• BUT* HUSHED JT C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor "uticl Manager PHBLISHKD EVERY THURSDAY TERMSOF SUBSCRIPTION: (■er year 00 |i»M in advance....» fl 60 ADVERTISING RATES. Advcrtl«eiueiits»re puiilißhnlat the rate of one lotlar per squarefor onarty, the representation iu the State Conven tion will be based upon the vote polled at the last Presidential election. I'nde: the rules each legislative district is in titled to one delegate for each two thousand votes oast tor Republican electors in 1901, and an udditioua delegate for < v6ry fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. Isy order ofthe State Committee, W. It. ANDREWS, Chairman. Catarrh Cannot be Cured. With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, an they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrli is a blood or constitu tional disease, and to curt it jou must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh (lure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and raucous sur face. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It is prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular pre scription. It is composed or the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combi nation of the two ingredients is what prodces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c, Take Ilatl's Family Pills for constipation The impression prevails among the neighbors of Judge John Btewart that he would accept the republican nomination if it were tendered him. The Chatnbersburg Repository, published in his home town, says: Justice Stewart baa Maid nothing to indicate in the least that he would even accept the nomination, but his friends believe that should it be thrust upon him lie could not very well decline. The feeling over the state is strong ly in his favor and this being the case the will of the people should be accepted. WiMi .J usticc Stewart at t lie head of the ticket this year the Democrats might as well bid farewell to any future hope, for it would mean a united Republican party, and that always means Re publican success. A National Theatre. Flo vi ii > cwell, who has imper sonate.l in in > Shakespereian heroines with iii trite 1 success, writes in the May D.'H ■>! >r of the importance of e3tablis:i!ug a national theatre if for no other reason than to produce the splendid plays of Shakespeare. Miss Rockwell says . The drama iu this country needs nomc such representations, for the play wright as well as for tefcors, and what better could happen for the drama than to have standard produc tions of Shakespeare's plays. To the playwright they would offer an object l':-sson in dramatic construction and literary style and divert his work from the insipid society play or riotous musical inomedy of to-day. thus raising lae whole average of American dra i..atic authorship. Living indoor* so much during the v,'lnter months creates a sort of a stuffy, want -of-ozone condition in the blood and bystem generally. Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Early llisers. These fatuous little pills cleanse the liver, Ktomaoh and bowels and give the blood a chance to purify itself. They relieve Leudache. sallow complexion, etc. Sold I y It. C. Dodson. Sparing little weeds spoil.- many u large harvest. Don't tie a cough or a coid up iu your Ij.-tem by taking a remedy that binls the I owels. Take Kennedy < Laxative Honey and Tar. It is ditT rent from all ether :ousrh syrups. It better It 0| en* the bowels- -expels . I txild from the yht"-m,relieves eougli colds, iroup v hooping eougb, ete. An leal remedy I i yn'itig and old. Sold Iv H. (' Dod How Japs Keep Strong Press Readers Can Learn Some thing of Value From This. Such a thing as a weakling is hardly known in Japan. The wonderful endur ance of the Japanese soldiers and sailors in the recent war has been the marvel of all nations. Both men and women are well, happy and strong. The reason for this, so careful investi gators tell us. is that the Japanese from childhood up know how to ke0 cent.- and mix with the L. &. M. Actual cost L.it M.. about 81.20.per gallon. Sold by IT. S. Lloyd. William's Carbolic Salve With Arnica and Witch tl.izel. The best Salve in the world fur Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all .-kin eruptions. It is guaranteed to >rive satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rice 2">c by I'rug {jiets. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's, Cleveland O. For Sale by It. C\ Dodson. Poultry Press L\ t r V two et«iiia It m utb an.) un« \V"' iMtet atoll** will contain Inr-r --malion of (.racli. al u»«< worth dollar* to you Tbo I'oultry Rt>vl«w U not ■ lar*(. bulky i>»l>i-r that you to iwaata valual.U tliun 111 "waMiutf IbroiiKli" to duil anything of practical value liul It coutalua pan I mam of I'oultry Hunal' •xltfti. Sen lin your aUbacrtptlon uow S'lioplo co|>y aril premium ll»t » e«nU. I'oultry Kn«l«w, llos 1, Nal«m, N. V. mr.T.ti. MoriiK.itN I p ui #»* • -» '* i• I t*uti t'»» « • f»H •»' f< 11 €'yr|» Htlfhof | CAMKRON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1900. FOR PURE WATERS AND BETTER HEALTH Health Commissioner Dixon's Great Task Is to Reclaim the Waters of the State From Pollution. THE DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE Sanitary Engineering Division of the Department of Health Is Teaching Municipalities Efficient and Economical Methods of Drainage. A lamentable and tremendous amount of needless suffering, sickness, expense and death annually result from the wanton pollution of the streams of Pennsylvania among those individuals dependent upon these sources of supply for drinking water. Hundreds of communities hang in the balance and at any time may have an epidemic of typhoid fever stalking through their midst and decimating their numbers. Hundreds of the young and best lives of the commonwealth are annually sacrificed to the unsani tary customs of sewage disposal. Poi son material of human origin from public and private institutions, sewers and privies are emptied into streams at points but short distances above wa ter works intakes, and in a few hours thereafter are delivered through the water pipes of public systems to matiy innocent and unsuspecting individuals, who rest secure in the belief that the public authorities, having in charge the furnishing of drinking water, and who are -responsible for the purity ot the water thus supplied, are faithfully performing their obligations Public and private corporations, however, even when earnestly inclined are often limited in their powers to prevent sewage contamination of the sources of water supply. After years of affliction, and at a terrific cost in human life, it has finally dawned upon the people that a higher authority than the municipality must grapple with the problem and afford a remedy. It is, therefore, ot interest lo every citizen of the commonwealth to know about the work that Health Commissioner Dixon is doing to pre serve the purity of the waters of the state in fulfillment of the duty laid upon him by the act of April 22. 