Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 22, 1906, Image 8
A FAMOUS REMEDY \®n ! \tv-. i «. y 1 cured MY COUGH \v is 1J Oftman Syrup I" He wrote to l)r. O. I'.rn u ; "An' ns true ;is 1 tell you, <lix-t< IT clcnt, I'm fcelin' finer than ever I've been !" i <KThq, poor consumptive shon'tl n<>t be the victim of experiment, ; lu- often is, but the moment the dre;»l disease moni- ] fests its presence he should bo given lio- ; schee's German Syrnp—a pure, non-alco holic medicine that is made specially for the cure of consumption, and has a world wide fame as a certain remedy for catarrh, colds, coughs, croup, sore throat and all bronchial affections in old and young. <JIt is sold in all civilized countries, and has been famous as a consumption cure for almost half a century. <s'l'rial bottle, 25c. Big bottle, 75c. At all druggists throughout the world. • It. C. DODSON. Ordinance No. 46. rpo Authorize the Commercial l'nion Tele 1 phone Company, its successors and assigns to erect and maintain poles, lay conduits mun-holes, etc., and the privilege of string ing wires over, under and through the streets,' lanes and alleys of the Borough of Etnpoium, Pa. WHEREAS, The Commercial Union Telephone Company, has applied to the authorities of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., for permission to erect and maintain poles, lay conduits, man holes, etc., and the privilege of stringing wires over, under and through tlie streets, lanes and alleys of the said Borough, as provided by the •Ith Section of an Act entitled,"An Act to provide lor the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations'* as amended by an Act approved 25th June, 18-5. THEREFORE, be it ordained and enacted by the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same: Section Ist. That the Commercial Union Tele phone Company, its successors and assigns, itsor their agents, servants and employees are permit ted to erect and maintain poles, lay conduits, man-holes, etc., in the streets, lanes and alleys, and the priviledge of stringing wires over, under and through the same in the Borough of Em porium, Pa., a line or lines of polks and wires with all such necessary and usual fixtures, there fore as may be necessary for the successful pro secution of a telephone, telegraph or signal busi ness by means of elect ricity. Section 2nd. That the poles which shall be reasonably straight and with the fixtures so to be erected shall be putin a safe and substantial manner and shall be neat in appearance as may be and shall be located by the street committee or the street Commissioner under their direction and in such manner as not to obstruct said streets, lanes and alleys in their ordinary and customary use and shall be erected, maintained and oared for at the cost and charge of said Com pany. Section 3rd. This ordinance is granted by the Borough of Emporium upon the express condi tion, which is accepted by the Commercial Union Telephone Company, that said Telephone Com pany, its successors and assigns will place and maintain a free telephone in each of the City buildings or Firemens* headquarters and Elec tric Light Power House, now in use in the Bor ough of Emporium, and the further condition that whenever by reason of moving building it becomes necessary to raise said wires or cables, : he same shall be done by said Telephone Com pany. upon reasonable notice, and at their own expense. Section 4th, It is agreed by the Commercial Union Telephone Company that the minimum heighth of their cables in tlie said borough shall b3 twenty-five feet. Oru.iinod and enacted into an ordinance, this 6tli day of February, A. D., l ( .H)f>. C.G. CATLIN, President of Borough Council. ATTEST:— C. J. GOODNOUGH, Secretary. Approved this 26th d»*v of P'ehruary, 1900. W. 11. HOWARD, Chjef Burgess. STOCKHOLDERS MKKTIXIJ fpHE regular annual meeting of the stockhold i »*rs anil election of officer* of the Emporium Powder Manufacturing Company will be held at the office ofthe Company In Emporium, Pa., on Tuesday, April lOih UK)6. at 2 o'clock, p. m. C. \V. KIfAFFKR, Secretary. Emporium, Pa., March 22d, 1906.