mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn 11 I fH I IHaJf the boys withiix. school g&tes wc^r Mr/: Jane Aopkinr Boy-Proof Clothe/- - J duces such sweet strains as Price and Quality—they're mus ic to the ear. IMischievious youngsters play |g the very mischief with clothes— 'tis the way of heedless, happy go-lucky boyhood. IA Mrs. JANE HOPKINS' BOY-PROOF SUIT gives a lot of wear and style for a mite of a price. JASPER HARRIS, | • • | Opposite Post-office, Emporium, Pa. | |ji|iiiriiiiii!iinijiiirH'o. \ Our New Year | Introductory 1 Sale I WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage has placed|in creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise euough to profit by it. IKeep Your Eye on Us all this Year and "Watch Us Grow. Emporium Furniture Co., 1 BERNARD EG AX, Manager. Undertaking. I CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905. I I I economical in first cost and |j J right and the paints cover, I .7! look and wear to beat any H John Lucas & Co A Laxative Cough Syrup. "A cold or cough nearly always pro duces constipation—the water all runs to the eyes, nose and throat, instead of' pass ing out of the system through the liver and the kidneys. For the want ot mois ture the bowels become dry and hard." Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. It meets and corrects the above conditions, by acting as a pleasant cathartic on tin bowels—axpels all colds from the system and cures all coughs, croup, whooping cough, LaGrippe, bronchitis, etc. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Every time a man makes love to his wife he makes a profitable investment. Always Successful. When indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion and all troubles result ing therefrom, thus preventing Catarrh of the Stomach. Dr. Newbrough, ol League, W. Ya., says:"To those suffer ing from indigestion or sour stomach I would say there is no better remedy than Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have prescrib ed it for a number of my patients with good success." Kodol Dyspepsia Curt digests what you eat and makes thestoiu ach sweet. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The girl with pretty teeth and a dimpli is usually a chronic giggler. Are You Brigaded. Engaged people should remember, thai after marriage, many quarrels can b< avoided, by keeping their digestions it good condition with Electric Bitters. S A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says: "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpic liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, became a mere wreck of her formei self. Then she tried Electric Bitters • which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." L. Taggart drug gist, sells and guarantees them, at 50c n bottle. At the age of forty the average mar has his conscience chloroformed. Like Finding Money. Finding health is like finding money —so think those who are sick. When you have a sough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act promptly likt W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. lie says:"l had a terrible chest trouble caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any COUL;1I or lung medicine in the world. At L, | Taggart's drug store; 50c and $1.00; guar | anteed. Trial bottles free. Successful guessers are applauded by the public as great prophets. Attractive as our Homes. Ten Thousand Churches painted with ■L. M., paint, and are most attractive. Liberal <|na ntity always given free. 4 gallons L. & M.. mixed with .'I gal j lons oil, will paint a house. Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay 81.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do in ready for use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at (ill ! cents per gallon, and mix it with Long ! man L. & M., Faint. It makes paint cost about 5? 1.20 per I gallon. DeLancey Gregory. Fort l'lain. ! N. Y., writes: "Have sold L. Si M.. paint for over 25 years, and itveryone is surprised to 1 tiiid how little is required to paint a big house ' Sold by llarry S. Lloyd. Every man owes it to himself and his family to muster a trade or profes sion. Head the display advertisement of the six Mome Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how easily a young ruau or lady may learn tele graphy and he assured a position. M-4m. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. « tf THE COUNTY. HUNTLEY. William Louge is able to be out again after his severe illness with typhoid fever. We hope he will soon be well again. The children of foreman W. W. Johnson are J improving and is to be hoped will soon be out of I j danger. : Antonio Counselo has returned from the Look Haven hospital, where he has been undergoing treatment for typhoid fever. Miss Mattie Johnson and Mr. Ritchie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John .Johncon of Grindstone Cut. Mr. David Logue has a fine Ayrshire calf to be exhibited at the County Fair. Mr. and Miss Collins spent Sunday at Sterling Run. j Miss I'Mna Mason of East Emporium, is spend- j ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith. Owing to the interferenoe of the local police the six round bout between Philip Schweikart and Wm. Devereau did not go the limit. How ever referee Parks awarded the dicision to Mr. Schweikart as Deverean was plainly out-classed. J. F. S. CAMERON. A large number of our Cameron people atten de the funeral of DeWitt Stawbridge at Sterling Run on Sunday, i Al. Terry made a trip to the east end Sunday, Mrs. Wm. Glass and daughter. Miss Theressa, were Emporium visitors Tuesday. | Mr. Daniel Sullivan's little daughter who is ill ! with typhoid fever, is having only a mild case of it and is progressing nicely. This is the only case of fever here. We noticed Mr. Crape, agent at Cooks Run among our Sunday visitors. They say wedding bells are to ring next month. Congratulations. Crape is hot stuff. Al. Walker, propriotor of the Cameron House and Wm. Wykoffhave together received a large shipment of loadl'd 12 gauge shot gun cartridges of special manufacture. Let the partridges and rabbits sit up and take notice, or else they will become things of the past. Conio on sport. The Calder Brick & Coal Co., started on their ninety day tast run last week, but had to give it up. They will start the final ninety day test within a day or two. We hope it may be a satis factory one. Our new meat market keeps what the peoole want and is up to date. We wish the proprie tors success. Mr. Wykoff, Sr. found a wild bees nest and obtained two large pails of honey. Isaac always delivers the g*ods. Mrs. Wm. Wykoff left on Tuesday to visit | friends at Port Allegany. | Hyde & Doutt's saw mill is nearly torn down and will be loaded on the cars tor shipment by Saturday. L. R. Tiffany, who is relieving operator Page is rapidly gaining friends here. We find him al ways gentlemanly and corteous. Therejseems to he attractions for him iu Cameron. We wonder ed why Tiffany was always partial to the ladies when he was working on Martin Creek. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hoyt were Huntley visi* tors Sunday and took supper with Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Price, mother of Mrs. Wm. Wykoff, is in very poor health. Mrs. Cyrus Lupro spent Tuesday with her daughter in Emporium. Miss Susie Sullivan is ill with typhoid fever. Lanlord Olsen ot the Valley House is busy preparing for his fall trade. Mr. Olsen is a gentleman and a first class landlord and runs an up to date hotel. His trade is increasing all the time. Daniel Sullivan has the prize potatoes this fall and expects to exhibit some of the best at the County Fair. It will be remembered that Mr. Sullivan's Berkshire pig received the gold medal at the St. Louis Exposition. He has about 25 splendid pigs this season also. Jas. B. Hayes, former lanlord of the Valley House, contemplates going into business in the near future at Buffalo. His many friends wish him every success in his new enterprise. The new firm of Schwab & Linninger, general merchandise, promises to be a successful combi nation. as both gentlemen are very popular. We are glad that their little political differences have been settled and in the words of the poet: They have buried the hatchet And took up the pen. Political troubles nothing to them; With malice toward none And good will to all, They will use you first-class, Whan upon them you call. J. F. S. FIRST FORK. I Mrs. George Beckner, of Laurel, Miss., engin j eered a reunion and social of theCaldwell family last Saturday evening at the house of Wm. Cald well, when about sixty relatives and friends met and listened to some violin music by B. M Swanke and Fred Williams and speeches by other parties. Among relatives and friends from i a distance we might mention the two Mrs. Beck ners (George, Verne) of Laurel, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. Hussey and daughter Pearl of Medix Ruu; Mr. A. D. Nelson of Wharton and Henry Cald well and family of Sinnamahoning. Henry is around on crutches from the effects of a broken leg while at work at the new dynamite works. Refreshments were served, after which all de parted for their homes, except those from a long distance. Mrs. R. M. Williams and Mrs. Will Mahon made a business visit to Sinnamahoning on ! Thursday, returning Friday evening. ! The post office building Is being repaired and ; painted, under the brush of Wes. Berficld of | Wharton. A new sign has been hung up and j the business is being conducted by C. E. Logue. j Mis. R. M. Williams has some cotton plants j raised from the seed, in her garden, which are. I in various stages of development, from bios ' sums to balls, but will hardly have any market- j able cotton, as the nights are getting too cold, I I though we have had no frost yet. in this "neck ' of woods." Constable and Collector Batchelder was up j and took what loose coin there was in this sec- ' tion and "made good his escape." i Surr SEI>. | Best for Children. Mothers be careful of the health of it your children. Look out for Coughs, I j Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.jl Stop them in liuit—One Minute Cough I Cure is the best remedy. Harmless and 1 pleasant. Contains no opiates. Sold by I K. C. Dodson. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Bi-ittanica Eney- j elouaodia,consisting of thirty volumes j and koy. Are till new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, j Apply at PRESS office. :{«tf 1 Warning. All peraoiiH are hereby forbidden from I! trespassing upon the property of thi« Company without a permit from this office, or the Kuperinteiulaot at the ! " works. J KEYSTONE FUWDKH .MFG. CO. Kmporium, PH., AUKIINI Ist, r.KiS 14-11. 112 THE LIVER QUARANTINE 41 TAKING HIS MEALS OUT." (|Hurried eating has ruined many a man's stomach. The digestion-destroying pro cess is gradual, often unnoticed at first. But it is only a short time until the liver balks, the digestive organs give wny, and almost countless ills assail the mail who endeavors to economize time at the ex pense of his health. || 1 McCall Patterns § The McCall Patterns are always up to date. Use ffl |jfi|i McCall patterns and you will always have a good fit, ,J| J® and you wi'l have 110 trouble in doing your spring sew- |@| ® ing. Fashion sheets free. j§ Demorest Sewing- | i Machines fWe have a lull line of Demorest Sewing Macliin I and|all in good working order. The kind you need do your spring sewing. ft ijjgjjl Any person contemplating the purchase of a new WK sewing machine will do well by calling 011 us. J Prices, $19.50 to $30.50 I > C. B. HOWARD & CO. w fro ♦«o « + e | This is the i 11 Store | | For the People. £ 81b Rice. 25c. • 1 j 7 bars Oak Leaf ar Acme > } Soap, 25c. \ \ 3 Cans Corn, 25c. > { 3 Cans Peas, 25c. < 112 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. < £ A full line of fresh fruits, ) and canned } ? meats suitable for camping \ s parties. t * Free delivery to any part * ( of the city. c s 0. B. Barnes, j I £ Allegany Avenue, J 'Phone 81. 3 SHS2SHSE c S2 S5 Sf^ ! Old Reliable | | Drug Store | i SPRING DRUGS £ 0| Clear the system of im- !{j jjj purities. uj (n SPRING WALL PAPER S] [jj Brightens the home. "j SPRING PAINT jjj |[s Does away with and covers j*l | fu up disease germs. IT I nJ Buv them ol L. Taggart. [r ui rU We carry the largest line of U] jnj Drugs, Wall Paper and Paint m 11{] in Cameron county. jf Get health, cleanliness and [J{ j"J good cheer at the | K jjj sOld Re liable J HSTcdSHSHS sacasasE HSHS