Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 09, 1905, Image 4

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    rr)epoi) @oUl)fy jf ress.
Editor and Manager.
Per year $2 00
paid is advance 11 SO
Advertisements are publishedat the rate of one
dollar persquareforoneinsertion and fifty cents
par square lor each subsequent insertion.
Bates by the year or for *ix or tiireemonthsare
low antl uniform, and will befurnished on appli
Legal andOtTlrial.Vdvertising persquare.three
imesor less,s2 00; each subsequent insertionso
cents per square.
Local noticeßteu cents per line for onelnscrtion,
live cents perline for eacnsubseqiien'.consecutive
Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per
line, Simpleannouncementsot births,marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards. Ave lines or less |s.ooperyear
over five lines, at the regular rates of adrertising
Nolocalinserted for less than 75 els. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
and affords lacilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
t n advance.
«S-N o advertisements will be accepted at less
than the price for fifteen words.
notices free.
(Su/vcc (J&JUx/vvfl
CQ zacttJle -it" —
No dangerous drills or alcoholic con
coctions are taken into the .stomach when
Ilvomoi is used. Breathed through the !
inhaler, the balsamic healing of Hyoinei i
penetrates t > the most remote cells of the
nose and throat, and thus kills the cat
arrhal germs, heals the irritated mucous
membrane anil «iv< s complete and per
manent cure.
Hyomei is the simplest, most pleasant
and the only guaranteed cure for catarrh
that has been discovered. Complete out -
(it. 81 .(Ml. extra bottle 50 cents. For
sale by i . Taggart.
"I Thank The Lord."
Cried Hannah Plant, of Little Bock-
Ark.. "for the relief I got from Buck
len s Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful
running which nothing else would
heal, and from which I had suffered for
5 years. It is a marvelous healer for
cute, burns and wouuds. Guaianteed at
L Tagfjart s drirg store: 23c.
The girl who lacks courage and self
A Disastrous Calamity.
It is a disastrous calamity, when you
lose your health, because iudigestion and
constipation have sapped it away.
'Prompt relief cau be had in Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They build up your di
gestivc organs, and cure headache, diz
zines, colic, constipation, etc (Guaran
teed at L. Taggart s drug store; 25c.
The girl who i* iudiffeneut and list- ;
less and cannot even assume an inter- ]
est-in tier occupation.*
Do n- i be deceived L) counterfeits I
when you buy Witch Ilazc! Salve. The j
name of I < Do Witt t 'o., is on every j
box id the genuine. Piles in their worst !
form wi'i! -ooti pass away if you will ap- j
ply Di Witt s Witch Hazel Salve '
and morning. Best for Cuts. l!urns.
l>oiis. Tetter. Kczeuia, etc. Sold bv It.
C. Dodson.
The girl who constantly "soldiers"
and plays sick.
Son Lost Mother.
-'Consumption runs in oue family, and
through it I lost my mother," writes E.
11. lteid, of Harmony, Me. "For the
past five years, however on the slightest
sign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken
Dr. Kin.: s New Discovery for Consump
tion. whieh his saved uie from serious
iung trouble His mother's death was
a sad lor*- tor Mr. Iteid, but he iearned
that lum: trouble must not be neglected,
and how M cure it. Quickest relief and
cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c
and SI.00; guaranteed at L. Taggart's
drug store. Trial bottles free.
The girl who depends on favoritism
to advance her instead of good honest
Man's Unreasonableness.
Is often as great as woman's. But
TIIOB. S. Austin. Mgr., of the "Bepubli
can. of Leavenworth, Ind., was not un
reasonable, when he refused to allow the
doctors to operate on his wife, for female
trouble. -Instead,' he says, we concluded
to try Electric Bitters. My wife was
then so sick, she ceuld hardly leave her
bed, and five [s] physicians had failed to
relive her. After taking Electric Bit
ters, she was perfectly cured, and can
now perform all her household duties."
Guaranteed by L. Taggart druggist,
price 50;.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit trom this
office, or the Superiutendant at the
Kkybtone Powder Mko. Co. I
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. !
Every man owes it to himself and j
his family to master a trade or profen- '
sion. Read the display advertisement
of the si* Morse Schools of Telegraphy, !
in this issue and learn how easily a '
young man or lady may learn tele
graphy antl be assured a position.
Cameron County Teachers'
October ,'iOth. 1905—Afternoon Session,
j Institute was called to order by the President
| Miss Collins.
Devotional Exercises conducted by the Itcv. O.
. S. Mi-Uler.
Music by Hon. I. K. Hockley.
Tuik oil the "Correct Use of English." Prof.
