Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 03, 1906, Image 4
'BUTOLIIHED BY 0. II.MOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. HTBLISHEP EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OFSUBHCRIPTION: 9<-T fi 00 Hl.l U advance $1 60 ADVERTISING RATKH. .<dTortt»eiiient»arepubltßhedat the rate ofone flo!Ur per gquarefor oneinaertion and fitly cents p>« square for each subsequent i nftertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are iow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three luies or less, %'i 00; each subsequent insertions® oenti per square. Local notlcesten cents per line for onei nacrtlon, five cents prr line for each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per Hno. Simpleauuomicementsofbirlhs.marrittgcß ond deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, live lines or less ?. r >.oo per year aveT five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 els. per Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, .Mid affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages •repaid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for In advance. *#-No advertisements will be accepted at less *'ll an the price for fifteen words. Religious notices free. TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENNSYLVANIA. lam directed hy the Republican State Com mittee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representa tl.ds, will meet in convention at the Lyceum •b'eatre In the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, June 0, 1906, at 10:30 a. m., for the purpose of •ominating candidates for the following offices, Oiie person for the office of Governor; CJtie person for the otlico of Lieutenant-Gover nor; One person for the office of Auditor-General. One person for the office of Secretary of Inter pol Affairs; and for the transaction of such c'lier business as may be presented. In accordance with the rules governing the party, the representation in the State Conven tion will be based upon the vote polled at the Itist Presidential election. Under the rules each legislative district is intitled to one delegate for «3th two thousand votes cast for Republican electors in 1901, aud au additional delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in *x?osa of one thousand. By order ofthe State Committee, W. R. ANDREWS, Chairman. How's This. We otl'er One Huudred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made Ly his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per llottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. The hill of pride is icy all the year Bound. Letter to .VLJ. Dolan. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir: There is endless discussion about the bafytes in paint. Perhaps this •uttlcs thi! question. Two houses exactly alike at Delhi, N. If., the owner ofboth is Mr. X. Avery, ©he was recently painted Devoe; the ether with a barytes paint; same painter did both jobs; his name is George Gil bert. One cost ss27. the other 554. The look G gallons; the other 12. Six gallons Devoe, as to covering, equals twelve of the other Yours truly, F. W. DEVOE & Co., Xew York. P. S.— M-irry Coppersmith sell our paint. Too many men as* advice and then follow it. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. Tin- i in the world for Cuts, Bruit- - f'leers, Salt Rheum, tetter. 1 Hands, and ail skin tfropti"!,- ' 1 guaranteed to give satis facli -y refunded. Price 25c by Dni__. Williams M'f'g Co., Prop's Cu ind, O. For sale by R. C. Dodson. D-|y. See that your druggist gives you no imitation when you ask for Kennedy's Laxative Honey aud Tar, the original L ixativc cough syrup. For sale by R. (J. Dodson. Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers his farm, consisting of forty acres, located on Huston Hill, for sale at a bargain. Ktrm all improved, with good build •tigs and fine orchard; well and spring water. The entire farm is underlaid with two veins of coal, as well as ad joining farms. Will sell complete with ■laeliinery or lease farm and sell stock impliments, etc. A bargain for some l>erson on or before June Ist. A. H. BARR, 10-2f. fKerling Kun, Pa. The Lnd of Bad Feelings. The lew unfortunates with whom coffee disagrees are at last emancipa ted. No more need to look foe a coffee •nbstitute. Everyone can now drink •oal coffee without any bad after ef •ucts if it is DE-TAN-ATED India Cof *>o The Tannin and other injurious ■ .gradients have been removed, the tl' althfully-stimulating, digestion-pro noting properties remaia intact, and •Jl the time you are drinking real coffee prepared in the usual way. For sale ! Unicorn £ Lloyd. 7-3t Everybody reads the PKKXH. | Sciatica Cured Hor Twenty Years of Torture. Foi more than twenty years Mr. J. R, Maaoev of 3! 122 Clinton St., Minneapolis. Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The |>ain and suffering which he endured dur ing this time is beyond comprehension. Nothing pave him any permanent relief until he used 112 hainbcilains Pain Balm. One application of that liniincnt relieved the pain and made sleep aud rest possible, and less than one bottle has effected a permanent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25 cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quiekly it relieves the pain. For sale by L. Taggarf; J. E. Smith, Sterling Bun; ('ruin Bros., Sinnamahon int!. After marriage many a man discovers that he trifled with the wrong girl. It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. How often do wo hear it remarked: "It's only a cold,' and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common oc currence that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency ol'a cold to result in pneumonia, aud has gained its great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasant to take. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith. Sterling Bun; Crum Bros., Sinnamanoning. Work builds a wall against most of the tempter's wiles. Not if as Rich as Rockefeller. If you had all the wealth of Rocke feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's Colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physicians can not prescribe a better preparation for colic aud diarrhoea, both for children and adults. The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. Every family should be supplied with it. Sold by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run: Crum Bros., Sinna mahoning. Too many men's charity is limited to the giving of advice. A good complexion is impossible with the stomach out of order. If pasty sal low people would pay more attention to their stomachs and less to the shine on their faces, they would have better com plexions. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA will digest what you eat and put your stomach back in right shape to do its own work. Kodol relieves palpitation of the heart, flatulence, sour stomach, heart burn, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Matrimony has destroyed many a sweet and pleasant delusion. It is possible to obtain relief from chronic indigettiou and dyspepsia bv the use of KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA Some ofthe most hopeless cases of long standing have yielded to it. It enables you to digest the food you cat aud ex ercises a corrective influence, building up the efficiency of the digestive organs. The stomach is the boiler wherein the steam is made that keeps up your vitality, health and strength. Kodol digests what you eat. Makes the stomach sweet— puts the boiler in condition to do the work nature demands of it—<iives you relief from digestive disorders, and puts you in shape to do your best, and feel your best. