Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 19, 1906, Image 5

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Emporium. Pa.. April 12, 1906.
JMOPHILA. per Mok *1 25
Felt's Fanov, 1 <0
Pet Grove, '• 1:«
Oraham " #6
Rye " 66
Buckwheat " ••• 70
Patent Mea! " 80
Coarse Meal, per 100, 125
Chop Feed, ■••• •." 125
Middling". Fancy " 1 35
Bran 1 20
<!jitclcen Wheat 1 R5
Corn, per bushel 70
White Oals, per bushel, 45
How Oats
Choice Clover Seed. ")
Choice Timothy.See-i 112 At Market Prices.
Ohoice Millet Seed,
paacy Kentucky BlueQ-&as, |
At Fourth an 3 Chestnut Sts..
r siifei flUB"
»*. t nonso.M.
Telephone, 19-:;
Contribution* invited That which i /on would
t'lrc to ire in thin department,let i/« knnte by pn>■
1 (I curd or letter, rer*onnllu.
Everybody drinks but mother;
She works out by the day:
She married pa to reform hiiu,
But it hasn't turned out that way. -
Pa makes me rush the growler;
The leavings are always scant:
Everybody soaks at our house.
But ma—she cau't.
—Buffalo Evening News:
Mrs. Maggie O'Brien is visiting j
friends in Emporium this week.
Miss Ruth Richardson, of Driftwood, ■
was the guest of Miss Nina Bryan last
Miss Blanch Ludlam, came home
ft Dm Clarion Normal school to spend
Mrs. Eberte, of Johnsonburg, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs John Schlecht at
this place.
Mrs. Wm. Sprung and daughter
Margaret visited friends in town
Miss Claire Eddy, of Calder. Pa.,
was the guest of Miss Golda Lyons
over Easter.
Miss Mary Ryan and Miss Fox, of j
Driftwood were in Emporium Wednes
day calling on friends.
Miss Margaret Cavey is home from
St. Elizabeth's school at Allegheny, N.
V , to spend a week with her mother.
Mrs. Fred Ritchie, of St. Marys was
called to town last Sunday on occount
of tha of her sister, Mrs.
Jesse McFadden.
Mr. John Colons who resides with
his son at Austin is visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. R. C. Dod
son, of this place.
Miss Christie McDonald, who is a
iitudent at St. Elisabeth's school, Alle
gheny, X. Y., is spending the Easter
holidays with her parents.
Mr. Thomas Gallagher and Miss
ftlazie went to Buffalo last week to
visit Mr. and Mrs H. C. Rich. Miss
Gallagher will remain there for some
Mrs. E. D. S., of Sizerville, and
Mrs. Geo. B. Foutof Sinnamahoning,
Pa., were PRES.- visitors yesterday.
Of course they read and pay in ad
vance for their reading.
Mr. W. C. Blair who has been em
ployed as expert lumberman in this
section for some time, left on Monday
for Marlinton, West Va., to enter the
employ of Dror.ey Lumber Co.
Our esteemed townsman, Mr. J. F.
Parsons was recently elected a mem
tier of ''Pennsylvania Society of Sons
of the Revolution,'' at a recent meet
tig held at Philadelphia.
Don M. Larrabee, wife and son. of
Williamsport, passed Easter with the
former's parentts, M. M. Larrabee and
family, at this place. Don returned to
Williamsport yesterday, his wife and
"On remaining here for a few days.
John W. Sheldon, of Renovo, ( form
erly a resident of Emporium, ) called on
old friends in town on Tuesday, and
visited the PRESS office. We enjoyed
a few minutes conversation with our
old friend. Mr. Sheldon is Road Fore
man of Engines with Pennsy R. R.
P. J. Flynn, one of Pennsy Ft. R.,
engineers, residing at East Emporium,
while transacting business up town on
Tuesday drop{rt?d the coin in ye editor's
hand for one year's subscription. We
havekaown Mr. Flynn for many years
and always respected him for his
i. any good points.
Mrs. Jasper Harris rlnlted friends nt
Olean over Sunday.
J. B. Wallis, Jr., of Ashley, PH., IS
gue-it of Mr. Fred Julian.
CouDcilman Butler visited at Fort
Allegany last Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Daly, of Dtißois.
visited the letter's home this week.
Mr. Jacob Slaigle, of Sheffield, wai
visiting friends in Emporium, Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Edwards, of Slzervllle,
transacted business in this office last
Mrs. R. D. Branson, of Dußois, is
visiting her father and sister at this
W. H. Howard returned last Satur
day from an extended business trip to
several southern states.
