Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 15, 1906, Image 4
S<arr)eror) p fess, auiaao »r O. B.OOCLD. HTENRY H. MULLIN, editor and Manager. PUBLISH Kl> KVBRV THURSDAY TKRMSOFHU BSCHIPTION: Per year t)2 00 paid i«* advance fl r »0 ADVBRTISINU KATRB. Advt rttseuietit.s are publisheriat the rnteofone dollar per -<<;uarcfor one insertion and Aftycenta per square lor each subsequent i nnertion. Hut' bj the year or for six or threriuouthsare I ow anti nanorm and will be furnished on appli cation and Offlt i i! Advertising per saiiart .three line* or les*,s2 00 each subsequent insertionso coots per square. Local notieesten cents uer line foronei uacrtion Hvc cents per line for eacii wubsequentconpocutive ln«< rtion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per line. Sin:j ol bir'wbF.inarrlapys an<l • iitli will! in i teil free. Bnsiiii -*H Card-; flvt liiu-s or li-.-w per year over five lines, at tho rate . of advertising Ko IOCM • i .lgerted for less than 75 ct .per issue. JOIi PRINTING. The .Job department of the PRI: * is complete, and afiords facilities for doing the h • class tl work. PARTIOULAE ATTI;UTION PAID TO Law Printing. No piper will be discontinued until arrearages are paiid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for i n advance. *»«r"No advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. Religious notices free. TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENNSYLVANIA. I am directed by the Republican State Com mittee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen rejTresenta lives, will meet in convention at the Lyceum theatre in the city of Harrisburg. on Wednesday, Jane 6, 1906, at 10:30 a. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices, viz: One person for the office of Governor; One person for the office of Lieutenant-Gover nor; One person for the office of Auditor-General. One person for the office of Secretary of Inter nal Affairs; and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented. In accordance with the rules governing the party, the representation in the State Conven tion will be based upon the vote polled at the last Presidential election. Under the rules each legislative district is in titled to one delegate for each two thousand votes cast for Republican electors in; 901, and an additional delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. By order ofthe State Committee, W. R. ANDREWS, Chairman. STATU or OHIO, CITY OK TOLEDO, [ LUCAS Cotrvry / Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, Cbunty and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the spm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed IN my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1888. A. W GLEASON, SEAL, i Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A man who uses big words seldom says anything worth while. Afflicted With Rheumatism. ' I was and am yet afflicted with rheumatism," says Mr. J. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald, Addington, Indian Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's I 'tun Palm am able "once more to attend to business. It is the best of liniments." If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Calm a trial aud you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. One application relieves the pain. For sale by L. Taggait; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; G'rom Bros., Sinna tuaboning. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard & Co. Letter to A. Brady. Emporium, Pa. Dear Sir Here's als year yarn; you like varus, dou t you? It comes from Odell Hardware Co., Greensboro. N. (!. Mr. i.. G. Glenn s house iu that town was painted Devoe about 15 years ago, and next, this year. A It i;. t door, was painted about tho .\ i with another paint, sup pose' • -»it This house was painted again ;.b>» years ago with still an other pii i.. professes to be cxtri ordin ::\ Gl mi ", before it was painted just now. was ;u as good condititon as that one. Devoe 15 yean; the other five years—j;uess that's about how to put it. But this extraordinary paiut is a bluff; Devoc is the pcint. Yours truly F. W. DEVOE & Co., New York. P. H.