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The fruit 3 of heaven are not in the life unless the climate is in the heart. Fred Bliss Practical Painter. It's sound sense that we tell you. Your work costs less dollars and is best every time you use the L. <fc M. Paint. You do more painting with one gallon of L. & M., than with two gallons of other paints aud the L. & M., Zinc hardens the L. & M., White Lead and makes the L. <!c M. I'aint wear like iron. Four gallons L. & M., mixed with three gallons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized heuse. L. k M., Paint costs only 51.'20 per gallon. A. T. Terrell, lliverhead, N. Y., writes: "16 years ago painted with L. A: M. Only now requires repainting. Sold by 11. S. Lloyd. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!J03. _ 24-tf. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet muse. AH the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 41-tf. A Daily Occurance at the Home of Crocker's Rheumatic Cure. Columbus, Pa., Feb. 5, 190(1. Mr. Phillips. Dear Sir: Please send ine one bottle of Crocker's Rheumatic Remedy. I g»,t two bottles a short time ago, and it is doing me so much good I shall keep on taking it. It Is a wonderful medicine for Rheumatism. MR. FRANK Columbia, Pa., Box 177. Money order enclosed. Sold by B. C. Dodtoo. 21M«;ia». CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 3, h/>6 AUDITORS' REPORT Of Shippen Township for the Year 1 Ending March 6, !906. VBHNI.KY LEWIS, Supervisor of Shippen Township, In account with Shippen Town- Nhip. DR To amount of ordersdrawn 91,508 00 do do do duplicate 60N 79 do do do State taxes 19 10 92,13 a is CR lly duplicate worked $428 16 do Certified to collector 62 03 do Exonerations 45 01 do George Carter, work on roads 75 do Frank Lockwood, auditing 6 35 do 8. I). Housler, work on roads 75 do Frank Kiusler, do do do 359 doiFritz Guidus, do do do 295 do Leet & Co., tools 3 9g doJßertie M. Houslcr, work on roads 1 55 do Aden A. Lewis, do do do 12 25 Housler. Housler. do do do .. 39 55 do Allen Russell, do do do 27 35 (loJFriU Craven, do do do . 23 25 do Charles Ross, do do do 11 '25 do John J. Lewis, do do do 30 75 do J. H. Evans, pit: k 19 00 do Frank Swesey, work on road 7 9} do Anson W. Lewis, team work 332 38 do Tillie Chadwick, work on road 1 13 do Burton rlousler, team work 19 50 do George Nickerson, work on road 1 50 do Robert Stephens, do do d 0.... 15 00 do W. D. Swesey, do do do .... 545 do Leo Lewis, do do do .... 1 50 do Frank Craven, team work 11 io do Jasper Havens, work on road 12 75 do Karl Rifle, do do do 365 do Frank J. Lewis, do do do 15 00 do A. C. Dow, do (lo do 900 do N. S. Cutler, team work 288 00 doC. J. Craven, work on road 570 doJona. Lock wood, do do do 000 do Bigler Housler, do do do 16 60 do Lyman Lewis, do do do 13 50 doChauncy Barr, do do do 36 00 do Murdiek McNeil, do do do 31 75 do J. U. Davy, bridge timber 5 00 do Ale* McAuley, team work 10 50 do P. D. Logan, do do 4 00 do Frank Dodge, work on doad 12 60 do Randolph Lockwood, work on road. 16 50 do Good Road Machine Co 6 25 do M. A. Goodwin, team work 28 80 do Frank Craven, for timber 15 oo do N. P. Minard, work on road 3 CO do Andrew Housler, do do do 3 00 do Leroy Peasley, do do do 1 75 do Anson Lewis, timber 10 oo do W. R.Johnson, auditor 14 00 do E. H. Marshall, Clerk 25 00 do Glennie Housler, work on road 4 £0 do N. P. Minard, do do do 52 50 do H. 11. Mullln, order book 8 50 do C. B. Howard & Co., lumber 22 67 do P. & E. R. R.. freight 2 92 do J. A. Fisher 2C 75 do Murry A Coppersmith 26 05 do 227 days services 340 50 $2,231 57 Total credits 2,231.57 Total charges 2,136.16 Bal. due Vernley Lewis 95.41 VERNLEY LEWIS, Supervisor, in account with Shippen Township Road Order Fund. DP. To am't received fiom Comity Treas . $124 00 CR By paid E. H. Gregory % order No. 2... 