Hon. Josiah Howard, Mr. Jos. Kaye,
and Mr. A. C. Blum left Monday even
ing on a business trip down east.
Mr. and Mrs. R E. Dininny and
daughter, of Buffalo, are guests of the
former's mother on Fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Poyer, and little
son Max, are visiting the lattcr's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs.l. H. Legget,onWest
Will Buchannan, who was awarded
the contracts for the erection of two
iron bridges, has been in town this
Adam S. Hicks, Dents Run, trans
acted business in town on Tuesday
and called at the PRESS office, renew
ing for another year.
Mr. S. M. Van Wert has returned
from the General Hospital at Buffalo,
where underwent an operation and is
very much improved in health.
Miss Hattie Russell, of Mt. Jewett,
transacted business in Emporium this
week, closing the sale of tho Alonzo
Smith property on Portage street.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahan, and Mrs. John
Burden and little daughter, of St.
Marys, attended the funeral of Mrs.
Oallager at this place, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Gilbert have
returned from Perry, N. V., being
called there by the illness of Mrs.'
Gilbert's mother, who returns to Em
porium with them.
George Kenworthy, of Cameron j
Mines, was a PRESS visitor on Satur
day and carried away a PRESS receipt I
for another year. Come again, Geo;
you are always welcome.
Mr. B. W. Green returned last j
Thursday evening from a two week's
visit to his Florida orange grove, He
reports the prospects for a large crop
of oranges very flattering.
Mrs. E. M. Hurteau and daughter,
Mrs. J. L. Wheeler, are spending a few
days at Buffalo. Mr. Wheeler will
meet them on his retnrn from his
Canada silver claim and return to Em
porium with them.
Miss Emma Smutz, of Tidioute,
visited in Emporium over Sunday,
guest of her brother Geo. and family.
Miss Smutz was on route for Philadel
phia where she is employed as a teacher
in the city schools.
Mrs. John W. Coe, of Wampsville,
.N. Y., was called here last week by Mr.
E. G. Golemrn on account of the ser
ious illness of their mother. We are
pleased to announce the good lady has
greatly improved.
Our old and esteemed friend Mr.
Eugene Wade, of Sterling Run, who
has been one of our most reliable citi
zens since 1856 was an Emporium
visitor yesterday. We were pleased to
shako hands with the venerable friend
Joseph Gayney, who has been con.
fined in Williamsport Hospital for
several months from injuries received
in a dynamite explosion, has arrived
home. He is still on crutches but
hopes soon to be able to walk alone
He has had a long and painful siege of
Brother C. E. Davis, known to our
readers as "Gassaway," came over
from Olean on Monday, packed his
collar box and returned to Olpan,
where he h;is accepted a position as
clerk at the Grand Central. Judging
from the menu deposited on our desk
the Central must be putting up good
feed. Come again friend. '
JoseplvJ. Lingle and wife, of West
boro, Wis., who have been visiting
friends in Emporium, guests of Mr.
Henry Auchu and family left yesterday
for Erie, Pa., to visit relatives for a
few days, after which they will depart
for Westboro. Their many Emporium
friends enj >yed their short visit. Miss
Lingle will remain here for some time
Frank McCabe, well known in Aus
tin, Galeton, Emporium and nearby
towns as a drug clerk and "original
cuss" in window display and other ad
vertising schemes is now employed at
Holcombes pharmacy in Westfield.
The Free Press gives an account of a
window at the above place which Mc-
Cabe made to appear broken and at
traded much attention it served the
purpose admirably for which it_ was
intended, viz: Advertising.--Galeton
Lovers of ice cream should bear in
mind that Mrs. C. G. Schmidt's pop.
ular ice cream parlors will open for the
season next Saturday. This delicious
home mame cream never lacks patrons.
Everybody reads the PRKSH.
WerM»n« Bells.
I Miss Linda Belle Fink, daughter of
I Mr. and Mrs !.. S. Fink, will bo united
! in marriage this evening to Mr. How
ard Edward Spangler, the ceremony to
take plaee at seven o'cloek at the
bride's home, Rev. Olea\er officiating.
The bride and groom are both highly
respected and popular with our citizens.
Mr. Spangler has charge of J. B. Be
dard's tailoring establishment. The
PRESS as well as a large circle of friends
extend hearty congratulations, al
though a little in advance.
Coal Operators Will Not Arbitrate.
The presidents of anthracite coal
carrying roads declare there is noth
ing to arbitrate, all questions at issue
having been settled by the strike com
mission. The coal operators say,
"Yon are responsible for the suspen
sion of work. There was no reason '
for ordering the men to stop work :
pending our negotiations. We arc
willing to pay the wages fixed by the
strike commission. We have nothing
further to offer."
R Seger has started the work on 1
three dwelling houses.
Don't forget the base ball meeting at j
Council room this evening, at 7:30.
The C'oudersport & Port Allegany j
R. R , have a new time card in this !
Jasper Harris yesterday placed a j
handsome floor show case in his store. 1
It is a beauty.
The miners at Cameron returned to j
their work Tuesday morning, being
out two week's. Mr. Brady has al
ways paid his miners more than the
scale price.
Had ley's moving picture entertain
ment at the opera house Monday even
ing was the best ever exhibited here, j
Hope they may return again at an j
early date.
Lovers of ice cream should bear ic !
mind that Mrs. C. G. Schmidt's pop
ular ice cream parlors will open for the j
season next Saturday. This delicious i
home made cream never iacks patrons, j
R. Seger & S>n have just received!
their second invoice of summer cloth-1
ing. comprising many new styles just
issued. Be sure you take a look at j
their large line of goods, equal to any
to be found in the city.
Easter Services at Emmanuel 1
There was a good attendance at each |
of the services at Emmanuel Church on j
Easter-day, all the pews being filled at
the mid-day aervice. The beautiful
floral decorations in the chancel and
the inspiring musio, rendered more ef j
fective by the addition of several men's
voices in the choir, gave fitting out
ward expression to the inward joy of
the Resurrection Festival. The sermon
was from the text, Romans 6:5: "For
as we have been united with Christ in
the likeness of His death, even so shall j
we be united with Him in the likeness
of His resurrection."
The new»niemorial communion silver |
was used at the early and mid day eel- i
ebration for the first time.
The offerings for the organ and Par- j
ish House funds amounted to?l-50. The '
new organ has now been entirely paid
for. The mite-box offerings of the
Sunday School amounted to SSO, to !
which §(3.70 was added by the church !
people of Driftwood
At the annual parish meeting on 1
Monday evening, the members of the
old vestry were re-elected.
DinKnoNl.i of Hraditch*-.
"There are more than fifty kinds of
headache," said a physician, "and suf
ferers from the more common forms
may cure themselves by locating the
cause and treating themselves accord
ingly. The more frequent forms are
a dul! pain across the forehead, due to
dyspepsia; a pain In the back of the
head, due to the liver; a bursting pain
in both temple.-;, due to malnutrition;
an ache on the top of the head, as
though a weight pressed on the skull,
due to overwork; an ache between the
brows Just above the base of the nose,
due to eye strain."
prolong the lives ol' HORSEA and HEN, I'hey
draw EASY, they HOLD EASY. They run
smooth and hold to the ground when .-tony
They clear well in loose soil. They wear well.
Not the cheapest but the beat. Made by the Le
Roy Plow Co., Leßoy, N. Y. Leßoy Plows for
sale by C. H. JESSOP, Emporium, Pa.
fli OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades
lb] . from IOC to 75C per Shade. |
111 Wall Paper for 1906. _ 7 ■ ATXT _ v = =====
Iff! The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. jg
Jjj] All Colors.
!fl Consists of the best things from three factories. Also , ■==
the Robert Graves Co. s line of Decoration Paper ofjall Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made E
kinds * for Floors.
The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. »i A rxrv. T . T y
«< Louis against the world. MARRY S. LLOYD. !l)
Sg .=-=■S7Z. JT=. a' o (f55£5 ri u srs.=lßagl3Sgg3BrsllsSg^lgßlE^lSigiqjg|3^lg;j^il
Letter to Judge Brennan.
I Emporium, MI.
I ; Dear Sir Currie Hardware Co., At
lantic City, N. J.,had be< n dealing in paint
> for nmre tlian twenty years, and last year
found-out Devoe. This is how they did
i Bought twi. eans, took off the labels,
sent to a chemist for analysis.
The chemist found it pure ami they
| took our agency.
This is the way to find-out a paint.
' but not every dealer can do it. There
j ought to be public provision for making
good tliin»s known without cost. It's a
pity American citizens haven't got it. The
people want it.even more than the trade.
Voure truly
F. W. DKVOE & Co.,
New York.
I'. S.— Murry \ Coppersmith sell our
' P & »nt-
Williams' kidney Pills.
Have you neglected your kidneys?
Have you overworked your nervous sys
tem and caused trouble with your Kidney's
•jn«t Bladder? Have you pains in the
j loins, aide, back, groins and bladder''
1 Have you a flabby appearance of the face,
j especially under the eyes'' Too frequent
'desireto pass urine? If so William's
, Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free,
ißy mail 50 cents. Sold by R. C. Dod-
I son. Williams M'f'g. Co.. PropCleve
j land. 0.
