has been employed for the past two
Our roads are receiving the attention
of path master Lewis.
Wednesday closed our school. It is to
be regretted greatly that some of our
patrons would cheat their children out of
three months sehoot rather than comply
with the vaccination law. We hope by
the time school re-opens all will be feady
to resume their places.
x y. z.
Elden Lewis, of the city, was visiting
friends in the Valley Sunday.
Fred McOsslin was sick last week, but
is improving at this writing.
J. J. Lewis was under the doctor's
care this week.
1\ &E. It. K.. Yardmaster, Theo.
Newton and Henry Haupt were on our
streets Saturday. Police!
Jerry Dice was the guest of W. J.
Carter and family Sunday.
Harry Lewis, of West Creek, was call
ing on friends Sunday.
May Moon, of North Creek, attended
services at the church Sunday afternoon.
Francis Leadbetter, of Salt Run, is
visiting her parents, M. J. Leadbetter
and wife, of Lawn View.
Thomas Nickerson, of Emporium, was
calling on P. S. Culver and family Sun
Mrs. B. L. Spence was calling on Elk
Fork friends Sunday.
"No Mollie," that ring did not come
from Eagle Rock.
Pathmaster F. J. Lewis is repairing
our roads for the summer. They need
Chas. Ross was home Sunday. He is
employed at Four Mile.
Norman Mcintosh is having his house
remodeled aiid piazzas built. Auios
Norrigan is the architect.
A meeting of the Rich Valley Athletic
Club will be held Saturday evening. A
belt will be awarded carrying with it the
championship ot Howardville and Cooks
Run Junction.
M. A. p.
Rain much needed.
All the rage—forest fires.
Alvira Farr, of Emporinm, finished
her term of school to-day. "Vie" is a
number one teacher.
Thom is Kailbourn, of Huntley, visited
his friends on Sunday.
Delos Duell, of Mount Pleasant, visit
ed his parents Sunday.
Chas. Collins, of Huntley, was seen on
our streets Sunday. Think he made a
mistake in the place.
Rosa Hanskom, of Huston Hill, is
employed as chief cook bv Mrs. Byron
Alice Williams, who was visiting
with her sister, Mrs. George English,
returned home last Monday.
Mrs. Thomas Marsh gave a quilting
party to a few of her lady friends. Those
in attendance were: Mesdames James
Russel, David Marsh, James Jordon,
Nancy Lane, O. B. Tanner, McClellan
Bailey, Etta Bitter, Owen Ives, Chas.
Williiams, Byron Duell and Misses Mar
garet Farley, Nellie Marsh, Lizzie Jordan
and Alice Williams.
There will be a box social given at the
Mason Ilill school house, Saturday even
ing May 19th for the benefit of the Sab
bath school. Everbody invited.
Mr. Cooper and son, of Ivittaning. I
have boen visiting Byron Duell and
family, the later returning home on Mon
day. The former will stay for some time.
Albert Russell, of Cross Forks, is
visiting friends here.
Miss Cora Johnson, of Honns Camp,
has a class of music at this place.
L. B. Russell is having his store build- 1
ing made over intu a dwcllidg house.
Thursday night a supper and dance
was niven for the benefit of the M. I'.
A., I< dge, report a financial success.
Ben Chambers, of I'enfuld, was seen
on our streets Monday.
Mike O'Connor, our city barber, vi-it
ed his home in IMi Hois over Sunday.
X. <.
Why take a dozen things to cure that
Kennedy's laxative Honey and
Tar allay- tile congestion, stops that tiekl
iug, drives the cold out through your
bow Is. Sold by It. ('. Oodsou
You cuu got all kinds of good cedar
übiogitis at 15. |i. Howard iV Co..
Blanche Kissel is visiting her sister j
at Sinnamahoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Iloag and son and
daughter, of Bidnway, spent a few days
with Mrs. lloau's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Confer and Joseph Furlong
called at Huntley Sunday.
A number of our young people attend
ed the funeral of Matt. Sullivan at Drift
wood, Wednesday.
Mrs. J. E. Smith is visiting her sister
at Williamsport.
Mrs. Asa Murray, of Emporium, visit
ed her parents a few days last week.
Misses Alice Quigley, Ella McCarty
and Eva Marshall, cf Emporium, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Leouard Smith and
Stephen Bunee has moved his family
iuto Thos. Hart's house.
Mrs. P. 11. Mason did shopping in
Emporium Saturday.
Mrs. Millie Sprung, of Emporium, is
i visiting relatives in town.