250 00 do do W. R. Johnson, order No. 5.... 14 00 do Transferred from general account... 95 41 359 41 Bal. due Fund 64 59 SUPERVISOR'S PAY FUND. DR To am't received from County Treas . $46 76 CR Oct. 2. 1905, paid Dan Card 5 00 May 1, do Frank Swesey 7 50 12 50 Bal. due Fund 34 26 JACOB ANDRUB, Supervisor, in account with Shippen Township General Fund. DR To orders drawn $1,600 00 do Duplicate 409 00 do One-half State appropriation 19 40 do Mark Wright (bondsman) 36 00 2,064 40 CR By duplicate worked $350 89 do Exonerations 17 81 do Taxes certified to collector 7 18 do W. W. Lewis, auditor 21 00 do John Sanford, work on road 8 00 do Elmer Geswender, work on road ... 3 25 do M. M. Larrabee, costs 1 75 do Robert Ingersoli, work 011 road 10 00 do Elmer Marshall, town clerk 25 00 do John Andrus, work on road 411 00 do Geo. Geswender, do do do 2 25 do C. R. Klim* Ik Co., spikes 75 do P. H. Arnold, work on road 17 76 do Geo. Arnold, do do do 600 do Bert Close, do do do 3 00 do Carl Ingersoli, do do do 3 00 do J. Andrus, plank 10 00 do Andrew Ingersoli, work 011 road 8 00 do 13. Mctf'auus, do do do .... 20 50 do Robert McManus, do do do .... SI 75 do L. E. Skinner. do do do .... 300 do Sam Reed, do do do 75 do Keystone Powder Mfg Co., dynam't. 3 35 do Willis Kaskill, work on road .... 9 00 do Geo O. Seaver, do do do 12 00 do S. It. Hopkins, do do do 8 75 do Adams Express Co., freight 1 00 do Emporium Powder Co., dynamite. 10 50 do Cameron Co. Press, And. statement. 60 00 C. B. Howard Co 7 09 do Lewis Norton, work on road 12 o'l do Harry Leggett, do do do 12 12 do I. H. Leggett, do do do 69 13 do J. W. Spangler, do do do 4100 uo W. Andrus, do do do 33 25 do R. 11. Morrison, do do do 450 do Bert Morrison, do do do 850 do Win. McDonald, do do do 4 00 do C. 0. Skillman, do do do 200 do David Skillman, do do do 400 do Clias. Speclit do do do 12 00 do John W. Smith, do do do 1 50 do llaupt&Hauber, fixing scraper. ... 50 do Geo. Smith, work on road 75 Murry & Coppersmith Co., 12 52 do Clias. Kirkpatrick. work on road. 2 251 do C. L. Butler, lettering sign 75 do J. A. Fisher, blacksuiithing 14 47 do C. 11. Jessop, repairs road machine 10 40 do William Filling, work on road 1 50 do James Sanford, work on bridge 6 00 do Arthur Kautz, do do do 675 do Samuel White, do do do 44 25 do J. O. Ny.iart, bridge plank 5 '25 do T. 11. Arnold, lumber and work 27 15 Jacob Andrus, lumber 74 00 do D. Toner, bridge timber making and work 011 road 35 65 do James Sanford, work on road 2 00 do J. VV. Spangler, do do do 18 85 do Floyd Parks. do do do 3 75 do M. R. Hellyer, do do do ... .. 300 do S. W. White, do do do 11 75 do Clara Arnold, bridge plans ... 27 01 do Earl Turner, work on road 6 00 do George Market, right of way 6 40 do J. Andrus, bridge timber 4 00 do J. G. Nyliart, bridge timber 4 80 do Samuel White, work on road 18 25 do Robert J. Smith, work on bridge 13 50 do Sylvester Belden, do do road... . 