Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 05, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    There Is Money
in <nV!ni» subscriptions to the Four-
Track New«, tlie great illustrated monthly
magazine »112 travel nnd education. A
quick seller. Very liberal terras. I.arße
profits. Apents vintfl everywhere.
Write Geoi 11. Daniels. Vuhlisher. 7 Fast
42nd Street, New York, for full particulars.
Many a man who thinks he is frank
is considered impudent by others.
Don't spoil your clothes. I'se Red Pro*«
Ball Blue and keep them white as snow.
All grocers, f> cents a package.
It's a fine thing to be your own master,
if you don't care about pay days.
How a Chicago Woman Found Help When
Hope Was Fast Fading Away.
Mrs. E. T. Gould, 914 W. Lake Street,
Chicago, 111., says: " Doan's Kidney
Pills are all that saved me from death
of liriyht's Disease, that I know.l
, had eye trouble,
„.-£•> backache, catches
j when lying abed
rif •« & or when bending
over, was languid
PrrSy. and often dizzy
an( ' ' KL d sick head
aches and bearing
own Pains. The
PT r " kidney secretions
llijl Milf were too copious
' m * w; I and frequent, and
very bad in ap
pearance. It was in 1903 that Doan's
Kidney Pills helped me so quickly and
cured me of those troubles and I've
been well ever since."
Foster-Milburn Co., BufTalo, N. T.
For sale by all druggists. Price, 50
cents per box.
The Highest Grade o!
Cereal Food in
the World
iCi* ft S&i, X
Millions Eat
It Daily
Every Grccer Sells It.
s & s s-5? s k © es a;
W. L. Douglas 54.00 Cilt Edge Lino
cannot bo equalled at any price.
15H0LS jj
fl .A.ce,/ / ! // ©\
pfi '' 'W&<| \
E' II ' 'f J
M' ■;
m, /- r '- r , !
h' : " i
k r /rr'*S<> ! 1 S^s&
' f v. i , norjr etes and sri a
mom: ,». .\j
ANY O'fHEii itiAfoc SASTVftSit*
& | fj flfiH REWARD *o anyone who can
$ - UjUcJU disprove this statement.
W. L. Douglas 5*3.50 shoes have by their ex
cellent style, taiy 11 11i r *r. and superior wearing
qualities, achieved the 112 eulcoiany $3.50
Alloc in t!ie world. Tht*y urc lust us (rood as
those that cost you ss.< to s7.oo—tlie only
difference It the price. It I could take you Into
my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In
the v »- ld under one ro >i inaMng tr<en's fine
shoes. nnd show you iho corewltfi which every
pair of Dougtss utMH -i Is made, you would realize
wbj , i . Doi lis shoes arc tiie bebt
shoes produce ! i.i the w.jr!d.
If I could show you the between the
fhor.i made in my factory am. those of other
you would understand why Douvtia*
$3.50 fehoes cost moro to uiat.e, why they hold
their fhupe, fit better, w» ar longer, and ore of
intrinsic \ :luf? thun any other $3.50
shoe on the market to-day.
IV. L. Ur crfjv* u tyr&nfj Warto Shnea fc*
Mmr, > k .- .^o#A
«rc:c ShGaa,s2.aO, $2,
CAUTION. —lnsist upon having W.L.l>oug
lan shoes, rake no cuh»<titute. N <rie genuine
without his tiaino ami |>rfoo ftainf>ed on bottom.
WANTKfi. A shoo<i< aler Ipevary town where
W. L. Slhh Slhh m aro not «ol<|. Kull line el
caiupled fient fr«o f«»r in j.o *ti«»n upon request.
fatt Color fytlctn uxetf; they u/llt not uxor bmst'j
"Writo for Illnstrattfl of Fall Styles
VV. L. JiOl'liLAS, ltiuckUiii, Mats*.
;"5 B i A.
* *
Wiwn you ore biliotu B a
•rii have buudacht, back
fct hu »i«! bod twt« in tliu
mouth, h. iui 1.1 your din •
(Fiat lb, U« b t cum fur R" fbf,M
tii'k jniK'fc* -Ci-tery King, L'. I Is
U.. 1.1 I.
