SENSATIONAL DISCLOSURES PRESIDENT McCALL, OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., HAS "LIFTED THE LID." FAIO $235,000 TO A LOBBYIST No Accounting Has Been Made for This Money—Mr. McCall Says Judge Parker Was an Active Solicitor of Campaign Funds. New York, Sept. 21. —That $235,000 has been paid by the New York Life Insurance Co. to Andrew A. Hamilton, of Albany; that no accounting for this money has been made except to Presi dent McCall verbally, and that Hamil ton attends sessions of the legislature at Albany in the interest of the New York Life Insurance Co. was brought out Wednesday by testimony given by Mr. McCall before the legislative in surance investigating committee. Mr. McCall said that the various sums making tip the $235,000 paid to Hamilton had been given him in con nection with different real estate deals, but Mr. Hughes after consider able questioning developed the fact that none of the money had been actu ally applied to such deals. Mr. McCall also said that Mr. Hamilton was allow ed money for expenses at Albany and that Mr. Hamilton's accounts were not subject to audit. Mr. McCall denied that he ;.;ave Mr. Hamilton money to influence any member of the legislature, or that he advised any such course. The $235,000 Mr. McCail said he was sure would be paid by Mr. Hamilton on demand of th<> New York Life Insurance Co. "If it isn't," said Mr. McCall, "I'm responsible and I'll pay it." Hamilton received for legal services, he said, about SH'd.OOO a year from the New York Life Co. On tile subject, of the New York Life Co.'.s campaign contributions in recent presidential years Mr. McCall said they were given for the purpose of de feating the silver platform and for the support of the gold standard rather than for the republican party. As to the contribution to the repub lican campaign fund in 190-1, Mr. Mc- Call said he did not eare how many of the policy holders agreed with his ac tion. He made the contribution hon estly, believing it was justified and for the interest of the policy holders. "My life," continued the witness, "was made weary by the democratic candidates chasing me for money in the campaign of 1904. Some of the very men who to-day are being inter viewed in the papers and denouncing men who contribute to campaigns were crossing my path every step I took, looking for money. One—the candidate himself, Parker —if he •would show up his books when he was j chairman of the democratic state com- j mittee, it would give you a fit. He i never rejected a dollar in the world. I He would take every dollar that was j paid to him." Judge Alton B. Parker, democratic candidate for president in 1904, last night gave out a statement in which he emphatically denied that he either directly or indirectly in the campaign of 1904 solicited any money from Mr. McCall or the New York Life Insur ance Co. John A. McCall, referring to his tes timony in relation to contributions to the democratic party, said last night:. "The meaning I intended to convey when I mentioned Judge Parker was this: Judge I'arker, when a candidate for the presidency last year did not personally ask me for campaign funds, l>.it friends of his did so repeatedly. "Judge Parker, as chairman of the state democratic committee several years ago, did, however, accept prof fered contributions to the campaign fund." NAMED A REFORM TICKET. Opponents of the Republican Machine in Philadelphia Nominate Candi dates for County Offices. Philadelphia. Sept. 21.