Sss rrjerar) (lourjlv j HittßutllD »v C. B.GOULD. HENRY 11. MULLTN, K.inol mid Manager. •>fl B LIS 11 Kl» RVKKY THURSDAY TERM Si OF SUBSCRIPTION: . " er year 112. 00 ,T0 ADVERTISING RATES. (viJvertlsemeiitsarepublisheUat tbe rate of one iiMtr persquareforoneinsertion and fiftyc?nts 3wc«ald, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of tha county must be paid for in advance. *iC~No advertisements will be accepted at less • i b'fcn the price for fifteen words. •JT"Religious notices free. TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENNSYLVANIA. I in directed by the Republican State Com mittee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representa tives, will meet in convention at the Lyceum Ihoatre in the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, June 6. 1906, at 10:30 a. m., for the purpose of •laminating candidates for the following offices, * •/: C£ne person for the office of Governor; One person for the office of Lieutenant-Gover nor; (TfV pwson for the office of Auditor-Geneial. One person for the office of Secretary of Inter nal Affairs; and for the transaction of such ■: . j It i-a no ■ worthy fact that among iieuianj medicine- treatments for ;utarrh. there is only one which L. Tag i'.ait sells und< r their ;> -itive guarantee to rcl'iiud the money if it does net cure, — flyouici. Nature's remedy lor the cure of • catarrh. No dangerous drugs are taken into the stomach when Hyomei is used. Breath ed througsr the small pocket inhaler that comes with every Hyomei outfit, its heal iftg balsams penetrate to the most remote - cells of the throat, nose, and lungs, killing ne iiibrane, and making complete ind ■«>t 11.. • ires. Titer..,,.| ,'*ie Hyomei outfit, consist ing of' .«!, .uhaler that can be car ried ull • irse or vest pocket, a medi cine uiin, *i\ and a bottle of Hyomei, Costs only £l. The inhaler will last a life time, while extra bottles of Hyomei cau he procured, whenever needed, for only 50 cenls. I' Tuggart is selling a good many Hyomei outfits at thi ■ season, and he has much confidence in the remedy that he guarantees to refund the money in case does not cure. It tak<-;, -• tft man to spread himself Hiiccessfuliy. A Handsome Picture Size 10x14 Inches) Given Away. THE PHILADELPHIA SUNDAY fItESS never does things by halves. When it, announces that it will give *way a flue picture in colors each week, «t means something. It is true that this great Sunday newspaper gives •sach reader a handsome color picture faithfully reproducing the work of the World's greatest masters. You will Aiat be dinappointed in having your tiewsdaler or carrier deliver a copy of THE SUNDAY PRESS to your house. THE SUNDAY PRESS always gives tta readers the best of everything. You «'«u ill afford to miss it. Itemember the picture is free only with THE I PHILADELPHIA SUNDAY PRESS. *no cents per gallon, and mix it with Long man L. «fc M., Paint. It makes paint cost about 81.2 D per gallon. DeLancey Gregory, Fort Plain. N. V., writes: "Have sold L. «!t M., paint for over 25 years, and everyone is surprised to find how little is required to paint a big house." Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. God has only one school of character, that of daily life. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheu matism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chaimberlaiu's Pain Balm two or three times a day and robbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does nut afford relief, bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick relit 112 is almost sure to follow. For sale by L. Taggart, .J. K. Smith, Sterling Kuu, Crum Bros. Sin namoning. Charles Mi ENLARGED WEST END Store Important Announcement We invite those citizens of Cameron county who have not visited us since we moved into our large new block, to call and see how nicely we are located and what an extensive line of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and S HOES, G ROGER IES, and MP!)ATS, in fact every thing to be found in a first class store. Big New Line of Shoes We have just received a large and carefully selected stock of shoes for LADIES, MEN and CHILDREN, at prices that will surprise you. All sizes and styles. In Rubber Goods we can fit you out from child to father. We aim to meet the wants of our patrons. Ask and you shall receive. SPECIAL With every pound of 50c Tea we give a pound of Santo Coffee. Try it. 7 bare Soap 25C 3 Cans Best Corn. . . 25C 3 pkgs Mince Meat . . 