Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 26, 1906, Image 8

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    Rheumatism .Waken Life Miserable.
A Imp]iv II IIH i> UM> valuable
ptHWi'Ml'>!l that I * wi'tiill t 111 r> ill ll 111
mankind. but you iMtiuot enjoy it* com-
I'urtM il yuu iiie .-ulieiiug I ruin rheuma
tism. Vou throw a.-ide business euros
when )nti ent< r join hom> and )uu can
be relieved torn tlmj-e rheumatic paius
alfo by applying L'liiituberlain s I'ain
Halm. < lue application wi'l give you re
bel and its ei>tjtinua 1 it.-e for a short litne
will bring about a permanent euro. For
sale by 1.. Tagirait, .1 K. Smith, Hterl
inu Run and ('rum ISrn- Sinnaiuahnn
The End of Bad Feelings.
The fjw unfortunates with whom
coffee disagrees are at last emancipa
ted. No more need to look for a coffee
substitute. Everyone can now drink
real coffee without any bad after ef
fects if it is DE-TAN-ATE I) India Col
fee. The Tannin and other injurious
ingredients have been removed, the
healthfully-stimulating, digestion-pro
moting properties remain intact, and
alt the time you are drinking real coffee
prepared in the usual way. For sale
by Balcom & Lloyd. 7 3t
*£os\ The Cream of the
Poultry Press
forL's cents a year. That's just
\ two cents a month and one
issue alono will contain Infor
-1 t mation of practical use worth
dollars to you. The Poultry Review
is not a large bulky paper that you have to
waste valuable time in "wading through"
to find anything of practical value, but it
contains the Cream of Poultry Knowl
edge. Send In your subscription now. ■
Sample copy ana premium list 5 cents, n
Poultry Review, lini 7, Sulcui. N. V. B
t'A«alnf>ue r.M write 112 rittod.y
Cycle Hatcher Co., JL!J|
Kedol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yo- dat.
timo, waste of wood, because the paint cracks and
blisters and exposes the surface to dampness and decay.
There is nothing to risk with
Lucas Gloss Paints
They are backed by the knowledge and experience of sixty years making; by
the testimony of thousands of satisfied users; by our "Challenge" of superior
brilliancy, gloss, covering capacity, and durability. Ask your dealer.
John Lucas & Co Philadelphia
We are doing a splendid business. Our
I patrons seem to be so impressed with the de- a
liciousuess of out baked goods that many ot
them have ''got the habit" of coming here ■
regularly- We anticipate more of that I
"habit," because our bread and pastry isjbet- ™
ter than ever before. Get the habit —the I
I health giving habit of eating the products of
our sanitary .shop.
I Emporium Bakery |
Post Office, EMPORIUM,
[s2s lor one Soil is Wise Economy
85 ior two Soils is Unwise Economy
hj —. ——
$25 lor lira Suits is Foolishness
Men, it costs no.more to have one BEDARD SUIT,
and always be well dressed, than to have two or
three cheap suits and never be well dressed.
Our Spring Woolens are Here
Bedard The Tailor.
Parsons' Bazaar, Emporium, Pa.
I'rntucr or Mind.
Presence of mind is :i quality much
talked of. much honored and little eul
tlvated. Yet, like most other good
things iu the world, It requires eultlva
tlon In briny; it to any degrei* of per
fection, for in very few eases Is It a
natural gift. Home people there are
doubtless to whom It comes naturally
aud by Instinct to do the right thiiurs
at the right time and place, but tliey
are few iu number. Then, again, some
people are by nature cooler headed
than their neighbors and do not shout
or otherwise become useless Just when
their services are required. But this
quiet composure, though very vuluable,
is not quite the same thlug as presence
of mlud. The latter consist not only iu
having your wits ready for use, but in
knowing how to use them and being
sufficiently calm and steady in mind to
remember and turn to account that
knowledge. From the earliest possi
ble age children should be taught self
control and the instinct of trying to
remedy any mistake or accident they
may encounter.
"Madam," said the grateful census
enumerator, "you have replied courte
ously and kindly to all my questions.
Unlike nearly every person I have met
since 1 begau this work, you have not
treated me as if 1 were an enemy and
an intruder. You have answered satis
factorily all the questions as to age,
physical condition and ownership of
property. Your conduct meets my
hearty approval not ouly as a govern
ment officer, but us a citizen, aud, with
your permission, I will ask you a ques
tion not down in my list. Are you
engaged to be married to anybody?"
"I am, sir," replied the handsome
widow, blushing and smiling.
"I feared so," said the census taker,
with a sigh. And he put on his hat
and went out into the cold world agaiu,
his faith in human nature restored, but
his heart broken.
