EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PKICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., August 16, 19C5. NEMOPUILA, per sack $1 50 felt's Fancy, " 165 Pet Grove, " 170 Graham, " 75 Rye " 75 Buckwheat, ".... 75 Patent Meal " 5o Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 as Chop Feed " 1 35 Middlings. Fancy " 1 £5 Bran 1 20 Chicken Wheat 150 Corn, per bushel, 75 WhiteOats,per bushel 45 New Oats Choice Clover Seed, "I Ohoice.Timothy Seed, ! *. Market Prices Choice Millet Seed, 112 Atiuarketrrices. 112 ancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J R.C. DODSON, THE Brdcjcjist, KMPOKIDM, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. 4 • H.C. IIODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL. DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would 'ike to sec in this department,lct us know by pos at card or letter, personally. Mrs. Joseph Kaye is very sick with quinsy. M. P. Whiting, of Ridgway, visited in town Saturday. Mrs. Josiah Howard is visiting at Shenandoah, Pa. John A. Johnston made a business trip to Olean on Monday. Mrs. C. A. Arnold of Moore Hill was a PRESS visitor on Tuesday. George A. Berry, a prominent Brad ford attorney, died suddenly Friday. Mrs. Thos. H. Norris and Mrs. T. F. Moore visited in Buffalo over Sunday. Miss Grace Hill, of Jersey Shore, is is guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Strayer and family. James Strawbridge, ol Johnsonburg, remembers the PRESS by sending a re newal for 1908. T. B. Lloyd went to Buffalo and ac companied his daughter. Miss Grace, home on Monday. L. S. Smart, years ago in the employ of J. B. Schriever at this place, visited in town on Saturday. Mrs. W. B. Thompson and daughter returned on Monday from a pleasant visit with Butfalo frinds. Miss Minnie Baurgelt returned home on Monday from a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Walker at Austin. Souvenir postal cards, covering numerous Emporium views, just the favor to send to absent friends, at Dodson's. Miss Edith Heilman returned Sun day from visiting relatives and friends at Williamsport, Montgomery and other points. Henry J. Newton, of Shippen, was a brief Press visitor on Monday, just long enough to push the date on his paper well into 190t>. Harry S. Lloyd is in New York city purchasing his holiday stock and inci dentally looking at the nice pictures in front of the theatres. Associate Judge John McDonald, of Driftwood, was a Prions visitor on Monday while in town attending to the duties of his office. Daniel Geary, Jr., was a PREBH visi tor on Saturday and carried home to his good parents a receipt for another year's subscription to the people's pa per. John F. Lynch, Esq., of Brownsville, Pa., who visited here many times in former years, is visiting in Emporium, guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Green and family. John Kackenmeister who has been the right-bower of City Bakery for years, was a welcome Press caller on Monday. You are always welcome old friend. Mr and Mrs. 11. Rich, formerly of this place, have purchased the Adam mansion, Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, one of the handsome*! residences on that popular street. Our friend Mr. K. liavy, of Four Mile, rolled a great big thirty Ave pound pumpkin into the Phksm sanc tum Tuesday morning, as large as a wagon wh< el. Pumpkin pie, you bet. Judge < •»■>. A. Walker left on Friday tor Buffalo, where he viaits his daugh ter, Mr* W. L. Myk«< and family. Prom there, accompanied by Mr*. My ken he went to Heranton to visit his son J. M.and family. Read the Fair announcements in this ssue of the r rkss Prothonotary Goodnoughis transact ng business at Buffalo to-day. Rev. McCaslin is attending a session >t Northumberland Presbytery at Williamsport. Miss Perna Gaskil), daughter of E. W. Gaskill, returned on Friday from visiting friends at Corry. Hon. John H. Landis, Supt. of United States Mint at Philadelphia registered it New Warner yesterday. John McCarthy, of Erie, is visiting lis sister, Mrs. S. J. Hauber, and other friends in town this week. Dr. C. M. Bordner and wife, of Slien mdoah, Pa., were guests of Hon. and Mrs. Josiah Howard, over Sunday. Miss Jennie Conners has been visifc ng friends in town the past week, ;uest of Thomas Cleary and family. Mrs. Chas. Seger entertained a few 'riends at tea Tuesday afternoon in lonor of her guest Mrs. J. 11. Swain. Jacob Slaigle, of Sheffield, Pa., visit -3d in Emporium yesterday, while en route for New Jersey to visit friends. Frank P. Strayer, of Emporium Ma ihine Co., one of our good solid citizens vas a Prkhs visitor Tuesday evening. Miss Goldie B. Lyons, who has been 11 at Buffalo for some time came home ast week and is still confined to her room. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Murry returned Monday evening from visiting rela tives and friends at Buffalo, Wleveland md other points. Miss Eva Yates, head clerk in Key itone Powder Company's office, at this dace, has returned from visiting her ) a rents at Pittsburg. George Wright and Michael Pye have jroken ground for a double residence in Sixth street, upon lots purchased from Mrs. J. R. better. Mr. Joseph L. Wheeler returned from bis Canada silver claim on Mon :lay. Mrs. Wheeler met him at Buffalo ind returned home with him. Editor Hockley and wife went to Pittsburg on Monday, the former to ittend the Editorial Convention while his wife visited with relatives. Mrs. Seth J. llackett and daughter, Miss Aifrctta, and Miss Mabel Kinney, af Chicago, left to-day for Buffalo, Rochester and other points in New York. Mrs. M. A. Whiteley and Misses Flor ence and Grace Whitely, of Philadel phia, mother and sisters of Mrs. W. H. Howard, returned home to-day after a pleasant visit. C. M. Lee and wife, who reside on Walnut street, are visiting for a week at Clean, N. Y. Mr. Lee is one of the operators at the P. & E. tower, and a tip-top good gentleman. Rev. VV. J. Barcus and wife, of Oil City Free Methodist Conference, are spending a few days in Emporium, guests of C. G. Catlin and family and Prof. W. J. Leavitt and family. Mr. Warren Lyon, of Loogootsie, Indiana, is the guest of his niece, Mrs. E. J. Rodgers and other relatives. He left this vicinity thirty four years ago and says he misses the great belts of timber which were then unmolested. Mrs. J. R. Fetter and son George, of Emporium, and Miss Delia Herman, of Westport, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan'l Kriner anil family on Pansy Hill, last Saturday. Mr. P. R. Beattie and wife joined the party on Sunday, when they all had a delightful visit. Miss Mary Welsh, daughter of P. & E. baggage master, Mr. James J. Welsh, at this place, and Miss Jane Glenn, daughter of Mf. John Glenn, an old and respected citizen were PRESS visitors on Friday. The first named Miss carried away a receipt for 180fi paper. Call again ladies. Miss Marsh and little niece, of Mason Hill, were Press callers last Thursday. Miss M. is daughter of our old and respected friend, Mr. David Marsh, who has been troubled with his eyes for several years. He is now almost totally blind. Hopes are enter tained that an operation, in the near future, may benefit him. The ladies of Presbyterian Church will serve a lunch at Keystone Park, during the Fair. All down county citizens desiring to attend the Fair should bear in mind that Erie mail (easti will stop at all stations both days of Fair. Every voter should promptly exam ine the registry list of voters and ascer tain if his name appears or not. If not take steps to make sure of your vote. Will Huchannan, the bridge man, is in town, preparing to erect a new and larger iron bridge on the Portage, at the old Webb Russell farm, needed about as much as ten wheels are to a wagon. But then . The old bridge will be placed on West Creek. "Nuff sed." The editor of the Independent is sorely troubled about that Republican Supper and the i>rice. Don't worry, young man, it will be cheerfully paid for by the good Republicans and en- Joyed by all. Free Methodist Conference. Bishop llogue, of lowa, is presiding at the Free Methodist Conference, at this place, now in sesnion ill the Meth odist Kgincopal church. It u largely attended, <>ver -Oil delegates being present. The nesslon will last all week. 3 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Q U MM QUu In ttm«- 4 (iru««i»U. CI CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905. INSIDE INFORMATION. ! Press Readers Chance for Profit. Everyone Ought to Grasp this Op portunity. To have even a simple ease of indiges -1 tion is to have "inside information'' of i suffering that warns of serious trouble in | tilt; future, unless the digestive system is strengthened. If you cannot eat and digest three good square and satisfying meals each day j without discomfort, your stomach needs j a Mi-o-na tablet. They are not a mere 1 temporary relief, but are composed of j valuable medicinal agents which j strengthen the digestive organs and cure and prevent stomach troubles. When there are pain or distress after j eating, head aches, belching of gases; a | sour taste in the mouth, dizziness, heart j burn, specks before the eyes, furred I tongue, sleeplessness, nervousness, or back j ache, the stomach needs the help of j Mi-o-na. Every reader of the Pit ESS should grasp the opportunity offered by L. Tag gart to try Mi-o-na at his risk. Just one little tablet out of a f>o eent box of this remedy before each uieal for a few days, and you will soon have a strong stomach and perfect health. Ask IJ. Taggart to show you our guar antee under which he sells Mi-o-na. This valuable remedy costs you nothing unless it restores health. All men fall in love but most of theui j manage to climb out again. (Jot off Cheap. lie may well think, he has got off' cheap, who, after having contracted con stipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life J 'ills. A quick, pleasant and certain j cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25c j at L. Taggart's drug store; guaranteed, Everybody roads the PRESS. N DAY'S "*- 1 MUST BE Satisfactory Store VALUES [Hp Satisfactory. Bargains for Friday and Saturday. J|j 'yyj Here's a list of money saving prices on things that you need Jjjl every day. Low prices on high grade goods. We carry no trash. 