Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 23, 1905, Image 5

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Emporium, fa., October 3, I'JO. r >.
NaiMOPltl LA, per sack $1 411
Kelt's Fancy, " 150
Pet drove, " 1 50
Oraham, " "0
Rye - 70
l!tickwheat " 75
Patent Moai " 50
Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35
Chop Peed, " 1 35
Middlings, Fancy " 1 35
Rran, 1 10
Chicken Wheat 150
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oats, per bushel 13
New Oats
Ohoice Clover Seed, 1
OlioiceTimothySeed, At MurketPrices
Choice Millet Seed. 112 -«» rKeu rlces -
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J
!• MI'ORII'M, !»A.
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Contributions incited. That which you would
ike to nee in thin department,let us know !>y pot
tit curd or letter, reraonntly.
Mrs. Chas. Diehl is quite ill.
E. J. Smith and son are visiting in
Geo. Ritchie returned from Philadel
phia last Saturday.
Miss Nellie Thomas was a Williams
port visitor on Saturday.
Jas. Mahoney and wife, of Cameron'
spent Sunday with Emporium friends.
Thos. Smith's home on 7th street
was damaged by fire yesterday after,
Edword Eschbaugh, of Baltimore, is
visiting H. C. Kenly and family at
this place.
Geo. A.Walker, Jr., was registered at
the Bellevue-Straford, Philadelphia,
on Saturday.
Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Em
manuel Church, officiated at St. Marys
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Win. Robinson, West Sixth
street, was a business caller at the
PRESS sanctum on Tuesday.
Dr. R. P. Heilman returned Sunday
evening from Cincinnati, where he
transacted business for several days.
The Emporium Machine Company
have completed the work of installing
a steam heating plant in B. W. Green's
Almeron Chapman, having missed
receiving his PRESS for two weeks,
writes tor additional copies, being
anxious to hear from home.
The last report from Mr. E. A. Teter,
who is confined in Williamsport Hos
pital, bears the encouraging news that
he is gaining for the better.
Mrs. Chas. Fisher, of East Emporium,
was a PRESS caller on Monday
and changed the address on her fath
ers paper to Sinnamahoning.
Mr. F. A. Brown, of Fairport Har
bor, N. Y., after a week's visit to his
wife, Mrs. Arloine Brown, at this
place, returned home last Thursday.
Messrs. Clifton Larrabee, Neil Welsh,
<Suy Klees, Rusael McQuay, George
Beattie and Leo Hayes took in the
State-Dickinson foot ball game at Wil
liamsport, last Saturday.
Miss Irene Mulvaney, who has been
engaged at the New Warner since Mr.
Wheeler took charge of that popular
hotel, has resigned her position and
gone to her home at Sartwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Day, their two
children, Carl and Dorcas, accompani
ed by Mrs. George Day, left Tuesday
morning for Friendship, N. Y., to at
tend the golden wedding of Mrs. Day's
father and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Eick, of Manhatten,
Pa., were in Emporium over Sunday,
guests of Supt. Eick end wife, of I2m
porium tannery, l»eing parents of Sapt.
Eick. Tbe men portion of the Eick
family are all expert tanners, father
and sons.
Alex De Shetler and J. Vine liuns
ciiii), of Sinnamahonlng, visited Km
porium Tuesday evening, and while
liere were under Sheriff Hemphill's
protection. They all called at the
PKKSH oft)->e for a brief spaee of time,
when W A. Dalrymple and B. L.
Mason captured them.
M. A. Lillibridgn was In Emporium
Thursday oil busine** Geo. Craw
ford. of Emporium, was in town
WnineMliy on btit»lne>»H Mayme
CiimmhiM*, ol Kuiporium, wan the
<>f Lillian Johll* the iirxt of the
■.\ > i: MI<M t'ommlngs was enroute
fir her home after iMiMlii.g some time
to llt.ff.ilo Port Allegany Reporter.
Frank S. Coppersmith visited Corry
Tuesday and Wednesday on business-
Hon. J. C. Johnson visited Philadel
phia and Carlisle this week.
J. M. Walker, of Scranton, and W.
S. Walker, Austin, are in town to-day.
William Howard returned on Tues
day from Philadelphia and New York
on a business visit.
Win. R. Sizer, of Sizerville, who has
been very sick for several weeks, is
able to sit up a little each day.
The Rev. J. M. Robertson, of Em
manuel Church, will exchange next.
Sunday with the Rev. \V. E VanDyke,
of St. Matthew's Church, Eldred.
Jas. 11 Batchelder, of Sinnamahon
ing, transacted business in Emporium
yesterday, at the same time shaking
hands with many friends.
