Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 21, 1905, Image 8

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    l . I
ft HdJftiie withirv
school #&tcs wc^r
Mr/Jane Mopkinf
THERE'SLnothing that pro
duces such sweet strains as
Price and Quality—they're mus
ic to the ear.
Mischieyious youngsters play g
the very mischief with clothes—
'tis the way of heedless, happy
go-lucky boyhood.
lot of wear and style for a mite of
a price. I
• •
| Opposite Post-office, Emporium, Pa. ft
I EIII|H) RIUNI Fiiriiitnre €O. l
Our New Year
I Introductory I
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to
Your splendid patronage has pi ace<l|in
creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit every
money-wise person in this county who is
wise enough to profit by it.
Keep Your Kye on Uh all litis Year
and Wateli Uk Grow.
I Emporium Furniture Co., I
I Undertaking; I
Mr. William Kailbourne, of Huntley, was ou
the Hill Tuesday.
Brady Weykle, ofbiuwamahouing, is plastering
the new school house.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradberry, of Driftwood, were
Hill visitors ou Sunday.
Mrs. Alzina Barr has been visiting friends on
Huston Hill a few days.
Miss Lizzie Jordan, Of Medix Run, spent Sun
day with her parents at this place.
Frank Berfiehl made a business trip toHinnt
mahoning Saturday.
Miss Maude Lupro, of St. Marys, was the guost
of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jordan over Sunday.
Miss Nellie Marsh visited relatives at Hix Run
several days last week.
Mrs. James Barr, of Hi* Run, and sister Miss
Grace Matthews, of Falls Creek, were guests of
Mrs. Nancy Lane on Friday.
Miss Violet Jordan, of Huston Hill, was enter
tained by relatives at this place, over Sunday.
A box social will be held at the home of Mr.
Duell's Saturday evening, Sept. 23d. Your
patronage is most earnestly solicited.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Williams, Mrs. Alzina Barr, Mrs. Nancy Lane
and daughter Avis, attended the birthday party
given Mr. A. H. Barr, Tuesday last.
Typhoid is still in evidence here. Miss Bertha
Couch and the son of John Campbell are the
latest afllicted with it.
Miss Daisy Johnson is still very ill with fever
and Clarence Johnson, her brother, was taken
Tuesday afternoon with the same disease. Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson have the sympathy of all in
their affliction.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith were Emporium
visitors Saturday.
Mrs. J. L. Sullivan visited Mrs. J. L. Roouey of
Renovo, la'.t week.
O. B. Tanner of Mason Hill, is repairing the
residence of Mrs. Augustus Nelson.
Irviu I'arks has returned from a two weeks'
visit to Atlantic City.
Geo. Carter of Emporium has accepted a posi
tion with the Wilson Bros., Lumber Co.. here.
The tent meeting at Wyside Sunday was well
represented by our church people.
B. J. Collins own? the finest colt in Cameron
Win. Carter will address the members of the
Huntley Athletic Club, Friday evening. The
subject ol his discourse will be "The Political
Situation in Pennsylvania." Mr. Carter is a
fluent speaker and his speech will be well worth
The congregation at Huntley church wish to
thauk Mrssre. W. W. Johnson and Clyde Collins
for the fine loar of coal donated.
Miss Maud Lupro of St. Marys is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. JohnS. Jordan.
William Nunn and family.moved to Kagle
Rock, last Friday. Mr. Nunn is in the employ of
Hyde & Doutt at that place.
Saturday was pay-day at the mines.
Ed. Stewart and daughter. Miss Esther, visited
Williamsport one day last week enroute
to Philadelphia hospital, where the latter will be
Mrs. A. Liston of Emporium, visited friends in
Cameron Saturday.
Mrs. J. E. Eddy of Calder, visited at Emporium
A. A. Doutt and daughter of Ridgway, were
visiting in Cameron on Saturday.
PostmasterLinninger made a flying trip to Em>
porium the latter part of last week.
Frank J. Weal, rapresenting D. S. Andrus &
Co., of Williamsport. was a business visitor in
town last Saturday.
H. O. Duulsvie, Jr., visited friends at Buffalo
over Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Olsen and daughter visited friends
at Emporium Saturday.
Mrs. Ernest WykofT returned from Bradford
last Tuesday, where she had been visiting friends
a few weeks.
Mr. Joseph Robinson, was called to Kane last
Thursday on account of the serious illness of his
brother and three children who were taken from
Jobnsonburg to Kane hospital with the fever.
J. F. S.
Editor Preas:
We are glad to learn that Mrs.W. H. Heffelfln
ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lord and
Mrs. Albert Lord, who were injured by William
Dixon's horse, two weeks ago, arc recovering
from their injuries and are now able to be up
and around the house.
