2 CAMERON CGUiiT'f PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Evory Thursday,, j TKHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ferywir 'i °u ! If paid In advance 1 i ADVERTISING BATES: Advertisements uie published at the rat® of g D >< dollar per square for one in s'-rtion ami 11 n j rem?* ler sq;iare f■ »r e:icii subsequent insertion Kates by ilie year, or for six or three months, are low ami uniform, a:.d will be furnished on application. I„ck»1 and Odlctal Advertising per square three times or less, each subsequent insef ■ tio i .0 icnts per -quar •. Local notices 1» cents per line for one Insei- Bertioti: 5 cents per line for each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over live lines. 10 cents per line. Simple announcements of births, mat • riaces and deaths will lie inserted free. Business cards, five lines or less. *5 per year, over live lines, at the regular rates of adver " No" local Inserted for less than 75 cents pet Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRFSS Is complete and afford-, facilities for doing the best class of work. I 1 - J ii'l llJt'l.All ATTENTION PAIDTU LAW PRINTING. No pipr will be discontinued until arrear ages arc paid, except at the option of th 6 pub- Ukher. . Papers sent out of the county must be paid tor in advance. Hon. Frederick Holbrook, of Ver mont, who recently passed his 93d birthday, is the only one of the fa mous "war governors" now surviving. He stood with Govs. Curtin, of Penn sylvania, and Andrew, of Massachu setts, as one of the stanchest support ers of the Lincoln administration when it most needed such support as Ihey could give. A simple game of cards, played re cently in Budapest by a Hungarian and an Armenian merchant, resulted in $600,000 changing hands. For 48 hours the two players sat at a small table in Cafe New York, and, though hundreds of people passed in and out of the place, but few were aware that a great fortune was slowly but surely being passed across a small marble top table. American newspaper men rejoiced in the good fortune which lately befell Sir Alfred Harmsworth, the enterpris ing English editor and newspaper pro prietor, who made a tour of thi# coun try last year. The good fortune con sists in the peerage bestowed upon him by King Edward as a mark of rec ognition for the distinguished service the former has rendered to English journalism. Icelanders lu»ve a strange but effec tive plan for preventing horses from straying away. They tie the head of one horse to the tail of another, and the head of this to the tail of the for mer. In this state it is impossible for the horses to move on, either back ward or forward. If disposed to move at all, it will be only in a circle, and even then there must be mutual agree ment to turn their heads the same way. One of the remarkable things about baseball is the scarcity of accidents to players. In the two major leagues alone there are 300 ball players play ing 170 days a year at least, and yet if even one is hurt it is heralded all over the country. There are perhaps 1,000,000 people in the United States who play ball of some form every day from April to the middle of October, and at the least estimate there are 4,000 games of ball played every day in summer, and the serious accidents do not average 25 to the season. In the last fiscal year Great Britain bought goods from the United States worth $550,000,000 and sold to us $191,- 000,000 worth. Notwithstanding the large volume of imports from this country into the United Kingdom, there was a decline compared with the preceding years, the decline being principally in food-stuffs. What we received from Great Britain were mainly manufactured articles. The im ports from and the exports to the British colonies vary less than $4,000,- 000, the imports to the colonies aggre gating $584,000,000 and the exports $1587,793,000. An event of large and happy sig nificance in the sphere of religious life and progress occurred at Dayton, 0., a few days ago. It was nothing less than the practical consolidation of three denominations, the Congrega tionalists, the Methodist Protestants, and the United Brethren, the three representing a total membership of over 1,089,000. This merger had been under consideration for a number of years, and was finally brought about by a conference at Dayton, at which over two hundred delegates from the three denominations were present. Spurred to action by the hazing af fair at Konyon college, which resulted in the terrible death of a student, the Ohio legislature lias passed a bill de signed to make such practices Impos sible in that state. The measure de flues hazing in public and private nchools as a misdemeanor, and pre scrilies for it as a penalty a fine not exceeding S2OO or imprisonment in jail not exceeding six months, or both. The measure also provides that teach ers and beads of schools and colleges ■who knowingly permit hazing slull be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. When King Kdward opened parlia ment recently. hia subjects were *ur priaed and alarrodd at his appearance. They noticed thai lie could not walk without a iniie, that lie couldn't rise from tlie throne without assistance, and that hi ■ face was hasgard, his usu al rotund frame fallen away, and his hair and board as white as snow. Alarniltr IMIMOIH VEINED wide curren cy, itud it v, s; prop sed incre:t! ;. A PRECARIOUS CONDITION. Many Women Suffer Dally Miseries and Don't Know the Reason. Women wlio are languid, suffer back* ache and dizzy spells, should road care fully the experience of times my limbs would size. I could liardly pet up or down stairs, and often could not get my shoes on. Beginning to use Doan's Kidney Pills I got relief before I had used half a box, but continued taking them until cured. The bloating subsided and 1 was well again." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. - ♦ SORT OF SHERLOCK HOLMES- Magistrate Who Can Tell the Calling of Persons by Distinguish ing Marks. "A man's occupation," said a magis trate, "marks him so unmistakably that t can tell at a glance what he does for a living. "There is, for instance, the violinist. You can tell a violinist from the fact that he carries his head to one side. "The groom and the cavalryman have bow legs, and, when they stand still they hold their legs wide apart, as though there was a horse between them . "The painter may be detected by the mark of the palette hole in his thumb. "The pianist's enormous hands identify him. From constant practice they be come abnormal. Weber, you know, couldi stretch two octaves. "Men who work amid the vapors of mer cury, copper or arsenic "have a green i mucous membrane, and greenish hair and: skin. "The players of flutes and clarinets have thick, distended cheeks and tough and leathery lips. "The scrubbers of floors have swollen knees, and often, afflicted with the disease called housemaid's knee, they limp." SKIN ERUPTIONS 35 YEARS. Buffered Severely with Eczema All. Over Body—A Thousand Thanks to Cuticura Remedies. "For over thirty-five years I was a se vere sufferer from eczema. The eruption was not confined to any one place. It was all over my body, lunbs, and even on my head. I am sixty years old and an old soldier, and have been examined by the Government Board over fifteen times, and they said there was no cure for me. 1 have taken all kinds of medicine and have spent large sums of money for doctors, without avail. A short time ago I decided to try the* Cuticura Remedies, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap, two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, and two bot tles of Cuticura Resolvent, two treatments in all, I am now well and completely cured. A thousand thanks to Cuticura. 1 cannot speak too highly of the Cuticura Remedies. John T. Roach, Richmondale,. Rosa Co., Ohio, July 17. 1905." Total Failure. Mr. Ferpuson was in a high state of in dignation. "Laura," he said, "what have you been doing to my new safety nizor? It's ruined." "1 didn't know it was a razor, George," answered Mrs. Ferguson. "Norah tried for hitlf an hour to slice potatoes with it,, and then gave it up. She says it's of no- Account."—Chicago Tribune. A New Way to Los Angeles. You can now go direct via Salt Lake Citv to Southern California by a new daily train, the Los Angeles Limited, equipped with all the latest innovations for travel comfort: Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte, Observation Cars with Buffet Lounging Rooms and Library, Electric Lighted throughout, via the Chicago & North Western. Union Pacific and Salt Lake Route. For sleeping car reserva tions and full information inquire of W. G. Neimyer, G. A., 120 Jackson Boule vard, Chicago, 111. An Accommodating Wooer. Her Father —The fact is that I cannot give my daughter a dowry just at pres ent. The Suitor—That's all right; I can love her for herself alone in the meantime. — Meggendorfer Blaetter. To Clean Cane-Seated Chairs. Cane-seated chairs may be cleaned by washing the cane on both sides with warnii Ivory Soap suds, and then putting them out in the sun to dry. This treatment not •>nly adds to the cleanliness of the cane but causes it to shrink, which improves its appearance and makes it more wear-re-is:t ltig. ELEANOR R. PARKER. Regarding Wine and Men. "Some men are like wine, they improve, irith age." "Yes, but the likeness must be perfect.'' "How do you mean?" "Well, no wine can improve with «ge that is drunk too oiten." —Philadelphia Press. Shake luto Your Shoes Allen's FooJ-Kase. It eurei painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes new slues easy. S-'.ld by all Druggists and Shoe Stories. Don't accept anv -übsiitute. Sample li\Ll.. Address A. S Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. But it must not lie forgotten that it was absolutely impossible for the man who declared that line words butter no parsnips to have any adequate understanding of the comprehensive scope of the modern jolly.—Puck. — As a blood-purifier Garfield Tea has no superior; it is a natural remedy, being composed wholly of herbs. H purities the blood, cleanses tic system, cures liver and kidney diseases, constipation and sick headache. All the perfume of Arabia cannot avail to sweeten the temper of the girl who uiscovers in another girl's album the fea tures of the young man who runs up her father s coal bill.—-Baltimore Ileraid. If vou use Ball Blue, pet Red Cross Ball Blue." I tie best Ball lilue. Large 2 oz. pael.ar e only 5 cents. \\ hen a girl speaks of her af!ini!v she eciieiallv hum us a tellow with money.— N. V. 'lime*. Wh< nnin in be HIS w« ndel ing if h< lo« i.» his age it is a oign that he does. We ure all ept to regri t the !>ad taste ibewu by pe« pl«' wh»> don't like us. \\ hen doctor* ilisagive, ik'a time lo call Ut II»i- uoio.a-r.