Miss Mattie M. Collins has returned
from a short vacation and is looking
after the public schools of the county.
The labors incident to the very success
ful Institute warranted her taking a
short rest from labor.
Miss Carrie Huff, the faithful assist
ant in the Emporium post office is tak
ing a much needed vacation and is
visiting relatives in Potter county.
Miss Margaret Murphy is assisting in
the office during Miss Huff's absence.
Edward Nellis, one of the Emporium
& Rich Valley's trustworthy employ
ees and a tip-top good young man as
well, was a PRESS visitor last evening
and enrolled his name on our list of
paid-in-advance subscribers. Thanks,
G. Gordon Green, who has been min
ing engineer for Emporium Iron and
Coal Co., at Cameron resigned his
position yesterday and departed for
Blackwood, Va., were he accepts a
position with Pardee Co. Mr. and
Mrs. Green made many friends while
here, who regret their departure.
Mr. Bennett Carnill and wife accom
panied by their friend Mr. Kelly, of
Altoona, returned to their home, after
a week's visit witli their nieces, Mrs. W.
M. Summeison and Mrs. Anson
Mason, at Sterling Rnn. They also
visited the county seat and were well
pleased with our city and fine streets.
Mr. Geo. White and Mr. Frank
Kline, of Lebanon, are guests of Mr. E.
D. White and family, the former being
Mr. White's father and the latter a
R. H. Welsh, of Medina, N. Y., is
visiting his parents Harvey Welsh and
family at this place. The young man
has been confined in a hospital and re
cently underwent a surgical operation
for appendicitis.
Miss Golda B. Lyons, who has been
confined in Dr. Uutt'B private hospital
at Williamsport for some time, is im
proving after an operation for appen
dicitis. Although yet very weak she
expects to leave for home within two
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howlett and
daughter Miss Julia, of Sterling Run,
visited the PRESS this morning, while
shopping in town. Mr. Howlett was
en route for Potter county to take
charge of some bark work for Messrs.
Associate Judge Laßar.
Governor S. W. Pennypacker on
Tuesday appointed our esteemed citi
zen, George J. Laßar, Associate Judge
for Cameron county, made vacant by
the death of Hon. Geo. A. Walker.
The petition for Mr. Laßar's appoint
ment was the only one presented, his
candidacy being favorably received by
our people. We believe he will give
universal satisfaction and discharge
the duties faithfully.
Humane Society Notice.
This Society hereby notifies all per
sons not to leave their horses standing
out doors any length of time without
being well blanketed. After a reason
able time this Society's Agent will
cause all neglected or abused horses to
be properly housed and the expense
charged to the owner of such horses.
By Order of Humane Society,
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Superintendant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903.
Nature Needs Hut Little.
Nature needs only a Little Early Riser
now and then to keep the bowels clean,
the liver active, and the system free from
bile, headaches, constipation, ete. The
famous little pills "Early Risers" are
pleasant in effect anil perfect in action.
They never gripe or sicken, but tone anil
strengthen the liver and kidneys. Sold
by R, Dodson.
Nothing Doing.
Duriugthe past few weeks, many re
porta have been circulated relative to
the sale of the Wiley Estate land, east
<>f Emporium. W« are reliably inform
ed by a party, who knows, that all ne
gotiations are off, at least so far as the
ailroad company are concerned .
dhii 11 ■ I'l I n "life
2 i
qp I I I I'l I hdl I Ipl
Hobeit Beck, formerly of Huntley,
but now of Kmporium, visited friends in
town a few days last week.
Mr*. S. A. Fa ton and daughter of
Weedville, were guests of Philip Scliwei
kart and wile over Sunday
Huntley was represented by the
younger population on the Pittsburg ex
cursion Sunday.
School Directors B. .1. Collins and ('.
J. Miller attended a special meeting of tho
Gibson township school boaid at Hicks
Ilun on Saturday.
\\ 111. Johnson spent a few days with
Iriends and relatives at Uenovolast week.
Operator J. V. Baker of Bliss, N. V.,
is holding down one of the "tricks" at
Huntley lower. Mr. Baker besides bc
ing a lirst class operator is also a line
violinist, having been connected with
Sousa's band for a number of years.
15. J. Collins presented Win. Johnson
with two nice racoons Saturday. Wil
liam is still picking his teeth with a rail
road spike. Coon meat is the best
thing going for typhoid patients.
W. K. Smith while dressing a pig for
John Carson this week found an automo
bile tire in the hog's stomach. The tire
was in a perfect state ot preservation and
Mr. Smith who is verv ijuiek wilted
person, suggested that the tire would
make an excellent case to put sausaue in.