25 lb bag best granulated Sugar §1.45. !|Sj|| Finest Elgin Creamery Butter, 25c lb. j M 1 bbl sack, Gilt Edge Flour, 70c. This is a blended patent .0 fiour guaranteed to please, ffij Small California Hams, (trimmed shoulders) 9c a lb. New York State hand-picked, medium beans, 4c a lb. 25c bottle selected Queen Olives, 2Uc. loc package Force Food, 12c. i lb tin genuine Walter 15aker's Cocoa, 20c. yM Domestic Sardines, packed in oil, 10c size sc. tM\ 25c can Green Gage Plums, 20c. Wi 10c package Bird Food, Bc. jjjjj 7 lbs Rolled Avena, finest Rolled Oats, 25c. Notable Kitchen Specialties. i| YOU CANT DO GOOD COOKING Without Rood uti-nsils to cook with. We have a complete line ot notable KITCHEN SPECIALTIES lor you to select irom. Gilmore Grater, / STEAM It Dottn't Cleg. yrksH cereal ' Thia means that COOKER, m utea m a ciiinmon \ouhave Dover tasted grater will in an OS?? rea Rood oatmeal If hour. The littU you havo not lined tIM r ' ' knlre. cut; they Steam Cereal Cooker. 4 °ToM r nt. DIPPER. 111, i It ran be ußed for rib r. ' v< •i i 11111. Pa. <&' rxs, js. szs. jre' jtts, crri nd'airs' isns«sns; 'm> teigßHsaEitetC' gyrs'larrs.' isrrfff faffem |L OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades j,- [0; from ioc to 75c per Shade. p 111 Wall Paper for 1905. - WPATOT ~r„ _ 9 '.n 1 The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. £ All Colors. [0 Consists of the best tiling from three factories. Also |jg the Robert Graves Co. s line of Decoration I'aperJ of all Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made kim,s for Floors. |l The (iraves| line took |ftrst pri/.e in competition at St. ■1 A r* II iiAKKi b. LLOYD. Business Cards. B. w. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. All business relating to estate.collections, real •abates. Orphan's Court am! general law business | will receive prompt attention. 42-ly. J.C. JOHNSON. J P. MCNARNEY JOHNSON .V McNAIiNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW EMPOKIIIKI, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en* rusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRKNNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. THOMAS WADDINOTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All kinds of building and cut-stone, supplied at low prices. Agent for marble or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, Bast Emporium, Pa.. JOHN L. JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship of this old and well established House I invite the patronage of the public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. 181 y THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WII.UAM MCDONAI.D, Proprietor. 1 take pleasure in informing the public that j have purchased the old and popnlar Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals ami luncheon served at all hours. u027-lyr Wm. McDONALD. MAY GOULD, rKACHKH OP PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Also dealer in all the Popular Sheet MUMC, Emporium, Pa. Scholarstaugbt either at my home on Sixth *reet or at the homes of the pupils. Outoftown scholars will be given datesat my roomsinthis place. E. C. RIECK, I>-1). S., DENTIST, Emporium, Pa. I Office, Fourth street, opposite opera honsc. Gas and other local anaesthetics ad- for the painless extraction SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. J Hot Weather Money Savers s ||!^ IMIiP- ' liH This warm weather you I Slim gSfjfffll l i> must take as great care of I your ' eet as y ou y° ur THE DOUGLAS SHOE | Cilves Satisfaction. Sgf coin |"° rta^^c | R. SEGER X SON, 1 —>— a i SfslSf&siTs '^vi 1 fisfiri isnsi issns; &n?=. His* '^o jg. East Emporium's 112 Cash Store |j || Nobodv ever saw such a Grocery Store. Uf I i , I pi "■ - i] | IJjjl The Food Store is at its Rest. Our m IT® . IS' Special Days are Every Day. I ! j | II OUR SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, OCT. 3 | I The Pure Food Exhibit. || YOU are all invited to the Pure Food |l [Bjf Exlrbit which opens this morning in [jj j fp our Model Grocery. n; j Jre New York State Cream Cheese, extra fancy 14c lb || j jjjjj Starch —large lump laundry starch, slbs for 20c. h ALL NEW PACK, CAN AND BOX I II GOODS ARE NOW COMING IN j if . fijl ! ip Canned fruits and canned vegetables, Ed Mil new prunes, apricots, and peaches. ~jj' Is 1 We have just returned from the city M || with a large assortment of DRV i] [if GOODS, ladies underwear, sheets, TJ b| pillow cases, muslin, fancy ginghams, Jr |l seersuckers, that will all be opened TUESDAY, OCT. 3rd, and 110 com- J= petition with our prices. =| I il I | m It pays you to call on us; [1 [Ji anything we offer saves you if] money, both in Dry Goods. Notions, Hardware and h il e | jjj| Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. || jj| Tompkins & Norris'. 1 flj Phone 109 fij □JD □' 3SF B'EJEF □' □' J