I I I This Space Belongs to Jasper Harris, Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. I I lEinporinuMtireCft. 1 Our New Year ■ I Introductory I Sale IMI IWIIIII MI IMIIII iiiinmlP I WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage has placed|in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise enough to profit by it. || Keep Your Eye on Us all tliis Year and "Watch Us Grow. i Emporium Furniture Co., | BERNARD EGAN, Manager. Undertaking. ■ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY,IJANUARY n, 1906. CAMERON. Mrs. Jas. Fetter and Mrs. Gilbert Morse of Emporium were visitors of Henry Morse and family a few days the past week. Mrs. J. E. Lester has been quite ill the past week, but is somewhat improved j at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster of Canoe j Run, were visitors of Wm. Wykoff and wife Sunday. L. R. Tiffiany of Corry. was in town a J few hours on Sunday. He was on his | way to relieve Mrs. Anna Hayes, the j old time telegraph operator at Croyland, who accidentally fell and broke her right arm. Miss Rena Lawson who has been visit ing her sister Mrs. Robinson returned to her home at Beech wood Tuesday. Robt Shreve, who had charge ot a j gang of men taking up and loading the rails of Cameron Lumber Co s yard finish- | ed Saturday. All property owned by above Co., has been taken away. The Calder Brick Coal Co., will ! start shipping brick this week and expect i to keep their plant running at its fullest , capacity all winter. Mrs. .1, I'. Fddy was an Emporium visitor Monday. Robt. Glenn visited friends at Renovo | Saturday. Irene Edwards left Saturday for bet , home at Philipsburg. Patrick Farrell of Huntley, has been ! visiting friends here a few days. Thomas, son of' G. L. Page, is very low at this wriring with croup and pneu- j tnonia, with small hopes of liini recover- | ing. Dr. Heiltnan is attending him. j. p. s. ! Jan. !), 1900. RTTH VALLEY D. W. Swesey was on the sick list last j week. Talk about fast driving, we had it here last week. Henry Carter of North Creek had business in the Valley Saturday. tJ. S. Housler was calling on friends in this end ot the valley Sunday. Jas. Russell leaves this week to take a post graduate course in chemistry at the University of Penna. Roy Berlue of camp 20 was calling on his Pine Street friends Sunday. A fine vein of coal has been found on the land of Wm Carter. He has men at work opening a mine. Miss Sadia McCaslin attended church Sunday evening. The boiler of the portable mill, located at Lockwood station on the E. and 1!. V. blew up Monday. The engineer,H. Lewis, was badly scalded as was also the setter Earl Rifle. Vere Swesey has taken the j contract to move the new boiler from town. Warren Moore moved from his own house to that of Chauney Barr. Miss Cista Housler is visiting her sis ter Mrs. Merrick Barker ot town. Wm. L. Carter is going to purchase an auto iu the spring, and his old one is for sale. M. A P. | HUNTLEY. F. Wilson, who has been in town the j past few days deputed for his home iu I Pittsburg on Saturday. 11. 11. Cloyes took the Buffalo Fyer 1 Sunday for Jamestown. From there he j intends to take a trip through the South, j 11. Layton is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. I'. Farrell are visiting in [ Cameron. Mrs. Wm. Springer of Couderspoit, j who has been visiting Mrs. Layton has returned home. David Ives of Mason Hill is moving i into one of Wm. Logue's houses here. The Huntley store, formerly owned by the Willson Bros., has been purchased by Wm. Logue, who will continue to supply the community with necessaries of life. His many friends wish him success. David Logue is confined to his bed, suffering with liver and heart trouble. Dr. Smith of Emporium is attending him. W. W. .Johnson spent Sunday with his wife in the llidgway hospital, where Mrs. Johnson has underwent a successful operation. Her many friends will be glad to welcome her home again. B. J. Collins is busily engaged in cut- ! ting logs and making ties in Big Run. I assisted by his two sons Charles and j Clyde and Clarence Miller and John j Carson, Wm Nelson and Frank Alger. They also have a contract of log cutting | for Mr. Collins. Willson Bros, started a force of men cutting timber and will manufacture lath j the balance of the winter. William Logue has charge of the work. A. W.Smith of Sterling Run,assisted s by Geo. Collins, performed the last sad 1 observes on Mr. Collins hog Saturday. | This was the hog that was intended for the county fair, but owing to the enor mous size of the animal the freight rates footed up more than the prize at the fair would bring, so it was not exnibited. The Driftwood work traiu crew kindly < consented to loan Mr. Smith their derrick to swing the pig up with and everything went off nicely. It weighed a trifle less than seven hundred pounds and was lid exclusively 011 breaklaM foods and self j raising pan cake fl'iur. Sinnainahouing dupers please copy. W. R. Smith is putting in an over lead trolly liue across the creek. iu order to cross to and from his rcwsdence to the railroad tracks. The ear will be built to kmvey two passengers. J. F. H. CONSUMPTION'S WARNING | Inside facts soon become evident in outside symptoms, IJR G. C.. GREEN. qri.e aid of scientific inventions is not needed to determine whether your lungs arc affected. The first symptoms can be readily noted by anyone of average in telligence. (JThere is no disease known that gives so many plain warnings of its approach as consumption, and 110 serious disease that can be so quickly reached and checked, if the medicine used is Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, which is made to cure consumption. * | j FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 'OS j !) 20 cases Daisy Telephone Peas £ j J 3 Cor 25c t ! > 5 cases Mothers' Oats 3 for 25c \ ' 5 cases Arbuckles Coffee 14c lb \ i Special prices 011 our Bargain V s Day in all departments. Choice j \ line of goods to select from \ i WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST i C 0. B. BARNES ) | s Allegany Avenue, Y 1 ( 'Phone 81. MRS. M. A. ROCKWELL'S DRUG STORE. My Lable is a personal guarantee of the quality of in}' goods and my twen ty years in this profession lias tauglifr me your wants. He sure to call at the up-to date Dlil'G STORK foi TOILET ARTICLES PEREVMES and STATIONERY I'erscriptions a speciality. MRS. M. A. ROCKWELL The Druggist.