—in a most unusual convention followed by an un precedented demonstration, the new city perty, a reform body opposed to the methods of the republican organi zation. yesterday nominated a county ticl < t to lie voted for at tho November election. The ticket is as follows: Sheriff, Wilson 11. Brown: coroner, J. M. Jermon; commissioners, Rudolph Hlankenburg and Edward A. Ander son jt; !w of common pleas court No. 1, Craig Piddle; judge of orphans' cour', Morris Dallett. Judges Middle and I . lh't are at present on the bench and are the regular republican nominees for re election. The convention was the first in man) y< ars in this city to which the deb went unlnstructed. Then was no "slate" and each of the 917 del. at' x was ai liberty to name whom In pleased for the offices. The result was u selection of candidates whi fail |) represent the reform ele inent. Thi democratic county convention u 'i held (i, |-,. last niuhi and thi ticket nominated Wednesday by the city party was endorsed. A Contract for 170 Rcipid Fire Guns. Sharon. Pa.. Sept. 21. The I'nited Stall government has Just awarded a contract to the l)iij."M SeuMirx Ord nance Corporation for 17*1 rupbl Hr« guns. The contract amounts to several hundred thousand dollars and will keep the local plant busy IIIkHI an<| •lay for many months. A Political Fubion In Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb, Sept. ai. Fusion t,f democrat Hand populists of Nebraska was effected yesterday by ih*» nomlna Hon by both tatc eon vt-ntion» of tho name tt* ■ t FIERCE BATTLE AT CIENFUEGOS CON FLICT BETWEEN MEMBERSOF THE TWO POLITICAL PARTIES, LIBERALS AND MODERATES. SIX MEN KILLED; 25 WOUNDED Among the Slain Are a Congressman. the Leader of the Liberals, and the Chief of Police of Cien fuegos More Trouble Is Feared. Havana, Sept. —Official dis patches received Friday afternoon from Cienfuegos announced the lulling of Congressman Enrique Villueiulas, loader of the liberal party and the most able orator in the lower house, and the chief of police of Cienfuegos during a conflict between the two po litical parties, the liberals and moder ates. The government advices say the po lice )r J information that within the hotel ... which Villuendas resided a quantity of arms had been deposited and they went to the hotel to investi gate Ihe matter. As the police as cended the stairs they were met by a party of liberals who fired on them, killing Chief of Police Illance. The police returned the fire, killing Villu endas and wounding several others. A dispatch to the Associated Press from Cienfuegos says that six persons were killed and 25 wounded during the conflict. Dispatches to the government say that besides Congressman Villuendas am! Chief of Police Illance two police men were killed and a number of po licemen and civilians wounded. Rural guards surround the entire block in which the Hotel Suizo, the scene of the affray, is situated. One telegram says that Villuendas fired the shot which killed the chief of police, while according to another telegram the shot was fired by .lose Fernandez, .a liberal, who has been arrested. A search of the hotel revealed two dynamite bombs in the room occupied by Villuendas. WITHOUT A PACEMAKER. Audubon Boy Paces a Mile in 1:59J4 on the Race Track at Read ville, Mass. Readville, Mass., Sept. 