I B. W. Uriflith of Clarion State Normal School.
The right use of both spoken and written En
i glish in the lower grades in public schools The j
i teacher of English has to contend with outside
1 ' environment and with a lack ot attention or
j carefulness in speech. The most common mis
i takes are made in the use of nouns and pro
i | nouns, because they are more intlected than the
, other parts of speech. Select and teach the es
. | sential parts or the Grammar.
! History, by Prof. Smith Burnham of West
| j Chester Normal School. Among his many ex
j cellent points were the following: Teach chil
. | dreu to be intelligent and honest citizens.
I Teach definite impressions of time and place.
■ | Teach by stories of lives of great men—full of in
i i spiration to the pupils.
j Intermission.
, j Singing, conducted by the Hon. I. K. Hockley,
j The talk on "Theory of School," by Dr. A. J.
j Kinnaman, President Norma! College, Dans
, ! ville, lud., was presented in a scholarly manner.
; | Among other things he said: "A school is an or-
I ganization of both teacher and pupil with the
i purpose of learning, development, progress and
enlargement of the one thought the influence
and direction of the other,
i Institute closed by music-
Tuesday, Oct. 31. 1905—Forenoon Session.
Institute was called to order at the usual time
by President, Miss Collins.
Devotional ;Bervices were conducted by the
| Rev. Robert McCaslin.
| Singing by the institute.
j Miss Margaret Flynn. teacher ofdsawingin
I in the Ridway Public Schools, gave an interest
| ing talk on drawing, in the first and second
| grades.
| Prof. B. W. Griffith, continued his talk on j
i "Composition." He said, "The pupils difficulty j
i is the teachers difficulty. Teach the pupils to I
| express themselves correctly, intelligently and j
| effectively. Composition developes the cteative
j powers.
Singing by the Institute.
Prof. Smith Burnham, talked upon the "Inter- ;
pretation of Facts." He said "Teachers should ,
assist the pupils in acquiring the meaning of j
words, since very often the dictionary is more !
confusing to the average pupil than the original
Dr. Kinnaman continued his interesting talk
upon the Theory of the School. "Education
consists of the knowledge that has been stored
up by preceding generations and each succeed
ing age adds its small quota."
Afternoon Session.
Singing by the Institute.
Miss Flynn continued.her interesting talk on
drawing through the 3rd and 4tli grades. She
said: "Pupils should be taught the different
tints and the use of water colors at this period.
Prof. B. W. Griffith concluded his excellent
talk upon Language and Composition. He laid
great stress upon the importance of thorough
work in daily reading and occasional work in
Technical work in Grammar and Composition.
Prof. Smith Burnliam gave an able and
brilliant talk on the Elizabethian Sea Kings and
the effects of their daring fleeds upon American
H istorv.
Solo by Prof. B. W. Griffith.
Dr. Kinnaman continued his talk upon the
I Theory ol the School. He said: "Before we can
get anything from the Educational Institution,
we must take from it some of thp facts which
preceding generations have stored away. After
which we will be able to add our knowledge for
succeeding generations."
Wednesday Morning, Nov. Ist.
Institute called to order by the President, Miss j
| Devotional Exercises led by Rev. T. \V. Twich- j
j Urill in music by the Hun. I. K.Hockley was
i i. uch appreciated by the Institute.
; Mins My mi continued her interesting talk on \
! drawing.
I How .to Stimulate and Maintain Interest was ;
I ably discussed by Prof. Smith Burnham, who j
j showed how the teacher may maintain an inter- j
| est in the school by teaching history. j
| Intermission,
i Singing by the Institute.
; Theory of the School by Dr. Kinnaman was I
very ably discussed. One of the important point.! j
ably discussed was: lie sure that you, the teach- j
er are right, then it will be very easy to succeed
n maintaining order and interest. Be frank I
and free to acknowledgo mistakes toyour school, j
Shakespeare, The Man and the Poet, by Prof.
Frank C. Lockwood, Allegany College, Mead
ville, Pa. Shakespeare's literary life may be dt
vided into four periods, in each of which he pro
duced a different type and style of works. He
was the supreme genious of the human race.
His creative works, his power to depict real life
are nnrevealed.
Afternoon Session.
Singing by Institute.
Drawing—Miss Flynn gave an interesting talk
upon how to draw plants and fruits from objects.
A Struggle for Empire—Prof. Smith Burnham
graphically described the struggle between the
French and English in America for the posses
sion of an Empire which struggle culminated in
the tall of Quebec and the supremacy ofthe En
Music by Institute.