—Murry & Coppersmith sell our paint. C. S. Larrahee Practical Painter Dou't pay 8 cents per pound for wood, 112 If you buy 100 pounds of White Lead in kegs you get S8 pounds of White Lead and 12 pounds of wood. When you buy L. & M., Paint you get a full gallon ofpaint that won't wear off for 10 or 15 years, because L. A M., Zinc hardens the L. & M., White Lead and makes L. & M., paint wear like iron. 4 gallons L. A M., mixed with gal lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. Actual cost li. & M.. 81.20 pt»r gal lon. Sold in tho north, cast, south and west. C. H. Andrews, Ex- Mayor, Danbury, Conn., writes: Painted my house 19 years ago with L. A. M. Looks well to day." Sold by H. S.Lloyd. Emporium, Pa For Sale. A number of long tables, suitablo for store or dining room; for sale at a bar gain. R. SEOEK. The Strenu ous Life. Itesults In Stomach Troubles and j Physical Breakdown. L Taggart | Offers Simple Remedy. The strenuous "life of modern times | lorees people to rush through their meals j hastily, hurrying from the table in the ' mad rush after the almighty dollar. The result is incomplete digestion, inflammation of the walls of the stomach, and lack-of secretion of the gastric juices, ' ending in chronic stomach trouble and I nervous breakdown. How much better it wouid be to eat ; j nil re slowly, cure the stomach trouble i i wish Mi-o-na, and soon regained perfect I j health. The ! i-adaehes, sleeplessness, j nervous trouhb-. pain after < .itiug. specks ! ! before tli •y. backaches, melancholy ! I and gloomy foreboding would be soon i I overcome aud perfect health and strength j ; would be restored. Proper treatment of the weakened digestive system with Mi-o-na will cure every case of stomach trouble. The re sults of this treatment are so astonishing and so pronounced, that those who have tri«'d it uev;er fail to appreciate its value as a healing agent. So reliable is M-io-na in curing all forms of stomach weakness aud troubles that L. Taggart gives a signed guarantee that tho remedy will cost nothing utile-s it cures. Each box of Mi-o-na sells for 50 cents, and is invaluable to anyone who suffers with indigestion, nervousness or weak stomach. NOTES OF INTEREST. Pure Barred Plymouth Rocks. Eggs 50c per 15. F. G. JUDD. More than 5,000,000 feet of logs are lying in the mountains of Potter county awaiting snow for removal to mills. Warren's dog catcher is a merciless juggernaut, and as a result of his work this year more than 125 canines are off 'the earth. The Day Bros., are tearing down the old Presbyterian church and expect to erect one or two dwellings on the same site. Remember Murry & Coppersmith are daily receiving new goods at their hardware store. Call for anything you need—we can supply you. Eggs for hatching from full blood Buff-Wyandotts, Mattison Strain, for setting $2.00; 3 settings for $5.00. CHAS. NEWTON, Emporium, Pa. Murry & Coppersmith wish to state that they are not going out of business, but are at the old stand, ready to give their very best attention to all business entrusted to them. Clarion State Formal, Clarion, Pa., offers exceptional inducements. Write to the Principal for particulars. Spring term (14 weeks) opens March 26. Total expense $43.50. A food and ice cream sale will be held in public reading room by the Methodist ladies, Saturday, March 17th, beginning at 10 a m., also work done by the sewing society will be on sale. McKean county has organized a Farmers' Dairy Association to enforce orderly methods in the milk business and secure uniform price for milk of seven cents a quart from September to May and six cents a quart during the rest of the year. Oil throwing bricks at Brad ford for its alleged poor taste in thea tricals, professing horror at the small audience that gave its presence t) a recent production of "As You Like It" in Bradford, while the same play of Avon's bard filled tho house to the roof at Oil City. WANTED: —Travelling salesman. Must furnish references and invest one thousand ($1,000) dollars, in first class G per cent, bonds Salary and expenses paid. Experience not required, we i teach business at our mills. Tho ! Wheeling Roofing & Cornice Co., | Wheeling, W. Va. 4-6t. The Woman's Home Companion for April offers an interesting list of st >r ies, including "My Friend Jack," by- Clara Morris; "Tho Strength of Wis dom," by E.nety Pottle; and"The Ambition of Viejo Chavez," by Lanier Bartlett. Three timely articles, illu strated with admirable photographs, describe "The Havoc of the Aval anche," "The Strangest of Christian Pilgrimages" and"The Four Greatest Living Americans at Work." In"The Softly Shaded Light," Louise Hamilton shows several pretty lamp shades; Mrs. Anna S. Richardson sensibly dis cusses the advantages and dangers of "Beauty Culture as a Profession." Be sides Miss Gould's four fashion pages' there are articles on "Lingerie Waists'' and "Crocheted Norfolk Jackets;" Samuel Armstrong Hamilton tells of "A One Summer Garden," Fannie Merritt Farmer gives a variety of "Easter Novelties for the Table;" while a hint for a First of April party helps to make the magazine both entertain ing and useful. Published by The Crowell Publishing Company, Spring field, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a oopy. Spring Suits. As spring will soon be here you will need a new suit of clothes, the place to buy a good suit is at Theo. ifaberstock's, over express office. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1906. i Charles Dielil's ENLARGED WEST END I StOPG I! II Important Annsuncement I We invite those citizens of Cameron county who have not ■ visited us since we moved into our large new block, to call and sec how nicely we are located and what an extensive line of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SH( )ES,GROCERIES, and MEATS, in fact every thing to be found in a first class store. Big New Line ol Shoes We have just received a large and carefully selected stock of shoes for LADIES, MEN and CHILDREN, at prices that will surprise you. All sizes and styles. In Rubber (roods we can fit you out from child to father. We aim to meet the wants of our patrons. Ask and you shall receive. SPECIAL With every pound of 50c Tea we give a pound of Santo Coffee. Try it. 7 bars Soap . . . . 25C 3 Cans Best Corn. . . 25C 3 pkgs Mince Meat 25C Raisins, per pound . IOC Enlarged Capacity Enables us to carry three times the stock of an ordi nary country stoie and keep a larger variety. We have not the space to call your attention to every new line. In a word just, drop in and take a look at our large line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Shirt Waist Patterns, Table Linens, Hosiery, Ladies Collars. Something new every day. We aim and dokeepafull and fresh line of Choice Family Groceries, Fresh and Salt Meats (Jacob Dold's), Sausages, Glass and Canned Goods. Everything choice or no sale. In Men and Boys Work ing Clothing and Jackets we have some bargains. Complete Line ol Medicines. We have added a full and complete line of patent medicines. No Fancy Profits. In order to meet the de mands of our rapidly in creasing trade, we shall be content with a reasonable profit, having no desire to get rich quick. "Fairdeal ing, honest goods at honest prices is our motto." Phone and Dray. CHAS. DIKHL. Itching Piles. If you arc acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment, you can do liitu no greater favor thau to tell him to try Chamberlain's Salve. It gives instant relief. This salve also cnres sore nipples, totter and salt rhcuin. Price 25 cents. For by L. Taggart, John E. Smith, Sterling Run; Cruni tiros., Sinnntnaboning. Some men find it tasier to stand ad versity than prosperity. Opery House, Special Return Engagement MARCH 19. ()M<; NIGHT ONLY. The Famous Musical Laughing Success The Real Widow Brown Pressnted by A. (). Scammon's Great Coinpanv of Merry Makers. W \£, ■r ' '' \ :«;• : Scene in Act Two. The Widow capture The Deacon. 32 Big new specialties An endless chain of mirth and melody. Gorgeously Gowned Girls. Clever comedians. Pretty music. Graceful Dancers Life! Color Beauty. The Big Hit of the Season. Special Price:—2sc, 35c, 50c and 7oc. Reserved Seats now on Sale at Lloyd's Book Store. The best way to lid the system of a I cold is to evacuate the bowels. Ken-! nedy's Honey and Tar acts as a pleasant i yet effectual cathartic on the bowels. It i clears the head, cuts the phlegm out of i the throat, strengthens the bronchial j tubes, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by It. C. j Dodsnn. Habitual drunkenness should give a woman cause for absolute divorse. If you are troubled with Piles and can't find a cure, try DeWitt'.s Witch Hazel Salve, but besure you get that ' made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. It is the original. If you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieve'! it is probable that you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that are sold on the ropu'.ation of the genuine De- Will's \V Itch Hazel Salve Sold by U. C. Dodson. Many a man who att< iupt» to stand - n his dignity gets a hard fall Don t frown—look pleasant. It you are suH« liiiu from indigestion of sour stomach, lake Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ga . savs: " I suffered more than 'JO years with in digestion. A friend recommended Ko dol. I| relieved me in one day and I now enjoyjhetter heiltli ili ni for in my years.' Kodol digests what you eat, re lieves sour stomach, gas on stomach, belehiug. etc Sold by 1!. < Dodson. The b.iy with a t'aulile.s father is tu titled to a lot of sympathy. Always Keep Chamberlain's Cougt> Remedy in His Home. '•V> e .voiild not be without Chamber lain's Cough Uernedy. It is kept 01 hand continuity in our home.'' says W. \\ . Kearney, editor of the Independent, Dowry Ci''. Mo. That just wha' every I'atciu