Misses Lora O'Keefe and Florence
and Nellie Whiting left Monday for Wil
liamsport, where they will enter Com
mercial College.
x.x. x.
Born to Lewis Wykoff and wife a
1 daughter, Saturday the 30th.
Oren English is moving into one
part of Julius Kanulegs house.
Chas. Council went up to First Fork
Tuesday to look after his lumber inter
! esta.
Walter Berfield of Wharton was in
town Tuesday.
Pap Blodget is under the weather
this week. It may be indigestion,
1 caused by eating the trout caught on
hiß fishing trip.
Nace Drum has a fine Edison talking
machine—the best one in towu. Go
j and hear it before you purchase
W. C. No. 136, P. O. S. of A. are go
| ing to Emporium on May 26th to hear
the lecture delivered by Clarence H.
j Huth, under auspices of Camp 382.
Nace Drum gave a phonograph en
-1 tertainrnent to the members of W. C.,
; No. 136 Monday evening.
Capt. and Mrs. Barclay started Sun
day on an auto tour. They will visit
Coudersport, Waverlv, Elmira and
i Owego on their trip. They will be ab
I sent about a week.
1 Barclay Bros, have purehared the
| timber in Nany Run above Driftwood,
j Theo. Kephart will stock the logs and
put them to the mill. There will be
i about two million.
A party of six fished up Wykoff Run
one day last week and the entire catch
was 38. The largest catch was nine.
Sinnamahoning and Driftwood ball
teams crossed bats on Saturday. There
was some pretty sharp playing 011
both sides. The score stood 19 to 13 in
favor of Sinnamahoning.
Several consignments of small trout
| have been received here lately to stock
I the streams here. The first lot of 16
1 cans were nearly all dead when taken
from the train.
The Sinaamahoning base ball club
organized last week and have leased a
| ground for this season and will begin
lat once to put the same in shape.
The Emporiuum visitors this week
were: Mrs. N. Barr, Miss" Mable Nel
son and Wm. Logue.
Homer Ives was a business caller in
Driftwood Tuesday.
Miss Mattie Collins, of Emporium,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
Miss Jordan who has been very ill
with measles is recovering.
Mrs. Reuben Bailey, of Dents Run,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Major Bailey.
A. W. Smith, of Sterling Run, is
assisting Jesse Johnson with his spring
Miss Ruth Sullivan visited friends in
Driftwood Tuesday.
John Witchey has resigned his posi
tion with the P. R. R. Co., to accept a
position in Emporium.
Mrs. A. L. Kepler, of Renovo, waß
the guest of W. W. Johnson and wife,
last week.
P. Farrel and wife and Mr. Mayhew,
of the East Side, and Mr. Furlong and
Fred Confer, of Sterling Run, spent
Sunday with J. F. Sullivan and wife,
at Big Run.
Wilson Bros., lath mill is now run
ning full time giving employment, to a
good force of men.
B. J. Collins out his ankle very
severely with an axe while in the
woods last week and was confined to
Ins residence until Monday, April 30th
when he was able to walk a very little.
Operator Krape shot a large hawk
Mouday morning and upon ex uniiia
tion It was found that th •• bird's claws
had been cut off both fuut A. W.
Smith claims it wuh one of the hawks
that Ji if 1.) licli 1 rippled with his sythe
blade* The bir.l Is on exhibition at
Wm. 1. igUe's store.
Operators Doughorty and Botsford, !
ol"Emporium, called in town Tuesday, I
Mr. Botsford has taken up boxing
again after a rest of two years but ho !
says he feels as spry as ever.
As Kipling says:
A genteel young fellow named BotsCoril,
Instructed the pupils at Oxford,
And at Kizerville too
lie puts the boys through,
| For his boxing is at the top notch sir.
_ |
All farmers are busily engaged pre- I
i paring ground for early crops. John [
1 Kelly with the rest.
| Mrs. J. H. Evanß is rapidly improv- I
! ing in health of late.
The new saw mill is about ready to j
I open up for business. The main impli- j
I ment arrived yesterday—the saw.
E. C. Dayy and son Benjamin are as
sisting E. D. Sizer about the farm.
' They are experts at this industry.
The "sary nadi" near Gardeau on
, Saturday was a still affair, Uncle Deck
-1 er not being on deck when the pro- j
j gram is completed. Pike county must I
j have a show.
A. Market and family occupies the j
IJurlingame flat. Their many friends i
, welcome them to our burg. They will
look after invalids seeking health this
If one desires a good gentle spring
; breath, wait until an old soak comes
filled up with leeks, with five drinks of
: bark peelers delighi on top for a chaser.
The aroma will exceed all fragrance.
