EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., November 27, 1805. Nti VIOPHILA, per sack |1 35 Felt's Fancy, " 145 Pet Grove, " 145 Graham, " 70 Rye " 66 Buckwheat, " 70 Patent Meal. ".... 6o Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 26 Chop Feed, " 125 Middlings, Fancy " 1 35 Bran 1 10 Chicken Wheat 155 Corn, per bushel, 70 White Oats, per bushel 45 New Oats Choice Clover Seed, 1 Choice MiHetSeed?* 1 ' \ At Market Prices. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE 13fiic|cjist, enPORItIM, l»A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. J \ K. C. IIOUHON Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would ike to nee in this departiucnt,lct ':s know by poa- I II curd or tetter, personally. Miss Lora O'Kefl'e, of Sterling Run, was in town one day last week. Miss Felterman, of St. Marys, is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Blinzler. Sheriff Hemphill is out again after being confined to his room for several days. Mr. Warren McComnell, of Cam eron, visited his son in Ridgway this week- C'apt. W. C. Kress, of Lock Haven > transacted business in Emporium on Tuesday. Mrs. Margaret Fulton, of Sinnama honing was the guest of Mrs. P. H. Mason over Sunday. Mrs. Anson Mason and Miss Floy Whiting were the guests of Mrs. Ed. Morse one day last week. Mrs. John Mason is very ill at the home of his daughter Mrs. James Strawbridge, at Sterling Run. Mr. A. W. Smith, of Huntley, was a PRESS caller on Tuesday and enrolled his name on our books ior one year. Thos. McGrain has been suffering greatly the past week, having blood poison in the little finger of left hand W.E. Chilson, of Renovo, accommo-" panied by his wife and children, visit ed relatives in town the past week. Dr. V. K. Corbet, of Driftwood, was in Emporium Monday evening, attend ing a meeting of the Business Men's Club. Mrs. P. V. Daly, of Dußois, visited in Emporium last week, being called here on account of the death of John Batler. H. G. Germond, who has been visit ing friends in town for several days, returned to his duties in Conn., last Thursday. Mr. William Costello, of Kane an old resident of Emporium, came down the past week and called on old friends, guest of William Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly, of Galeton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Collins, of Mina, Pa., visited their sister, Mrs. R. C. Dodson over Sunday. Mrs. P. H. Mason and grand-daugh ter Miss Loella, of Sterling Run, were the guests of Mrs. Ed. Morse one day last week on their way to Austin to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Cahan, and three sons, of Lock Haven, were in town last Wednesday to attend the funeral of their son, Frank Harrington. While in town they were guests of William Swartz and family on Maple street. Rev Father Downey returned on Friday from visiting at New York city. The Rev. gentleman preached an able ■ ;rmon on Sunday morning, referring eloquently to the recent terrible calam ity that befell so many of our citizens. Mrs. Geo. Day, of Emporium, Pa., has been confined to the house, at the home of J. D. Lord, on account of an injury to her foot which she reeceived in a fall on the sidewalk near the Cit izen bank last Friday—Friendship, N. Y., Register. Don M. Larrabee, accompanied by his wife and son, visited their parents at this place a couple days last woek, returning home on Monday. Mr. bar rabee i-t Agency Director of New York Life Insurance Company, with head quarter-it at WllUamsport. lie | |:| , countl - in his district, which keeps him IMISV. Dan'l Mailt'/ had the misfortune to fall off a sidtaralk, one evening recent ly, breaking his right wrist. The insurance adjusters have settled the claims of the late fire in Walker - Howard block and departed. Mr. Wendell August Groves, of Lewisburg, Pa., spent Thanksgiving in Emporium, guest of Dr. Groves. A. P. Perley, of Williamsport, and W. S. Walker, of Austin, representing the estates of William Howard and Judge Walker, were in town on Tues day. We learn they will rebuild the brick block. Concilman Thos. 11. Norris, of the hustling firm of Tompkins & Norris, took time to call on the PRESS Tuesday evening. He was feeling good, hav ing just entertained his friends Mr. and Mrs. Perry R. Smith, and daugh ter, of Ridgway. R. H. Welsh, who has been visiting his parents at this place—Harvey Welsh and family—for three weeks, the longest visit since he 1 eft here, in 1900, leaves for Medina, N. Y., on Fri day to resume his work, after an ill ness of over a month. FIRE SALE every evening at Murry & Coppersmith's. John Butler's Funeral. On account of the PRESS being issu ed before the funeral services over the remains of John Butler had been con cluded, we of course could not give the entire report. The following relatives and friends from a distance were in at tendance: Michael McMahon, Jr., Reynoldsville; P. J. McMahon and wife, John Conroy, Buffalo; John Mc- Mahon and wife, Michael McMahon, Ella and Mame McMahon, John Hack et, Sr., Mrs. Casey, Patrick and Mame Case}-, John McMahon, Jr., Con Hack ed and wife Driftwood; Mrs. Margaret Murphy, Kane; Michael Haley, Ed ward Harvey, James