MMltf '& leuUi to n«t W.U,
J ■ -r
ft mr-Mumr**' i*n h»u 112 an»
Should Either England or Japan
Become Involved in a War, the
Other Party Will at Once
Come to the Assistance
of Its Ally.
London. Sept. 27. —The text of the |
Anglo-Japanese treaty signed August
12 was issued from the foreign office
last evening, together with a dispatch
to the British ambassador at. St.
Petersburg forwarding a copy of the 1
agreement, with instructions to com- 1
municate it to the Russian govern
ment at the earliest opportunity. The
treaty contains eight clauses and a
long preamble. The latter states that
the object of the treaty is the mainten
ance of general peace in Asia and In
dia and the preservation of the inter- !
ests of all the powers in China by in
suring the integrity of China and the j
principle of equal opportunity for the
commerce of all nations, the mainten
ance of the territorial rights of Great
Britain and Japan in Eastern Asia and
India and the defense of their special
interests therein.
The text of the treaty is as follows:
"Article I—lt1 —It is agreed that when
ever in the opinion either of Groat
Britain or Japan any of the rights and
interests referred to in the preamble
to this agreement are in jeopardy, the |
two governments will communicate ;
with another fully and frankly and
will consider in common the measures !
which should be taken to safeguard
those menaced rights or interests.
"Article 2 —Should either of the
high contracting parties be involved
in war in defense of its territorial
rights or special interests, the other
party will at once come to the assist
ance of its ally and both parties will
: conduct a war in common and make
I peace in mutual agreement with any
power or powers involved in such war.
"Article 3—Japan possessing para
mount political, military and economic :
' interests in Korea. Great Britain rec- |
I Japan's right to take such
! measures for the guidance, control and
I protection of Korea as she may deem
| proper to safeguard and advance those
j interests, providing the measures so
1 taken are not contrary to the principle
jof equal opportunities for the com
| merce and industry of all nations.
"Article 4—Great Britain, having a
! special interest in all that concerns
j the security of the Indian frontier,
j Japan recognizes her right to take
: such measures in the proximity of that
frontier as she may find necessary."
It Appears to Have Been a Bad Thing
for the Policy Holders in 28
Small Companies.
Chicago, Sept. 27. —Investigation of
, the affairs of the Western Life In
! demnity Co. by a state examiner yes
terday brought to light facts tending
I to show that claims of perhaps thou
sands of policy holders in assessment
companies have been practically
wiped out through company manipula
tions. Kxaminer Lucius Fronts dis
| covered that 2X small insurance com
panies have terminated ihcir existence
by merging into the Western Life In
; demnity Co.
"That means," said the examiner,
j "that the policy holders of the original
companies have gone through a pro
i cess which leaves them practically un
i insured, although they are still paying
their premiums and have been doing
so for years. This condition is not
particularly the fault of the Western
; or other absorbing companies, for the
i absorption is done according to law."
J Charges that the company was be
| ing "milked dry" were made at the
i hearing before Judge Kohlsaat by At
' torey Levlnson for the complaining
j policv holders.
"The company may transact ordi
; nary business, but the assets may not
be used for anything except to pay
death claims," ruled Judge Kohlsaat.
A Typhoon Strikes Manila.
New York, Sept. 27. —The Sun has a
! dispatch from Manila reporting a de
| structlve typhoon in that city. Th'
native districts were swept away.s.non
i persons are homeless and five |-'ili
i plnos were killed and 2<>o people in
j jui. d.
Passenger Cars Must be Screened.
Jael mcii , Ml S< pt. 27. At a eon
i ft it nee df tin* state boa id of li-alUi
{ au l the governor yesterday an ordl
I nanee was adopted requiring that all
j put- ■ 't eoinlii useij in the elate
tauht be closely screened.
%n Express Messenger and a Firmer
Friend Battled in an Express Car—
Both Are Probably Fatally Hurt.
Decatur, 111., Sept. 28.—John E.