Talk by Dr. A.J. Kinnaman on Temperaments
in Teaching. He spoke of the four distinct tem
peraments..First—Sanguine and talked upon the
first one illustrating by familiar example.
Talk by Supt. Bweenejyof Elk county.
Also by Supt. Lynch, of St. Marys Schools.
"How to Interpret a Literary Masterpiece.
Prof. Frank C. Lockwood, in the beginning of
his talk he said reading furnishes more real
pleasure than anything else in life. A few of the
other thoughts were the test of a classic is wheth
er or not it will stand many readings. One must
study the words—the phrasing—the figures of
Ivanlioe, Scarlet Letter, Silas Marner.
Thursday morning, Nov. 2ud, 1905.
The institute was opened with praytr by the
Rev.J. M. Robertson.
Singing by Institute.
Prof. Smith Burnham talked upon the expan
sion in American History. In an able and inter
esting talk he discussed the westward march o f
the early settlers in their search for new homes
"The Americau Policy of Expansion is the same
to-day as it was iu the days of Thos. Jefferson."
Dr. Kinnaman continued his talk on temper
ment. H • drew some fine word pictures of the
different types showing the peculiarities.
Song by Institute.
"The Cultural Value of Literature," Prof.
| Frank C. Lockwood. Every classic must breath
a living truth iu order to stand the test of time,
and he read by future generations.
Afternoon Session.
Singing by Institute.
Prof. Smith Rurnham spoke upon, "The Poli
| tical Machine aud Mow It Works." t'rol. Rum
bam made a strong plea for Instruction iu the
| common school which wilt teach our boys and
! girls to rise above party an I vote for men who
ure honest and upright n gurdlus* of their poll
Ileal faith.
Song by Institute.
Ilr \ I Kiniimiaii spoke upon the "Relation*
1 of the teachers and directors. The teacher
j should have the courage of his convictions and
| should adopt himself to his environments ns far
| as possble. Have faith in your work.
1 Hinging by institute.
1 "Longfellow, America's Most Popular Poet.''
j Tne poems of thii famous Author were briefly ic
j viewed by Prof. Frank C. Lock wood wlio showed
| tint Longfellow had fully earned his widespread
| popularity l>y the excellence of his.many great
| works.
l''iiday morning, Nov. 3rd. 1005.
! Institute was called to order by the Pres., Miss
! Collins.
Song bv the Institute,
| Devotional Services led by the Kev. J. Nelson 1
lien net t.
"Advantages of a Higher Education," by Dr. i
A. J. Kinnaman. The speaker showed how the 1
educated man's chances of success in life over |
the uneducated were increased and his earning 1
capacity increased. An investment in Education •
« is the best investment a hoy or girl can make. ]t ■
i always pays the best while the capital remains '
| intact."
Report of Committee on Reading Course.
I The following books were adopted for the
j Heading Course. "Essentials in English Ilis
| tory."—Walker. ' The Teacher at Work."—
j Render.
: Intermission.
I"The Story of Gettysburg" by Prof. Smith
| Rurnham. Described in vivid words) pictures
I the battle of Gettysburg during which battle the
j backbone of the Great Rebellion was broken.
; Song by the Intitute.
Reports of Committees,
j The Committee on Educational Reunions re-
I ported that three Local Institutes would beheld
I in the Jcounty this year. Driftwood, January
j 13th, subjects, Reading and Spelling. .Sterling
I Run, February 10th, subject, Arithmetic and
i Writing. Emporium, March 10th, Language
I and Geography,
j Song by lustitute.
j Adjourned Sine Di.
Mow's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
! ward for any case of Catarrh that can
! not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned,have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
! :ible to carry out any obligations made
I by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
j ally, acting directly upon the blood
i and mucous surfaces of the system.
| Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per
j bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
I Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
| pation.
The noble life asks for more survive
j instead of more servants.
A Liquid Cold Cure.
J A Cough Syrup which driv s a cold
o ut of the system by acting as a cathaitic
on the bowels is offered in Kennedy's
Laxative Honey :sn< l Tar. Clears the
throat, strengthens the lungs arid bronch
ial tubes. The mother's friend and the
j children's favorite. Best for Crotlp,
j Whooping Cough, etc. A liquid cold
j en re and the only Oouuh Syrup which
moves the bowels and works all cold out
~ the system. Sold by It. C. Dodson.
The torch of truth wants dim when
j the wind's opposition die.
But Few Are Free.
Bui lew people are entirely free from
indigestion at this season <>f tlie yeai
Kodol Dyspepsia ('ure is riot only the
; bc-t remedy !o use because it digests
! what you eat but because it ;il.~ • enable-.-
i tho digestive apparatus toas-iiuilate and
j transform all I'oodt into tissues—buil.liug
■ blood. Kudo! relieves s-iur stomach,
j heart burn, lurching, ami all forms of In
| digestion.
