Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 30, 1905, Image 8
.... ..' ■* •M —l —i—— —— ; 1 •-•-■ --^ | Extraordinary Sale of | j 'WINTER GLOTHINGJj I Furnishings and Shoes.EE j IFl* ly 7 * GT T* Jf-f ly T rx? T* Having over-bought in every department of our FALL and I -MZs XJL Jjj A. XJL • WINTER CLOTHING- we find ourselves compelled to inaugu- I Irate a SPECIAL SALE; furtlier that we may attract crowds and popularize our store; to get new customers and retain our old; and a to add force and prestige to our future business. When a good thing gets beyond the ordinary some people say: "IT'S TOO G-OOD TO BE TRUE;* and don't take advantage o f I it because they think it to be a case of exaggeration. When you read these bargains and think them "Too Good to be True."' don't | (hesitate to come to our store and let us prove them to be just as good as we say they are. All we ask is to . sLET US SHOW YOIT ==| I This is a modest request and we wa»t you to spend just as much time as you desire in looking over our stock; whether you buy or not, then if v> i are pleased with our goods and our manner off serving ymi your purchases M\ E MINL IBS SEEING IS BET lER THAN A MONTH OF THINKING! So, come and let us demonstrate the- unequalled bargains of our sa e-Come! | RhMhMLhk the prices are ior thoroughly reliable goods, every article ot which is in perfect condition. You will see by the prices quoted below that we have made substantial 1 eductions I 111 all lines and as the quality of our goods is pretty well known, we feel safe in leaving it to you, whether or not you are getting bargains. I Men's Overcoats. Winter Underwear. CAPS. 80.00 All wool Overcoats, in black and blue, sale price jfeA 88 50c Men's fleece lined shirts or drawers QOr» - . oOc —Men s Caps. 39C -' ) Cen s Caps 19c I Slo.oo—Black Kersey Overcoats, sale price, 7 89 Sl.oo—Men's all wool shirts and drawers, 7Qn I ' / ~0c —Boys' Caps 39c - r,c —Boys' Caps 19c ■ 18 13.00—Oxford, hand tailored, guaranteed, with or SI. 1 -'")— Men's all wool shirts and drawers QQn without belts, sale price, Q QQ ' " K 814.00 —(jreat Coat, hand tailored, guaranteed to give ' ™o-Mcns over shirts, sale price 39c Neckwear. service, style and fit. Sale price 10.75 ">°c—Men's over shirts, black and white stripes QQn ~ . ot/o 2.)e —lour in Ilan c 1 19c I Gents' Youths and * <IIS " VCI h,utK blacksatin ' 39c c _ st ri.i K Tie 19c | v ;>oc—Men s dress shirts in all colors and styles SQp -a t • SO.O0 —Gents' Overcoat, lilack and blue Kersey, sale \\ ->oe i?ou in Hand 3 g c ■ - )0c _Puff Tie 3 9c I I 87.00 —Youths' Overcoat, in black Kersev, ages from 81.00 Men's dress shirts, Silver 79c o-,. _i» I ■ 16 to 20, sale price ' T , , " l' c 1 ■ *±. # *_> 2 »c —Boy s ileece lined shirts and drawers 19C ____________ _____ H I 82.75 —Boys' Reefers, age from sto 15, sale price IQQ 7 , ... . , J ' 1 >oc—Boys dress shirts 38c P'ltltS ft S.'s.7s—Boys'Overcoats, long cut with belt, sale price O Of) ... , ~ .. , __ J " 1 .»0c —Men s all wool heavy socks QQn „ . —————————————————— ————— ot/L, 81.00—Men s work pants 79c I Xmi (~y * i 25c —Men's all wool cash mere socks 1 Qr» 1 B Men S OUItS. t-L 81.50—Men's work pants $1.19 I 87.00—Men's Suits, all wool cashmere, in light and dark shades, $2.00 —All wool pants 1 qq I sale price 498 j-.00 SIO.OO —Men's all wool, fine clieviott suits, sale price 799 TrUll ks, TeleSCOpeS, Suit CaSeS worsted pants 2.90 I newest style, sale priee 7.75 a ild UlTlbrellaS I 812.00—High grade suits, three or four button, sale —— ' ' V Fice 9 - 50 at Greatlv Reduced Prices -••v-ik*.-k»«, 19c I 814.00—Men's all wool Thibets, hand talored, price 10.10 dt VJlCdtiy 11LUULCU iUb> 50e—Boys' knee pants 3Q C A I Youths' Gents' and Boys" Suits Shoes. 86.00 Youths'suits, sizes from 10 to 10 years, sale price A. RQ TP , £ J ' 1 11/ v aU. §l.2;»—Men's Shoes, lace, sale price 99c I—(ients all wool suits, in black and mixed goods, 50c—Men's soft hats, sale price QQn C 1 _ n , . . . , . I sale price 535 Sl.;»o —Men's heavy work shoes,sale price 19 I 80.00 —Worsted suits, light and dark shades, sale price Q *75 '"" s l"' ( ' 79c 82.50 —Men's ('alf shoes, sale price Qg 181.75 Boys' suits, black and blue, sale price 1.25 82.00-Men's black hats, latest style, sale price $1.44 5:!.50-Box Calf or patent leather, sale price 2.95 82-75 Boys' suits, black clieviott, sale price 2.12 52.50-Men's black and brown soft hats 199 colt shoes, genuine, sale price 3^25 80.5o —Boys' suits, in light and dark shades, sale price 270 82.00—Men's black Derby hats, sale price 1 A A a . .... „ . , , ' <_». I\j j r x ,'± t ± 81.00 —Bovs shoes, sale price 88c I 84.511 Hoys' tv.-o piece suits, Norfolk, sale prise 3.45 „_ M en's blaek Herl.y Lots, sale prioe 1.99 # l.2s_Bovs'shoes, sale price no' I S-».0 -».0 three piece suits in light and dark shades, sale price 3.75 s:{.oo—Men's black Derby hats, sale price 2-25 Sl.7s—Boys' shoes, sale price 150 B iSale Begins Saturday, NoO Con """ es Wo "- 30 -1 I Don't Miss this Opportunity of Securing your Winter Clothing at a Great Reduction. A String on Your Money, if our Goods are not exactly as Represented: Pull the String and Your Money Conies Back I 'JASPER II AH HIS. 112 The People's Clothier, I Post Office l£/V\P()RIUM, J CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1905.