3 00 do R. McManus, do do do 1 50 do Johnson & McNarney.Attys. old acct. 30 00 do R. W. Green, Atty 10 00 do Eni|H>riuin Independent, Aud. rep't. HO "0 do Henry Lyons, work on road 900 do Daniel Kriner, do do do 825 do W. M. Jordan, do do do 7 50 do Wm. Whitmer, do do dc> II 50 do J. L. Reid, dressing drills 2 00 do Otto Toner, work on road 75 do Amos Horning. Jr. I 00 do George Leavitt, lumber I uo do J. L. Reid. cant hook 1 00 do Daniel Card, work on road 5 75 do W. L. Thomas, plank.... 5 no do James Seibert, work on road 150 do Ray Lyon, do do do 50 j do D. P. Seaver, do do do .... 150 1 doO.B. Peters, d« do do .... 150 { do Wm. Whitmer, do do do 3OO do Rob!. Armstrong, do do do . 1 50 ! do C. W. Spence, do do do I no Johnson & McNarney, Attys . IV :.i do Llndon Lewis, lumber I MI do 253 days services § 91.50 379 59 do 116 hours overtime ("• 9-25 per hour. 40 no $2,377 to Total credits 2,277.50 Total debits 2,064.40 Bal. due Supervisor 313 If JACOB ANDIiI'S. Supervisor, in accountwith Shippen Township Common Hoad Putin l)R Received from Co. Treasurer #t7" 00 do do do do HO 00 do do do do ......... 300 <4l do do do do 75 on do do do do 1,400 08 do do do do Mo CO tt.l?', 00 CR liy order Nos. 1,9, 10,- Jacob Andrus 1,475 00 j do do do 2, 8, 7, 11. V. Lewis acr't. HSO 00 1 do do do 3, 4, E. Marshall 50 00 do do do 11, B. W. Green 10 cto do do do 12, I. K. Hockley 60 00 do do do 13, Johnson A McNarney. .'lO 00 92. 175 00 JACOB ANDRUS, Supervisor, in account with Shippen Township Special Road Funds. DR. Received Iroin I'. S. Culver collector. .. S3OO 00 CR. By judgment, Johnson k McNarney Trustees $215 00 By judgment, Huntington A Hamilton 71 00 By Johnson At McNarney, Atty services 14 00 S3OO 00 ASSETS. Dne from P. S. Culver $1,086 06 LIABILITIES. Due John P. Paisons - $259 70 JACOB ANDRUS, Supervisor in account with Shippen Township. SUPERVISOR PAY FUNDS. I»R. Received from P. 8. Culver, Collector ssl 24 1 CR. Paid Supervisor Pay order R. Bliss, ssl 24 ASSETS. Due from Vernley Lewis. s3l 26 Due from P. S. Cnlver, Collector, 459 85 LIABILITIES. Due N. S. Cutler sl2 50 Due A. H.Doll 2 25 Due Jacob Andrus 313 19 P. S. CULVER, Collector in account with the Township of Shippen. SUPERVISORS PAY FUND. DR. To balance on 1900 duplica'e se9 79 To balance on 1901 duplicate 213 40 To balance on 1902 duplicate 82 18 To balance on 1903 duplicate 74 05 To balance on 1904 duplicate 112 17 $551 69 CR. By paid Johnson h McNartey ... 925 00 By paid Jacob Andrus 51 24 By exonerations 15 60 s9l 84 To balance due fund $459 85 SPECIAL ROAD FUND. DR." To balance on 1894 duplicate slßl 12 CR. By paid Jacob Andrus S3OO 00 To balance due fund slßl 12 To balance due on 1905 duplicate 74 92 To balance due on 1896 duplicate 579 43 To balance due on 1897 duplicate 51 86 To balance due on 1901 duplicate 198 73 $1,086 06 We, the undersigned, Auditors of the township of Shippen in thecounty of Cameron and State of Pennsylvania do hereby certisy that we ad justed, settled and audited" the accounts of the Supervisors aud Constable and Collector as above stated. Witness our hands this 14th dav of April, 1906. FRANK LOCKWOOD, W. R. JOHNSON. Township Auditors. AUDITORS' REPORT Of the Overseers of the Poor and Con stable and Collector of Shippen Township for the Year Ending March 6th, 1906. JOHN W. LEWIS, Overseer of the Poor, in ac count with the Poor District of shippen Township. DR. To balance from last audit $1,063 17 To received from County Treasurer.... 300 00 To received from P. S. Culver, Coll 260 00 $1,623 17 CR. By paid H. H. Mullin 922 00 By paid Independent 22 00 By paid John L. Johnson 11 JO By paid Milda Morton 18 00 By paid Murry & Coppersmith 3 00 By paid Wernersville Asylum.... 65 14 By paid postage and money orders 41 By paid I.K. Hockley, duplicate 3 00 By paid F. J. Lewis 24 50 By paid J. T. Havens 10 00 By paid F. I). Logan 10 75 By paid Susie Franklin •> 09 By paid T. P. Britton 20 00 By paid Ernest Housler .. 