Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 08, 1906, Image 8
& ■ ■ ■ ■ IB I | • <V : i' 'i H fel H '.■ 'J ■ s■!} ■ ■ ■ || mm This Space Belongs to Jasper Harris, 1 Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. I 1 m ■ fe pi |lj |j Our New Year jjjj Bj I | Introductory | I I WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage has placed,in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise enough to profit by it. Jfj Keep Your Eye on Us all this Year I and Watch Us Grow. Emporium Furniture Co., I BERNARD KG AN, Manager. Undertaking. 1 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1906. A GOOD NIGHT'S REST "Spent for it I" flie cried to (Incite, I'or she knew in her little heart, That C.erinan Syrup, home's great treasure Could health and joy impart. j CjfTlic greatest tonic on earth i* a good night's rest. Restless nights ami the ter rible exhaustion of a hacking cough are dread dangers of the p< or consumptive, tjliut why this fear of the night when a | few doses of Dr. liosehee's German Syrup j will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free ; from cough or night sweat? Free ex pectoration in the morning is made cer tain by taking German Syrup. <J\Ve know by the experience of over thirty-five years that one 75-cent bottle of German Syrup will speedily relieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lung troubles—and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. 12 <fl'fv.o sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. R. C. POPSON. NORTH CREEK. Mrs. Berry, of Starling llun, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. V. I lousier. Mits Edith Berry is assisting in the care of her sister Lila. Nearly all the ladies of our Valley at tended the sewing bee for Mrs. Leon Brundage, last Thursday. A consider able amount of work was accomplished. Of course not much visiting was allowed. Miss Beatrice Barr was the guest of Bertha Gibson, Thursday evening. Garnie Housler and Chic Lewis called on acquaintances, Wednesday. We are pleased to hear Mrs. Ilewella Moore, who has been been confined to her home all winter, was able to attend the sewing bee. John Weiss was in our Valley Sunday. ! (!. G., where is your glove? Several of our young people attended the b'.x social at Sweesey school house, Saturday evening. All report an enjoy- : able evening. X.Y.Z. | FIRST FORK. The depot at this place is waiting lor '■ the painters, aud the contractors. Messrs. Betehelder and Rushtuore, are building a depot for the 15. & S. K. R. «t Driftwood. Well, the ground hog has had his in nings and if he can't do any better than some of the weather prophets have been doin.4 he had better throw up the sponge. Wiu. F. Logue got tangled up with a runaway team, one day last week, and one of the horses fell on him. bruising him badly but breaking no bones. He is recovering. Clias. Council, of Sinnamahoning, was i up last week letting some jobs of cutting j fence posts on tho Owl Run tract. A. I). Nelson, of Wharton, was down j scaling logs for -Joe Bowers the last of the week. The lumbermen are looking anxiously for snow, and when it is cold they work j night and day wherever they have a slide ; to work ou and are getting in a good many logs. Owing to the open winter news is souiewhat scarce. Feb. 5, the long looked i'.r beautiful ■ .snow is eoniing down (?) in good shape. I NCF SED. CAMERON. Mrs. John Clarke is again out after a I month's illness of gripp. J. 11. Y ocum has been assigned to the 1 position of night watchman at the coal i washer. Robert Niles spent Sunday with his family at Port Allegany. Joseph Robinson and Delbert Lininger attended the School Directors' meeting at Emporium Saturday. Fred Comley has been laid up the past few days with rheumatism. Cold nights, these. E. R. Berry, representing Sniith-Ilor ton Co., of Warren, Pa., transacted busi ness in town Tuesday. The dance given for the benefit of Mrs. j Bossie proved to be a grand success, be- j ing largely attended from all the nearby j towns, and a geod time is reported by all. \ Miss Edna Summeiron spent Sunday j with her parents at Sterling Run. Jno. Cruger was a business caller at ! Emporium last Saturday, and escorted the little red satchel back to Canoe being payday at the mines. J.P. s. I Had It Bad. HAINES CITY, FLA. Philips Drug Co., Warren, Pa. Dear Sirs, —December 25, 1901, was taken with what physicians pronounced M USCr L Alt It'll EP MAT ISM. I had it bad. 1 took as I thought, every known remedy, paid out enough money anyhow. I wa« entirely helpless j for nearly eighteen months; about that time saw your ad in The National Tri bunc; iiit for a bottle, then «eut lor 1 another, then another; aud now I uiu out |of the medicine business entirely. I | give Crocker's Rheumatic Iteiueiiv the i credit of curing me. I can heart Iy ree ' »111 lie nd it. 21 DevHui. I. K. Towrb. STERLING RUN ITEMS Mrs. F. A. Kissel is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Troxcll Fulton, at Sinna mahoning. Miss Agnes Wade is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Hoag, at ltidtrway. Mrs. Barber, of Sinnamahoning, visited her sister, Mrs. E. Lord, last week. Miss Matne Gilniartin is visiting her brother at Itenovo. Miss Jennie Anderson, of Moore Hill, spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Bihurma O'Sullivan spent Sunday with her parents in Driftwood. Mr. and Mrs. P J. Robinson spent Sunday in Driftwood. Mrs. Lowe, of Renovo, visited her sis ter, Mrs. J. A. Dice, In-t week. The Literary Society organized last Wedm -day evening, in Brooks' Hall, with T. M. Lewis, President. We hope this will prove a success and benefit to all. 