Hayes, Renovo; Mrs. Thomas Lysett, Williamsport; Mrs. P. V. Daly, Dußois. FIRE SALE every evening at Murry & Coppersmith's. Tliruiißb Thick iii.u Thin. If monarclis have often permitted themselves the indulgence of making puns the fact has not been recorded in the pages of history. One pun, how ever, is assigned to King Frederick William IV. of Prussia. It is said that on the occasion of a court hall he wits standing near the middle of the dance hall in conversa tion with an exceedingly thin ambas sador. In the haste and excitement of a fiery galop a lieutenant of the bussars danced, with his partner, be tween the monarch and the person whom he was addressing, and then, seeing what he had done, he began to stammer abject apologies and explana tions. "Oh. that was nothing," replied the king, with a hearty laugh. "A hussar must go without fear through thick and thin." A whimsical glance from his own portly figure to that of the slender am bassador accompanied this answer, and the hussar felt himself not only par doned, but invited to share In the king's laugh. Sorvliifr Fish. Fish Is dainty food, l'ractice is need ed in serving it. Lightness of touch and dexterity of management are nec essary to keep the dellcnte flakes In tact. It requires some skill to rip the skin and lay It back and sever the head and tail with neatness and dis patch. These three articles must nev er leave the platter. They belong to the cat. The choicest morsel of any white fish Is the cheek. It Is not good form to cut through a fish. Begin at the tall and throw aside the skin. Be gin at the head to serve, cutting to the backbone. When the meat on that side Is helped turn the flsh and help the other side In the same way. If there Is roe a part should be served each per son. Boiling Is the nicest way to cook and the easiest way to serve fish. Dress the edge of the platter with hard egg and sliced lemon, tomato and beets. All Ivory Mut. Many people have never even heard of such a thing, and It Is not to be wondered at, for these mats are ex ceedingly rare, and It Is said by those who know that only three of these beautiful curiosities exist in the whole world. The one we now write about Is the largest one made. It measures 8 by 4 feet and, though made in a small hill stnte In the north of India, lias an almost Creek design for its border. It was only used on state occasions, when the rajah sat on it to sign Important documents. The original cost of the mat Is fabulous, for 0,400 pounds of Ivory were used In Its manufacture. The fin est strips of Ivory must have tak en off the tusks, as the mat Is as flex ible as a woven stuff and beautifully Una,—London Graphic. FIRE SALE every evening at Murry A Coppersmith's lEMLE 111 MURRY & COPPERSMITH'S OPEN EVERY EVENING CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905. NOTES OF INTEREST. WANTED:- To appoint resident agents in Cameron county, Pa., to rep resent our full line of Lightning Rods. For full particulars address Hum & Leatherman, 103 Market Sts., Pitts burg, Pa. 42-4t. In our notice of the panic in the East Ward school in our last issue, it should have read "Sixth room" instead of Fifth room. FOR SALE. —A good wood burner cooking stove for sale at a bargain. Apply to A. Frappier, corner Cherry and Fiflh streets. 42-tf. The young man Vincent Wood, who was severely injured in Buffalo yard, last Friday, is improving. He had a close call. Miss Lizzie Swartz, employed at Hil liker's laundry smashed one of her fing ers, while working at the mangle ma chine. Dr. Grove dressed the injury. Resolutions of Condolence. WHEREAS, It has pleasod our Heavenly Father iu his inscrutable wisdom to remove (rom our midst our beloved brother, JOHN BOSSIK, Therefore, be it Resolved by Good Will Tent, No. 46, K. O.T. M. That while we bow in humble submission to the decree of him who doeth all things well we extend to the stricken wife and bereaved child ren of our dccosed brother our heartfelt syin pathy in their terrible affliction. That our Charter be draped for thirty days that these resolutions be spread upon the miau tes and a copy thereof be sent to the family of our deceased brother and that they be published in the local papers; AI.BERT NELSON, FRANK HALDEHMAN, J. P. MCNARNEY, Committee. At ameeting of Hamilton Hose Co., last Thurs* day, a committee was appointed to draft a suit able minute 011 the recent death of two of its members. The committee reported as follows: WHEREAS, Death has again invaded our ranks snatching away without warning, two of our be loved and useful members, therefore be it Revolved, That 111 the death of John Butler MIUI Thomas Welsh this com mpany loses two of its most useful members and the city two honor ed citizens. Resolved, That this minute be spread upon the records, published in the local yapers and that the Company's room <|e properly draped. JAMES < 'ARNEY. EDWARD NELLIS, FLOYD VANWERT, Committee. Lily Dew. The most delightful preparation for ladies and gentlemen's toilet. It im ports to the skin a delicious freshness that can be gained no other way. Posi tively removes tan and sunburn. Will not irritate the most sensitive skin and will not rub off or show like powder. Manufactured only by MRS. EVA TETER, Emporium, Pa. Rooms over post office. 