Xateet County Correspondence.
The fine showers of Saturday evening
put a damper on the forest fires that
were raging in this vicinity, just in time
to prevent them doing heavy damage.
C. E. Logue made a business trip to
Sinuamahoning on Saturday.
Art. Gore, of Sinnamahoning, was up
here Saturday looking after his business
interests in this section.
Walter Swank went to 1. O. O. F.
Lodge on Saturday, at Sinnamahoning.
to see if the "goat" was as tough to ride
as they tell about.
Mr. Hawley has started up Curriers
mill at this place for the summer's cam
paign, with a full force of I'otter county
Mrs. Stanton of this place on Satur
day, received a small legacy from the
estate of an aunt, in California. We hear
they are going to move onto the Israel
Bailey place soon.
Farmers in this vicinity are rushing
their work, this good weather to get in
their crops of oats, early potatoes and
"garden sass." •
J. P. Ilurlburt aud daughters, of
Lushbaugh, returned on Saturday from
a few days visit at his old home on
Ayers Hill.
Fred Hewitt, of Bidgwav, was here
visitin« friends, and eaptuied some of
the speckled beauties to take home with
Theo. Kephart, was summoned by tele
graph to Clearfield on account of the
death of his mother. A. Bennett took
his place as foreman on the drive while
he was gone.
Brooks Lorshbaugh has moved back
from Kettle Creek onto his farm at this
W. H. McGee has been having his
hay pressed the last week.
Bell Barr has gone to Sinnamahoning,
where she expects to reside with her
sister, Mrs. Joseph Kinsley.
Era Panting is guest of Mrs. M. L.
Mrs. E. L. Barton returned home from
Two ladies from Emporium were guests
of Mrs. M. L Freeman, Wednesday.
Who were those ladies taking a pleas
ant ride the other day with a mule.
W. W. Whito and wife wore visiting
their parents in Elk Lick to-day.
A. 0. Freeman has just returned from
a business trip to Pittsburg.
Mri?. Ed. Huff was seen on our
streets yesterday.
! am sorry to say W. More has lost
his fast driving horse.
Who is that young man who comes up
the Valley £0 often, but does not come
any farther than Slab street.
Mrs. A. Davis and Mrs. M. J. Free
man were the guests of Mrs. .1. Lewis
this week at North ('leek.
E. 15. Freeman is visising. his sister
and friends this week at Lock liaven.
Mrs. Lottie Huff is expecting togo to
JSuffalo next week.
Cr. Ilousler is getting ready to move
into Chancie Barr's house.
Flora Freeman has a new ring.
Wonder if it is from Rock.
George Roszmand, of Shippen, has
gone to Eagle Rock in the telegraph of
fice where he will reside.
Mrs. Bert Barr is preparing for a
dance and expects a large attendance.
Flora Freeman is going to Sizerville
to visit many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Layton have
! returned from a visit with friends in
Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Alice Jordon
of Driftwood, spent Sunday with then
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jordon.
Division Operator E. D. Gardner
called at the Tower on Monday.
Misses Susie Sullivan and Hulda j
Olsen of Cameron are visiting Mrs. P.
P. Farrel.
John Witchey was an Emporium
visitor on Sunday.
Lawrence and Roy Smith of Renovo,
are visiting their father, Levi Smith.
A. W. Smith of Sterling Run, who
has been making extensive improve
ments on the estate of his sister, Mrs.
Delia Lord, with the view of selling i
the property in the near future, has re
sumed duty for the Wilson Bro's Lum
ber Co., at this place.
Wm. Logue was in Emporium Mon
Willie and Miss Rena Carson were
Driftwood callers Tuesday.
J. F. S.
j The most rational remedy for ('ounhs
j and ('olds is Kennedy's Laxative Hone\
and Tar. It acts on the bowels as a mild
' cathartic-expels all cold from the nystein.
Cuts all phlein out of the throat, relieve
coughs, colds, eroup, whoopingeough, etc.
An deal remedy for young and old
I Children like it. Sold by |{. Dod
j son.
Mrs. Wm. McCaslin was a city visitor
Floyd Barton was in the Valley on
W. D. Swesey lias been ill with rheu
Wm. Brown of llowardville was a
Valley visitor Sunday.
Marshall Patterson ot the city called
on ye scribe Saturday.
It. Loekwood sports a bran new pair
of colts. They arc fine roadsters.
Miss Sarah Lancing is having her
house repaired and will rent same.
U.J. Lewis of Emporium was visiting
t at the home of Elihu Chadwick this week.
Leon Chadwick, one of Emporium's
first class carpenters, was on our streets on
Miss Gertie Housler is visiting her
parents W. W. Lowis and ivifc, of Elk
Milton Lewis on Monday began the
construction of a largo camp for C. B.
Howard Co.
Mrs. t ico. Carter of North Creek, visit
-1 ed her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Swesey of
Maple Shade.
Mrs. .J. J. Lewis is employed as nurse
at the home of Jas. Panton of town, Mrs.
i'anton being very ill St this writing.
A very enjoyable party was held at
1 Burton Barr's Friday night. Dancing
and games were indulged in. The Elk
orchestra furnished the music.
We have just been informed that War
ren Moore lost a valuable horse last week.
Although it had won no blue ribbons at
the fashionable horse show, it was a beau
tiful little animal.
Two of our girl scrappers indulged in
a fist cuff last week. No physical dam
-1 age was done the combatants. The lan
guage used is not in Mr. Carnegie's new
| spelling book. Next time, giris, you in
j dulgc in the manly art you can have the
| use of our hen coop, free gratis.
ltoy Berlcw has been promoted to
| Asst. Supt. during the absence of Supt.
; Edwards, who is in West Virginia.
Mr. Bcrlew is capable of holding the po
sition, which without a doubt will be
given him if Supt. Edwards moves to the
; above place.
M. A P.
Mrs. W. 11. Morse and daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Nunn, visited relatives at Drift-
I wood a few days last week.
Mrs. James Fetter, ot Emporium, was
I a caller on her brother W. H. Morse,
I last Friday.
j Mrs. Nangle and daughter, of Empori
j um, visited Mrs. Wm. Wykoff, on Satur
! dav.
John Schwab visited Sterling Run
■ over Sunday.
J. A. Dice, of Sterling Run.was a
pleasant caller oil agent Schneider a lew
hours' Sunday.
Mrs. Itobert Lord is visiliug friends at
C. 11. Snyder and YV. 11. Gravv, I'. &
E., engineers, came up from llenovo
Monday morning on a fishing trip to
Brooks Run. Both got lull baskets and
went home well satisfied with Cameron
Miss Margaret Montgomery visited her
clas;s between trains Sunday,
A fierce forest fire has been burning in
the hills near here tin; past week but was
extinguished by the heavy rain Saturday.
Rosell Camp, moved to Driftwood,
Division Operator 1%. D. Gardner, of
Renovo, called on operators Page and
Hoyt Monday.
The Emporium visitors from here this
week were: Mesdames Mrs. I. Wykoff,
D. C. Lininger, W. 11., Win.
Oreenalch. D. B. Peterson, F. C. Hoyt,
E. F. Comley. Messrs. Robeit Boyd,
Patrick Ivi'en, D.Sullivan, Robert Glenn,
F. C. Iloyt, John Schwab, E. M. Me-
Fadden, A. F. Walker, Harvey Kephart,
W. 11. G. Walker, supt., C. B. & C.
Co., was a business caller at St. Marys,
the first of tbis week.
Wm. Greenaleh and family were called
to Elbon, Pa., on Monday on account of
the serious illness of u relative there.
Frank Snyder and a crew of men from
the brick works, left for Kittanning, Pa.,
where they have a contract to work on a
new brick plant now being built at that
(ieorge Ebberley moved to Dagusca*
honda, last Thursday, where he has a
position in the coal mines.
J. F. 8.
Cirip Quickly Knocked Out.
■'Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weatlur both ray wife and tnvself
eontractod severe colds which speedily
developed into tin.' wont kind of la
grippe with al! its miserable symptoms,"
says J. S. Eghstoii of Maple Landing,
lowa. Knees and joints aching, mus
cles sure, head stopped up, eyes and nose
ruuning. with alternate spells of chills and
fever. We besiari using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, uidinc the same with a
double dose of ('hamberlaiu's Stomach
and Liver I ablets; and by its liberal use 1
soon completely knocked out the t:rip." :
Sold by L Tajjgurt, J. E Smith, Sterl
ing Rutland Crum Bros., Sinnumahon-
Mrs. Liz/.ie Barr is visiting rela
tives and friends in our neighbor
Mrs. Carter returned home Sun
day, having spent the week with
her daughter in liich Valley.
Mrs. Wm. Carter attended to the
duties at Warner farm during the
absence of her mother.
Randolph Lock wood exchanged
gossip with North Creek friends
one day last week.
Mrs. Ludwig and children, of
Cowley Run, are the guests of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barr.
Mesdanies Morton, Taylor and
Brundage were guests of Mrs. T.
Britton in her new home.
Mrs. 1,. Brundige entertained
Mesdanies F. A.Lewis, Wm. Lewis
and M. E. Taylor last Tuesday.