'fhe oyster supper aud dance bold here last Saturday by the K. (). T. M..was a complete success. All report a good time. ,1. F. S. KUNTLEY. Mr. Daniel Logue, son ol David Logue, who is located on a ranch near Seattle, Wash., is visitina his parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Logue. County Supciintendent, Miss Mattie Collins, and Mrs. Philip Schweikart. of Emporium, spent Sunday with Mrs. B. J. Collins. Mr. Frank Willson, of Willson Bros'. Lumber Co., of Pittsburg, spent Friday and Saturday in town, looking after his interests here. Mr. John McKinn, of Castle Harden, called on friends iti town Saturday. Mrs. Batchelder, of Sinnamahoning, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and .Mrs. John Jordan. Our two "invalids," Mrs. W. W. Johnson and Mr. David Logue, are both improving rapidly in health. Mrs. Daniel Sullivan and daughter Constance spent Friday with friends and relatives in town. J. F. S. Feb. 6th, 1906. SINNAMAHONING. ! Good, snug winter weather—regular | ground hog weather. Mr. and Mrs. (J. B. Barclay Laquin a few days this week". | Alonzo Bailey, who has been laid up i with a dislocated shoulder, is around once I more. Barclay Bro's. have a large force of men and teams. It looks now as though we would have a fine ice harvest. Mrs. Geo. Batchelder and daughters visited her sister, Mrs. Bower, at Drift wood, Sunday. The cold snap has frozen up the mud in the pond, putting the eel fishers out of business. An Italian was found, Tuesday morn ing. in a shanty near the B. & S. depot with both feet frozen. Dr. Russell took charge ol him and he is now gettiug along fine The extreme cold weather has some what handicapped the progress ol the work being done by the dynamite com pany. N. 11. MeCloskey is suffering from a carbuncle this week. Several cases of measles, in a light form, are reported in our town. George Chase was up home over Sun day. visiting his family. Isaac Page and wife, of Tioga county, arc visiting friends here this week. Messrs. Gore k Council are busy with a large force of men putting in stock for their handle factory. Lewis Wykoff says he has the making of a great rabbit dog. He took a pair yf spectacles and painted a rabbit 011 them and tied them on the pup and he run all day, until it got so dark he could no long er see the rabbit, when he quit the chase and came home. Df.iise. RICH"VALLEY Olive Lewis is employed by L. Lock wood. Earl ltifel is working at Driftwood. Nelson Lewis was in the Valley Wed nesday. Randolph Lockwood was on the sick list this week. Our popular mail carrier, D. N. Chandler, sports a new rig. One of our young ladies has composed a new song entitled "The Royal Blue." It is dedicated to cauip No. 20, Walter Granger left on a hunting trip Monday. (Jamie 1 lousier and wife have moved into part ol N. S. Lewis' house. Mr Housler has accepted a position with the Rich Valley Lumber (,'O. U. A P. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher ol' plan > for to has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet muse. Ali the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 14 tf •Ju»t a little Kodol after meats will r - fulness, b Ldiinu, gn< on >toiii aeh. and all ither .mptoms ' indite.-- lion Kod l di.'.e-i ".h it \ i'i 1! and eualiliH lliesiiiiii. il and dlge-Ui n • 111 to pwlorat their notions nattii li! by 11. P. Dodson. Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borough Council, Emporium, Pa , Feb. 6, 1906. Present: Mesrs. Catlin, Marshall, Green, Butler, Julian, Cramer. Absent: Messrs. Norris, Laßar, Friendle. Minutes of last meetings read and approved. On motion by Mr. Julian seconded j by Mr. Cramer, the following bills were ordered paid. Geo. Metzger, Jr., Cemetery fund $62 00 I. K. Hockley, Auditor 18 00 Grants. Allen, Auditor, IS 00 A. P. VanGelder, Auditor, 16 00 , Atlantic Refining Co., Invoice two, 14 25; Murry & Coppersmith Co., Invoice 5 61 Strutherri Wells Co., Invoice, 9 20 Western Elect. Co.. Invoice two, 5 ffii Westinghouso E. M. Co., Invoice, 7 20 Cbas. Auchu, Invoice 1 00 ! W. F. t.loyd, Freights 3 55 ! K. Clark, Draying 3 50 J allien Maviland, Hauling lios'j cart 3 00 i Emporium Machine Co., Invoice, 11 07 St. Marys Gas ( <>., Gas for January, 28 20 Cameron County Press, Invoice, 3 50 William Clark, Services . s 50 i Kit Dalpliy, Services, 0 6» John Welch, Services, 0 52 j Robt. Hackct, Services,. 