Messrs. Councilman Bros, are get
ting things in shape for much business
[ having enclosed the dancing pavillion
for temporary bottling works. Have
installed a new powerful gasolene en
gine to drive their machinery.
Messrs Kibe and Johnson took in the
sights here on Monday.
Autos putin an appearance on Sun
i day last, surrounding towns being rep
resented. Messrs. Bard and Flemm
ing of Port Allegany dropped in on
t their annual fishing trip. They were
rewarded with a fine catch, using the
right kind of "bait."
The Emporium visitors this week
were A. E. Lord, S. S. Hieks, Mrs. Dan
Sullivan Jr., Mrs. J. P. Eddy, Mrs. J.
H. Yocum, Mrs. Wm. Wykoff, Mrs. M.
Phoenix and Miss Clare Eddy.
Engineman George Wykoff of the B.
R. and P. R R.. at Johnsoburg is
J spending a few days with his parents
' and incidentally doing some fishing.
R. 11. Glenn spent Sunday in Keat
! ing Summit.
Mrs. Robert Lord was a business
1 caller in Driftwood Tuesday.
; Mrs A. Dickey, of Johnsonburg has
returned after a short visit with her
daughter Mrs. Fred Schwab
County Supt., Miss Mattie Collins
I called in town Monday between trains
Mrs. Wm. Barry, of Warren, Pa., I
j visited friends here and Canoe Run
j Tuesday.
Rev. Mr. Allen who has been ap
-1 pointed to this circuit by the M. E
| Conference held services in the school
! house Sunday afternoon and also or-
I ganized a Sundoy School. There are
I the first services that have been held
by the M. E. Church for some time. It
is expected that Sunday School will be
held every Sunday and preaching every
two weeks. The next meeting will be
on Sunday afternoon May 13th.
Everyone who has had the pleasure of
of hearing Mr. Allen speak are at once
favorably impressed with his excellent
i speaking and wish him every success.
Merchant Schwab has just received a j
! full line of spring commodities and is I
looking forward to a very busy spring |
; and summer season. He is ably as- i
j sisted by the hearty co-operation of
! Postmaster Linniger, who is a natural
born salesman and a man of pleasing
The Schneider Page Cucumber
Syndicate Limited has leased the island
just across from the station in the river
to be used to plant the famous cucum
ber seeds in. They purchased a new j
Naptha launch to convey the products I
j and supplies to and from the island. |
i The christening of the boat was held j
i Monday on the shore of the !
| river. A number of guests were in- !
| vited among whom were: Mr. John I
| Olsen, Wm. McElwain, Joseph Robin 1
j son, Al Walker, Cyrus Lupro, Isaac :
j Wykoff, John Schwab and I) C Lin-I
j ninger, of Cameron and J. F. Sullivan, !
'of Big Run. The boat was named the
"Farmers Pride," merchant Schwab
acting as toast master and breahing a
! bottle of Olsons' be-.t Moxie over the :
| bow of the boat. Squire Robinson
made a short speech and brother Page
passed the perfeetos and Lemon sour. :
Manage Schneider then sang the fol
lowing original selection to the tune
of Old Lang Syne:
Our boat Ik culled "The Parmer* Pride",
Pi uinlly sails the waves.
Iter keel u built of hemlock hoard*.
Her aide* of" barrel »tave»,
We K"t her for a battleship,
Hut us we have Ito KUiis,
With cucumber* we'll Mi her up.
To carry fifty ton*.
So here * to long hie and auccesn,
We h 1 rely will not (ail,
1 o Im» mii the town ot l.'aiiMirtU,
With incumber* lor tale
Th« party then <liHp<TMe<l
wwll plHitstMl with the clay 9 H ret* mi tion.
J. v. 8
Local howh ou •very pa^e.
I Do less repairing
I keep a house in good repair
I is to keep it well painted
I with good paint—
H Lucas Paints
(Tinted (ilos:,)
They preserve the wood
from the run's cracking
gS rays and the rain's rotting
™ action. Saves buying new
bp so honestly made, cover so
||| thoroughly and last so long
H that they are money-savers
Hp from beginning to end.
John Lucas & Co Wm
mMmmmmmmmmmtss, .izstaoMmm
Before >ou buy else
where it will pay you
to call on the Broad
Street Market. We
are here to please.
Bv buying Heiuz's
Pickles in sealed glass
packages, you are sure
ot getting the best we
can offer—better cannot
be made, We return
full purchase price if
you do not like them.
'Phone 21,
| O. B. Barnes is i
112 preparing special }
\ announcements \
} for next week. 5
i I
| |