Mrs. E. V. Housler was guest of
Mrs. L. A. Chandler on Thursday.
I Edward Cool and Leon Brundage
l have new Honrs in their kitchens,
• making quite an improvement.
Our Emporium visitors for the
j week were Mrs.S. M. Housler, T.
• Britton, J. W. Lewis, F. A. Lewis,
F. Solverson, Wm. Lewis and
' Willie McClenahan.
Carle Lewis spent Sunday with
| her parents.
(iuy Brundage spent Sunday with
his aunt, Mrs. Housler, and family.
Our Sunday School is well at
| teijded and quite an interest taken.
! Warren Moore is assisting with
I the spring work at Mrs. Housler's.
Mrs. Llewella Moore spent an
j afternoon with her sister Bernice
1 Moore.
The dance at John Smith's was
i well attended and all enjoyed
j themselves.
Mr. John Keiner and wife, ac
companied by Mrs. J. Loekwood,
; passed through our valley. They
were en route from Keating Sum
| mit to Rich Valley.
X V. z.
An Appeal for the Unfortunate
Sufferers in and Around San
; A greeting to the people.
Who love the stirs and stripes.
One moment lend your ear to this appeal,
From the desolate and suffering ones,
On the San Francisco shores,
1 Where the cruel earthquake dreadful blows did
; On the eighteenth day of April,
The great upheaval came,
1 Bringing death an 1 untold misery in its wake,
No chance for timely warning,
' No time to speak or pray.
So quick did death's grim angel overtake.
Tongue cannot tell the awful tale,
! Nor yet can pen describe,
I The scenes of desolation and of woe,
As stately buildings tumbled down.
And lire leaped»on high,
I While countless goodly people were laid low.
Tilde's thousands of our fellow men,
In this il'- ated place,
Whose homes were taken from them in a breath
And mothers, fathers, sisters dear,
And brothers, all have gone,
To answer to that swift roll call of death.
And though we join in earnest prayeis,
That they are now in heaven.
We must remember those who have been spared,
But who are suffering greatly,
: For want of earthly aid.
I Their heads bowed sadly down with grief and
! care.
j So let us cheerfully subscribe,
j Whatever sum we can,
For in the Bible we have read the words,
That they who help the needy,
In trouble pr distress,
They also Uud their gifts unto the Lord.
August Flower keeps the children healthy and
Full of vigor and frolic the whole day long,
So when Mamma needs more they rush off in
high glee,
And shout to the druggist: " Please give it to
me I"
<f Inability to K l 't up brisk and fresh in
the morning, lack of appetite, pallor,
muddy complexion and poor spirits
these all indicate a disordered stomach
and bad digestion—in adultsuud children,
too. They alsq indicate the urgent need
of taking Green's August Flower regit
larly for a few days.
qifsa reliable old remedy for all stomach
troubles, never fails to cure indigestion,
dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and
is a natural tonic for body ana mind. "
<|Two sues, 25c and 75c. All dru^K's' 1 -
Caught Cold While Hunting a liurglai
NVin. Thou. Lnnorunn, provincial Con
■table :it 112 'llflfili iiu, Ontario, N > • I
caught a j-» \ »>rt» (sold while htitittotr u
burglar in the 112.. i swamp last lull
Hearing of Cliaiiihcimtu Cough Ji n.
fly. I triti'i it, arid .1 ■< r using two >mall
bottles, I was completely cured." This
remedy is intended • pcciully for 'Ouyhn
and colds. It will loosen and relieve a
severe cold in less time than by any oth<
treatment and it is r t favorite wherever it;i
superior excellent lias become known.
For sale by L. John K. Smith,
Storlin".' Kun and ''n :n Bros.. Sinnama
[I you ever bought a box ol Witch
Hazel Salvo that failed to give satisfaction
the chances are it did not have tlie name
of E. C. 1 >•:\V r itt & <_V, printed on the
wrapper and pressed in the box. The
original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
never fails to give .- i>inaction, tor burns,
sores, boils, tetter, cracked hands, etc.
For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud
ing piles it affords almost immediate re
lief It stops the pain. Hold by R, C\
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittanica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key Are all new and in original
packages. Will be sold at a bargain,
Apply at PRKSS office. 36tf
Before you buy else
where it will pay you
to call 011 the Broad
Street Market. We
are here to please.
By buying Heinz's
Pickles in sealed glass
packages, you are sure
of getting the best we
can offer—better cannot
be made, We return
full purchase price if
you do not like them. I
'Phone 21,
I |
I |
> >
[ <L
r «?
1 I
i O. B. Barnes is \
| preparing special \
\ announcements \
| for next week.
112 i
i j
; <
> t
I \
t 5