25C I Raisins, per pound . . |QP j | Enlarged Capacity Enables us to carry three times the stoek of an ordi nary country stoie and keep j a larger v-iriety. We have j not the space to call your j attention to every new line. I j In a word just, drop in and | take a look at our large line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Shirt Waist Patterns, Table Linens, Hosiery, Ladies Collars. Something new every day. We aim and dokeepafull and fresh line of Choice Family Groceries, Fresh and Salt Meats (Jacob Dold's), Sausages, Glass and Canned Goods. Everything choice or no sale. In Men and Boys Work ing Clothing and Jackets we have some bargains. Complete Line of Medicines. We have added a full and complete line of patent medicines. No Fancy Profits. In order to meet the de mauds of our rapidly in creasing trade, we shall be content with a reasonable profit, having 110 desire to get rich quick. "Fair deal ing, honest goods at honest prices is our motto." Phone and Dray. CHAS. UIKHL. f—il IWI' KI 1 w—ia'^a——m——g—i— t—— Lily Dew. The most delightful preparation for adieu unci gentlemen's toilet. It im port* to the skin a delicious freshness hat can be gained no other way. Posi Lively removes tan and sunburn. Will not irritate the most sensitive skin and will not rub off or show like powder. Manufactured only by MRS. EVA rOTKK, Emporium, Pa. Itooms over l>ost office. :t»-tf. Lost. Front of Masonic pin. Finder re turn to and receive reward at office of KKYHTOM: POWDKI! M'K'II., . PROGRAMME. ] FARMERS' INSTITUTE, I To be held under the auspices of the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. AT THE COURT HOUSE, EMPORIUM, PA., Friday and Saturday, February 9th and 10th, 1906. I AT MITCHELL'S OPERA HOUSE, DRIFTWOOD, PA., Monday and Tuesday, February 12th and 13th, 1906. j SESSIONS PUBLIC AND FREE. EVERYBODY INVITED Order of Exercises at Emporium. OPENING SESSION, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 0—1:30. Prayer. Address of Welcome. Response, - - - - j. H. Peachey Peach Culture, - - - Dr. J. 11. Funk Question Box. j The Value of Clover and how to Grow it, - \V. M. C. Drake j General Discussion. | Adjourn. EVENING SESSION — 7 :30. j Piano Solo, .... Mrs. .J. \\\ Trotter j Question Box, ' The Corn Plant, its Value and Possibilities, \V. M. C. Drake A ocal Solo, .... Miss Grace Lloyd The Commercial Orchard as a Business, - Dr. J. H. Funk Echoes from the Farm. - • - J. H. Peachey Violin Solo, .... \[j ss \[ Gallagher General Discussion. Adjourn. SATt' ItIJA V MO UN I NO —lOoVI.OCK. Prayer. Question Box. Breeding and Feeding the Pig, - - J. H. Peachey Potato Culture, - - - W. M. C. Drake Pruning, Fertilizing and Thinning. - Dr. J. H. Funk General Discussion. Adjourn. A FTEKNOON SESSION l:."> O. Question Box. Small Fruit, .... Dr. J. H. Funk The Value of Thorough Cultivation, - J. 11. Peachey | The Farmer's Education, - - \V. M. C. Drake ! General Discussion. Adjourn. B evening session—7 ' tj (Question Box. g Piano Solo, .... Ericsson ? i § Spraying, How, When ;«:11 What for. - Dr. J. 11. Funk h h \ ocal Solo. ... George A. Walker, .Jr. § f'i ihe iluinc (>n the Farm. - - - J. IT. Peachey S ft \ iolin Solo. - - - - Mi;-?- (trace Walker § j h Adjourn. j 1 - ---- 1 1 Order of Exercises at Driftwood. j | MONDAY M'llßMMi SESSION 10:30. | Prayer, .... | {c . v . \y. F. I). Nolle I ! I Address of Welcome, - - - M. J. B. Brooks 5 j 0 Response, - - - - Horace If. Hall a Pruning, Fertilizing and Thinning, - Dr. .1. 11. Funk Question Box. General Discussion. Adjourn. AFTKKNOON SESSION 1 :3(t. Music. Question Box. The Value of Thorougn Cultivation, - J. If. Peachey Strawberries for the Home, - - Horace If. Hall General Discussion. Music. Adjourn. EVE NI NO S ESS ION —7 Music. i Question Box. I Floriculture in Country Homes, - Oliver D. Shock Our Greatest Benefactors, - - - Horace 11. Hall Music. Adjourn. ITI'ESDAV MOKNINi; SESSION —10:30. Question Box. Clover for Feed and Fertilizer, - - Horace 11. Hall Small Fruit. .... Dr. .]. n. Funk | General Discussion. I Adjourn. A I'TEIiN'OON SESSION, J Music. I Question Box. G rowing (J rapes for Pleasure and Profit, - Oliver 1). Shock § Breeding and Feeding the Pig. - - J. H. I'eachev fl Discussion. ■ I Adjourn. KV EN i NO session—7:3o. Music. Question Box. The Country Fair, - - - Oliver I). Shock The Basis of our Lectures, - - - Horace 11. Hall Music. Adjourn. J O RROOKOANK. M HOWARD. ■ Auintkiii i liairnian. Ohairiuan of Couatjr iMtiutM. — 1 »8