Mr. Chas. Frauver and Miss Rose Lord of
Cameron, enjoyed a pleasant ride to Sterling
Run Monday evening.
Fine tall weather and the farmers have
their corn nearly all cut and in shock.
G. B. Barclay and J. R. Batchelder
have the finest looking corn in the town
Isaac Floyd is home from Laquin for
a few days this week.
Lewis Wykoff has taken a position
with the powder company, and has moved
to (Jrove ltun.
Almeron Chapman was down hers last
week bidding bis many friends good bye
before leaving for the west, where he and
bis lamily will make their future home.
May success attend them.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Barclay and
daughter Miss Beatrice arrived homo
Monday from Seattle, Wash., where they
have been spending the summer.
Rev. G. 11. Noble has been holding a
series of meetings in the M. K. Church
and will continue this week. The success
of these meetings will depend laagely up
! fm the assistance and general interest of
1 the people.
Mias Kttie I lay ward assisted by Rev.
; Bocust, of New York State, is holding a
i lent meeting at Wyside this week. All
< are cordially invited to come aud lend a
helping hand in the cause.
Sparks' circus was well attended by our
people laid week. They give a clean show.
The powder company's railroad bed is
about ready lor the iron, and the foun
dation work for their building* is I icing
pushed rapidly by Supt. V. K. Crutu.
Mr. Henry Colwell whose leg was brok
en a lew days ago is able to bj out on
.1. It Batchelder, Constable aud Col
lector of <i rove. was up First Fork, Sat
urday. ll'- wiil vltle hi> duplicate before
the time limit expires.
The Supervisor* ol I'.m Ili lt Grove
township 82,000 in debt. When it is too
late the tax-payers are now kicking on a
special road (ax.
Owiug to the heavy rains the First
Fork roads are in a bad condition.
The bees along the Fork are dyiug from
the poison from the Pulp mill. Mr. C.
Clontz hat: the finest specie in the|county
but will lose nearly all of them. This
stuff would be a poor substitute for coffee.
Best for Children.
Mi it here be careful of the health of
your children. Look out for Coughs,
Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Stop theui io time—One Minute Cough
Cure is the best remedy. Harmless and
pleasant. Contains no opiates. Sold by
It. C. Dodson.
Leading Men In Lincoln Party Wera
Turned Down For Office.
Republican Chairman Andrews Re
ceives Reports That Show Party
Wreckers Will Be Ignominously
[Special Correspondence.]
Philadelphia, Sept. 19.
There has been a clearing of the po
litical atmosphere in the last few days.
The Republican managers have every
reason to be elated over recent devel
opments. The substitution of an en
tire new set of local Republican candi
dates, after the voluntary withdrawal
of the original nominees in the interest
of party harmony has had a far-reach
ing influence toward cementing and
strengthening the Republican forces ir
this city.
The selection of Dr. Neff, a promi
nent member of the Union League and
medical director of the Jefferson Hos
pital, for sheriff, the renomination of
Coroner Dugan, in response to the re
quest of many citizens, the naming of
William Emsley, an ex-department
commander of the Grand Army, and
Howard A. Chase, another leading
member of the Union league for com
missioners, has given the Republicans
a ticket Of which they may well be
Steps will be immediately taken for
an aggressive local campaign, and there
is no doubt of the election of the entire
Republican ticket by a large majority.
Disappointed Office-Seekers.
From the interior counties Chairman
Wesley R. Andrews, of the Republican
state committee continues to receive
the most gratifying reports.
The so-called Lincoln party has been
demonstrated to be little more than a
combination of office-seekers. Their ef
forts to draw votes from the Republican
ticket will not have substantial results.
An Idea of the character of the men
In the movement may be formed from
the fact that H. C. Niles, of York, who
figures as state chairman, was twice
defeated for the Republican nomina
tion for superior Judge. When he pre
sented resolutions in the York county
convention in line with the platform of
the Lincoln party he got but three votes
in favor of them, and one of these
votes was his own. George E. Mapes,
the secretary, has been voting against
Republican candidates for years. For
mer Senator Emery, of McKean, was
defeated by the Republicans when he
ran as an Independent candidate for
congress, and he has never forgotten
or forgiven the leaders of the Republi
can organization who defeated him.
He Is out for revenge. Charles Heber
Clark, of Montgomery, who presided
over the Lincoln party convention, is
disgruntled because President Roose
velt declined to appoint him to a po
sition in the department of commerce
and labor. Clark has been fighting the
Republican party for years. He is a
pronounced free silverite. Former Con
gressman Brumm, of Schuylkill, an
other conspicuous figure among the
Lincolnltes, has a record as an original
Qreenbacker. He was an applicant for
position under McKinle.v and Roosevelt
and was turned down. He now, too,
wants to reform the Republican party.