1905. The enormity of the task is com prehegded when one realizes the fact that almost without an exception every city, borough and municipality in Pennsylvania having a sewer sys tem discharges its filth into the most convenient nearby stream, regardless of consequences to the user of that stream at some point below. Further, where there are no sew ers, privies are almost universally lo cated on or near the banks of natural water courses, which thus serve as open sewers. P.y no known mathe matics is it possible to compute the extent of evil, the misery, expense, poverty, lifelong suffering and death which tiiis custom entails; but it is a lad that a large amount of it all would be driven from the state if sanitary methods of sewage disposal were adopted. It is the privilege, as well as the duty, of the State Health Commission cr to bring about just this result. No short sighted, vacillating and radical policy could be successful in such a great undertaking, it will necessarily be the work of years to undo the cus toms of generations and establish uni versal healthful conditions Its suc cess in a measure depends upon the enlightenment and co-operation of the people. The stupidity and skepticism of a preoccupied and selfish populace Is a barrier to quick results Where the public conscience is quickened, voluntary reforms will be inaugurate:) and benefits will be at once secured. In other cases the law will have to be invoked and enforced The Chief 10iv ineei of the Depart ment, F. Herbert Snow, anil his assis tants are now traversing every part of the State, making examinations of sewerage systems and water supplies and collecting data with respect to the quality of all of the waters in Penti svlvania. More than this is being done, sources of pollution and menaces which can be abated at once are reported to the commissioner, and 111 many case;; a request on his part'to Hie owner of the premises is sufficient to cause a removal of the nuisanci The niim ber of letters of cm ouragemcnt and co-operation in this kind of reform received by the (ommissloner splendid iy Illustrates the willingness of the cit izens of the state to do what is light In a few cases owners wilfully refits* to do away with the causes of disease, in which eveni they are being brought into court or forced to comply wiih the w Another important feature of the eommiiMloiier'tf work is appealing to thi» municipalities, namely, tb> utiliz ing fr«« of cost to them of the services of the engineer Inn department in con* sulfation and advice respectful the |n- Htallai inn of new water works and sew ft system* and the extension* of exist ing *y«teui l'hl» engineering service doe-, not Interfere with the work of the engineer In private practice, but Increases It. The state department gives free of coat the very best engi neering advice procurable, which has already resulted in saving to munici palities large sums of money by ob viating; costly mistakes. In carrying out the general advice and suggestions* of the state department, the municipal ities must employ their own engineers, but before plans are finally adopted they pass for approval to the health commissioner. Dr. Dixon confidently asserts that through his engineering division he will save to the munici palities in the state hundreds of thou sands of dollars, and at the same time work with the local authorities in car rying out local improvements. A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Dr. Green arranges with the Niece of Dr. Bo schee to handle her famous Uncle's Great Throat and X,ung Cure. <|The best family safeguard is a reliable household medicine that will cure croup, coughs, colds, chilly sensations, running eves and nose, sore throat and bronchial affections—that will keep the children proof against all contagious diseases. vere imius across tin back aud a blinding headache. I hud pyspep.-ia and was so constipated that I could not move my bowls without a catliuiiic. I was cur«d by Chuuiberlaiu'n Stomach and Liver Tublets and have been well now for si* months, say.i Mi. Arthur 8 Strickland, of ('huttaliooga, Telin. For sale by 1., Taggart, John K. Smith, Stetling Hun, and ('runt Bro*Sinnamidtouing. ISpring and Summer] I JASPER HARRIS. I - High class Suits, Topcoats 3 and RainCoats for men are ; now on hand. We can give our customers a good chance to look them over and see what thev want for the Spring and Summer Wear, We handle the KIRSCHBAUM celebrat ed clothes, JOHN B, STET SON HATS, CRAWFORD Dress Shoes, MONARCH I® and SILVER Dress Shirts. Any of this merchandise is known to the public and it is unnecessary for us to tell you about it. We have everything in stock for Men, Boys' and Children's wear. You need not hesitate to call and see what we can show you, as we are more than glad to give you our time and to show you the new goods for the season. Anything you buy of us. will be ot the best and up to date. Jasper Harris, I Opposite Pos -Ofj Lv.. I Having purchased my partners' interest in this firm. I will endeavor to continue the same methods as for merly. G-ive the best values possible for the least money. Thanking my patrons and friends I generally, for past favors and hoping by fair dealing to merit your future I patronage. I am yours truly, B. EG-AN. 1 —.J