-.Mt. S> I ——■ The Cream ofthe Poultry Press for 25 cents a year. That's just two cents a month and one issue alone will contain infor mation of practical use worth . dollars to you. The Poultry Review is not a largo bulky paper that yon have to waste valuable time in "wading through" to And anything of praetleal value, but it contains the Cream of Poultry Knowl edge. Hend In your subscription now. Hample eopy and premium list 0 cents. Poultry Review, Box 7, Salem, N. V. MKTAL MOTHERS r«nap:«t« httct.lbf ftod br'>"dl&g plant for 112 I". 2 ail. oil hiifUi 112) tn<l rtliu •bios. fr«« »rli« f«U w,j [ MEN! I It is a little early to wear a Summer .Suit but it is not too early to make a (selection Our New Spring Suitings jj Are here and we* belu ve they are all that you can ask for iu quality and style. GRAYS are among the leadets thi i-ason. Bedard Thc Tailor, Fourth Si reel, I mporium, Pa. NORTH CREEK. .J. W. Lewis was in Emporium on i business Saturday. William l'aintor, of Clarion county, is tlie guest of his lister, Mrs. I>. N . ('hand- ' ler. Mrs. Mi Ida Morton was the guest of Frank Moon and family last Thursday. William Lcavitt and wife were guests of 1). N. Chandler and family Sunday. Mrs. Edward Cool and Miss May Moon j visited their sister, Miss Blanch Moon, j at Emporium, last week, and attended , j local institute. j Miss Mattie Collins. County Superin tendent, visited our school Monday. Mrs. Llewtlla Moore is visiting her i sister, 1>• mice Moore, in Kieli \ alley. Lewis Yates was calling on acquaint ances here last Sunday. John 1). Lewis is again in our valley. . He is an always welcome guest. Wayne Hamilton took advantage of , the sleighing and visited North Creek | friends on Sunday. Corydon Housler was a guest at the ; j hotnn of his brother on Sunday la^t. Beatrice Taylor went to Emporium to I spend ihe day Sunday. Clyde Gibson returned last week to his j home in Kiuzua. \ V.Z. RICH VALLEY G. L. Housler was employed by the Standard Oil Co., this week. A. M. Graw, of Buffalo, was visiting ye scribe this week. We are glad to see our esteemed friend, Miss Hazel Lockwood, out again, after a siege of illness. Born to Geo. Nickerson and wife a baby boy, March ltith. Mr. Nickerson is enroute home from Michigan. Melvin Chadwick, of the city, accom panied by Miss Erma Craven, ofHoward ville, visited friends in the Valley Sunday. Dr. F. M. Hamilton, V.S., and wife, of the city, visited Anson Lewis and wife Sunday. Misses Kena, Gertie and Myrtle Swesey, of Maple Shade, attended church Sunday evening. Miss Beatrice Barr, of North Creek, was the guest of Frank Swesey and 1 family Sunday. Mrs. William Cramer was visiting her sister Mrs. Tileghtnan Chadwick, of Cooks Bun, last week. The large bell for the Swesey School House has arrived. We expect it to out rival the famous bell of Moscow as a noise producer. Miss Nettie Lockwood, of Big Run, ■ was visiting her father, Lafayette Lock ! | wood, last week. | William McCaslin, -Jr.. is employed at j I Hicks Bun. j We visited Buffalo and Chicago last j l week, so we failed to get in with our re- I ' port. STERLING RUN ITEMS Mrs. Minnie Quinn, of Emporium, j i visited her parents over Sunday. Miss Edith Berry \i-ited Emporium, Wednesday of last week. Miss Lora O'Keefe visited friends in j Emporium last week. Miss Cecelia Gilmartin spent Sunday I Miss Bibanna Sullivan in Driftwood. [ Mrs. Bowers, of lleuovo, spent Sun- J ' day with .J. A. Dice and family. Mrs. Wm. Sprung is visiting in Em- I . | poriuni this week. A number of our young people a'tend- j ed the play at Driftwood Saturday night, j There will be a masquerade party in Brooks Hall, Friday evening, March 24. Everybody is welcome. Supper 25cts. .J. F.S. "Indigestion is much of a habit. Don't ! j get the habit. Take a little lvodol Dys- j pepsia Cure after eating and you will j ijuit belching, puffing, palpitation and frowning. Kodol digests what you cat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by B. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906 HUNTLEY. Reverend Sister Hey ward held a meet- j ing Sunday at the Church which was j well attended. Mrs. P. Farrel spent Sunday with her j parents in Cameron. W. E. Cupp the P. 11. R., relief; operator spent a few hours Sunday with j friends in town. The Emporium callers this week were j Mrs. I>avid Logue, Daniel Logue and Mrs. J. F. Sullivan. David Loiiue and wjfe left Tuesday for Chicago accompanied by Mr. Logue's | married daughter where they will remain j until Mr. Logue's health improves. Mi.