1 bis was accordingly done and gave en
tire satisfaction.
Kvangelist Ilev. Kennedy of Conneaut.
returned to his home on Friday, after
holding a two weeks' series of revival
meetings at this place. The Rev. gen
tleni in is an cloijuent speaker and a
sincere worker. His sermons have ac
complished much i;ood.
I otiy Costelln, the repair man for the
interlocking plant at 'the Tower, while
walking thiough the woods last Saturday
came across what he thought was a black
and white < :it. Ihe animal seemed tame
enough so Tony thought he would pick
it up. hiit when about three feet from the
anim.ii. I ony suddenly changed his mind
and hit the high places for home. We
lelt that he was coming iong before he
reached us. as he had a peculiar air about
him 1 hat spoke volumes. His clothes
had to be buried in the usual way. As
Shakespeare says:
"You can use disinfectants
<). K. Soap if you will,
But the smell of a polecat
W ill cling to you still.''
The rumor that A. W. Smith had
eloped with a married woman of this
county is cntirelV without foundation.
Mi. Smiths reputation and standing in
this community is too high for any such
falsehoods to injure him and no one who
knows this gentleman will believe the
story. It is understood the hot air origi
nated at Sinnamahonincr.
After two years of faithful and untir
ing effort the new seats are installed in
the Huntley Union church. Too much
prasie cannot be given the young ladies
who have had charge of this matter,
Misses Fidna Collins, Myrtle Logue. and
Alice Jordan.
Charles Collins and John Carson,while
working on the mountain this week
found a strawberry plant in full bloom.
This is something very unusual for this
time of the year. Mr. Collins says it is
a sure sign of a short winter and that
Teddy Roosevelt will serve another term.
J. F. S.
Geo. Wylie had business on the Hill
Miss Murriel Bailey spent Sunday
with her parents.
Hazel Kreider of Driftwood was on
the Hill Monday.
B. Nefcy of Driftwood, was on the
Hill Wednesday.
Thos. Jordan went Emporium Satur
day and returued home Sunday.
A. R. Baker of Castle Garden, visited
friends at this place over Sunday.
Miss \ io!a Jordan has returned from
Medix Run and is now entertaining Miss
Jessie Lupro of St. Marys.
Miss Ethel Barr came up from Wyside
Friday evening and visited Miss Nellie
Marsh and Miss Avis Lane.
Mrs. Thomas Marsh returned from
St. Marys Monday where she spent a
week with her sister. Mrs.Wilse Hay.
Miss Ettie Hay ward is holding a
series of revival meetings at this place
and expects to continue them foi two
Mefsrs. Frank Berfield Ray Jordan
and Win. Leonard attended the oyster
supper at Driftwood Thursday evening,
held by the Sons of Temperance Lodge.
A necktie social was held at the home
of Mrs. Nancy Lane, Friday evening, by
the school and the proceeds will be hand-
rag; isrsisps.' BTig STTB
I our nbw UNB op I
nj, Wall Paper for 1905. The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. |
All Colors.
II Consists of the best .things from three factories. Also - —= fij
the Robert Graves Co."s line of Decoration Paper|ofall Rodger's Stainfloor. the best made
kinds. for Floors.
|l The <iravesj line took Ifirst prize in competition at St. A I>r>\/ C II /\\/rv
Ed to Miss Mattie (,'ollins lor the bonefit.
of ;t scliool for honiolc.-s children.
Mrs. Archie Freeman was an Kmj>oii j
uni visitor on Tuesday.
•). 11. Evans was a county seat visitor
11. ('. Crawford return***] from ((lean
on Monday.
I'M. McNerney lias been confined to
t !'<• house several days on account of sick
The nif;ht-eaji social held in iSizerviile, j
school house last Saturday evening was a j
Ilelief Agent Farnsworth left Sunday ;
lor ('leiuiont. He had been relieving j
Agent I'rosser, who has been taking his I
ten days vacation for this year.
Alex Dick, who has been here for the!
past few days, taking the water cure for i
rheumatism, left Monday for First Fork, i
completely cured.
Our townsman W. lv. Sizer is better
and still improving at this writing,
Wednesday. It will seem like by-gone
days to hear Willie say, "vat you say."
Tis a joy to ent—l welcome inv dinner lionr;
Because I rout indigestion with August I'lower!
is the result of indigestion,
biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite,
self-poisoning, anemia, emaciation, uric i
acid, neuralgia in various parts of the
system, catarrhal inflammation of the in
testinal canal and numerous other ail
ments that rob life of its pleasures if they
do not finally roll you of life itself.