2:!. —More than 3,000 enthusiastic followers of harness racing saw Audubon Boy pace one of ihe most wonderful miles ever made, under adverse conditions at the Readville track Friday. His time was 1:59%. equalling the record made by Star Pointer seven years ago. Au dubon Boy started to beat 2:00%. Weather conditions favored record time, but the protracted rains earlier in the week left the track heavy. The assistance of a pacemaker was use less, Audubon Boy having distanced his pacemaker before the half mile post was reached. !i> making the trial for the record James V. Gatcomb, owner of tho chestnut stallion, refused to use a wind shield or to have a running horse draw a cart with canvas attached be tween the wheels in the lead during the mile, preferring to make the at tempt, in the same way that Star Pointer gained the world's record of 1:59 V* at the Readville track seven years ago. This is the record with the runner or pacemaker going alongside. Dan Patch, in 1902, paced a mile in Readville in l:59 1 / 4 under similar con ditions, but as he went to beat that time it.was recorded as a losing per formance. Since then Dan Patch has gaineil a record of 1:50, but this mark was made with a running horse in the lead. SHOWS A DISTINCT GAIN. Volume of Trade Is Much Larger Now than at the Corresponding Period Last Year. Now York, Sept. 23. —R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says: Current trade shows a distinct gain in comparrison with the same time Inst year: crop reports are reassuring and evidences of continued :wtivity are noted in almost every department of industry. A wholesome growth, with ut tb • threatening danger ot reckless inflation of prices, is a commercial condition greatly to be de sired, and these elements are recorded in tho majority of dispatches. Kail tradi is now well under way, especi ally encouraging results being achiov ed in dry goods, millinery, foot\voar and all line.s of wearing apparel, while mercantile payments are unusually prompt for the season. There is a steady consumption of groceries and other staple foods, and in furniture, crockery and numerous household utensils the distribution Is vigorous. Manufacturing plants in the leading industries receive large- or ders, a heavy tonnage of iron and steel busiue • being placed and machinery houses making very cheerful reports; footwear shops have ample business In sivht; textile mills are busy. Fallu,- ibis w< • k numbered 200 In tho I'nited Statics, against 225 last year, and in Canada 31, compared with 3n a year a«o. Must Pay Taxes on Franchises. St Paul, Minn., Sept. ;>3 The state suprcint court decided in favor of ihi state j.sterduy in the suit of 1 h** stau against the Western I'mon Telegraph Co, ll WU a nil tn collect lUXOH on u valuation of the company's property In the amount of ll.oeoihio. This vulu a'ion In based on an a c»siiiciu upor th« company'" franchise. Ex Gov. O'Ferrall Die*. IttcMie nd, Vu Sept 23. Kit Con •"« ti and • \ <;> til 7:30 A. M. 10 30 P. M Daily for Sunbury, Harris burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 7.17 A. M„ New York 9.33 A. M., weekdays, (10 38 A.M. Sunday;) Baltimore 7.15 A. M.. Washington 8.30 A M. Pullman sleep ing cars from Erie, Buffalo and Williamsport ta Philadelphia and Buffalo, Williamsport to Washington. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Baltimore. 