should do. When kept at han<! i i ' i'.ir in-taut use. a may he checkeil ihe outset and cm<-d m unieh less time i leu alter ir ha> settled in the sw in. Thi- renndv i<-also with out a peer tor cr-up in ehiidn h, and will proveot t!i.' attack when given as soon a the child becomes hoarse, or even after the eroupy cough appears, which can only don when the remedy is kept at , hand. Fo.t sale by L. Taggart; J. K. ■ Smith Sterling Ilun: Crum liros.: Sinca moning. There is often a superior air about the inferior person. Ec/.ema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers, itch. All of these diseases are attended bv ; intense itching, which is almost instantly 1 relieved by applying Chamberlain's S live, and by its continued use a permanent cure ' may be effectad. It has, in fact, cured many cases that had resisted other tieat ment. Prices 25 cents per box. For sale by L. Taggart; .1. K. Smith, Sterling llun; C'rutn Bros., Sinnamahoning. An egotist is a man who points with ' pride. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet muse. Ali ' the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. One can be burud in oblivion without j thi aid of an undertaker. One would think the Laxative idea in | a cough syrup should have been advanced j long before it wh . It seems the only rational remedy for Coughs and Colds i would be to move the bowels and clean the ( mucous membranes of the throat and j lungs at the same time. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar does this. It is the Original Laxative Cough Syrup, ! the best known remedy for Coughs, Colds. Cr»up. Whooping Cough, etc. i Tastes good and harmless. Sold by 11. ' C. Dodson. "LE ROY PLOWS" prolong the lives of MORSES and riEN, They draw EASY, they HOLD EASY. They run smooth and hold to the ground when stony They clear well in loose soil. They wear well. Not the cheapest but the best. .Made by the Le Roy Plow Co., Lie Hoy, N. Y. Leßoy Plows for sale by C. H. JISSSOP, Emporium, Pa. 1 lie Great Headache Cure, Bromo- Pepsin " Note rhe Word Pepsin. " CURES! 1,6 ' !ILFL "'' -ir ; Insomnia, .Vnoiisiiis On the Spot. .\o Msoliitely fiarmless.; Ali Druggists', 10c, 25c, and 50c. IJ. TA'CIGAUT. Emporium, Pa. 4-ly. j I SPEC]£L CASH] I PRICES | 10. B. Barnes' j ( POPULAR FAMILY GROCERY ) STORE. I SPECIAL BARGAINS ! j EVERY FRIDAY j! % WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST % } O.B.BARNES fi l Allegany Avenne, s CojjQjj 'l'honeSl. •v f£* '2 '•jA I TO THE PEOPLE Rich's Famous All Woo! .Sock j has fallen into coinpetition\vith a j very inferior article. The imita tion is so perfect that only an ex pert is able to detect the counter feit with its cotton and shoddy mixtures, until the sock is put into service. Unscrupulous com petitors are representing the sock as Rich's All Wool, thus deceiv ing the customer and injuring our reputation. To protect ourselves and the trade, in the future Rich's Socks will bear a Red Seal Trade Mark printed in white, a fac-simile of which is shown above. Respectfully, JOHN RICH & BROS. \ \ X \ VN N \ \ \ \ \ N / / V SECOND TO NONE. ' \ ADAM, MELDRUM & \ ANDERSON CO. / 396-408 Main Street, / BUFFALO, N, Y. / | || For the \ !! New Gown ' / / TF you are interested in the ' -*■ new dresn goods and cannot '' / cunie to Buffalo, drop a postal to / our Mail Order Department, 'f. stating the kind of goods you de- 112 / sire and about the price you care / y to pay. We wilt send you a line j ■ of samples whic:i will give yon / an idea ofthe beauty and quality / of the new goods for Spring. We ! ' have the I / / LARGEST SI KIN , / BUFFALO / ' of dress goods—larger than the / combined stocks of all other de- / partment stores. This means a ' gieater assortment and of course, ' / lower prices. Here are sonic / , extra specials for present selling: % Homespun Suiting / / 4S-in. grey all-wool suitings; C Q i Tegular 7 >c, for Grey Suiting | ; -fill-in. fancy worsted suitings. Vy / Regular price 91.00. Special # ulj / / Mohair Sicilian / > 52-in. imported English Moliair Sicil- j ian, in grey, brown, green, grey and . two shades navy blue: regu- / lar"sc. Special at Out/ jl| | Rainproof Coverts % % 51-in. Knglish Goods, in tan, olive, /. brown and oxford. Keg-d&1 O 1 / ulars2,oo. Special tp I ' % Black Henrietta / % 12-in. silk finished, SI.OO / value, lor • ' Mohair * # Brilliantine / •14-in. high silk tustre finish; / regular $1.25 goods. Special t / '/ Imperial Serge < h W ill, black all wool French Imperial j y, Serge; »1.00 value. Ori/-» £ Special yUO / | -'■ r | / . < >; ADAM, | MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO. £ II American Block, Buffalo, N. Y. % ' ■ w ✓ \ V\ \ \ \ V.\ \ V \,#\