"I'm bound in the bowels ," is a com- |
mon expression of people who look mis
erable and are miserable—yet who persist
in " letting nature take its course."
<J\Vhat a foolish plan, when nature could
be aided by the use of Green's August
Flower, which is nature'sown remedy for
constipation and all stomach ills.
<|August Flower gives new life to the
liver and insures healthy stools. a
QTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists.
flrmjrrfl for Married
Write me for further information, sent in plain
envelope, regarding a book of confidential infor
mation for married people only, or those contem -
plating marriage, written in plain language, dis
cussingevery relation between man and woman,
physically and morally. Making clear nature's
heretofore mysterious process of human
birth. Correspondence confidential. MRS.
STKTSON, 1211 Flatiron Building, New York
t AT j
0. B. Barnes' j
£ STORE. £
r (One day only or untii stock is sold • %
i FRIDAY, NOV. 24, 05
S 2,000 pounds Best Granulated S
? Sugar 5c per lb. <
112 Eighty dozen best Corn, four
( cans for 25c. J
112 Special prices on our Bargain \ ;
i Day in all departments. Choice \ j
l line of goods to nelect from. * i
( 0. B. BARNES.
\ Allegany Avenue, >
112 'Phone 81. d I
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte, has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
Nicely Furnished Rooms.
Nicely furnished rooms, with bath,
to right parties, for three gentlemen,
or man and wife. Apply to Mrs. Dr.
Bardwell. 36-tf.
Everybody reads the PRESS.
II h1 i Idi ng Tim e
And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever
before to supply you witli all kinds of
Hardware aiul Kuilders Supplies.
We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for
business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal
Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc.,
a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT
Plumbing; and Tinning
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively I
guarantee to give satisfaction.
Stoves and Ranges.
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of I
STO\ ES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in fl
county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
... .. || |
m -w- A y Y LETTUCE.
IEI DAY S ="■ 1
§) "mbKs. The Satisfactory Store CRA B N ERR , ES |
|i A Xliaiik&giving Gi-occry Sale. j|jj
Mj Our stock is in good shape to meet the demands Jf
[™| of the season. Wc are receiving the new crop goods as |||ij
Jll fast as they arrive. No store is so well able to supply
ill your Thanksgiving needs and at tqe modest prices ask- Wi
ed there should be plenty. The things named are but
||| a hint of a long list of good things to be found here.
For those who wish to skip all the preparation pos- (|v
!| sible,we've many things of approved purity and quality 11
jj ready to serve. ' ' |||
Here's the Special List for|
Friday and Saturday
H Selling This Week. jlfjj.
ill FLOUR —"Gilt Edge" Flour 1-8 bbl sack 70c. ftji
I|; BUTTER —Finest Creamery in lib bricks 27c. M
|||i| HAMS —10 to 12 lb regular hams alb 12c *l|
Small California hams 9c.
|P SALMON —15c Red Alaska Salmon 12c, or $1.20 doz.
® CORN STARCH—Pure Corn Starch alb 6c. S||)i
111 GRAPES—Choice Spanish Grapes alb 18c. S&
ffl TOMATOES—First quality canned tomatoes three ,®
M: cans for 25c. jit
111 PEAS —15c "Hamburg" Petit Paas a can 12c. jjfjj
BEANS —15c "Hamburg" Stringless Beans, a can 12c. J*
SARDINES —Domestic, packed in oil, 10 size, can sc. s||
FORCE —15c package "Force Food" 12c. 11l
OLIVES —25c Bottle selected Queen Olives 20c.
PLUMS —20c cans extra choice Green Gage Plums 17c 11$
251b bag best Granulated Sugar, $1.40. |||
| New Nuts, Figs, in layers, Figs in if
baskets. Dates, Prunes, Confec- if
tionery. t
ft' "Royal" Java and Mocha Coffee,Cey- >■
lon Tea, Pure Olive Oil, 25c, 45c f|
75c Bottles. S
I J. H. DAY, |
® Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. $$
I'ayinjj a Debt of Gratitude.
Mr. M<jtt Allen, foreman, Union City,
( Pa.) Chair Factory, says:"l was badly
afflicted with rheuiuati-in for more than
eight months; at tiroes had to »<;t up at
11 o clock and stay up the bain nee of'the
nijjht; could not nij elf without
the aid of my wife; am now entirely
cured, and by the use of only one 50c
bottle of Crocker's Khumatic Remedy.
It. C. Dodson. . 21sept3m.