Ryan, of Chicago, Pacific express mes-
J senger on Wabash passenger train No.
\ 13, and Edward Greene, also of Chi
cago, a former express messenger,
fought with pistols in Ryan's car yes
| terday. Both were seriously wounded
and may die. On arrival here Ryan
j was taken to the Wabash hospital and
| Greene to St. Mary's hospital.
Conflicting stories are told by the
j combatants. Greene says that lie got
|on the express car at Forty-seventh
j street, Chicago, intending togo to his
j home at Pittsfield to visit his rela
j tives. He was an old friend and Ryan,
Greene claims, permitted him to ride.
I Greene says he assisted Ryan with
the express matter and that they then
began drinking. Jokes led to a quarrel
and Greene says he and Ryan drew
| pistols at the same time.
Ryan's story is that ho did not see
Greene In the car until the train
reached Cerro Gordo. Relieving that
Greene jumped in for the purpose of
robbery, Ryan fired at him. According
to Ryan they clinched and both of
them, with revolvers drawn, rolled
about on the car floor. Finally separ
ating, each sought shelter in the car
and waited for the other to expose
himself. Just as the train was near
Decatur, Ryan says, he and Greene
fired and both went down, but were on
their feet in a short time and the duel
continued until the train reached the
outskirts of Decatur, when Greene
opened a door and jumped from the
car. Greene was unable to run and
was found an hour later by the police.
Greene has a bullet in the breast
and another in the right lung, while a
third ball is in the fleshy part of the
abdomen. Ryan was shot, in the left
jaw, in the left ear and in the left
Draws the Color Line.
Baltimore, Sept. 29. —At the demo
cratic state convention which was held
in Ford's opera house, this city, Thurs
day, Comptroller of State Gordon T.
Atkinson was renominated and a plat
form adopted which, excepting a para
graph endorsing the excellent business
administration of the present demo
cratic governor, Edwin Warfield, is
wholly devoted to the advocacy of the
proposed constitutional amendment to
restrict negro suffrage which will be
voted upon at the November election.
A Battle Between Students.
New York, Sept. 29. —Sophomores
and freshmen of Columbia university
waged a fierce battle at the Bronx
casino last night on the occasion of
the sophomore smoker, at which cap
tive freshmen were forced to furnish
II he entertainment. When a list of the
casualties had been completed it was
found that the most seriously injured
was a sophomore named Beck, who
had three ribs broken.
A Famous Lawyer Dies.
New York, Sept. 28.—Wheeler 11.
Peckham, the noted lawyer, died sud
denly here yesterday in his office.
Apoplexy is thought to have caused
his death. Mr. Peckham was 7:! years
old. He was appointed federal district
attorney of New York in 1884 and in
1891 was appointed to the federal su
preme court by President Cleveland.
The senate refused to confirm his
Smallest State Is Blotted Out.
Brussels, Sept. 28. —An agreement
has been reached between the Belgian
and Prussian governments for the ces
sion to Belgium of the neutral terri
tory of Moresnet in exchange for a
strip of land adjoining the town of
Eupen, in Prussia, 11 miles from Aix
la-Chapelle and close to the Belgian
frontier. Thus the smallest Huropean
state has been blotted out.
Avenged His Sister's Wrongs.
Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 28. —Charles
Denton, a real estate man, was shot
and killed yesterday by R. It. Horn, a
wood finisher. The shooting is said to
have grown out of Denton's treatment
of Horn's sister.
Man and Wife Assassinated.
Gallup, N. M., Sept. 28. —Andrew
Casno, a coal mine owner who lives
near here, was assassinated Tuesday
night and his wife fatally wounded.
The motive for the crime is thought to
have been robbery.
Taft Returns.
Hnn Francisco, Sept. 28. The
steamship Koria arrived yesterday
from the Orient, beating tii< Iran
I'aclflc record by several hours.
Among her passengers wen- Secretary
of War Tai't and mni;t of the members
of a parly which left with him im the
far east on the Manchuria on July ><.
Linemen Struck.