12:25 A. M. (Emporium Junctioni.daily for Sun bury, Harrisburg and principal intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 7:32 a. m.; New York, 9:33 a. m., week days; (10:38 Sun days); Baltimore, 7:25 a. in.; Washington. 8:4« a. m. Vestibnled Buffet Sleeping Cars and Passenger coaches, Buffalo to Philadelphia and Washington. WESTWARD. 6:10 A. M.— Emporium Junction— daily for Erie, Ridgway, and week days for Illi nois, Clermont anl intermediate stations. 10 30 A.M.—Daily for Erie a nil week dayil for Dußois andi ntermediatt stations. 4 23 P. M.—Daily lor Erib and intermediate stations. RIDUWAY AND CLEARFIELD R. R. CON NECTIONS. (Week days.) SOUTH w A HD . Stations. NORTH WA 811 r. M A.M. A.M.. IP. M. P. M. P. H. (JO 102 Renovo ... 1 28 .... 11 If, U .00 1 411... Driftwood... 12 50 11 Or' 450 10 10 5 551 Kane 12 2. r > 3no .... SOSIO 31 B 10j.. ..Wilcox 12 02 'J 40 ... 5 20 11 38 tl 25j .Jollnsouburg.. II 17 2 28 .... 510 11 53 6 soJ,..Ridgvvay,.... 920 210 8 2J I .... .. 1..Mi1l Haven | ....; 600 12 15 7 10;.. Croyland.... 900 1 19 804 60712 23 7 19 ...Blue Rock... 851 140 7MI (i 12 12 20 7 231 Carrier 8 47 1 37 7 f!i 62212 36 732 .Brookwayviile. 837 1 27 7 4't 62012 40 7 371... Lanes Mills . 831 123 7 630 7 41|.Mc.\linns Sm't. 8 30i 734 ... 12 49 7 451. Harveys Run.. 8 251 15 73d 641 12 5-5 7 50|.. FalU Creek .. 82' 110 7 2!l 655 125 8 OIJ ...|) lßols 8 OS 12 55. 7 111 7 42 1 15 7 55j. .Fulls Creek. . I 0 53 1 15 «~3li 7 58 1 29 8 081. Ileynoldsville. I(i 39 12 52 0 l.'i 8 30 1 .'iC. 835 .. .Brookville .. 1 fi 05 12 21 5 39 9 33 2 38 920 New Bethlehem La 20 1141 4 5(1 .... 530 12 351.. ..Pittsburg ... 9 900 1 3(i R. M. p. M. I'. M.l |A. M. A.M. P. TI BUFFALO & ALLEGHENY DIVISION. Leave Emporium Junction for Port Allegany,. Olean. Arcaie, East Aurora and Buffalo. Train No. 107, daily, 4:05 A. M Train No. 115, daily, 1:15 P. M Trains leave Emoorium for Keating, Pori, Allegany, Conieisiort, Smethport, Eldred Bradford, Olean and llulfalo. connecting at Bui falo for points East and West. Train Nu. 101, we 'k days, 8:25 A. M. Train No. 103, weak days . 1:35 P. M Train No. 103 will counect at olean with Chautauqua Division for Alleginy, Bradford, Balamauoa,Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. LOW GRADE DIVISION. EASTBOCND. STATIONS. 100 113 101 105 107 951 A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M P. M A. M. Pittsburg,..Lv.' tS 22 19 01) 1130 *505 ♦ 9 0C Red Bank ] j 9 30 11 05 4 05 7 55 10 55 Lawsonham, 9 42 ;1118 4 18 8 07 II 08 New Betllle'in.j 5 20 10 20 II II I 50 837 11 4: Brookville, ....' ffi 05 11 10 12 21 5 39 9 22 12 21 Reynoldsville,. 63911421252 fi 15 950 12 5b Falls Creek 653 11 57 1156 30 1005 1 14 Dußois ' 7 ()0 tl* 05 i 25 fi 40 1015 t 1 2t Sabula i 7 12 1 37 7 17 Penntield, i 780 1557 35 Sennezette,— 8 01 2 29 8 09 Driftwood 18 40 f3 05 8 45 via P. A E. Div' Driftwood.. Lv. '9 50 +3 45 Emporium, Ar. tlO 30 14 10 I A. M. A. M. I*. M. P. M P. M P. M. WESTBOUND. STATIONS. 108 106 102 111 110 952 Via P. AE. Div A. M. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. SI Emporium, Lv.l 18 10 t3 20 Drill wood, Ar.. 19 01 14 00 .... Via L. O. Div .... Driftwood, Lv 15 50 tUIO t5 50 .... Bennezette,.... fi 25 11 45 6 25 Penntlil 1 7 00 12 20 7 Ot Sabula, ! 7 IS 12 39 7 23 Dußois »6 05 7 30 12 55 f5 00 7 35 ',4 0 ) Falls Creek fi 12 7 55 1 15 5 10 7 42 4 < * Reynolrtsviile,..! 