Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 26, 1905, Image 5

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Kini- num. Pa., October 3, 1905. j
WEVtOI' tILA, per sack II to !
Felt'* Fancy, " 1 80
Pet Grove, " 150
ilrahani, " 70
Rye " "0
Buckwheat, " "5
Patent Meal 50
Coarse Meal, per 100 1 85
Chop Fee ft ." 1 35
Middlings, Fancy " 1 35
Hran, 1 to
Chicken Wheat 1 50
Corn, f>er bushel, 75
White Oats,per bushel tn
New Oats
I) hoice Clover Seed, "1
OMojce Timothy Seed, 112 At Market Prices,
'hoice Millet Seed,
p iucy Kentucky BlueQrass, |
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
w. c. uonso.x,
relephone, 19-2.
Contribution* invited. That which you would
ike to see in this department Je! w* knnir by pon
a' card or letter. pernonallu.
W. E. Shaffer, editor of Renovo Rec
ord, was a pleasant PRESS visitor on
Mrs. G. H. Gross and son are visit
ing Mrs. Gross' mother, Mrs. Jacobs, at
Corning, N. Y.
Mrs. Henry Auchu and daughters
Misses Edna and Ellen, visited in Buf
falo last Thursday.
Douglas McCall, of Sinnamahoning,
an old-time friend, remembers the
PRESS. Thanks, friend.
John L. Johnson, proprietor of Am
erican House, was a business caller
at PRESS office on Friday.
Mrs. Chas. J. Howard and Mrs. John
T. Howard are visiting relatives at
Shenandoah, Pa., for a'few days.
Miss Edna Auchu goes to Williams- j
port on next Sunday's Flyer to visit re j
latives and friends for a few days.
Miss Mame Danckelmann, of Buffalo, j
who has been visiting with her many
Emporium friends, returned home on
Mrs. Llndley Beattie and little
daughter, of Bradford, are guests of
Mrs. John Beattie, at her home, cornet-
Sixth and Maple streets.
Mrs. F. S. Coppersmith has been con
fined to her bed the past ten days suf
fering from a severe cold, but is some
what improved at this writing.
Mr. J. L. Fisher, of Sinnamahoning,
who is serving his country as juryman
this week, was a PRESS visitor on Mon
day, and enrolled his name for a year.
Miss Lena Mac Donald, the popular
lady manager of telephone exchange,
has resumed her place after an illness
of several weeks.
Chas. M. Macintosh, who works on
Hicks Run lumbering job was a PRESS
caller last Saturday and planked down
the long green for another year's
Mistes Carrie and Susie Genung, of
Coudersport, returned home on Satur
day, after spending a week with their
aunt, Mrs. Daniel Downey and family,
on West Fifth street.
Mr. A. D. Ericsson returned on Tues
day from visiting at New York, Phila
delphia and Buffalo. At the latter city
we understand he made quite a collect,
ion of postal cards.
Roes Overturf, chemist at Iron
works is one of the happiest lads in
town and all on account of that beauti
ful girl baby that came to his home on
Monday night. Ross did the elegant
for his friends and it looked as though
he would have to b.:y out a cigar fac
Mr. Geo. O. Seaver recently received
intelligence of the death of his brother,
A. B. Senver, of Detroit, Maine. De
ceased had been sick for several months
and greatly desired Mr. Seaver should
visit him but owing to the impaired
condition of his own health he was tin
able to make the journey.
Master Frank Karrell came over from
Roulette last week to visit his sister
and friends. His mother and self are
living at ltoulette with the former's
daughter. Frank is a good boy and
we hope some day to Hl* him muke
his mark.
Hon. John J. foyle and wife, of
Philadelphia, were quests at New
Warner, Sunday night, en route for
Wilkes liar re The genial Kx-Senator
regretted his Inability to remain with
us tor a da v.
Court on Tuesday last. Little busi- J
ness transacted.
A. C. Blum is confined to his resi
dence with rheumatism.
John H. Day is spending his annual
vacation in York State.
Mrs. It. W. Barrows, of Lock Haven, j
ia guest of Mrs. Josiah Howard.
Chas. J. Howard is suffering at the
home of his mother, on West Fourth
street, with a broken ankle, the result
of a foot ball game at Renovo last
Mr. Thoa. Gallagher and niece, Miss
Massie Gallagher, entertained the mem
bers of Episcopal Vestry, yesterday
evening atsix o'clock dinner. It was
a very pleasant and enjoyable occa
Miss Grace Seeley, of Spencer, N. Y.
is guest of Miss Grace Walker. This
pleasant lady visited here several
months ago and formed many pleas
ant acquaintances—all ladies, of course.
Our good friend, Mr. E. G. Coleman,
who takes life easy and is always
happy, was an agreeable PRESS visitor
on Monday and carried away a receipt
for his favorite paper, the PRESS. We
appreciate his kind words.
R. C. Dodson and family enjoyed (?)
a good scare last Saturday evening
when they discovered their home to be
on Are from a defective fire place. For
some unaccountable reason no hose
company putin appearance at the
scene, haying been turned back, we
are told. Fortunately the Are was ex
tinguished by Parsons' Hose Company,
after the Rescue H. & L. Co., cut a hole
for the water. The damage to the
house was not serious, although it
might have been more serious.
Editor Press;—
Mrs. Helen E. Jenson, age 63 years,
died at Sinnamahoning at the resi
dence of her grand-daughter, Mrs. Len
Krebs. The funeral was held last Sun
day in the M. E. Church at 9:15 a. m.,
from which the remains were taken to
Wharton cemetery for interment. De
ceased had borne her affliction with
the fortitude of a christian, retained
her faculties to her last moments,
yielding her health in full peace of
mind, and convinced that she was
leaving this earthly state for a better
and a happier in another world. Re
latives in attendance from out of town
were: Mr. H. M. Itichey, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Richey, and Adam Richey,
Keating Summit; Mrs. Albert Lord
and daughter Rosa, A Hie Lord and
Robert Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Court
right and daughter Lizzie, Cameron;
Mr. O. S. Zayner and son Harry, St.
Marys; Miss Blanch Morse, Emporium-
X. X. X.
Oct. 24, 1905.
Homegrown celery to sell; fresh
right out of the ground.
33tf 11. W. GRAHAM.
WANTED. —Good girl for house work.
High wages for a competent girl. Box
56-5, Renovo, Pa. 36-2t.
WANTED: —Representative in own
community. $500.00 capital required.
Good salary to right party. Bona-lide
real estate proposition. Address New
Martinsville Improvement Co., Wheel
ing or Steelton, W. Va. n36tf
If we please you, you will come back;
that will please us, therefore it is a
matter of busiuess with us to please
We sincerely thank neighbors,
friends and Rescue H. & L. Co., for
their efficient assistance Saturday
evening Oct. 20th, 1905.
Mrs. Lizzie Kelley has broken ground
for a new house, adjoining her resi
dence on Maple street. The house
will be 18x26 feet, with 16x14 wing.
WANTED. —Work by the day, regular
day each week, washing, sweeping, etc.
Address box 134, Emporium, Pa.
Every stitch of scenery used in the
production of the Missouri Girl is car
ried by the company. At Emporium,
Nov. 9th.
The Missouri Girl appears at the
Armstrong Opera H>>use, Johnson burg,
Pa., matinee and night, Saturday, Oct.
28—the fifth visit to this city. The
show has always done well in Johnson
hurg, on one occasion getting $450
gross. Next Saturday trains will be
run from many surrounding towns and
the managers expect, a big house. —At
! Emporium, Nov. 9th.
Bargain in Books.
i A complete set of Brittanica Euey
i clouaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
I and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will l>e sold at a bargain,
Apply at I'KKSS ottlce. 3«tf
Could ftut ttuullfy.
A well known Scotch horse rouper,
who was considered a re«peetabl«
member of a was fre
ipiently pressed by the minister to al
low himself to be nominated for the
eldership He always put the mutter
off with evasive answers, but at length
the minister demanded the reason fur
his refusal. Thus driven Into a corner
the worth) replied Mali, I Wolulef to
hear on, Mr MeNub! Hon can u Ml
is* an elder ami sell a UorseT—ieottUh
SIOO Reward, sioo.
Tlio readers of this paper will be j
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has |
been able to cure in all its stages, and j
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure j
is the onlj positive cure now known to !
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being !
a constitutional disease, requires a con- j
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh I
Cure is taken internally, acting direct- j
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces i
of the system, thereby destroying the J
foundation of the disease, and giving!
Uie patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature
in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dol- j
lars for any case that it fails to cure, i
Send for list of testimonials. Address: {
F. J. CHENEY &Co , Toledo, O. Sold .
by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family ;
Pills for constipation.
} Have you seen thefine piece of kitchen 3
£ furniture on display at the New Bakery of J
? M. L. CUMMINGS, one door from the }
} seen in the county till the present time. )
r Come in and examine it. One in actual use.
So named because it saves the cook much of her work,
sand part oi the grocery bill. Don't fail to call and \
\ see it soon and if you wish one direct from onr fac- \
< tory, leave your order with our representative by ?
t the first week in November. s
) RrplTßpMppQ* Second National Bank; Dunn's, Bradstreets Mercantile £
S Agency, any Bank or responsible business firm of Cincinnati,
112 Ohio. c
Emporium's Leading Grocery. ||
Prices Reasonable.
M j T " " !l" 8
;■ :r DAY'S =...
FISH The Satisfactory Store OYSTERS
1 I
Friday and Saturday
* Specials.
W> The list for this week follows: p|.
Small Calilornia Hams, (trimmed shoulder) alb 9c ij|
W< roc roll, 1,000 sheet to roll, Toilet Paper for Bc.
ijj 251b bag best Granulated Sugar, $1.45.
| 7 lbs Rolled Avena, best white oats, for 25c.
Uncolored Japan Tea, basket fired, 50c quality 40c. |jj|
25c package Gold Dust Washing Powder for 20c.
15c tall can Red Alaska Salmon for 12c. sß|
7 cakes of Oak Leaf Soap for 25. jffl
!' 25c can Fancy Winter Apples for 20c. ||*
15c can Dutch Ham Loaf, 12 c.
Nine o'clock Washing Tea, 5c package 4c. |||
Force—lsc package Force Food, 12c. ||jj|
| J. H. DAY, I
W Phone 6. Emporium, Pa.
I OUR NEW LINE OF NtW S ? ria * "» e ° f Wi " , '°" Sh ■"»««•
||| from IOC to 75c per Shade. jn
jjl Wall Paper for 1905. zr . tp . TMrr T ~„ .. ' 1
The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez, jd
All Colors.
[0 Consists of the best things from three factories. Also = Jf
the Robert Graves Co. s line of Decoration Paperjofall Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made
kinds. for Floors.
[I Tht Cii.ivt line t<>nk (first i»ri/> in competition it S\ ■1 a |>|\\ r I | /\\/| \ '|
illy K ■ *■ I-Iwi'l I®,
ruiiM'x of < iincer.
"I could sic in) reason for the prev
alence of c.-mciv among tin* backwoods
men ol' North America,"says an Eng
lish writer. ' The other, day, however,
I happened t > mid in an account of
the baekwooil-t of Camilla that the lum
bermen maintain their remarkable
powers oil hue'.,wheat cakes served
with molasses, potato pies, bilked
beans, white I .rend, pork and bacon.
So far g toil, I>u> thai tea, black as ink,
sweetened with iiiohisse,s or sugar
house sirup, i: always near the fire by
day and by liijriit and is used in vast
quantities. Here we have the rich nu
triment and the great excess of stewed
tea and the excess of sugar, cor
responding to the excessive beer and
excessive coffee of parts of Holland,
Scandinavia. Switzerland, Baden and
•varia, in all of"which cancer is ex
'ingly prevalent."
& 4mhs!SßS9& 'jftutflimsp* 49NHHH& •
Ii ■Hot Weather Money Savers!
I KlfflfHlMflH must take as great care of I
Iff lfnJffP S|j fmm >* our eet as y° u do your
The Money Saver
•■'ves Satisfaction. |
1 R. SEGER & SON. |
*■/>?" 1 — ——
East Emporium's
1 Cash Store |
m ®
r,|j Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. Jjh
i k == — 1
I ff
f| The Food Store is at its Best. Our li
Special Bays are Every Day.
!l a
Juguar Brand Succotash per can 12c
| p Boston Raked Beans, 2}i 11). cans, 3 for 25c fij
| [|F Armour's Pork and Beans, 2 cans for 25c P|
(I Red Alaska Salmon, 2 cans fur 25c Ji
R !0L
| IJjj Columbia Evaporated Cream per can 9c |K|
Ml Bell's Condensed Milk 9c
H , \M
|| Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. .. . 16c a|j
lia 25lbs. granulated sugar St-45 ffi]
Our Best Flour, per sack s*-35 jj|,
!| The Finest Sugar Cured Hams, per lb i2'/>c gj
p 3 Cans Corn 25c jjf
|J 3 Cans Peas 25c Kj
|jjj 3 Cans Tomatoes 30c (fjj
p The Best Link Pork Sausage Made, per lb. . . . 11c Ijj
It pays you to call on us; jjjj
anything we offer saves you
money, both in Dry G-oods.
Notions and Hardware. if
1 i
1 I
I M anc * Phone orders receive our careful attention. ||
ii! h
Tompkins & Norris'.
{Jjk Phone 109 w |