Wllki Bbarro, Pa., pi. 2v \ strike
if the linemen of hucluiwanna and l.u
Kerne counties wan ord"red s. Merday.
4kwM Nan .1- I lii ,
aak for $ a day am. .1 11111 • h . II- day.
Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company.
Condensed Time Table in Effect June 4, 1905.
day Week Days. ; Daily I Week Days.
Duly _ _ 1 _
r. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. { P.M. P.M.: STATIONS. (A.M. A. M. 1 P. M. I I'.M P.M !
sis 818 11 18 518 <Lv Addison Ar 10 13; 443 SSO
600 900 12 00 600 Knoxville 1 9 30, 400 8 08,
614 917 12 14 614 Weatfield ! 9 17| 347 7 55;
647 947 12 47 6 47* .Gaines Junction'.... l 841 311 725
10 00, 1 00 ! Ar. t rial,,t on ILv « *•; ! 754
700 10 20 500 700 Lv. ) uaieion,. j- Ar 8 3 „i 300 /j 0 7
7 40 11 00; 5 401 Cross Fork June . 7 3!l 623
800 11 20 602 Hulls | 7 IS I 602
820 11 40 620 Wharton j 6 50; 540
I 12 15j Sinnumaliomng....< | 5 00
i 12 f.o | Driftwood j 4 52
I 1 02' Medix Hun 4 08,
i 123 Tyler 3 42
j 131 Penfleld j 13 331
! 2UO Dußois I j3 00
, P. M. P. M.
P.M. A.. M. P.M.I I'.M.) A. M-i P.M A.M P.M
8 20( 111 45 6 20. Wharton 656 520 1110
8 19 j 12 00; 629 Costello 6 44 |6 08 10581
3 38 |l2 15| I Ar j 1 Lv 6 35 15 00 10)0!
100 6 38' 800 Lv | - Auslln /Ar j 3'lo: 950 805
2 Oof 7 03] 845 .KeatingSummit..., A.M.I 2,20! 910:7 40
I ,P. M. | A. M.i i I I I
|A. M. P. M.' A. M. IA. M.! P. M.i
830 3 30j Wellsville 806 2146
8 58; 3 52! Genesee 741 2 181
9 oß| 4 Oil West Bingham, 730 206
9 27| 4 15! Newfield Junction.. 7 13; 1 801
1011101 4 55i Galeton 6 30| 105;
j | |p M L_r M
11 05t 625 Cross Fork June....; 7 3oj j !5 40,
11 65' 7 10 Cross Fork 6.301 4 40
1 l_ _l_ i I I I I I
Additional trains leave Galeton at 8:45 a. in.and 6:25 p. m., arriving at Ansonia at 9:21 a.m.
and 7:00 p. m.
Returning leave Ansonia at 9:35 a. m., and 3:30 p. m., arriving at Galeton at 10:09 a. m., and
9:05 p. m.
At Driftwood with P. R. R.
At Dullois with B. R. fc P. Ry.
At Keating Summit with B. fc. A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania R. R.
At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& H R. R. for all points north and south.
At Newfleld Junction with C. & P. A. Ry., Union Station.
At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Station.
At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station.
At WeUsville with Erie K. R. for points east and west.
At Sinnamahoniog with P. R. R.—P. it E. Div.
U.J. MC.MAUON, Div. Pass Ag't., Galeton, Pa. W. C. PARK. Gen'tSupt., Galeton. Pa.