There is only one Japanese actress —
j .Mine. Sade Yocco.
Attractive as our Homes.
Ten Thousand Churches painted with
IJ. & M., paint, and are most attractive.
Liberal ipiantity always given free.
4 gallons L. & M., mixed with 3 gal
lons oil, will paint a house.
Wears and covers like gold.'
Don't pay 51.50 a gallon for linseed
oil, which you do in ready for use paint.
Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 00
cents per gallon, and mix it with Long
man &Martinez L. & 31., Paint.
It makes paint cost about 551.20 per
gallon. DeLancey Gregory, Fort Plain,
N. Y., writes:
"Have sold L. Si M., paint for over
25 years, and everyone is surprised to
find how little is required to paint a big
house." Sold by Harry S. Lloyd.
The girl who cannot be honest with
herself and expects a greater money
compensation than the work would be
worth if done by some one else.
Every Ounce YouiEat. *
Every ounce of food you eat that fails
to digest does a pound of harm. It turns
the entire meal into poison. This not
only deprives the blood of the necessary
tissues—building material, but it poisons
it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect
digestant. It digests the food regardless
of the condition of the stomach. It al
lows that organ to rest aud get strong
again. Believes Belching, Heart Hum,
Sour Stomach, Indigestion, I'alpitation
of the Heart, etc. Sold by K. C. Dol
The girl who feels herself above
her position and does not oven con
descend to till it adequately.
Nature Needs But Little.
1 Nature needs only a Little Karly Hiser
; uow and then to keep the bowels clean, !
the liver active, and the system free from
bile, headaches, constipation, etc. The i
famous little pills "Karly Risers" are j
pleasant in effect and perfect in Action, \
I They never gripe or sicken, but tunc and
; strengthen the liver and kidney.-. Sold '
| by It. C l> idsou.
i \ ***
Sunday being the 80th auniversary
of the birth of Mr. C. C. Fay, of this
place, Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. 11. Norris 1
invited a number of old-time friends to
celebrate the occasion at their resi
dence, East Allegany Avenue. Among
the guests present were Mrs. J. S.
Wiley, Mrs. Chas Zarps, Mrs. Johnson,
nie'oe, of Corry, Pa., Mr J. F. Par
sons, Mr and Mrs. Riley Warner,Hon.
J. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Green, Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Paimer, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Felt, Mr and Mrs. S. L
Barton and Mr and Mr.'. H H. Mullin.
An elegant dinner was served at 2:30,
gotten up in Mrs.Norris' elegantjstyle. I
Of course all enjoyed the samputous J
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano ,
forte, has received a full line of the lat
est and moat popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
44 tf.
Quarterly Meeting.
Quarterly meeting service will be
held at the Etnporinm Free Methodist
church. Preaching service Friday and
Saturday evening at 7:30 Loveleast
Sabbath morning at 9:30, preaching at
11:00 followed by communion service.
Preaching at 7:00 Sabbath evening.
Rev. A J Hill the District Elder will •
be in charge of the meeting and preach -
at each service. All are welcome.
•' » O IT TO-DAY!'* '
_ 112 •'! :
"Anil to think that ten months ago I looked like 112
thi»! I owe it to German Syrup." |
<JThe time-worn injnnction, "Never put .
off 'til to-morrow what you can do to
day," is now generally presented in this 112
form: "Do it to-day !" That is the terse i
advice we want to give you about that ;
hacking cough or demoralizing cold with /
which you have been struggling for sev- |
eral days, perhaps weeks. ((Take sot tie 5
reliable remedy for it TO-DAY— and let \
that remedy be I)r. Boschee's German
i Syrup, which has been in use for over *
thirty-five years. A few doses of it will /
undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold, h
and its continued use for a few days will *
cure you completely. <JNo matter how /
deep-seated your cough, even if tlreari %
consumption has attacked your lungs,
German Syrup will surely effect a cure— /
as it has done before in thousands of ap-
Sirently hopeless cases of lung trouble. j*
New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, /
75c. At all druggists. 2 x
Specifics cure by acting directly on the '
sick parts without disturbing tho rest of /
the system. »
No. 1 for Fevers. : 4,
No. 2 " Worms. £
No. 3 " Teething. h
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs. y
No. 8 " Neuralgia. /
No. 9 " Headaches. y
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Suppressed Periods.
No. 12 " Whites. /
Nt>. 13 " Croup. 'j
No. 14 " The Skin. fc
No. 15 " ltheiimatism.