88 j Mark Ellis, Services 88 | Boyd Snyder, Services, 88 j Moved by Mr. Butler, seconded by j Mr.,Julian,that Street Commissioner be ] instructed to putin such crossings as I are necessary and that he might have ! two rolls of paper belonging to j borough at cost. Carried. Moved by Mr. Julian, seconded by | Mr. Butler, that Street Commissioner 1 be allowed to act as auctioueerat hard- j ware store afternoon and evening, Fri- | and Saturday of present week, provid- I ed he gets some one to take his place on streets. Carried. Moved by Mr. Qreen, seconded by j Mr. Marshall, that an ordinance "To ! authorize the Commercial Union Tele- i phone Company, its successors and assigns to erect and maintain poles, lay conduits, man holes, etc., and the privilege of stringing wires over, under and through the streets, lanes and alleys of the Borough of Emporium, Pa ," be passed, enacted and ordained. Ayes:—Catlin, Marshall, Green, Butler, Julian, Cramer.—6. Nays:—o. The motion was declarad carried. Moved by Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Cramer, that Dr. H. C. Falk, H. C. Olmsted, George Metzger, Sr., I. K Hockley and C. H. Felt be appointed as members of tho Board of Health. Carried. Moved by Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. Julian, that A. O. Swartwood be appointed Sanitary Policeman and that for putling up the notices of the Board of Health he should be paid fifty cents each. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Green, that a new n- zzle be bought lbr Citizens Hose Company. Carried. On motion the Council then adjourn ed to meet, Feb. 28th, next at 7:30 p. m. C. J. GOODNOUGH, Sec'y. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. RED CEDAR from tho Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR from Wisconsin. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR FILES, t ONE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. I CAMPLE MAILED FREE. A t Druggl- a, oonts, or mallori. :5 iniphrpya' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Jo! •Us New York. ..BKV'GUS DEBILITi .1 Weakness and Prostr; II from overwork and othe tees. Humphreys' Homec :.'nk: Specific No. 28, in ut r -.O years, the only succcs' remedy. $1 per vial, or spec lo ckage for serious cases, $ . ■ Uts.orseutprepaMonrocelptof p.-. Med. Co.. William & Johr. Sts., H. Y. iniiiiiiiiiwiiiiiriirr^i I CURES WHERE ALLELSE FAILS ®J M Best Coueh Syru?. Tasles CccJ. ££ Friday and Sa!urday, Feb. Sth and !fl!h | AFTERNOON A!SI> EVENING. We must sell our entire stock of fire damaged Hardware I to the highest bidder. Remember this is your last chance tu buy at your own I price. Remember the place and the date. All damaged goods must go, on account of the fact that I our building goes into the hands of the contractors for re- I building. I This is a Cwcmiinc Peoples Sale. flurry & Coppersmith Co J Vj.T. £?:SJSrg3gKV.:-g. MMMarMßtsfi.-' THE DIFFERENCE. | Between T H R. E E |icr rent, nnd H FOUR per rent, there is a differ- H enee of SI.OO on every hundred dollars B invested—proportionate on other amounts. H WHO GF.TS IT? You should rereive for your funds H the highest interest return consistent H with absolute safety. No question about H that. This bonk, founded in 1862. has ffl contfcmously paid interest on Savings and Bj Time Deposits and Certificates of Deposit H FOUR PER CENT.. | I and interest is compounded twice yearly. r« Its Careful. Copal, \r. Conservative man- gS agemcnt combined with its great financial M Strength, having |3 A«*at3 515,000.000.00. guarantees security. Non-residents of &J Pittsburgh can transact their business with convenience and safety by means of its system of BANKING BY MAIL §j fully explained in BouUet C. P.. mailed M fr»*e to those dcuiring a safe and profit able investment for scyings or surrlus j^j | PITTSBURGH I BANK FOR SAVIMt OF PITTSBURGH, ? iTplcTflTcTsTi III s : AT 10. B. Barnes' \ \ POPULAR FAMILY GROCERY c £ STORE. £ } ( 112 I SPECIAL BARGAINS | j EVER! FRIDAY \ 112 i \ WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST v t 0. B. BARNES, 4 s Alloganj' Avenue, £ I ( 'Phone 81. £ The Great Headache Cure, Bromo- Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin. " P.U B i" l ' uUliLv|, m ,„n„, t iI'erVOHMHS On the Spot. NoOpiate*. Absolutely Haiinless. All Druggists', 10c, 25c, and 50c. L. TAGGART, Emporium, Pa. 4-ly. Mi ill Schedule in Effect 112 ov. 20, 1905 TKASNS LEAVE EMHORIUiI. For llarrisburp, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington, 8:10 a. m., week days; 12:10, 3:1 • 10:30 p. m.daily. For Renovo 8:10 a. m., 12:10, 3:15,10:30 p.m. daily. For Wilkesbarre and Scran on. 8:10 a. m. week days. For Erie and intermediate stations: 10:30 a. m., 4:23 p. m.daily. For Clermont, Falls Creek, Red Bank and Pittsburg, 10:30 a. in. week days. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM JUNCTION Forßuffalo: 4:05 a. m.and 4:15 p. ro. daily. J. R. WOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr. VV. W. ATTERBUIiY, GEO. W. BOYD, General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt.