Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 05, 1905, Image 8

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    • ••MHiaHHiMHiIM
' *.• 1
I Ha lf the b oys withirv.
school £&tes we?v.r
Md: Jane rtopkiiy"
Bq>-Proof Clothe/- I
I® ,p pHEßE'S!jinothing that pro-
I duces such sweet strains as
Price and O uality—they're mus
ic to the ear.
IMischievious youngsters play
the very mischief with clothes—
'tis the way of heedless, happy
go-lucky boyhood.
I lot of wear and style for a mite of
a price. I
® •
| Opposite Post-office, Emporium. Pa. |
fs r 1
j Eni|»o riiiiii Furniture €(». I
Our New Year
1 Introductory I 1
I Sale I I
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to
Your splendid patronage has placed|in
creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
wise enough to profit by it.
IKecp Your Eye on Us all tliis Year
and Watch Us Grow.
Emporium Furniture Co., 1
Undertaking. I
\lj& (Tinted (j'.oss)
will hold its color, !;'
brightness and gloss 112)
tor many years. The «•;
paint doesn't fade,
streak, blister, or crack, '
hke some paints'do.
fi Any paint will look
well at first, but nont- !
( 1< oks well so long
112 ij I.ucas Paints.
Ask your dealer.
} \ .
John Lucas & Co y.
: Philadelphia
Miss Alice Stewart has returned home
after a two weeks visit among relatives
out of town.
Miss Annie (rreenalcli has returned
from the hospital. We hope she may con
tinue to improve.
Miss Ester Stewart is also on the gain
and is expected home soon.
The musical entertainment given at
the New Cameron House, Saturday even
ing was well attended.
Mrs. Win. Wykoff has returned home
after a short visit among friends in Port
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hoyt spent Sun
day with friends in Kane.
Miss Edna Summerson spent Sunday
with her parents in Sterling Run.
Joseph Fauver has returned from a
business trip to Iloboken, N. J.
A. L. Terry is ill with ;>rip.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, Jr. have moved
from the brick works to Weedville where
Mr. Eddy has secured a better position.
Train Dispatcher John Alderfer, of
Kenovo, spent Friday with his aunt Mrs.
F. C. Linniger has moved to Eagle
Mrs. Ivrise mother of Mrs. Wm. Wy
koft has recovered from her recent illness.
Miss Susie Sullivan is slowly recover
ing from typhoid fever.
Agent Krape, of Cooks Run, was on
hand for roll call Sunday.
We are glad to welcome our former
worthy citizen Mr. Robert Niles to Cam
eron again. Mr. Niles has accepted the
position of engineman for the Calder
Brick and Coal Co. Mr. Niles is a past
master on all matters regarding steam
engineering, having for some years
pulled the Sunset Limited on the Frisco
Line. lie also holds the undisputed
record of loading the most logs in a given
liiuc while he was with the Cameron
Lumber Co.
J. F. S.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mason spent
Sunday with Mr. W. R. Smith.
Miss Bertha Wiley, of Pine Grove,
visited Mrs. Augustus Nelson Sunday.
Everybody is getting ready for the
, fair.
Wm. Johnson is on the sick list.
Frank Sullivan, of Cameron, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Wayne Nelson is spending his vaca
tion with his cousin at Shoboygan, Mich.
Mr. John Carson has recovered from
his recent illness and is able to work
W. E. Cupp the genial operator, of
Renovo is working one of the fifteen
hour tricks at Huntley Tower.
Mr. Frank Alger will deliver a temper
ance lecture at the Hall Saturday even
ing. W. R. Smith will furnish a few
vocal selections ably assisted by Major
Ha i ley.
In conclusion the Poet Laureate wishes
to state that:
October's somber days are here,
The leave« begin to turn,
The farmers sing a merry tune,
As they till up their barnn.
They all are wearing pleasant smiles.
Their crops are very tine,
They feel well paid for their hard work,
Through the g«*>d old summer time.
I'otatoe* |>eep from out the ground,
In H. J. Collins field,
Karl 1 one will weigh at least three pounds,
They aie » goodly yield,
While Brother Johnson * buck went crop,
Is something grand to see.
And I>a\id Logue's Hue fields of corn.
Are nice an they can be.
Ho cheer up fellow citUeiis,
No nee t to weep or wall,
For while you stay in lluutiey town.
You'll have full dinner pails.
J. K. H.
Latent Popular MUHIC.
Mi MM May (lould, teacher of piano
fort*, haa rcvtlved a full linn of the lat
ent mid moat popular sheet music. All
the popular alr*. I'rtoM reasonable.
Geo. D. Mead has rented the house ofF. E.
Jordan and will commence to keep liouse this
W.J. Mead went to Harrlsburg Saturday to
get a position on the state police force.
G. B. Barclay will harvest his third crop of
alfalfa clover this week.
J. S. Johnson is rushing his new house as fast
as he can get the work done.
D. B. Johnson of Lock Haven, was in town 011
Goto Cruui Bros for fine Peaches—the best in
the market.
The tent meeting closed this week.
Pap Blodget dug part ot his potatoes one day
last week and left them lay out over night. He
did not have them to pick up next morning.
There seems to be quite a lot of light fingered
work going on here this fall.
The Powder Co., commenced laying the iron
for their railroad this week.
Houses for rent are in great demand.
Dr. Russell has moved his oflice from D. W.
Horn's residence to the residence of Miss Bertha
Fulton, where he is ready to attend calls.
S. P. Krcider, D. D. G. M..of Cameron County
assisted by J. R. Batchelder, are making ar
rangrnents to institute a lodge of Independent
Order of Odd Fellows at this place in the near
future. They have the necessary number of
third degree members and forty-two applicants,
as charter members, and will start with over
sixty members.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Floyd, a son.
Miss Ethel Barr, teacher of the Wyside school
was called home last week, owing to the serious
sickness of her mother.
Mrs. G. W. Batchelder was visiting at Castle
Garden this week.
L. E. Krebs is moving into his new house.
M. N. U. L. Brooks and Chas. Logue started
after bear this week. It's all right if they get
right kind.
The school directors of Grove township are
going to investigate the cause of the polution of
the wells at several of the school houses along
the First Fork and notify the State Board of
Health of the results.
Constable Wm. Crane is on the track of the
poker players who are doing business around
Enterprise. He has the names of several but is
waiting to get evidence of some of the leaders.
Some are mere boys 10 and 12 years old, led on
by the older ones.
One of the residents of a nearby town had a
dream a few nights ago,which troubled him, and
at the breakfast table he related it to his family.
He said he had (dreamed that he saw five rats
going along all in a row, the head one was a big
fat old fellow, the next was a poor mother rat,
the next two little rats and the last a poor slim
old rat, almost blind. His wife thought it meant
some sore afHction to the family, but the little
girl about four years old, says,"Papa I know what
it means, the big fat one is the landlord down
town, and the next is mamma and me and the
baby and the last one is you." Pretty good in
terpretation for a child.
Several of our staunch Republicans will attend
the Banquet at the New Warner House Thurs
day evening.
O. L. Bailey is looking up his political fences
these days.
Those who are in favor of good roads should
take a trip up the First Fork. Fine chance for
a law suit. The water runs nearly all the dis
tance in the wheel tracks. The farmers do not
have to soak their wheels to keep the tires on.
Miss Cora Russell has returned to the Hill
alter a few days visit with Hlx Run friends.
Rev. N. J. Bacus, of Oil City, drove over the
Hill Thursday apd called on many old time
Mrs. W. W. Marsh has been visiting her son
Bernard and other relatives at Renovo the past
James Barr, of Hix Run, has completed the
new school house on the Hill and school began
Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mrs. James Barr, of
Dents Run were on the Hill visiting Wednesday.
Miss Alice Williams whu has been making her
home at Emporium is spendiug a few days with
her parents at this place.
Mrs. Alzina Barr is seriously ill with pneumon
ia. Dr. Corbett is attending her.
Mrs. Martha Losey, of Sinnamahoning, and
son Herman spent Sunday at M. E. Barr's.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Farr drove down from Em
porium with their daughter Miss Alvira who is
to teach our school for the coming term.
Mrs. Chas Connor, Chas. Barr and Miss Ethel
Barr were suddenly called home Saturday on ac
count of the serious illness of their mother Mrs.
A. Barr.
School Report.
Last year
Number enrolled to date 650 626
Average attendance COS 675
Percentage of attendance 95% 96
Number present every day 399 398
Number tardy 70 -13
Number sick 83 32
Number of visitors 50 62
The total enrollment to the end of the first
month last year was 697 including 70 in the kin
dergarten. Figures given above for last year are
in all cases exclusivo of the kindergarten. Ab
sences caused by the enforcement of the vacci.
nation law caused oua record for this first
month to lag. We regret this because it was
needless. Notice was given early iu August,
in plenty of time to have that disagreeable busi
ness attended to.
The persons named below have made a gen
eral average in attendance, scholarship and de.
portment of 95 or more.
High School, Seniors—Elizabeth Lechner,
Annie Welsh, Ruby Heidick, Vera Olmsted,
Edna Palmer. Juniors.—Mary Welsh, Jane
Glenn, Edith DeArmit, Bessie McQuay, Cather
ine Orr. Sophomores—Mary Blumle, Belle
Cleary, Mary Farrell, Jennie Robinson, Alice
Rohinson, Marguerite Metzger, Ellen Swartz.
Freshmen—Jean McNarney, Mildred McQuay,
Annie Edwards, Marian Judd, Ethel Lloyd,
Katie Kraft, Laura Ilout, Kate Metzger.
Senior Grammar—May Mulcahy, Mabel But
|er, Nellie Tubridv. Junior Grammar, A Class-
Dorr Spencer.
B Intermediate, Middle Ward, A Class—Helen
Orr, May Henry, Margaret Streicht. B Class-
Ruth Pearsall, Maty Welsh.
C Intermediate. WAV., A Class—Nancy Ttirley
Matilda Scott, Marguerite Faucet t, Margaret
Twicheli, Mauiie Fridette, Martha Flick, Agnes
Cleary. B Class- Helen Friendel.
A Primary, W. W., A Class—Agnes Gordan.
A Primary, East Ward, A Class Frederick
McClure, Vc-luiu Frappler, Florence Nelson,
Hazel Shearer. It ('lass—Grace Prentice, Beryl
B Primary E.W., A t'luss Murgaret McCaalin.
C Primary, W. W , A Class Laura Evans
ttouahi Robinson, Dorothy Howard, KuseHum
lunraoii, Lewis Letourueau, Vera Welsh, Char
lotte Jessop, Made Connelly, Walter Ncllts. ,B
I 'la-s —l.olllse Xidun
I.DWAKD s. LING. Principal.
All persons HTM hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon lite property of this
Company without u permit Irorn thia
olttett, or the Huperlntendaiit at the
Emporium, I'a , Attaint Ist, ltio,s
Dr. Green arranges w'th the Niece of Dr. no 1
srliee to handle her famous Uncle's Great
Tl.roat ami Idling Cure.
CfThe best family safeguard is a reliable
household medicine that will cure croup, ;
coughs, cold chilly sensations, running '
eves and nose, sore throat and bronchial i
affections—that will keep the children
proof .against all contagious diseases.
(JSuch a medicine is Boschee's German
Syruji, which has a record of 35 y nrs in
the cure of consumption, catarrh and ull
lung and bronchial troubles.
(JThe fame of German Syrup as a con
sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr. :
Green from the niece of the famous I)r. '
Boschee, has extended to all parts of the ■
earth. It has big sales everywhere. 10
<JTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists.
S 1865 1904 "X
N '
lif 5 JI /
112 OVERCOATS for Men, Boys and 3 j
112 Children. 3 1
Q Always the best in the market and 1 I
j at the lowest prices. I sell at old 3 !
General Merchandise. |;
| White Suitings, |
We have our new line or White Shirtwaistings and |p
ti;' Suitings for Spring and Summer. I)o not fail to see
M them. Prices very reasonable.
I Bate's Seersuckers.
* §
We received lately 2000 yards of Bate's Seersuckers
K that we are selling at 12c a yard, and they are going M
fast. The patterns and color are much better this year |!|
than before.
| McCall Patterns I
The McCali Patterns are always up to date. Use ffl
McCall patterns and you will always have a good fit,
Jk and you wi 1 l have no trouble in doing your spring sew-
||! ing. Fashion sheets free.
fj Demorest Sewing |
I Machines I
I 1
We have a lull line ot Demorest Sewing Machin ®
W<- and|all in good working order. The kind you need
do your spring sewing. Mi
Any person contemplating the purchase ot a new
sewing machine will do well by calling 011 us.
T\ • ,
1 rices, to&io.sof
/i* ' * "
| 1
♦ > « 0 4 < i o J % K\
) This Is the j
| Store i
{ For the People. i
£ 81b Rice. 25c. 1
i 7 bars Oak I.eaf ar Acme >
} Soap, 25c. \
\ 3 Cans Corn, 25c. 1
C 3 Cans Peas, 25c. *
112 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. <
£ A full line of fresh fruits,
i vegetables and canned
meats suitab': for camping S
s parties. j
> Free#deliv<.: to any part s
of the city. c
/\ 1\
vJi 15 ■ i
£ Allegany Avenue,
£ 'Phone 81. J
| Old Reliable
11 Drug Store jjj
[]| Clear the system of im- H]
[}| purities. uj
Brightens the home. «]
[s Does away with and covers s]
[u up disease germs. uj
nJ Buv them ol L. Taggart. [n
Ul nJ
We carry the largest line of UJ
Drugs, Wall Paper and Paint m
H] in Cameron county. m
}{] Get health, cleanliness and [}J
jjj good cheer at the [jj
Ln pJ
i I
SOW Re liable J