630 8 08 1 29 5 27 7 58' 4 2) Brookvil e 705 535 1 50 (i 00 ;■« 30 4 51 New Btthle'm. 7 .51 920 238 fi 45 930 5 3il Lawsonliai 821 94713 (W 7 11. .6 01 Red Bank.Ar.. 8 35 10 0 2 3 20 7 25 fi 21 Pittsburg, Ar... *ll 15 tl2 15 t-5 30 11000 !9 3.1 A M I". M I*. M I" M I>. M. P. H . -i.ii.ily. except sunuay. ;»unuay oni«. ?Flag is op. Ou Sunday only triin leaves Driftwood 8:2) i\. PI., arrives at Dußois, 10:00 a. in. Returning leaves Du Hois, 2:00 p 111.: air v s at Driltwood, 3:10 p. m., stooping at interiuei iate statu ns. I* or Tone Tallies and further information, a? 1 * ply toTi ket Agent. ,1. It. WOOD. Pass'orTraffic Mgr. W. W. A'ITERIiUHY, UkO W. UOYD, Oem lal Maiiutici. G< u'l Parse ngei Agt. THE PITTSBURG. SHAWMUT &, NORTHERN R. R. Through Paw-Tender Ker/lce Between •t. Mar>a, Brock way ville, Snawmut, Siuethporl Olean, Friendship, Angelica, liornelUvnn ( Waylauri, llutlalo, ami New York. Effective Sunday. May 29,190«» Kastt-r»i Stamlar.! Time. Time ot Train* at St. Marys DISPART. f.M A. M —-ForKers-y ( Arr. hl4 a. n>.) FWrn# dale • Arr. H..'id a. 111 ,1 Wtwdville (Arr Jul a. 111 ; 1 F.I bo 11 (Arr, H.4(l a m..) Hliawiuut 1 Arr, • oft a in.,) Hrirk\*tt\ ville 1 Arr. a 42 a. m. 12.38 F M . For Clermont (Arr. 1.37 p. ui.,> Hmeltjpori (Arr 'i.'iO p. in., for Hradfurd «Arr 'J 111 p mi ,1 KMre«t 'Arr. 2 4M p. in .) ()lt*aii (Arr ;i 4u p. 111 .» connertmy for HiitTalo (Arr. hin . ni . HoMvir Arr. 3.X1 p. in .) PriemUliip (Arr. luh p. m ) Amilli (An- Uip 11., norMllivllii Arr, S.IU p. m . Waylarnl \rr 723 p. iu.,) (ori ne« tiri|r al Wavlmi'i with I) 1. V W H. 11., ami at IforiieliatilU* with l.rie ft It., for ail Kaai anil Weal. •.4ft H U For Kerney < Arr. 310 p ni F.lhoa lArr ni Hhawiuut 1 Art 4 J p 111,) Hr«*-k wuvvllle < Arr I t p 111 t «»iin. (i 1 ng witn I'. It K .for 1 * t'r«-fk Arr ft. 10 ;> 01 I>u I lots arr. >"» p m . H'o>>kviiU (Arr. tl on p. in.,) ami I'liUhurn Arr JM p. in.l AHHIVK. 11 Oft A M I From lir • fto lv M ( I lit «i IC • - I livrn- •la 1 v 146 T. M Front Wa>la I. Ilitrm;Kvmr. a, I'etina (lodol llyspopsia Cur o Diu«»tM what jt«K. #at. POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Condensed Time Table in Effect June 4, 1905. Ri-AP DOWN. R ead ur. 6un- I | —— day Week Days. Daily j Week Days. Only | ' * " *• M. A.M. A.M. I P.M. P.M. STATIONS. A.M. I A.M. P.M. 5 18 818 11 18 518 Lv Addison Ar 10 13; I 4 43; 850 600 900 12 00 600 Knoxville ! 9 30, 400 8 06; 61* 0 17, 12 14 614 Westlield j 917 3 47j 7 55! 64 " 947 12 47 647 Gaines Junction.... 841 3 ll! 725 10 00 100 I Ar. j . ILv 823 714 "00 10 20 5007 00 Lv. ) Galeton,. | Ar 830 8 00 ; ]? 0? 11 00 5 40j Cross Fork June 739 623 800 11 20 802 Hulls I 7 IBi 802 * 2O 11 40 620 Wharton 656 '5 40 , 12 ISi Sinnamahomng.... '5 00 12 90 Driftwood 4 52 1 02 Mediz Run 4 08 ; 1 23 Tyler 342 I 1 31 Penfietd 333 1 2 00 DuUois 3 00 I P. M. P. M. | P.M A.M. P.M. P.M.I A. M. ! P.M A M P.M 820 111 43 620 j .Wharton 1 6 56: 520 1110, 829 ; 12 001 629 [ Costello I 644 S 608 1058 838 12 18: I ! Ar 112 p Austin iLv j 6 35' |5 00 tOV>! 1 00, 638 800 Lvi - Aust "» } Ar | j 950 805 200 : 7 05 ] 845 .KeatingSummit ! A.M. 220 910 7 40 P. M. | A. M.| jA. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. ! P. M j 1 830 330 Wellsville 806 ; 2J46 858 3 52! Genesee 7 41! 2 is| I 909 ; 4#l West Bingham, 7 30] 2 08! I 927 j 4 15! ....Newfield Junction.,j 713 1 50! I 10 I#! 4 50' Galeton 630 103 j ! 