E. A. NIEL, Traffic Mgr. Buffalo, N.Y. C. PETER CLARK. Gen'l Mgr. Buffalo, N. Y.
qnc» mm •PO KA.DOT.CANsTargrpT' jrJ
U « important
MJ 00 ■ *«* W ..h«. nil.. !k. .... p«..t
fry* <■•»«« <IJO O0 S2O 00 pt.ti >. U* oalr<w* y«M«. TtwUt
J ih H H H«| W
y TAbove all, USE GOOD PAINT!. _ 1|
The oil I linseed oil I Just pure linseed is the "life"—the one great requi»»
U fte of good paint for which there is no substitute—and (he sure w?y Co .get the, ■rif
ES pure, fresh linseed oil it to buy the oil and
y Mnioch y
,MOuSSuSuSir \
figg separately." For every gallon of Kinloch Paint buy one gallon of linseed oil. fed
MB This makes two gallons of-paint, ready for use. You then know that the paint. Bfl
you're putting on your house is alive—"the genuine oil is in it,"and paint is not I J
paint unless it contains 50* of really pure oil. We will further explain Jie virtues
p-% of Kinloch Paint if you will catl and see us. ' SB
nar mmi m MEBBBSSM mm m G.SCHMIDT'S,
Daily Delivery. Allordersftiven promptand
skillful attention.
§WKEN IN DOUBT, TRY The* have Mood the t«t of
OTHHRIft r _ _ - and hare cured thousands oJ
N ' Kmih |K) 0 *J 112 of Nervous Diseases, rach
UIIIUIVU R®* Debility. Dit*ine«».SicepJ««*-
a A| iy fl aeu and Varicocele,Atropky,&c.
fi H AIH ' They clear ibe brain, strcngthe«
rtwVllll • circulation, make digestion
perfect, and impart a healthy
rigor to the whole beinp. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
arc properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price $1 per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tiu
money, #5 00. Send for tree book. Addxcss* PfcAL MLDICIN& CO- CltVtlasd*
Vor ri%le b/ R. O. Doc Urn, Druggist, orlrnm, Pt.
Between 12th and 13th Sts„ on Filbert St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Three minutes WALK from the Reading
Five ii'inuti s WALK from the Penn'tt R.
European Plan *1 per day and upwards.
American Plan $2 uo per day.
Ililaia Dean'?!
A i«fp, certain r**llof for I
MfUKtrimtion. Nevt r known tofi»ll. faff! E
Sure! Hpeoily! Sut»sfattioi» <itm run trod I
or money Refunded. s«*tit prepaid for I
91.01) i)f*r hoi. Will Mend them on trh*l, to I
be pah! U*r whin relieved. Ham pled t r*>e. I
-ii m
Hold in Eiuporimu by L. iTaggart am It. C.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidnevs nnd hfndfter i !sri t
> 1 \ \ li ffj t* | jjf J (j « I' | p 4 Th«H OObott.e« '4lns 2H tmt < th« trial which Milt »®r *0 c«nta,
L J \ A MW %r \ V** y j ( WIMMO OMVV AT TK» LAm ATO*V Of
Suit! liy l{. C f I>ixlsou, Drug^iMW
* \V(. promptly obtain 11. R. ami
/ Send "!>■!, sicci *!i or ;i] etc ( 1 iliW'itii'U fort 1
r free report on mtentaralitT. For free book, r j
< Howt<>ticcureTn»r»r MADit'C writer
j '
The Place to Buy Cheap S
) J. F. PARSONS' ?
Hufr. «p<'<*i|y rcjnilnt"- • . * Hm.jgUt* or molt
liofkiet flit. JJH. I.AI UANLA', rutiuiji
Taking ett'tict Ma ; >7th. 16U1.
~~~™" fIOTB~' 4| 6 5
», m. r. UJA.m. a.M.
fort Allegany,.. Lv.' SIS; .... TO3 1189
Ook-Liiaa, |'Ul •" *ll a
GurtvUle, *8 80 T ISi 1147
Roulette, I 3 40 1 tel. 11 M
tCoowitcn's, •Sib! *" 1.,.-. *ll W
Kiufc 8 691 7 *6! 12 0»
Olmsted *4 05 *7 38; »W 0»
Hammonds, 00 00 i'H II:
rW/t.p.nii't 112 Ar.j 420 A.M. 743 i 12 1»
°** a!e r»port. | hw | () I# | Ift ®3j 1«•
North Coudersport !*fi 15 ..... 00 | *1 <•
Krlnk'e | 6 251 •« W| »1 »'
Oolegburs, »<! .... *6 17 It#
fleven UrnlnoM, *6 451.... •« 21 *1 *4
Raymonds'*. I*7 001..... •« SO I 184
CWd. I 7 03 6 se! 1 «X
Newfield, 00 ! 1 «
Newfield Junction, | 7 371 8 45. 1 89
Perkins, •? 40; •« 48; »1 3*
Carpenter's, | 7 40' 00 I£7
OrowsH'a. 7 801 •6 83! *2 01
Classes A 1 8 05!.....1 7OS 2IV
I A. M.l I |f.K.