39-tf. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry store, Emporium, Pa., December 9th. If you can't see well or have headache don't fail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. Give Your Stomach Rest. Nothing will cure indigestion that doesn't digest the food, itself, and give the stomach rest. You can't expect that a weak stomach will regain its strengh and get well when it is compelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do- You wouldn't expect a sick horse to get well when it is compelled to do a full day's work every day of the week. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digestant and digests the food regardless of the condition of your stomach. Relieves In digestion, Belchiug, Sour Stomach, aud j all stomach disorders.—Sold by 11. C. Dodson. A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist Church in Geogia, used 32 gallons of L. & M., mix ed with 24 gallons of oil, thus making paint cost about 81.20 per gallon. They oalculated to use 100 gallons of other paint. Saved abont SBO.OO and also get a big donatiou of L. &M. Dealers glad ly sell L. & M., because their customers call for it and say they used it 12, 14 and even 30 years ago. Don't pay 51.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do in ready-for use paints Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 00 cents per gallon, and mix it with L. & M. Paint. It makes paint cost about 81.20 per gallon. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. 111 B CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS £j Li Be3t Couch Syrup. Tastes Cord. jJ 1 Use in time. Sold by drugguts. 11 qp I I I I'l I lid I I ip OUR NEW LINE OF NeW " ne ° f Wl "''°" Shade »l| j|j from xoc to 75c per Shade. ij J! Wall Paper for 1905. ~.I KT T ... . I !J t i * The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. K [, All Colors. fl Consists of the best'things from three factories. Also • 1 = * fij the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper) of all Rodger's StainflOOr, the best made kinds. for Floors. |1 The (travcs| line took |first prize in competition at St. 11 a r» 11 /\\/1\ nAKKY S>. LLUYU.^I j Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borough Council, j Emporium, Pa., Dec. sth. 1905. Present:—Messrs. Julian, Friendle, Green, Laßar, Norris, Cramer. Absent: Messrs Marshall, Catlin Butler. Mr. Laßar was chosen chairman pro tern. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. The committee oppointed to investi gate matter of electric light at Broad street railroad crossing reported against the establishment of a light by the borough at this point and were discharged. On motion by Mr. Friendle, second ed Mr. Cramer the following bills were ordered paid: Murry & Coppersmith, Invoice $ 1 18 W. P. Lloyd, For Labor 6 00 C. B. Howard Co., Invoice; 27 70 J. C. Sterns Electrical Co., Invoice 8 36 F. D. Logan, Hauling hose cart 3 00 St, Marys Gas Co , For November, 45 60 John Welch, Labor 7 87 Kit Dalphy Labor 11 27 Peter Heleojerk, Labor, 4 37 Kobt. Hacket, Labor, \ 37 Mark Ellis, Labor, 2 63 Hector Panton, Labor, 75 R. P. Bingeman, Labor, 12 93 Moved by Mr. Julian, seconded by Mr. Friendle, that bond of Mrs. O. F. Elwell and interest be paid, also bonds Nos. 16 to 25 inclusive, out of the bond 1 fund. Carried. Moved by Mr. Julian, seconded by ! Mr. Cramer, that Secretary and Chair man of Electric Light Committee adjust j the account of D. W. Donovan for ( electric lights. Carried. Moved by Mr. Julian seconded by I Mr. Cramer, that Thos. Waddington be presented with a bill for §9.00 for broken ] electric light. Carried. Moved by Mr. Julian, seconded by ' Mr. Norris, that Mr. C. W. Shaffer Con- j stable and Collector, be exonerated from payment of taxes for 1905, as fol- | lows, Borough $102.79; Borough Bond, | $72.13; Water, §51.36; Electric Light, $31.02. Carried, On motion the Council then adjourn ed. C. J. GOODNOUGII, Sec'y. Deafness Cannot be Cured. By local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure j deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an j inflamed condition of the mucous lin- ! ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbl- ! ing sound or imperfect hearing, and, when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restor ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's j Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. } F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's j Family Pills for constipation. Paying a Debt of Gratitude. Mr. Mott Allen, foreman. Union City, | (Pa.) Chair Factory, says:"l was badly afflicted with rheumatism for more than eight months; at times had to get up at 11 o'cloek and stay up the balance of the night; could not dress myself without the aid of my wife; am now entirely cured, and by the use of only one 50c bottle of Crocker's Khuuiatic Remedy. It. C. Dodson. 21scpt;>m. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. Co. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1908. 24-tf. Executor's Notice. Estate of GEO ROE A. WALKER, late of Em poriuvi, County of Cameron , Fa-, J Deceased. J ETTERS testameutary upon the above estate 1 J having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against the sameare here ny notified to present them without delay and those indebted thereto to make immediate pay ment to WILLIAM S. WALKER, Executor. Emporium, Pa., Nov. lltli, 1906.—39-6t. \XT ANTED by Chicago wholesale and mail VV order house, assistant manager (man or I woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary S"2O and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position per manent. No investment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. j COOPER & CO., I *l2-lot. 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. j KI.ECTION NOTICE. I*HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Emporium, Pa., D*c. 6th, 1906. TMIE annual meeting of the stockholders for I. the election of a Board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as rosy be laid before them, will be held at the Bank on Tues day, January 9th, 1906, between the hours of one and three in the afternoon. T. B. LLOYD, Cashier. 1 SIN'S CONSEQUENCES. Innocent Indulgence Often Brings Trouble L. Taggart Offers Means of Escape. The consequences of violating physical law are often as unpleasant as the break of a moral rule. The innocent indulg ence of over-eating brin»s consequences that amount to real suffering. Indiges tion is not natural, it is not right, it should not be. L. Taggart offers a means of es cage in Mi-o-ua that is simple and practi cal. These simple tablets are cotupoed «.f such valuable medicinal agents as bis muth subgallate, which is superior to all other remedies for stomach troubles, cerium oxalate, and tonics and correctives which promote the actions of the digestive or gans, strengthen the whole digestive tract, and make it possible to cat what you like and when you like. If you suffer with head aches, indiges tion, fluatulency, heart burn, dizziness, sleeplessness, back ache, or debility and weakness, begin the use of Mi-o-na at once. Just one tablet out of a 50 cent box before each meal, and you will re gain perfect health and strength. Ask L. Taggart to show you the guar antee under which he sells Mi-o-na. It costs nothing unless it cures. Furious Fighting. li For seven years," writes (Jeo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle, with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won. and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Hit ters. I unhesitatingly recommend them 1 to all, and don't intend in the future to I be without them in the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have ; cured such a bad ease as mine." Sold, ; under guarantee to do the same for you, by L. Taggart druggi-r, at ."ille, a bottle, j Try them to-day. i Holiday Groceries house- |-v M f-y FANCV FURNISHING I ■IA V BASKETS !J] GOODS _ GLASSWARE if 1 ; II CROCKERY Satisfactory Store LAMPS || ! First quality goods at fair prices with reliable ser- jl|| vice .is the winning watch word at this grocery store. In variety of good food products it is always in the lead. When marketing becomes a worry,when appetites |||J fag, come to Day's and put new life into dining. Prices Jf always fair—often remarkably low. Look over the list |s!j for Friday and Saturday this week. See if there is not W |||| something that's of interest. [t®! 1 California Lima Beans a lb. Bc. W ||| 2oc can Armours Lunch Tongue, 15c. jjjffl) ® New English Walnuts a lb 18c. ffi ||jj 5c cake Millers Naptha Soap, 4c. gg 10c box Bird Food, Bc. jj| 15c can "Hamburg" stringless Beans, 12c. ill Small Sugar Cured, regular Hams 12c lb.. :,m M 25c can Burnham's Clam Cbowder, 22c. ||| |i®|; 15c can Red Alaska Salmon 12c. A dozen $1.20. HI 50c Uncolored Japan Tea a lb 40c. Niagara Laundry Starch a lb sc. M 111 25c bottle Selected Queen Olives, 20c. i;®) 130 c bottle Randall's Grape Juice 25c. 251b bag best Granulated Sugar, $1.40. |l| Christmas Ohina. j t Beautiful China is always acceptable as a gift and HH brings gladness to the receiver. Our display of China M is always notable and this year we are uuusually well fffl supplied. No iancy prices. Goods to suit all tastes. SK Come early and make your selections. Only fourteen (IS buying days until Christmas, do you realize it is so W lj|| near? Selections made now will be held until wanted jflj ||) fso desired. Don't fail to look over our stock. ||J | Hot House Goods. !§ |JI Telephone orders given careful attention. ||| J; J. H. DAY, | w Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. » ) SPECIAL CASH j | PRICES | j 0. B. Barnes' ] ( POPULAR FAMILY GROCERY 3 £ STORE. } { (One day only or until stock is sold If * FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 'OS J 20 cases Daisy Telephone Peas J 3 for 25c 1 \ 5 cases Mothers' Oats 3 for 25c j * 5 cases Arbuckles Coffee 14c lb t s Special prices on our Bargain \ * Day in all departments. Choice \ 112 line of goods to select from. 5 s WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST \ } 0. B. BARNES } s Allegany Avenue, S 112 'PhoneSl. g KodoS EQfysgsepsia Cure Qiqcr.o what oat. ©sie Gaagfts For Cough?, CdEds arid Croup.