-s Florence Darrin, of Coneville, 1 l'a ,is visiting at the home of W. R. j Smith and wife. J. F. S. CANOE RUN. .Miss Edna Summer.son and Millie j Ilazlott. of Cameron, called on friends in town this week. Supt. Kelly has returned from West : Virginia and intends to remain here now. ! Photographer Clark, of Conrad, trans- j j acted business in town Saturday and Sun- I ; (Irandma Kirk is very ill at this writ j iug her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Maud Costello and Alice Stewart were in Rradytown on business last week. James Mahoney and wife spent Sun day in Emporium. Our little town is booming—a new ; mine has been opened, which produces the best of coal. A necktie social was held Monday night to raise funds to establish a Union Church and school. The attendance was large and everyone had a good time. Tt is a pleasing sight to note how everyone takes interest in this worthy cause. J. F. s. CAMERON. Frank Toner, of Beeehwood, visited among old time friends Saturday. Willie Sullivan spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Farrell, at Huntley. I'at Killeen was a business caller at Emporium on Saturday. Miss Maggie Donovan, of St. Marys, Pa., is visiting friends in Cameron. I. M. Kelly, Supt. of the mines, and.J. S. Cruger were pleasant visitors of the venerable J. M. Schneider, a few hours, on Saturday. Both of these gentlemen are jrood judges of fine cigars. Clara Eddy and father, J. P. Eddy, i were Emporium callers on Saturday. Mrs. John Alderfer, of Renovo,v isited with her relatives, J. P..Eddy and wife, I a few days last week. • F. (\ Hoyt called on Emporium friends ' betweeu trains on Friday. Mrs. F. L. Webster "and Miss Alice j Stewart, of Canoe Run, were calling on ! friends in Cameron on Friday. Saturday beini: pay-day at the mines ! l everybody took a holiday. lion. F. X. Rlumlc and little son were I pleasant callers at the New Cameron j House on' Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Robinson visited Empo- ! ! rium on Saturday. Edna Summersou spent Sunday with I j her parents at Sterling Run. < 4 A large number of Caiueronites took in ' i the show at Emporium on Thursday ■ ! 'night. Two of our popular young ladies re- I turning from Canoe Run on Friday eve j ning were treated to an unusual, though j highly entertaining dancing rehearsal by | one of our citizens, lie was practicing j all the latest dancing figures by the music of a phonograph; all alone and unaware that he was entertaining a small, though appreciative audience. In describing the figures the ladies say: (), first it was the Iliuhland Fling, j Sashay all and the Pigeon Wing; Balance, then your partner swing, I There are no flies on C-a-tn-e-r-o-n. Next 'twas a waltz and a two-step fine, j J His feet were moving all the time; The girls never saw anything so fine, Since they lived in the town of Cameron. Then he tried the Virginia reel, He also tackled the toe and heel, A clog cauic next and then a spiel. What's the matter with Cameron? So don t forget what we have said, <>n Saturday night don't goto bed. Hut goto the Eagle Hall instead, And sec this tuau of Cameron. A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures j i have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ' a favorite with the mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or othtr tenons eon sequences. ; In not only cures croup, but when given Ia- soon the eroupy cough appears will prevent the atta. k. Ei>r sale by 1.. Tej pirt; J. K.Smith, Hterlintr Hun. Ctum 1 Hro>., Sinnamahouing. beautiful und Touching. I (iruiiilmotber in a deep reverie thinking of ttio day a of her oourtahip i and wtuldiug. The \ isiun of tlow happy days portrayed by any being a toueb of deep unit intent (it the lover of ploturttf-. tin Holiday, Mareh 1 Htli| u beautiful pit'turu entitledUrttitd mother') lieverie, printed hi tell eoluM, 011 heavy puper, size tOul/i in. Ins. will be given away trm» with "Tlmi I'hii.i tielphla Manilas l'rt<-s." Order tft** Hiimiiiy Pre-* fr im your newsdealer •LAV ' T .'I SINNAMAHONING. First-class ground hog weather. Barclay Bros., arc rushing logs to the 1 creek. L. C. Smith