|III | 8 1
A. M. P. M. A. M. I .....
Ulysses, ..LT. 7 20! 2 25j a 101
OrowoU's, *7 27 *2 32 * » •••.■'
Carpenter's, 00 !»2 34 •9 23 ~..i
Portias,. *7 82 *2 37;* 0 28 .....
NewfleldlJunctlon, 7 87 2 42! 932 ....J
Newfleld »7 411 248 00 ...«i
Sold 7 U 2 4Jj 9 -10 ...^
Raymond's |*7 49 2 54)* 047 ...*
Scran Bridges, *8 #1 »3 081*10 02 ....<1
CaIMDUJrf, *8 04 3 00|*10 10 ....<•
Friuk'e, «8 12 *3 17 'lO 20 ....i
North Ooudersport, °° I*B 28 *lO 85 ... «
SAr. I 19 I 80 10 4S .....
i P.M. • ....
LT. S2B 800 120 .....
Haasnonds oo | oo oo
Olmsted, *8 88 *8 05 *1 81 ....A
Mina, 837 810 187 ...J
KMwiion's, 00 j*B 17 ®° .....J
BcltetU, 847 621 181 ....J
BartVtUa, 8 64j 828 iwj-4
Ooieman *° t *B 34 00
Port Allegany • ••! •40 125 ....4
(*> »lA* stations. C*) Trains do not stop i
♦'i Telegraph offices. Train Nos. 3 and 10 wff
carry passvngera. Tains 8 and 10 do.
Trains run on Sastern Standard Time.
Connections—At Ulysses with Pali Brook B">
for points north aad south, At B. &8. Juiv»
tion with Ruflaio h Susquehanna H. B. north ton
'Wellseliie, south for Qaleton andAnsooia. AS
Port Allegany with W. N. Y. <& P. B. R., north
tor BuSalo, Oleaa, Bradford and SmetbportJ
south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium
and Psaii'a B. H„ points.
B. A. MoOLURE Gen'iiupt.
Coudersport, Pa.
Who is
If it'B R. SEGER & co,.
I you are getting the right
kiudof merchandise, 'lliere
is no small or grand decep
tion practiced in their store.
Sustained success demon
strates that there ia
"growth in truth"in the
retailing of
For Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Fine Commercial
Job Work of AH
Get Our Figures,
H T V A «ara goaranUed If yon nao
9 PILES Ru "< Suppository jf
Kg JL Jt EmS JUtiltof D Matt Thonj p, eßi ■
H Gradad Hchnola, Rtst«aTlM«, X. C . : " I «an »»j Q
N the* -*o »ll Ton c.slai for theai " I>r. S 11. Itovor*, H
M R*»-u Rock. W. V»., writes : " Thar *l»e nnlT»r»*l h»U»- B
B faction. Dr. MD. Uc(>lU, CUrksbarf Tcnn . writM: ■
n "In • prmctlc* sf 1S jaara, I have fuiu.l BO ram«4t to
Dj equ.l »our a. PUCB, 60 CIDTI. Mamplca Frau. B*l4 H
Hold la Smporiuat bf V-i Taggarl and B. 4
I Sometimes a rvliabto
Aix « mouttily regulating modicinOk
Su4 j DR. PEAL'S
Apo prompt, safo and certain In result.
i ice (Dr. uover dtiMiiUKiiuC. 11.00 per boi\
| Bold by R. C. Dod»on, druggist
Kedoß Cyspopsia Curo
Digosts what you oat.
Foley's Kidney Cure
males klJacys *nJ bladder right.
the most healing salve In the world