Former Congressman Thropp, of
Bedford county, who was cliafrman of
the committee on resolutions of the
Lincoln party, is a disappointed and
disgruntled office - seeker. He was
turned down for re-election to congress
by the Republicans of his district, and
he has ever since been working against
Republican nominees, hut he has no
following at home.
These are but a few of the men who
are running the Lincoln party. Their
only hope for recognition in the future
line lies In the disruption of the Re
publican party.
The loyal Republicans of Pennsylva
nia will wot permit them to succeed in
their party-wrecking campaign.
They will snow them under In an
avalanche of Republican ballots in No
Bargain in Books.
A complete set of Brittauica Ency
clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes
and key. Are all new and in original
packages. Will he sold at a bargain,
Apply at Prkhh office. :tfltf
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from thin
office, or the Huperinteiulant at the
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!»0V
For Sale.
6,000 ginseng plants for sale at a ref.
Monahle prioe. Apply to Chas.
ftpangler. 17 it
Inside facts soon become evident in outside
symptom*.—DK. G. G. GREEN.
<JThe aid of scientific inventions is not
needed to determine whether your lungs
are affected. The first symptoms can be
readily noted by anyone of average in
<JTh <*re is no disease known that gives s"
luany plain warnings of its approach as
consumption, and no serious disease that
can be so ciuickly reached and checked.
if the meaicine used is Dr. Boschee's
German Syrup, which is made to cur<
qit is in the early stages that German
Syrup should lie taken, when warnings
are given in the cough that won't quit,
the congestion of the bronchial tubes ai;<!
the gradual weakening of the lungs, ac
companied by freauent expectoration.
QBut no matter now deep-seated you
cough, even if dread consumption 1
already attacked your lungs, Gcrnia:
Syrup will surely effect a cure—as it 1;;..
done before in thousands of apparently
hopeless cases of lung trouble.
<JNew trial bottles, 25c. Regular size,
75c. At all druggists. •
V 1865 1904^
112 is at hand—Suits, Men's, J
Boy's and Children's Hats J
y and Shoes, Trunks, Satch- \
v els of all kinds at the low- /
/ est prices. Please call A
7 you will find we cannot
General Merchandise.
I 1
I White Suitings,
We have our new line or White Shirtwaistings and ||jj
f>' Suitings for Spring and Summer. Do not fail to see ip: l
j|,J them. Prices very reasonable.
I Bate's Seersuckers. |
® We received lately 2000 yards of Bate's Seersuckers ff|J
(I'll) that we are selling at 12c a yard, and they are going M*
fast. The patterns and color are much better this year Wjl
||| than before. Xi
I McCall Patterns |
The McCall Patterns are always up to date. Use ffl
j[jj|| McCall patterns and you will always have a good fit,
M and you wi'l have no trouble in doing your spring sew- m
111 ing. Fashion sheets free. <Jps
| Demorest Sewing |
1 Machines §
|sj We have a lull line of Demorest Sewing Machiu
H and|all in good working order. The kind you need
do your spring sewing.
jj«jl Any person contemplating the purchase ot a new
w| sewing machine will do well by calling 011 us.
I Prices, $19.50 to $30.50 |
I 1
m ■
' , '% I
| C. B. HOWARD & CO.
! iffit
♦o♦ o ♦ ♦oX .Ki
j'This is thei
1 Store |
s For the People.
> 81b Ricc. 25c. V
s 7 bars Oak Leaf ar Acme >
} Soap, 25c. i
1 3 Cans Corn, 25c. *
C 3 Cans Peas, 25c. <
C 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. <
£ A full line of fresh frnits, |
} vegetables and canned \
j meats suitable for camping >
1 parties. t
\ Free delivery to any part s
C of the city. 112
i 0. B. Barnes, t
s Allegany Avenue, C
J \ 'Phone 81.
HHSHSHS2 SasaStn c 52 SB Sfc
ijj Old Reliable j
I Drug Store
Clear the system of im- !{]
[}j purities. l/l
[V Brightens the home. uj
(n Does away with and covers
fjj up disease germs. lij
I ru Buv them of L. Taggart.
1 112 ol
I [Jj We carry the largest line of U1
jpJ Drugs, Wall Paper and Paint m
in Cameron county. [J,
in] Get health, cleanliness and [}{
}j] good cheer at the [jj
Ln nJ
K ffl
'1 Old Re liable J