was at Benczctte Monday after teams. J. R. Batchelder was up the First, 1 Fork on business last week. J. V. Hanscom visited his family at j j Lock Haven last week. Anna Wilson and Edna Losey of Hix | ; Hun were in town Tuesday evening. W. L. Barclay of Laquin, visited his j I parents Thursday. Sinnamahoning Lodge, I. <). O. F., ' | will nominate officers Saturday eveninif, I the 24th. 11. H. Lightner has his block all ready j ! for the painters. Nearly all (lie buildings at the powder j I plant are <■ impleted and machinery in ; j place. . The ladies held a pie social Wednes-! day evening at C. m. Wykoff's. All had j a good time. Grundy Logue is going in the garden- ■ , iny: business on a large scale this season. ; ! He has a new kind of bean which he is j going to market, which is a wonder. He j also has an order in for some of the I cucumber seeds on exhibition at Cameron, j The li. C. met in secret session Tues- I day night and J. V. held the chair for over an hour. Some bin stories were j told regarding the different kinds of weather. The Krebs Bros, have their billiard ] and bowling alley ready for furniture. Eva Foble and Anna McCloskey visit ed the Arksill lumber job last week and report having quite an exciting time by an upset and several falls while trying to walk the slide. They report havehg a grand dinner. DEBSK. One would think the Laxative idea in a cough syrup should have been advanced lon« before it was. It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds would he to move the bowels and clean the mucous membranes of the throat and lungs at the same time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It is the Original Laxative Cough Syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup. Whooping Cough, etc. j Tastes good and harmless. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Men who do not expect to win are playing without hope or faith. I~czema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Merpes, Barbers, itch. All of these diseases are attended by intense itching, which is almost instantly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Salve, and by its continued use a permanent cure may bo effectad. It has, in fact, cured many cases that had resisted other treat ' ment. Prices '2"i cents per box. For | sale i»y L. Taggart; .!. E. Smith, Sterling i Run; Cram Bros., Sinnamahoning. The best safeguard against headache, | constipation and liver troubles is DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these ! famous little {'ills in the house and take a dose at bedtime when you feel that j the stomach and bowels need cleansing i They don'i gripe. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Special Low Rates. To all points in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia, February 15th to April 7th, 1906. Round Trip Homeseekers' Tick ets 011 special days. Write at once for information and maps to W. H. Allen, Traveling Agent, Wisconsin Central R'y, 621 Park Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 48-13t. The Modern Wife and the Money Question. Usually it is the shadow of money j that brings the first partial eclipse to 1 the honeymoon, and unless the prob lem is rightly handled the eclipse may ! become total. The modern wife can not- be always asking for money and j retain either her happiness or her sell | respect The husband could not keep his business going if he did not have a i pay day for his employees or if he was j careless about settling his bills. He 1 cannot expect to keep his house going without a financial arrangement that I will give it regularity and security. It I iis passing strange that this matter j ! should bo a constant difficulty in mil- | I lions of homes, but it is a hardship j which wives are supposed to bear tin- j complaining She is a wise woman j who rebels early and secures her rights, I for she will never to a successful wife until she has her part of the income j without days of grace or discounts, j 1 This is important; it is vital. Unless it j is made plain and duly Hxed, all her other purposes and aspirants will be forever handlcapp"d From the April Delineator. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. I!RI> CKDAIt from the I'aeirte ( mm and WHI 1*1? I'KDA R rout Wisconsin 'l'll*- rillllUlH If HIN IMUWN rw l In' lw*t willing i'low* HV.JUH tkv] tru lli« - HKMT PM»» lb*» «m» he l»«»ill Mn'l, U » •truuM H Pittsburgh run transact their business EH B with convenience and .safety by means of el j B its system of Si I BANKING BY MAIL | i B fully explained in Booklet C. P.. mailed w B free to thos« desiring n sufe and profit- Hg B able investment for savings or surplus j Kg funds. Wri!" f'ii' :i retry ic.dny Ej PITTSBURGH jjj § BANK FOR SAVINGS | OF PITTSBURGH, PA. eel n %*:■' It's Easy to write a good letter when your paper, pens and ink are all friendly. Eaton-Hurlbut Writing Papers the "PAPERS THAT APPEAL," make polite correspondence a pleasure. Most people just now are asking us for Twotone and Highland Linen. There are other styles you may like even better. Come in and see them. M. kROCKWELL, j OKIGGIMT, Emporium, i»a. | I HUMPHREYS 7 WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, ONE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED FREE. At DriiKKtßtH, 25 cent*, «»r mailed Humphreys Medicine Co., Cor. William and Joh:i streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY '/ital Weakness and Prostra ion from overwork and other auses. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use \ er AO years, the only success al remedy, $1 per vial, or spec .l package for serious cases, $5. I ! UY Drufc-glsts.orsentprcpaldon receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co.- William & Johr. Sts., N- Y. The Great Headache Cure. Bromo- Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin. " P 81R FQlli'htlaflit*, lihliir^siion EIZ. liisiuiiiiiii. NITVOIIMKR On the Spot. X» Opiates. Msolatcly Harmless. All Druggists', 10c, Jsc, and 50c. L. TAODAKT. Kmpoi ITIM, P». ! . 4-ly. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 10-DAY EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D. C. April 6, 1906 ICOIM) tfco FROM TRIP »P V KM'ORIIM IMMiI/oM I loss 11 It VI t* I UDM 01 tit W HniNl I Kkt l» * ill h« gii'Hl u*i regular It 4lnt «i.» %l •lc HHIMIU UI»U Imc urn 4»« * » Kl It tickets v*ill In- t|o;itl lo Sh»f» oil .11 841 IIMOK- (M Pflll Hi I I'll IS, illoi ili.i.j .1,1 <>|*t>i»rtiiiil|\ to \Utt Ml WIN Cll>« I i tl. Kei» .mil Nktiltliunal Informal > < >c . t > 11 kst Vv nl |G. H. GROSS I I & COMPANY I Hrlore yon buy else where it wiil pay you to call on tlie Broad Street Market. We I | are here to please. | HOMF. MADE. SAUSAGE 110 c A POUND. 1 eaKafc '~"' ~ msaaßSSSa ® I Excellence 1 I % : I M 8 a aiw'oori'a Baaraa.Tß«rart.*r,rg» g I ■ I | • B By buying Heinz's I Pickles in sealed glass packages, you are sure of getting the best we I canoiTer—better cannot I be made, We return I full purchase price if you (io not like them. HEINZ'S GOODS AT REDI'hEI) RATES. Tomato Soup lCc cans at 12c. Baked Beans 10c at Bc. Bakeo Beans 15c cans at 13c; two for 25c. Baked Beans 20c cans at 16c. Pure Olive Oil 30c Bottle at 25c. India Relish 25c bottle at 21c. Sweet Gherkins 15c bottle at 13c; t\% o for 25c Mustard Drebbing 15c bottle at 13c; two for 25c. Z£-'- Toinato Chutney 25c bottle at 21c. 32 oz., bottle Pickles 25c at 20c. Chow-Chow 15c bottle at 10c. Sweet Gherkins 25c bottle at 21c. Spiced Pic kles 15c bottle at 10c. Mixed Pickles 15c bottle at 10c. : Chi w-Cb< w 25c bottle at 21c. 21b cans Mince Meat 25cat 21c a can. ' 31b crocks Apple Butter 3£c at 28c. THESE ARE CASH PRICES. I-f yon are in need of any of these goods now is »he time to buy them as tou 8 may not get such a chance again. For the next ten (10) days. March 19th to '1 hursday 29th. 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS CO. jTpEcHrdsT; | PRICES SO. B. Barnes' j I ( POPULAR FAMILY GROCERY <■ , > STORE. ] il i SPECIAL BARGAINS j EVERY FRIDAY | \ Snow Flake Flower SI.OO per sack \ \ Cash Only. t s WE KEEP ONLY TIIE P. IST s \ 0. B. BARNES ( \ Allegany Avenue, 112 'SnSaflam "'"Sk. Dean's! ; a A*, eert.iln relief for Huppn ss«l P jS Menstruation. Neverfcnowntofiitl. Hufe' S3 ■ HUP ! S|n-eitv! Sut'sfuotion <Suamnt«H»il ■ lnr money Ui'ftin.ltil. Sent pr> |mi(i for B ■ Sl.Oi ner fiox. Will I li* iii« HI iriiil, to H Bj lie [uilcl for when relieved. Maniple* Free. ■ ■ OW.HO MEDICAL CO., DO* I*. U«~c»st =n. X) v: -4ir- im-.jSK? 3S , / < ,ru£»- wwwbw (Sure iliguots wh.:t you out.