1.5 00 By paiil Furnace Supply Co., 13 59 By paid L. Tairgart 1 80 By paid A. F. Vogt 2 55 By paid Henry Edgcomb 203 20 By paid William Hewey 2 00 By paid M. M. Larrabee 3 25 By paiil Balcom A. Lloyd I 90 By paiil Burton Housler 32 00 By paid Leßoy Peasley 15 00 Bv paid Wi'bert Lewis 28 55 By paid 73 days services at 91.50 . 109 50 By paid W. F. Lewis, Overseer SCO 00 By paid auditing Pojr account 8 00 sl,llß 52 Balance due Poor Fund $-174 65 JAMES HOBSON, Overseer of Poor, in account with Ihe Poor District of Shippen Township. I DR. To balance from last audit $176 37 To ree'd from 1.. Lockwood, ex-Coll.. 125 92 To ree'd from I'. S. Culver 137 53 To ree'd from Mrs. Filling ti I 39 To ree'd from S. J. Slawson 5 00 CR. By paid Dora Cheesbro t 5 00 By paid Robert McManus, (Filling) 11 .37 By paid Johnson & McNarney. 116 50 By paid Balcom St Lloyd, ... 48 95 By paid C. It. Kline .V' Co 322 70 By paid expenses to Ridgway 7 li By paid Mrs. Alice Lewis..." 7 25 By paid R. M. Shailey 2 10 By paid Elk County Hospital 9 00 By paid J. S. Harris 1 50 By paid Adams Express Co 2 30 By paid Expenses to St. Marys " 125 By paid Elk Home 21 3S I By paid S. S. Smith 15 00 By paiil 08 days By paid auditing 4 00 | $7lO 43 ; To balance due fund $197 78 P. S. CULVER, Collector in accour.t with the Poor District of Shippen Township. POOR FUND. DR. To balance due 011 1900 duplicate $169 15 To balance due on 1901 duplicate 89 80 To balauce due 011 190? duplicate 195 02 To balance due on 1903 duplicate 143 28 To balance due on 1904 duplicate 349 72 To balance due on 1905 duplicate 412 03 $1,358 50 C'R. By paid John W. Lewis $269 00 ' By exonerations 54 25 I By paid James Hohson 237 .53 I 9551 82 j Balancedue fund 806 68 | We. the undersigned, Auditors of the township ! of Shippen <lo hereby certify that we hav* e am ined, audited, adjusted and settled the foregoing I accounts of the Overseers ol the Poor anil Con- i stable auil Collector of said Poor Distiict j for the year ending March sth. 1906. and ! that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of the same. Witness our hands this 14tli day of April. A.D. 1 1906. | FRANK LOCKWOOD. ! W. R. JOHNSON, Township Auditors. j ■—T 1 112 M———— ' ntT nn »t>...... ii PILES Supposlioiy I>. Mk'i Tk«mp99R, flup* "» • •• » «i i ftMf » . -» ■ k< |. w •'* • •rl«« "Ts « (it# unl»»r9*l •»<!• 4 I' II Vi Iff, T»an . • g* '■'> • »-• • •' *"•*». I.» r.l r«m*; 9•» ■■ • ■ ' i . it-. mvny, l»nca*tik r* vild In Kmp riiini by L. Taggart and H <' Dod sou. Call for free sample. I Spring and Summer 1 I JASPER HARRIS. I / High class Suits, Topcoats ; and Rain Coats for men are now on hand. We can give our customers a good chance to look them over and see what they want for the Spring and Summer W ear. We handle the KIRSCHBAUM celebrat ed clothes, JOHN B. STET SON HATS, CRAWFORD Dress Shoes, MONARCH and SILVER Dress Shirts. Any of this merchandise is known to the public and it is unnecessary for us to tell yon about it. We have everything in stock for Men, Boys' and Children's wear. You need , not hesitate to call and see g§ what we can show you, as we are more than glad to give you our time and to show you the new goods for the season. Anything you buy of us, will be ol the best and up to I Jasper Harris, I Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. I I Having purchased my partners' interest in this firm. I will endeavor I to continue the same methods as for merly. G-ive the best values possible for the least money. Thanking my patrons and friends S generally, for past favors and hoping by fair dealing to merit your future I II patronage. I am yours truly, 1 B. EG-AN. H