No. 16 " Malaria, 4
No. 19 " Catarrh.
No. 30 " Whooping Congh. 3,
No. 27 " The Kidneys.
No. :$0 " The Bladder. 112
No. 77 " La Grippe. /
In small bottles of pellets that tit the vest h
poeket. At DniK-jists or mailed, 25e. each. •
Mr Medieal Guide mailed free. ✓
lluiiiptire>VMfd, Co.,lur William* J U | IU siwi>, j
N»w Vurk.
repast, while talking over old times in
i Emporium, many interesting incidents
being related by Mr. Fay.
Mr. Fay c line to Emporium in Janu
ary 1859 to tiko charge of the Cross
mill. He stopped at the Dyke Hotel,
which sto >d just opposite Mr. Fay's
property. No man has been more
closely identified with Emporium than i
Chas. C. Fay, who has always held the
tsteem of our citizens. He bears his
| eighty years well and looks as young
as he did twenty years ago. The guests
departed at M, seasonable hour, wishing
Mr. Fay many more birthdays and
continued good health; also extending
| to Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Norris thanks for
i the pleasant occasion.
It is hard to conceive a play that con
tains so much comedy, such a clean,
consistent plot and HO many peculiar
characters as "The Missouri Girl"
which will beat Opera House, Thurs-
Nov. 9.
■ 3tup Xq ptog -sum u| 01 n fc
; O s»!"i ..lij/g qanoo jsag M
3513 iiv au3HMsauno
\ \ N \ \ V nN \ \ • \ \ \ /
/ /
/ ADAM. /
/ 390-408 Main Street, /
/ BUFFALO, N. V. y
' '£
' AND /
/ >
£ We have the largest and most ?
/i carefully selected stock of coats, 112
y. suits and furs that we have ever U
v carried and they are all offered $
5 at exceptionally low prices. In %
j, the popular priced garments you M
' will find no such values else- ?
'/>■. where. /
/ variety and the largest assort- /
ment in Buffalo; black, brown, 4
tan, red and green, lined|with
grey and grey and white squir
rel and dyed squirral. Persian 3
' and squirrel collars and cuffs,
g $20.00 to $165.00
guarunteed coats at $25 to S6O.
f { SETS—High grade scarfs and $ !
'/ muffs of new desirable furs b
y $2.75 to $l5O. p
fi white and colors, ages 2to 16
/ years, $1 to $25. /
g full length coats in plain colors g
™ and fancy mixtures, 75c to S3O. %
f.\ RAINCOATS—SOO flue raincoats
£ in Oxford, castor, tan and olive, jj«
" three quarter and full length, 3
also some fancy weaves, $7.50 %
/ up to S3B. /
/ TAILORED SUITS in red, car- 2
. dinal, green, blue and" j lutn, y
~ Newariivals—all copies ofim- >
/ ported models that sell for / j
■>y double these prions, S3O to S6O. y j
✓ /
Aiuerienn Bleek, llulfule, N. Y. *
/\ AV \ \\ \A\ VV 41 \ ,
| This is the j
1 1 Store j
| For the People. j
! > 81b Rice. 25c. 3
| > 7 bars Oak Leaf ar Acme t
i X Soap, 25c. X
\ 3 Cans Corn, 25c. *
s 3 Cans Peas, 25c. <
112 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. <
A full line of fresh fruits, i
, i vegetables and canned \
\ meats suitable for camping \
5 parties. s
* Free delivery to any part s
112 of the city. c
: 0. B. Barnes, j
|s Allegany Avenue, <
j l !'Plioneßl. J
jjj Old Reliable
| Drug Store jjj
I[H Clear the system of im- !{]
jju purities. m
Jjj Brightens the home. u]
[n Does away with and covers
pJ up disease germs. 11l
Buy them of L Taggart. [n
in ru
JJJ We carry the largest line of Ifl
p] Drugs, Wall Paper and Paint in
t{] in Cameron county. H:
j{] Get health, cleanliness and [n
Jjj good cheer at the [u
In rQ
Gj jo
I Old Reliable J
Means daily attention and fre
quent visits to the dentist. In
this way pain is ever incurred, and
even to old age the teeth re
main a pleasure and a mark of
beauty. We extract the bad ones
without pain.
Crown and Bridge Work a
A. B. MEAD, D. D.S.
\ 1865 1904 "T
j N. SEGER }
112 Overcoats fur s'> n, Ro)8 and#
J Children. %
\ ( Iciiih Furnishing (loods,Trunks, C
C Satchels, Suit Casts. Always*
J the best in the market J