For Sale.
A number of long tables, suitable for
I store or dining room; for sale at a bar
! gain.
Ht){lhtcr'H Notice.
STtTEOH Pennsylvania, J s s
County ok Cameron. {
"VTOTICE is hereby given that B. W. Green.
-L> Administrator of the Estate of Richard J.
Loyd, late of the Borough of Emporium, deceas
ed, his filed his first and final account of his ad
ministration of the ouid estate, and the same
will be presented to the Orphan's Court at April
Term next for confirmation ni «i.
Register's Office,
i Emporium, Pa., March 26th, 1900.—6-lt.
} Get There]
| Early. |
j !{1 Building season is here and [jj j
1 £ we are prepared to furnish fij
| Heavy and Shelf a
| Hardware and |
Builders' Supplies 1
nl I
of all kinds, at prices that (jj I
oJ will astonish you. nJ j
lr We handle everything for n]!
|Qi use on the farm or garden; ¥] j
' i 0 80 [n
id S;
ru Uealaocarrv a complete line m
rt OILS and ROOF PAINTS The lr
| "j largest stock in Cameron county. Qj
$ A full line of Carpet Sweepers,
Oi Wringers and Lawn Mowers of iri
I jjl all kinds. Screen doors and [JJ
: j}' Window Screens, Poultry Nett- n]
a! 1 mg Fence Wire, Two and three ul
; ply roofing, Paroid roofing, the
i j/ best made. We also carry a com- ft
| pj plete stock of Bath Tubs_, Closets, in
j lavatories and range boilera. [U
b Wo employ none but expert n]
ipi workmen in our plumbing es- lr
| tablishment. QJ j
j|n We also have in connection a J{]
; pJ Tinning Department, Tin Itoof- ui i
I :f ing; Spouting and general repair Qj i
I In work solicited. nj 1
! jii All work done by us will be In 1
I jj] guaranteed to give satisfaction. Qj .
! [jj U]
qj Estimates Cheerfully Given u]
j g U]
|on all Kinds of Work jjj
Oj By strict attention to business n]
: [J- we hope to merit a reasonable }{]
1 pi share of your patronage. in
u] Thanking you for past favors. m
If. v. heilman.l
New Spring" and |
I Summer Clothing I
I New and Beautiful Latest Styles in |
I Selected with the greatest care as I
to quality and price. Call and see our I
beautiful stock of stylish clothing and I
IBitf Line of Summer Hats.
Finest Line of Trunks and Satchels 1
Don't forget our Merchant Tailoring I
Department. J
r Grocery News Worth
| Reading. I
READY THE Satisfactory Store SEECS
I Whenever you fine you need anything in the
grocery line, come or phone to Days. If you have no
phone and cannot come, ask for onr order clerk to call,
in any event you will have the best attention the store
can give.
You run 110 risk in buying groceries here. All
I must be satisfactory and are sold subject to return at
once if not so, and exchanged or purchase price refund
ed. Come.
Reduced Prices for Fridayand Saturday ft
BUTTER —Finest N. V. State Creamery Butter. Ilb I
I prints, wrapped in parchment a lb. 26c.
MAPLE SUGAR —Choice new goods, by the cake
a lb 12 'jc; less quantities a lb 13c.
BEANS—N. Y. State, hand picked pea beans, just the
thing for soup and baking, a lb. 4c.
SMOKED MEAT —California Hams, mild sugar cured
four to eight pounds average, a lb.
I LARD —Pure leaf lard, in bulk 11c lb.
CANNED GOODS —Corn, Pumpkin, Hominy, Baked I
Beans, 10c values, extra quality, 3 cans for 25c.
CEREAL —Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit, the ideal 7
prepared cereal, a 15c package 12c.
SOAP—B five cent cakes Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. This
is house cleaning time, better buy liberally.
I BAKING POWDER —1 lb. can Davis O. K. Baking 8
Powder 15c.
CANNED FlSH—Kipperel Heiriug or Herring in Q
tomato sauce, large can 15c.
GRAPE JUICE —Large bottle Randall's Grape Juice I
SUGAR. —25 lb bag best granulated $1.40.
BOILED HAM—Danahy's famous boiled ham, nicely I
sliced a lb 30c. I
■ Garden Tools. Dairy Supplies.
Q House Furnishing Hardware.
J. H. DAY, I
A Phone.6. Emporium, Pa. ft
\i»—i « wmm mmmmam&J