11 i p M i p m jll 051 6 25i I Cross For* ~..j | 730 j Ift 40' 11 55 710 j Cross For* j 630 j j |4 40 CONNECTIONS. Additional trains leave Galeton at 8:15 a. in.and 6:25 p. m. t arriving at Ansonia at 9:21 a.m. and 7:00 p. ni. Returning leave Ansonia at 9:35 a. ra., and 8:30 p. m., arriving at Galeton at 10:03 a. mand 9:05 p. 111. At Driftwood with P. R. R. At Duliois with B. R. » P. Ry. At Keating Summit with B. h A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania R. R. At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& H R. R. for all points north and south. At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. Ry., Union Station. At Genesee with N. Y A Pa., Ry. Union Station. At Addison with Erie R. R., (Jnion Station. At Wellsville with Erie R. R. for points east and west. At SinnamahoninK with P. R. R.—P. &E. Div. At.J. MCMAIION, Div. Pass Ag't.,Galeton, Pa. W. C. PARK. Oen'l 9upt„ Galeton. Pa. fc. A. NIEL, Traffic Mgr. Buffalo, N.Y. C. PETER CLARK. Gen'l Mgr. Buffalo, N. Y. PUzlWl jar DOT- CANS. SLS IB Mf |jf IOWIS THE TIMFJO PAINT. B t Important Memorandum.---!''^"!;; 1 '™>L_J •< •—"! »r 00.»» <*> uw, »w w U« i'. ™ ,SS «■ WM b,. ,V 0 00 l.ta, S2O 00 p..„, .il 1„ "1,,.. I. JVi, J J u. r* pa.,'. j.« . lu 00-u# ' . ■■ r Abovc ail. USE GOOD PAINT! faj L 1 ,'" lf ' ' lnsrc d pill Just pure linseed is the "life"—the one great requis* |« Ite ol good paint for which there is no substitute—and the sure way to pet the LJ pure, fresh linseed oil it to buy the oil and ~ - jfcjj r H BE separately." For every gallon of Kinloch Paint buy one gallon of Unseed oil. ■■ H This makes two gallons of-paint, ready for use. You then know that the paint' BH U you're putting on your house is alive—"the genuine oil is in it,"and paint is not' LJ u , nle , ss " com , ains 50f„of really pure oil. We will further explain Jie virtue* ■■ H of Kinloch Paint if you will call and see us. U FOR SALE BY AU & FORBESJ G.SCHMIDT'S,^ FOR FRESH BREAD, |L 6°P^ AF " ncv " e ke cU n NUI # CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. §WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have itood the te.t of fm QTHOMQ An -• • and hatt cured thousand* kJ ll li 11 u fiv / # of Nervous Diieam, neb O Debility, Dizziness, Sleeplets (P A I!) I V/ aess and Varicocele, Atrophy,&c. ACvlllv 1 ftfa ~y»i They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion . perfect, and impart a healthy vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently, Unless patient! arc properly cured, their condition often worries thera into Insanity. Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund ths money, $5.00. Send for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. CltvtUad. 0* 7or r 4 *le 07 U. O. L>odsrn, Druggist, Enaporlam, Pa. 1 THE 9 I Windsor i Hotel I |jy Between 12th and 13th Sis.. on Filbert St. I Philadelphia, Pa. £ D Three minutes VVAJLK from the Reading H H Five m mutes \V AI. K from the Penn'a K. I I European Plan sl.oo per day and upwards. I M FRANK M.SCIIEIULEY. Mauager. | pnadam«,~7! t .Dßan's s y A sufi-, i-rrtaln fur Hupprrmpd I I'l M' li'lru.itmn. Non r known In lull. f»if! I B Hurt-! K|»-i'l fur 1 Lj SI I*l pi r fw»i Will M-nd tln-ni on trir-l, to J I] (>• punt fur wh«n rrllrvt'tl. Humph'* I ri*e. ft Itiu'l tiu MEDICIL CO.. BO» r*. . r. B -STT-1 -• Hmhl in Kiupuriaui by L. iTaggart am R. C. Do4»ou. Foley*s Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right ~ G DYSPEPSIA CURE y\\ m l\ l ; |3 fj | Li i>k;i sis what you eat 1 \i y] '| I ! I J rja F?J v 1 \ . || * y *1 *I I » u irrTi LI E. C. U.WITT A. COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. ckilu liy It, ( # l>oUhuii, l>rug^i»U / Send model, sketch or photo of invention for 112 r free report «»n patentability. For free Ywok, r ( The Place to (>uy Cheap S ) J. F. PARSONS' ) OR. UFIUm MNNL ft|i< <'ity r#«uU«'.r- »v»*>nt« I>rug|flat« »»r liir%t| fr«?i. l)li. li'hlik. I'm. rma tabw r. 60UDERSP0RT L PORT ALLEGANY Ft IL Tsklag effect Mm y a7|>. IKII. _ urrwiu. ~~~ 10 I 4 i T: STATIONS. ——l - . . *■ « »■ H. A. I*. A.ML! fori AJlof»ivy, . L». J 15 IN 11 Ml tJalem#®. •» M « »ii 31 Surtnlle, *3 TU 11 if KruM»lU>a'., •» iB ~ ...'..•11W S" l v a M 7 U 12 w Dln>«ta4, *4 06 •» U *l l 09- ■»«»s»<»iids, °" ! 00 *ll IB; IMenNrt !**■ **•*-*. T4* 13 ul r~L t L». •It I•to i m N«rtfe Oanderspurt, •« 1* •• »i iW £«■>*•«, « 2» •« 10 *ll* Bol«eb»r«. HI i«i |H 17 ll* B«nre» Bnaces -i J. |h 21 »1 U B*rm®odiX *7 e«i •« go l Iff T oft. |u 1 a HewfleM, *• 1 4$ Jsnction, 7»T «43 1 M Perkl**, *7 40 •« ui »i » Pro»«U'«, 7 00 HM:»2« xr 000 iT #6 110 vinviu. ii > r" STATIONS. ——J ■ - A. M. F M . A- ■ . PljMSfc Vw. 7MI I 2» »10 Orowoil**, *7 » •* i i» ....J Oarraatar's, •* («2 Ml» 112 *21,...4 Parkin. *7 uag «-• »ao ..... Newoaidtfrnnctfoa, 7 »' 3 42) »t2....w HewflaU, U •«3 - ...J g«t< 7 **! 24« t 40 ...7. »y»«oi1 *7 49, 2 Ml* 807 ...» |#»«a SridiM, •* 01i»S »a,MO «2 ....>1 Oolesbatfc «8 04J 2 0# *lO Friak'iL *8 12 *8 17|*10 20 ....4 Htrtk OMdtrijwrt, °° *J 20:*10 06 „ „ ( AT. S 20, I*o U46 ..... Oaa4ars»ort, J j ,p. m. ( Lv. • 2S. a 001 1 20 ...... HMnoadfl. 00 00 1«• Olmsted, »8 S& H 051 *1 81 ....J JJiua, 887 810 1 27'....J Knowlton's 00 i*6 17 00 Rcllatte 8 47; 621 161;....J Burtville i 54! 628 2 01....j Coleman *° «« 34! 00 .....1 Port Allegany, tW! I 401 2 251....J (•) Flu* stations. (°°) Trains do not stop ♦ ) Telegraph offices. Train Nos. 3 and 10 nff carry passengers. Tains 8 and 10 do. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. Connection*—At Ulysses with Kail Brook R'ji fbr points north and south. At B &S. Juno tion witb Bufialo Si SusquehannaK R. north to 1 WeiUTille, south for Galeton audAnsonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y.&P. It. Ft., north for Butfaio. Olean, Bradford and BmethporW south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporiuo' bad Pean'a B. It., points. B. A. McCLURE Gen'lSupt. Ooudersport, Pa. Who is | Your i Clothier? j If it's R. SEGTER & CO,, you are getting the right kind of merchandise. There is no small or grand decep -11 tion practiced in their store. 8 Sustained success demon strates that there is "growth in truth'' in the retailing of NEW AND UP-TO-DATE CLOTHING AT POPULAR PRICES. R. SEGER & CO. For Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Fine Commercial Job Work of AH Kinds, Get Our Figures. I n|T A «or« gmaraatMd If 700 DM fj I PILES Suppository I 9 I> Matt. Thompion, 9upt. H ■ Or»l#d Schnola, H' S. «' , wiitM "I ean oaj ff] I Rock U'. V. , writes •• They (IT* nnivertftlV•til ■ ■ fsctiou. Dr. Ul> M-jUill, Chlrk«bur( Teon.. -ritss: ■ ■ ' In 4 prsotlct •' 33 I have fxwJ r»me4» to H Hold ia Emporium* by i- &. 11 Pod BUtt. EVERY WOMAN Sometimes need-) a rcliabl* V monthly rei;ulatiug mudiciue. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe and certain in result. Tho frentk Loe (Dr. lval s) never Jtsi.|)|